Escape from Bedlam


The Amazon
Character Skeleton



: (Are you still a patient, or have you been reformed and now staff?)

Job: (For staff only)

Crime or Reason for commitment:

Appearance: (picture or detailed description or both)



Other:(Anything else that might not fit above)

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Name: Audrey R. Trintholm


Patient/Staff: Patient

Crime or Reason for commitment: Drug abuse, prostitution.


In the beginning of adolescence, Audrey began to develop a constant concern over what others where thinking. Mainly, what they thought about her. She had a fear that any who saw her would hold a critical judgement. It started off as small things, thinking someone didn't like the way she looked when a stranger glanced her way or fear that when she spoke she sounded uneducated. This fear quickly escalated into full blown paranoia. If she sat in a crowded room to long, she felt as though she could hear the whispered thoughts of the people around her.

Socially, Aubrey is usually considered immature among those of her age. Any type of relationship with other females is nearly impossible for her. She tends to seek out older men and is easily swayed by them. If an older man shows her kindness or gives her compliments, she becomes attached to the point of obsession. She desperately seeks out security and acceptance from them.

Diagnosis's include: Schizo-affective Disorder, Attachment Disorder, Bipolar Disorder.

History: Audrey was born into a well-off family. Her mother was a pediatrician and her father the chief of police. She had two older brothers and they all attended a private school. At the age of thirteen, Audrey started noticing that her brothers had an...odd, relationship. They seemed oddly close even with just being a year apart in age. One night while her mother was away on business and her father was out seeking companionship, she found out why.

Her brothers where having an open incestuous relationship, and due to the wonders of social media, everyone began to learn about it. Many rumors began to spread as well as questions why their parents where allowing it to go on. Truthfully, her mother and father had to many problems of their own to worry about what was going on with their kids.

When Audrey's mother wasn't working or away on business, she was locked in her bedroom with a bottle of wine, a bag of prescription pills, and a DVDs full of I Love Lucy reruns. Her father had an addiction to pornography and prostitutes. Being the chief of police, he often had these women do him "favors" in return for not sending them to prison. While her mother was away, her father would often bring these women home. It was one of these women that introduced Audrey to heroin at the age of fourteen.

The extreme euphoria she got from injecting the drug into her blood stream, allowed her to forget about her messed up home. Her addiction to heroine grew strong over a year. Due to her severe need, she started staying out on the streets, looking for her next hit. She started selling herself to get money for the drug. She spent another year out on the street before she was brought back to reality.

One night, she was out working when a car slowly pulled up to her corner. She approached the car with a sense of confidence. As she leaned over the open car window, all the color drained from her face. A familiar voice asked "How much?". It was her father. Immediately she began to run, but he got out of the car and chased her down. He captured her and brought her back home, locking her in her room while he went and talked to her mother. Three hours later they came back in the room and informed her that they where sending her away.

That was five years ago....
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Name : Elena Korsakoff

Age : 18

Patient/Staff : Patient

Crime or Reason for commitment : Setting fire to a building, Threat to herself and others

Appearance :


Five feet tall, extremely skinny with a perpetually messy hairdo.

Personality :

"There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line." - Oscar Levant

Elena had always been the quiet and studious child in class. A child prodigy, she was the epitome of success and focus of praise. Her genius soon turned into madness though. Her knowledge and the ability to interpret situations and their outcome and sheer logic and intense common sense turned her into a raving lunatic. She claimed to have abilities to 'see' the future. And her obsession with this belief led her to an irresistible urge to ensure that her predictions came true. Always.

"The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves." - Carl Jung

She has intense attachment to certain inanimate objects that are a source of solace for her. Like a music system or a television. Her state is every suburban parent's nightmare. Her addiction led her to believing herself to be a character from the TV show or the person who sang a particular song. If told otherwise, she is willing to go extreme lengths to prove her point.

"A great fire burns within me, but no one stops to warm themselves at it and the passers by only see a wisp of smoke." - Vincent van Gogh

Perhaps her most dangerous obsession is the one with that of fire. Her firm belief is that fire, like her spirit, is meant to be free. And she seeks to set it free at every opportunity, immaterial of whether it injures herself or another person.

