Escape from Bedlam [Inactive]

"I'm Max", he repeated. "You need to go before you're caught." Max did not want to be accountable for Elena's absence from her room. But she seemed so lonely. She needed a friend..."How about at the next group session we sit next to each other? Sound good?" He wanted to be this girls friend because he knew exactly how it felt to feel alone and unwanted in the world.

That's when his thoughts started racing.





He shook it off before he broke down. He couldn't break down in front of this stranger. He wouldn't.

"You're going to be ok...can't you get back to your room?" He knew the risks of her getting caught we're very high and who knows what the consequences were for that. He was new to Bedlam after all.
Dr. Newport escorts Wendy to his office without another word. He opens the door allowing her to go in. The room is large and much more well kept then the rest of the building. Instead of the usually polished concrete, the floor is covered in a plush chocolate brown carpeting. The walls are painted a dark grey. On the back wall sits to large book cases filled with psychiatric books and medical journals, most of them old and outdated. In the center of the room is a heavy, intricately designed oak desk. Behind the the desk is a black leather chair and in front of it a plain wooden one. He takes a seat in the leather chair and ushers Wendy to the other.

With a heavy sigh, he rests his elbows on the desk and folds his hands under his chin. He looks at Wendy with a stern look. "Your actions lately have been highly inappropriate, but we have other matters to attend to at the moment. I will discuss your treatment soon enough.". He passes her a notebook and a pencil. "I have to decide on the course of treatment for all of our patients and you will be taking notes. As one of your punishments, you will insist me in preforming each of these treatments over the next month.".

Without waiting for a reaction from her, he pulls out a vanilla colored folder from his desk drawer. In it contains a brief bio for every patient at Bedlam. His eyes never meets Wendy's. He simply studies each name with a smile on his face. "Let's start from the top shall we? Audrey. I haven't seen much progress with the ice baths. I want to try a new form of Attachment Therapy with her along with intense counseling conducted by either me or Dr. Newport. Elena. One of our little fire starters. She could highly benefit from Electro Convulsive therapy." His sadistic grin grows with each mentioned treatment. "Next up, Faun. Another obsessed with flames. Let's put her hot head on ice. May-Linn, she also needs cooled down. Ice baths for her as well." He chuckles at his last statement.

"Kaleb. Poor boy seems to be a lost cause. Let's put him in the Sensory Deprivation Chamber. Maybe he will stop fearing everything when there is nothing else to be afraid of. Rufus. Well, he is an interesting one. He will be getting a Lobotomy. Max, the new boy. I assume you have filled out the appropriate paper work for him?" He gives Wendy a stern look, then back to the paper. "For now let's start with Aversion Therapy and counseling. If that doesn't suffice we will go to more extreme's. As for you Wendy..." He sits the papers down on his desk, and looks directly at her now. "You have lost the privilege of clothing. You will be put in gowns so you have nothing to soil. We will also be starting up your treatments again in the ice bath. I am not invoking your nursing duties quite yet, but one more incident like today and they will be gone and you will remain in a cell for the rest of your stay here. Do you understand?".
Wendy followed Dr Newport into his office and sat down in the chair in front of his desk. She took the pencil and notepad after he gave them to her, although she had no choice but to accept it lest she wanted to risk making things even worse for herself. She listened to every word he said and bit down on her lip.

"Yes, Dr Newport." She told him and wished that she could have resisted her urge to soil herself earlier. "I was going to fill out the paperwork after having a chat with Max but well, you knew what happened next." She said whilst forcing herself to keep eye contact with the man despite him not giving her eye contact. She believed he would punish her more if she didn't pay him all of her attention.

She had written down the treatments for each of the patients that the doctor had mentioned and felt sorry for them. "Shall I go and fetch Audrey after i've changed into a gown?" She asked the doctor. She wasn't looking forward to the ice baths but knew she couldn't dwell on it unless she wanted to risk messing up teh treatments of the patients. She knew she had to be 100% focused when assisting him with the treatments so she forced herself to focus on the current situation.
Dr. Newport shakes his head at Wendy. "No, Audrey's therapy will require more assistance and she has counseling soon. I believe it will be in our best interest to start with Kaleb, since his case is more severe." He stands up and walks over to the book case. He pulls out a book titled "The Treatment of Severe Phobias". The book is a light tan in color with several dark brown stains. The stains have a reddish hint, making it look as though the could be old blood. A thin layer of dust covers it, so he blows it off. The inner pages have the same stains as the outside of the book.

