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Fantasy Escape the Darkness


Six Thousand Club
In another world, not where near our galaxy, lives creatures of unimaginable power and intelligence, but something has happened there. Darkness has over taken the world, and some creatures have been turned towards darkness. A group of creatures untouched by darkness, travel the world, trying to escape the dark. I have one question for you... Are you afraid of the dark?

(Posting rules in Overview)
Elsa sits on a boulder looking at a picture of her family, who have been turned to darkness. She closes her eyes as tears roll down. She clenches her fist and says in her German accent "I will succeed and you will be saved." She says wiping her tears away. She sniffles and slides off the rock walking back to the bonfire she made for warmth.
Sanpuku is walking down a path with his giant friend behind him they did not need to stop and make a bonfire because his friend was emitting enough heat for him."I wonder are we going to stay in this world forever or is it going to change and the darkness will be gone."Sanpuku said"I don't know we can only hope right now master."The steam gear robot said.
Elsa warmed herself around the bonfire, and looked up into the night sky. She saw stars all around, and it seemed to be the only light except the fire. She sighed and hugged herself closing her heavy eye lids, and tried to get some sleep in the dark forest clearing.
Sanpuku saw some light from a clearing in the dark woods"could that be another person.""I do not know master should we go check it out they might be hurt if it is a person."Sanpuku started to walk towards the clearing and saw a girl beside a bonfire he start to approach the girl slowly.
Elsa heard footsteops behind her. She stayed quiet until they got close enough she jumped up as her arms formed into a jagged sword and aimed it at the robot and the man.
Robo pulled Sanpuku into his chest bending over taking the attack of the girl"well that answers if she's friendly or not Robo attack."Robo pointed giant cannon the girl still keeping Sanpuku protected by his mettle
Elsa dodged the giant cannon and rolled on the dirt floor of the ground and jumped back up. "YOUR NOT GOING TO TAKE ME DARKNESS!" She yells out changing at them again yelling.
"Do not attack robo we are not the darkness"Sanpuku yells out and Robo stop and his lowered the cannon"we are not your enemy if you fight the darkness we was just wondering if you are wounded in which way or a person."Robo said with true in his voice
Elsa stopped atacking and her sword arm slowly turn back into a hand. "Your not infected by darkness?" she asks slowly sitting back down.
"no we are not infected"Sanpuku came out of robos protection and set upon the ground"yes indeed we've been fighting off the darkness as well. Well whenever we encounter them''
Elsa sighed in relief and looked at them. "Sit." She said bluntly. "It would be wiser if we stayed together. We would have a better chance at surviving."
"that would be wise that's why I got this buddy right here one of my creation following me you're basically the first person we saw in days"Sanpuku stay sitting beside Robo and Robo sit down right beside him
Elsa nodded. "It's the same with me too." She says hugging herself once again. "The only creatures I've seen are bugs... And even they are infected with the darkness."
Luna walking down the dark road starving gets teary eyed thinking of her lost family that died. Though she takes a deep breath and keeps on walking. Holding the bruises of her past back. She then heard someone talking and saw a fire. She changed into a bird and flew up to the tree and watched them quietly. The blazing fire glimmered in her black raven eyes.
"The Darkness is getting very tired some to deal with I just hope someone who is not infected can find a way to vanquish it I will build an army for them if it will help."Sanpuku look over to Robo and patted him on the leg."do you need any food master it is the time that you usually eat.""yes please Robo and do you want some food I have plenty oh and by the way my name is Sanpuku and this is Robo."
Elsa smiled for once and nodded for the offer of food. "It is nice to meet you. I am Elsa." She says. "And for me, if someone found a cure to this darkness, I'd help fight."
Being Starved Luna still as the black raven swooped down to take a piece of food. Then hiding in a cave Luna started eating. When she finished she lied down and looked at the big black sky. Seeing the bright full moon shine down where she lays.
Sanpuku opened up at apartment on Robo and saw Raven take some bread then handed some food too Elsa."well I think my family is wanting to start fighting the darkness and they want me back to build more of robot for Army I left a few robots tear there to protect them but I'm very worried."
Elsa sighed being happy and a bit jelous knowing he has a family. "Why are you worried?" She asks raising a brow.
"well the last letter they sent was a little bit weird and I have this feeling that there in danger so I'm trying to get back to the mountain as fast as I can."Sanpuku close the compartment up and began to eat his food
"Oh..." Said taking a bite of her food. The wind soon picked up and her satchel flew open with papers flying everywhere. "Oh great!" She says sarcastically trying to catch them.
Robo stick out its head catching most of papers and Sanpuku started to run around trying to catch papers as well"I will help you get them"
"Thank you..." She says grabbing the last one flying around near her. She looks at the paper and sighed. They were either written things about her days since the darkness came, or doodles she drew. She sat back down by the Boulder and stuff into the papers back into her bag.
Sanpuku collected all the papers from Robo and neatly separated them and handed them to Elsa"here are the ones that that me and robo corrected you are good at drawing."

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