Diagnosis : Delusional disorder, Personality disorder, Pyromania

History :

Born to a pair of over achieving parents, Elena was forced to push herself above and beyond any child her age. But then their methods took a harsh turn when she started getting 'distracted' by the attentions of boys nearly 5 years older than her, thanks to her over developed figure. Medical term was precocious puberty, but the cause of it were certain 'medicines' her parents had used on her to 'improve' her performance.

A social outcast and alone, without a single person to care for her, her teenage mind persuaded her to secretively begin using the computer allotted to her for online 'pleasures'. People didn't care who she was, as long as she was willing to get on camera for them and do their bidding. She found this 'relieving' to transfer the blame on someone else. There were many men who were sued by her parents as a result, as well as plenty of brands with a hot iron poker over the covered parts of her body.

Her affections towards the computer and internet as well as the television which was the source of her knowledge in this regard turned her into an addict, with full blown withdrawal episodes whenever she was denied access. Though these were kept under covers, when her grades began to fall, her physical abuse reached massive proportions, her parents going as far as sedating her for many days on end and attempting to hypnotize her way out of this 'condition'.

It wasn't until her 10th grade that she became a serious threat to life and property. Her history lesson which dealt with the Great Fire of London kindled the desire for fire, all kinds of fire. Apart from being liberating, the act of setting fire and watching fire was sexually attractive to her, her genitals showing many many scalds and burn marks, the cause of which is best known to her. Her genius went into overdrive as her parents unveiled a brand new multi - storeyed house, considered a status symbol for them. Within hours, it was completely burned to the ground, Elena being retrieved from the depths of the rubble 6 hours later, laughing manically.

That was when she was officially cast out of the society and into Bedlam Asylum

Other : ('Burns' the other section)

"We are all mad here" - Cheshire Cat, Alice in Wonderland

(I just had to do that xD )
Name: Faun Jillian

Age: 18

: (Are you still a patient, or have you been reformed and now staff?) Patient

Job: (For staff only)

Crime or Reason for commitment: Setting fire to random things, suicidal thoughts and doing drugs

Appearance: (picture or detailed description or both)

Personality: Faun is an insane, mental person. Once you get to know her she is sweet and charming but very few can break her outer shell and get to the soft part (like an m&m cx). She is not a caring person, but she does listen and try to care for people. She's very smart and mature, except when she gets mad. Once you get to know her and know her story, she will be a nice, sweet girl.

History: Faun was always a good, sweet student. Until her parents got divorced. She started having small temper tantrums. At age 16, she lit random thingsin the classroom on fire, almost killing her whole class. She was arrested soon after that for drug use. Spending a year in a prison, she reformed only a little bit. Shortly after that she started doing drugs again. The habit took over her life and she couldn't break free. One night she was found in an alley smoking weed. She was then transported to Bedlam.

Other:(Anything else that might not fit above)

"We are all mad here."
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Name: Doctor Norbert North

Age: 43

Patient/Staff: Former Patient, Now Staff

Job: Psychiatrist

Crime or Reason for commitment: See History

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/dnn.jpg.5aa915ebd57cf3e0bada988ae7936a99.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14174" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/dnn.jpg.5aa915ebd57cf3e0bada988ae7936a99.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: None

History: Did you have imaginary friends as a child? I did. Their little voices talking to me, telling me to behave, to cross while holding my mother's hand, to be a good little boy. To put the poor little bird out of it's misery. To take the cat that was malnourished and snap it's neck. To hold my little sister's head under the water while we were swimming unsupervised.

It took a while to learn not to listen to my imaginary friends all the time. It was in highschool, when I was going through a goth period. As I grew, so did they. It took ninety seven stitches on both arms, and a stomachpump. Therapy was a good idea, after that, there wasn't much choice. I started to learn how to ignore them. Well, so they weren't the main focus, and to not do everything they suggested.

Shame it was too late for my first girlfriend, but that's what happens.