He glances through the pages as he continues to speak to Wendy. "After you get changed, get two of the orderly to help you fetch the boy. He is sedated right now so he shouldn't be to much of a problem. I will meet you at the chamber and help get him set up. Once he is in there, you will be monitoring him. You are not to interfere at any time, no matter the problem. Do you understand me Wendy?". He glares at her, his look stern and cold.
"Yes." Wendy told Dr Newport whilst maintaining eye contact with him as she looked at the book he was flipping through. She remembered the last time she had an ice bath.

Wendy was escorted to the room with the ice bath in. "Wendy, you are making excellent progress." Dr Newport told the 21 one year old without looking at her. She walked towards the tub and was in a pair of jeans and white shirt. "Do you know why you have your clothing privelleges?" He asked her whilst reading his notes on her. "Because I've not had any incidents for the past 5 months?" "Excatly." He said to her as he motioned for her to get into the tub. "Now, this should be your last bath. If you lose control, you will lose all of your privilleges and will resume having your treatment twice a week instead of just the once." He told her. "Ok but what will happen afterwards?" She asked the doctor. "You will have been reformed and you will become a nurse." He stated to her. "Now, today's session will last an hour. Fight any urges you have and remember that it is wrong to follow your urges. Ignore them." He told her as he wrote something down on his clipboard. She quickly got into the bath whilst gasping from the cold. The following week, she was made a nurse.

Wendy left Dr Newport's office and walked to her room. She entered it and saw 5 gowns on her bed. She looked through the drawers and saw that all of her clothes had been removed including her undergarments. She was tempted to hide the clothes she was wearing now but knew that she would end up being thrown out of her room and into a cell if she did that. She got undressed and placed her clothes on her bed before putting the gown on. She left her room after tying the back of the gown as tightly as she could to give her some diginty and walked towards Kayleb's cell.

"I need you two to come with me. Dr Newport is ready to treat Kayleb." She told two orderlies after returning to the nursing station. They nodded and walked with her to Kayleb's cell. She slowly opened it and said "Kayleb, it's time for your treatment. Please come with me." in a soft manner. The orderlies focused on the boy and were prepared to handle him if he turned violent.
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Rufus had opened his eyes again,having dozed off due to the residual affects of a prior sedative. He had heard some more screaming. This was typical in the asylum, however, there was the accompanied scream of another woman and sounds of struggle. Perhaps a female nurse wandered into a room she shouldn't have gone into. Rufus sighed. He struggled around a bit more in his straight jacket to get a little more comfortable. He cursed aloud in his lone cell. He stopped struggling and looked up towards the window of his cell again. Sighing, he thought to himself he shouldn't struggle. He would get hungrier and grumpier which always meant bad behavior and more punishment like those horrid ice baths that was supposed to "cool and calm" the patients. He gets up to his door and looks through a little slot at anything in the hallway that might be walking by.
Dr. Alistair sighed, this patient was being exceptionally resilient today.

He fought the orderlies all the way to the Treatments and Studies Hall, even with the sedatives.

Dr. Alistair had to bash him in the back of the skull with the broken leg of a chair he'd been meaning to fix for a while.

Afterwards he sent a message to Dr. Newport explaining his absence of the last group therapy meeting. He had a busy schedule, he didn't want to disappoint the good Doctor.

The patient was committed for an intense claustrophobia, which led him to attack anyone else in regular sized rooms in order to free up space.

Dr. Alistair had a firm belief that in order to overcome fear, you must stare deep into it and rip out its still beating heart.

So he had a coffin outfitted with metal and sent to him.

He then dumped the unconscious patient in there before sealing it with bolts and plaster.

He could tell when the patient woke up because of the horrified screams that were muffled by the coffin.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to calm down." He stated numbly as he drew a line in marker on the coffin.

Of course, the patient was nowhere near calming down. If anything, he just yelled louder.

"This is for your own good~" he said with a little melody lining his voice. "You'll stay in there until you've settled down . Please understand, your best wishes are always kept in mind."

The screaming from the coffin got so loud that it almost blocked out the screaming of other patients that rebounded off the walls and leaked into the room.

He should probably check on that... but he did have a schedule to adhere to.

He looked at the coffin.... Yep, patient still screaming out the terrors of the world while thrashing in his mini prison.

Dr. Alistair supposed he could make some time.

The Coffin visibly shook from the patient's struggle.

Dr. Alistair sighed before moving the coffin to a corner and draping a large cloth over it.

