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Fantasy Escape From Blackwood Manor | Suspense/Horroresque | Open

Hmmm. There was a split second. Maybe Sylvia's not a good option right now, but there's at least two others in the house that aren't covered.
Yeah but he's chosen you now. I feel like I should stick to you at least until you cross paths with somebody else.
I imagine the monsters are aware of each other. Chas has been known(personal head canon that hasn't been brought up yet) to attack Others who enter his territory. I imagine he's even killed one of them if they got too determined or lost in his halls.

I don't know how many know each other on a personal level.
Well, if you think about it HWWB probably chills with another Other whenever there are no mortals around. It is that or spending the majority of the time outside of existence.
Omg guys, I screwed up… I didn't see there was a second page that was full of new posts… Ugh… I hope what I wrote works somehow…
I'm going to be afk, so goodnight! I'm going to be really, really busy tomorrow, too, so Jace'll have to fill you in on our little adventure. You probably won't hear much from Zeb until Tuesday. NatetheGreat9 and I are friends, irl, so he'll hopefully fill me in on what's happening. Btw, our friendship won't affect how we play this rp, so don't worry. This is my very first rp, and he's kinda showing me the ropes. See y'all!
Right; soon we'll be plunging right into the plot. Just need to get Chas where I want him and everyone together. Then, when someone tries to leave, he can tell you, "Ya done screwed." Or someone can try and leave only to find out there IS no leaving. You return to the house through every door and window.
You win this round, my little pony. But I can you keep it up? One poorly formulated post, one rp-er that doesn't understand the rules, and He'll be there, right behind you.

Fade to black
I figured since Zeb is the oldest resident of the house, not necessarily by life span, he'd know how to use his aura in a multitude of ways, even in sensing the Shadow. Does this conflict entirely too much?
Hey, @An Unknown Person, the grave-digger cannot live in the yard if he's in the house. The rules are that no one gets out of the house once they go in. I figured the best place for you to live was the basement, as there'd possibly be bare earth there for the grave-digger to bury his victims. Also, I think you're already gone from the situation with Zeb, the girl, and the boy. You scurried off, remember?
I didn't, I'm still with my foot on her neck and yeah, I will live in the basement from now on. (Hope no weeaboos are there)
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Well, I feel like the courtyard may be an exception. It is sealed in if the grave keeper lives there. But the one cannot use the gates.
It would be helpful to me if the puppets managed to seperate the group just a little. Or at least cause chaos that allows an opening.
Alright we need to get this straightened out. I can't make a post because, according to @An Unknown Person , Randy and Florence are still dealing with the Grave Digger. And according to @wildocubed , they are being taken upstairs.

It's obvious that @wildocubed bunnied the Grave Digger's actions. So @An Unknown Person has every right not to honor those actions. I think we need back up a bit and play this out properly, and go off of @An Unknown Person 's last post where Grave Digger tells Zebulun to leave. That way, @TangledBowties and I aren't getting torn into two story lines.
Okay, yes, let's deal with this right now.

Common issue for beginning roleplaysrs, @wildocubed, which I recall you mentioning you are: controlling other people's characters. One of the main things people don't want to happen is have someone tell them what their characters do.

The only characters any roleplayer can control are their own, so do refrain from writing for any other person's character.

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