I went on to university, with premed in mind. I got a bachelors in sociology, before going on to med school. I spent the time working around the school, mostly odd jobs, not for extra credit, solely to eat something other than ramen. Of course, that was where I began to pick up my other problems, and by the end of my fifth year, I was definately able to disconnect my emotions and their responses from clincal situations. In other words, it was my first step towards being a full blown sociopath. This in turn, made me paranoid, wondering if my imaginary friends were right. That there was a lot of things wrong, which slowly descended me into pits of paranoia as I served my last four years to the doctorate of psychiatry. I was not a raving loon. I was very careful to not talk to my everpresent friends when others were around. I barely spoke to them or paid attention to them when I was alone. It wasn't until my third year of my doctorate that I started to swing into depression. It wasn't entirely my fault. I was alone. I kept away from people, because I knew my outlooks on the world were not normal. Some days I just broke into melocholia, that could last for a week.

I never knew that it was possible for mental issues to be contagious, but by the time I interned in Bedlam, I had nearly a complete collection. That was a surprise to Doctor Newport, when he caught me talking to the patients in a soothing manner, getting into their heads with a surprising ease. A little digging and a few questions asked about him got him through his internship, on the agreement that he was also partaking of various therapies to help him get back to normal.

That was over a decade ago, and having been released from his deal the past five years, has been a loyal Doctor to the Asylum.

Other: While his other problems are no longer even noticable, his ability to get in the head of others is not hampered by his experiences. He does, however, to this day still have his imaginary friends still chatting away and hanging around, even if noone else thus far has seen them or heard them.



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Name: May-Linn Karovska

Age: 19

: (Are you still a patient, or have you been reformed and now staff?) Patient.

Job: (For staff only)

Crime or Reason for commitment: Pyromania, psychopath, extreme sadism (though she hides that quite a lot). killed her earlier boyfriend by burning him, and torture to animals.

Appearance: (picture or detailed description or both)

May-Linn is 150 cm tall, with scars all over her body from being bullied as a child (physical bullying). Her hair is dark brown, and reach her to her shoulders. With eyes a bright green, she'll pretend to listen, while she in reality is just ignoring everyone. She doesn't have too much feminine traits, and is quite flat chested. She have a sharp jaw, but tiny hands and tiny feet.

Personality: She is quite silent, and doesn't speak unless necessary. She often has rages, and at those times, she refuses to speak at all. As a psychopath, she doesn't love or care about anyone else than herself, and as a sadist she enjoys putting others in pain. She will often be seen sit in a corner, with either a lighter or matches, just observing the flames, and those are the most dangerous times around her.

History: As a child, she was always looked at as a weirdo when she sat for herself just observing everyone else. When others tried to hurt her, she never cried, or went to tell the teacher, which just made everyone else thing that hurting her was ok. As she grew older, her obsession with fire grew, and she met a fellow pyroman when she was 15 years old. These two then became a couple, under the belief that May weren't a psychopath. A little while later, she had one of her biggest problems as a psychopath, killing a dog. She had no clue about the pain the dog was experiencing.

In a moment of anger when her boyfriend (who was not sick in the way she was), tried to stop her, she did to him, just like she had done to the dog.

As soon as they came home, and saw the burned bones at the ground, they called the polic, who then sent the teenager to the asylum, believing she would never fit into the world with normal people. That she was a danger to everyone else.


We're all mad in here

(Forgot that part when writing it earlier)
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Name: Wendy Valkers

Age: 23

Patient/Staff: (Are you still a patient, or have you been reformed and now staff?) Reformed patient, now a staff member

Job: (For staff only) Nurse

Crime or Reason for commitment: Used to be addicted to soiling herself on purpose, minor drug addict(formerly a major drug addict)

Appearance: (picture or detailed description or both)

Personality: Wendy is a kind woman that tries to protect the patients from certain members of staff. She disagrees with the ayslum's extreme methods and often tries to come up with a reason to delay X treatment.