He'd come back to release him when their session was over.

He stepped out into the hall.

He took a deep smell of the air, and then he changed his gloves with new ones.

Dr. Alistair then began walking to the Patient Holding Area, perhaps seeing the progress first-hand would be entertaining.
As always, Doctor North disappeared for a few minutes after the group session. It was his ritual. he needed to cleanse himself. He would disappear into his office for ten minutes, the sound of water from his cramped private bathroom. Some days he didn't leave his office for hours, and it was needed.

The scream was almost a musical backdrop. He half expected that Newport was playing doctor again. A musical note to change the tone of the performance. Wasn't electroshock, wasn't ice treatment, wasn't a caning or the like, or one of the beatings. Wrong itch. Exorcism? He wouldn't be surprised, not in the slightest. If he thought it would work, he'd try it himself. Of course, his visitors did seem to settle down for a brief period after his one. He was more towards the discussion and hypnotism range, getting no joy from other treatments.

His hair under his towel as he dried it off quickly from the brief wash, before hanging it neatly on the hook behind the door.

He would walk out and look at his brief notes on his daily duties. He raised an eyebrow. This might be interesting. He didn't often deal with Audrey one on one, there was very little trust between them. He scanned her folder of his notes, and nodded to himself, it all appeared in norm. He treated each patient differently, as individuals, and it seemed that she wasn't working out as well under Newport's eye. He would walk out of the small office, that he had worked from since he interned, walking through the halls before coming to Audrey's chamber. It was better than calling it a cell, after all.

He would actually knock on the door before opening it, not bothing the orderlies with escorting patients around. There was nothing most of them could do and he did carry around a syringe of sedatives for the more lively patients.

"Ms Trintholm, we have an appointment. Please, come along."

Politeness, his voice not raising, he would be a smiling face amongst the madness. He was very carefully blocking out the voices. They had no place here and now. He would step out of the doorwaym backwards, an arm extending towards his office.

"Would you like a walk or should I find an orderly and get them to wheel you around?"
Audrey hadn't acknowledge Nurse Wendy when she entered the room. She had remained laying on her bed, tracing the cracks in the ceiling. She was in this same position when she heard a knock at the door. She quickly sits up and is relieved when Dr. North is standing there. She hadn't had much time with him in the past, since Dr. Newport did most of her treatment and counseling, but his demeanor was much more pleasant than that of the cruel Dr. Newport.

She swings her legs over the edge of the bed and pulls the gown closed around her, careful not to expose herself. When Dr. Newport first took away her clothing, it seemed like such a mild punishment coming from her. She quickly realized it was one of his more twisted ones. She recalls his words "You must learn to have control over your body and mind, even when your body remains exposed for all to see." She shakes her head at the memory. Gingerly she places her bare feet on the floor. An instant warning pain shoots from her feet, up her legs, then up her spine. She winces and tries to remain calm.

She is tempted to take up Dr. Norths offer of being wheeled around, but the thought of being that much more vulnerable did not sit well in her mind. "No I can walk" With one more wince, she places her wait on her feet and rises from her bed. Quickly she once again wraps her gown around her back, holding it with one hand. She has developed a small limp as she walks out the door and towards the doctor's office. She looks back to him, her face filled with pain "If I do good in today's session, could I possibly get some shoes? Or at least some heavy socks?".
Max woke up from a horrifying nights sleep. He dreamt of his past. His memories even haunting him with his eyes shut.

His lips were dry and his stomach was growling like an angry bear ready to attack. He needed food...when was it breakfast time in this place? He paces the room after changing into a hospital gown. Don't they have BETTER clothes to provide? he thought. He was also thinking of the other patients. He'd already met one, the boy in the straight jacket whom he had yet to know the name of. And the other girl...Elena. He hadn't seen her since their run in last night.

Max was anxious to get out of this room. He never liked being in one place for too long. He loved freedom...but with freedom comes a price of pain, at least that's what he was used to.

Max called out: "Hello?! When can I get out?" He waited for a reply, hoping to be released soon.
Dr Newport continued to read the red stained book and made notes in the patient files. For Wendy, he wrote "Almost reverting back to her former ways. Ice Baths every day untill futher notice. Suspected of stealing medication but unable to confirm it." He knew the nurse should have fetched Kayleb by now and left his office to prepare his treatment.

He walked down the corridor of his ayslum and heard Max. He walked towards his cell and said "Max, once you have been reformed, you'll be free to go. It is a long proccess but together, we can help you to overcome problems. Nurse Wendy will be by later to check on you and we will begin your treatment." after entering it. "We shall have a counselling session later and with any luck, I will be able to understand you. This will help me to cure you." He informed the boy.
Max nodded. He grabbed the doctors sleeve and said: "HOW long?" He didn't like it here, but he knew it was safer than being out there able to hurt himself. He then thought of last night with Elena.

"Last night...there was a girl outside my cell. Elena was her name I think.." He knew he should have kept this secret between him and Elena, but he didn't want that secret to be on his shoulders, pressuring him into another anxiety attack.
"I see." Dr Newport said to Max. He ignored the boy tugging on his sleeve and knew that Wendy forgot to lock the girl's cell. "Thank you for telling me this. Your treatment will happen later and i assure you, it will help you." He said with a cold smile on his face. "What did Elena say to you?" He inquired.

He decided to punish Wendy more by adding another hour to the ice bath. He had already planned the session for 3 hours and wrote down on his clipboard Wendy: Forgot to lock Elena's cell. Possible memory loss as a result of her former addiction. Suggested course of action: 4 hours in our session later. Put the nurses on stay by in case hyperthermia sets in. Max: Told me about Elena. Could become useful. Reward him with clothes if he proves to be useful.
Max thought for a moment to last night before saying: "She said she heard tv? In my room?" He just thought she was hallucinating or was just extremely desperate for television. He didn't think it to be a big deal to ask about.

"Also", he remembered, "She starting crying uncontrollably." He knew he had to keep this a secret, but he couldn't risk it. "She told me to keep quiet. Am I in trouble?" He felt his heart start racing and tears filled his eyes. It was his second day, and getting in trouble already wouldn't suit him well. "Please. I didn't know..." He starting shaking in panic.
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"Interesting." Dr Newport commented as he wrote down what Max told him. "You are not in trouble, Max. You have helped me to help her by telling me. If you keep this up, you'll earn back your clothing privelleges. I need to go and start treating the other patients but we will talk later." The doctor told Max as he left the cell. He locked it and walked towards the chamber.

"Elena is out of her room, i want you to find her and make sure she hasn't harmed herself, for it could ruin all of my progress with her." He told the orderlies on the way to the chamber. They nodded and went to look for her. He continued on his way to the chamber. Once he arrived there, he got everything set up and waited for Nurse Wendy and Kayleb.
Elena had been walking for hours now. She had no idea where she was or how far she was from her room. She had never been allowed to roam this way before. Apart from being disturbing, she knew she was in a huge amount of trouble.

Soon she heard footsteps, more than one pair. Instantly, she broke into a sprint. She didn't care who it was or whether they had seen her. She didn't want to take chances. Soon, she found herself cowering in a corner. She saw the orderlies. She knew they'd seen her. They were coming for her.

It didn't take them long to throw her in her cell and strap her down to her bed. They seemed to be skilled enough to give her an intravenous injection as well. As a result of which, the first of the many things to flee her was her muscle tone. Apart from being strapped down, she now couldn't move even her fingers and her eyelids remained only partially open. Unable to blink, her eyes began drying up slightly.

The next thing that she lost was her memories, as to where she was currently and what had happened a few moments ago. But the most horrid part of her transition from wakefulness to unconsciousness was repeated haunting memories of the past and the fact that everything seemed to be warped. The faces of the orderlies seemed grotesque now, much like the gargoyles she had always been afraid of. But she couldn't struggle or move. Tears began pouring out of her eyes as she made a silent plea to either be let go or be killed. Sadly, neither came. Only blackness.
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They still looked like fakes.

No matter how hard the treatment, Dr. Alistair couldn't stop seeing people as these fake plastic things.

He understood now that he saw things differently, Dr. Newport had shown him that.

Just because everyone else looked like plastic toys didn't mean they weren't as real or alive as he was.

Maybe they saw him the same way, maybe all humans in general looked strange.

Dr. Alistair was shaken from his inner monologue by sight of an open cell.

He took a peek inside and was rewarded with the sight of two orderlies standing by a bed. On the bed lay the still body of a female patient.

"What's happened here gentlemen?" Dr. Alistair asked curiously as stepped inside.

One gave an unintelligible grunt.

"Nurse left the cell open," said the other before nodding towards the patient "she got out. We had to give her the good stuff."

Dr. Alistair nodded "You both have done an excellent service for this establishment."