History: Wendy Valkers had an average childhood and ended up getting involved with drugs at the age of 14, due to her poor family. They had put her under a lot of pressure to be the one to become the successful member and the drugs were her way of escaping it. When she turned 16, she became addicted to soiling herself on purpose after discovering that it was appealing to her and was arrested for stealing presciption pills from a pharmacy. She recieved 100 hours of community service and was later sent to Bedlam for an indecent act in public. She was subjected to several extreme treatments and it took her 5 years to be reformed. She was taken on as a nurse and used her position to try to protect the patients.

Other:(Anything else that might not fit above) She steals drugs every now and then.She also soils herself on purpose every now and then as well but usually avoids doing it in front of patients.

We are all mad here.

I hope this is acceptable.
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"What are you afraid of, Kayleb? What... causes these... nervous breakdowns & delusional attacks?" The unfamiliar voice called out. The voice was distant... and horrible... as if maybe the voice wasn't human at all, but instead a call in the night or an apparition; at least to Kayleb. He looked down and said,"I- I'm... afraid... I'm afraid of everything."

Name: Kayleb Mongrout (He prefers to be called Kay. The reason for this nickname has not yet entirely been discovered.)

Age: 11-years of age.

Patient/Staff: Patient (since the age of 9.)

Crime or Reason for commitment: Panphobia; the fear of everything. Studies have shown he also suffers from hallucinations & aggressiveness.


(He's a little cutie.)

Kayleb's image is perceived as a young boy. Of course, that's because he is in-fact a young boy. Being only 11, Kayleb stands at 4'3". His eyes change color depending on the light they are exposed to. Most of the time, his eyes are always off-blue. His fingernails are bitten through & always bleeding; you'd know if Kayleb there by the blood lines he left behind on walls & floors (because of his bloody digits, caused by biting & scratching). Kayleb's hair was originally dark-auburn. Due to his occurring panphobia, his hair had quickly turned grey, beginning from the age of 7.

Personality: If it wasn't for this detailed paragraph of Kayleb, you definitely wouldn't know about him the way he knows about himself. He's shy. Of course, why wouldn't he be shy; his mental condition is so severe, yet rare, that no one can talk to him without sparking off the breakdowns he has almost daily. Underneath that dispirited fear is a kind, young boy with nothing but hopes of becoming what almost every little boy wants to become. Kayleb hopes that maybe one day he'll be able to become an astronaut. That is, if he can get past the fear of looking at the stars... or running out of oxygen... or enclosed suits... or glass...

That's the point. That's specifically it right there. Kayleb can't handle anything because of his panphobia. And if it wasn't for that issue, everyone would love Kayleb. Everyone. He would just be exceptional if he didn't attack people based upon his accounts of fear or hallucinate about random entities that actually aren't there.

History: The boy doesn't have much of a history. He's been deprived of his childhood since the age of 5. Studies have shown that the probable cause of his phobia was being introduced to too many dangerous & disastrous things at one time. His brain, still too inexperienced for the world, was given things to fear. While being interviewed, Kayleb admitted that he'd had watched too much television in the past. He claimed to have watched shows & channels such as 1000 Ways to Die, disaster reports, Discovery Network, Animal Planet, etc. These might've triggered the phobia of everything at such a young age. What didn't help was the continuous teasing in his preschool & the beat-downs his parents gave him as a cruel form of punishment.

Kayleb was thrown into Bedlam at the age of 9. His abusive mother & father had dropped him off with papers & nothing more. The papers included crime reports that little Kay himself performed. The list was impossible: accounts of implied-injuries, attacks, and even a few reports of murder. These papers also withheld Kayleb's doctor reports. They individually spoke about the mental illness Panphobia. Before these reports about Panphobia were details of thanatophobia (the fear of death), astraphobia (fear of weather), soceraphobia (fear of parents), & zoophobia (fear of animals). The last page of these papers was a wrinkly one; written sloppily on this note was,"We cannot deal with this boy's problems. We have too many of our own because of him. Please... take care of him......... cannot.......of this young..... attacked...... sister....... claimed..... infections..... eyes "too big"...... danger...... house....." the rest was ineligible for reading.

It wasn't long before Kayleb started showing signs of the reports that were left behind with him. He began attacking other patients, doctors, & nurses. It took the whole hospital a year before they realized poor Kayleb would have to be locked up 24/7 in his own cell. Because of this lock-down, he developed hallucinations. He started seeing delusions; his parents, spiders, creatures, shards of glass, etc. The list is rather endless since he does in-fact have panphobia. These fears were brought down upon him a numerous amount of times during his stay in his own locked cell. Because of this, he began to bite down on his nails to eventually have nothing but awkward little stubs as fingers. Even after running out of nail he continued to gnaw on his fingers. It came to a point in which doctors had to sedate him in order to bandage his fingers so the boy would excessively bleed. Kayleb had turned to mumbling & biting others after his hands were bandaged & tied.

To this day, there is no hope for Kayleb. All there is is the tell-tale signs of death for the boy caused by heart defects & bleed-outs.

We are all mad here.
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Name: Calvin Alistair

Age: 37

Patient/Staff: Staff AKA Reformed Patient

Job: 'Treatment'

Crime or Reason for Commitment: Delusions, Murder, Violent Tendencies, Intense Sadism,


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee116885_DoctorAlistair.png.daaf108de4a40bfda1a2c989dbd19234.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14392" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bee116885_DoctorAlistair.png.daaf108de4a40bfda1a2c989dbd19234.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Was treated for his delusion of being the only 'real' person alive on earth. This Delusion makes him an outspoken sociopath and a psychopath on the grounds that he can do whatever he wants with 'those who aren't real'. Has a strange attraction to metal and refuses to go anywhere without gloves on for 'certain reasons. Calvin gets bored easily, leading him to find outlandish means of entertainment.

History: Calvin began rationalizing why he couldn't see others as the same as him when he was about 7-years-old. It was at this point in time that he came up with the hypothesis that they were actually constructs created by the planet itself to entertain him. And so, thus sparked the silent massacre that went on behind the scenes of society as Calvin butchered people. He didn't know why it felt good, nor did he care. He only wanted entertainment and thus it was provided. When investigators finally found a link between him and the murders, they arrested him. His lawyers claimed that he was mentally damaged (Which he probably was) and that he needed a chance to be fixed. Then along came Dr. Newport and Calvin was whisked away to Bedlam.

It took about 17 months before Calvin was brought to admit that maybe his sketchy hypothesis had been wrong.

2 months later he was officially reformed, and promised that he'd help his fellow patients through the same "Treatments" he'd been given. It was no surprise to anybody when he and Newport became quick pals, nor did it come as a surprise when the patient death toll took another jump.

Other: He has severe muscle spasms in his left eye, though it doesn't impede his vision he finds it quite annoying.

We Are All Mad Here



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"Life is hard. Then you die. Then they throw dirt in your face. Then the worms eat you. Be grateful it happens in that order."

Name: Max Turner

Age: 16

: Patient


Crime or Reason for commitment: Manic depressive, suicidal thoughts, massive anxiety


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/anime_boy_with_brown_hair_by_ellygraden90-d6mgbag.jpg.84992d1d1b62a8c6b662e36502d541a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14459" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/anime_boy_with_brown_hair_by_ellygraden90-d6mgbag.jpg.84992d1d1b62a8c6b662e36502d541a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Max has always been the friendly type. He never had trouble making friends. He can be very moody and depressing. He likes to joke around when he's not feeling sad. He is gay. He is a hopeless romantic.

History: He grew up in London. His family was very laid back. He always got straight A's, raised his hand, asked questions. Basically he was a star student, however he was bullied for being gay, CONSTANTLY. At 14, he couldn't take the bullying anymore, and he tried hanging himself. He was put into a mental hospital for a week. After that he was never the same. He was depressed, bipolar, and had frequent panic attacks.

At 16, he met his first love Adam.. Adam led Max on for months. He told him he never loved him. That sent Max over the edge. He knew he wanted love, but love didn't want him. That's when he ran away from everything. His parents. His memories of Adam. Gone. He could never trust a single soul. He cried everyday wishing that God would take his pain away. Then he found Bedlam where they promised him an escape.


"Don't you see? We are all mad here..."



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