One orderly just rolled his eyes towards the other as Dr. Alistair approached the patient.

He took some time stare into frozen eyes, she looked plastic... just like everything else. He imagined it would be easy to break her. Plastic toys always break easily.

But a smart man would wait for a much better opportunity.

"Don't worry sister." He whispered to her "We're only doing what's best for you in the long run. Only we can HELP you."

And with that, he exited the cell and let the orderlies deal with her.

That was refreshing.

Now... he should probably make sure that patient in the coffin hasn't given himself a heart attack.
Little freedoms. Trust building. Without orderlies, at least the illusion that he trusted her to not run, or try to set fire to him, or shank him somehow. All had happened to him in the past, which is why he did have the syringe on his person. Fool me once.

He walked a little slowly, while not matching Audrey's limp, Dr North matched her pace.

"If the sessions go well, since Newport has put you into my care in regards to counselling for the immediate future, I will see what I can do about some moccasins."

He wasn't rushing her, there really was no point. He had once cleared a day for his first session with a patient. If Newport wanted his timetable followed to the letter, he would do it. As it were, he had made it easier for him to actually do his job, and picking up slack. Besides, if he hadn't wasted so much time in group. There was an audible popping of his knuckles, before he stopped a moment and took a paperclip from his pocket, clipping it to Audrey's gown so she didn't have to worry about flashing.

"So, you feel alright telling me a bit about yourself while we walk to the office? I mean, it can wait, just tell me about yourself, why you're here. I've got the files, but they're impersonal, and you can learn so much more from a conversation."

It was also much easier for him to tell when someone was lying, or about little things that weren't noteworthy to others.
Audrey began to struggle with each step. The hallway they walked towards his office seemed infinite. She hoped her feet would hold up at least long enough for her to sit down again. At least they never had to worry about her trying to escape. She probably wouldn't even make it to the front door. Part of her realized that this is what Dr. Newport had in mind all along. She was relieved when Dr. North clipped the paper clips to her gown, though the brush of his skin against hers sent a chill up her spine.

She attempted to focus her mind on his questions. Focusing on anything at this point was a challenge. "There really isn't much to know about me. I was a whore with a drug problem." Oh no. She said it so bluntly. What was he going to think? Her eyes dart from Dr. North to the floor. A scarlet blush forms on her face. Her heart thumps hard against her chest as she fears his thoughts. A whore with a drug problem. You really are an idiot, and now he will know it. She shakes her head trying to dismiss the thought. Her mouth dries out and she begins to feel nauseous. She continually takes deep breaths as they walk trying to calm her nerves. "I am twenty-one. I have a mother, a father, and two older brothers. Nothing all that interesting".
The orderlies picked up Kayleb after sedating him as a precaution. "Hey!" Wendy protested as they picked up him after sedating him. "It's for our protection." One of the orderlies told her. Wendy knew they were right and didn't want to cause more trouble by getting into an argument. She walked towards the chamber with the orderlies and Kayleb.

"Nurse Wendy, you know what you need to do." Dr Newport told the nurse as she entered the chamber with Kayleb and the orderlies. "Yes, doctor." She replied. "Remember what I said earlier." He told her and watched as the ordellies put Kayleb into the tank "I will meet you at the Electro Convulsion Therapy room after Kayleb has finished his session." He informed the nurse as he left the room. The orderlies made sure that Kayleb could not get out of the tank and hadn't removed his straight jacket as a precaution.
Kayleb was silent and quiet; two rare states to ever see him in. Although he was out, he could barely feel & hear his surroundings. "Wendy--- you need to--" was one of the things he understood, as well as "Yes--". After that, nothing else was tangible. He was out cold. His surroundings dimmed to a low state. After they dimmed, he well... did nothing really. What else was there to do when you were "comatosed" in a way? At least Kayleb wasn't as susceptible to his wild fears in this black place of his mind as he was in his normal, awakened case.
At first, Elena couldn't put her finger on the feeling. A second later, she identified it as mortal fear. That was what she felt upon hearing the 'doctor's' words. Thankfully it didn't last long as she fell into a state of blissful oblivion. It was quiet, peaceful. She dreamt of fire....

When she finally came to, her head felt as though it had been struck by a fire rod. A familiar feeling. She still couldn't move though. But she could move her fingers. And her eyelids. She opened her eyes slightly, only to find herself in a dim room that belonged in horror movies. It brought back the mortal fear she'd felt earlier. She was going to be shocked! And what was worse, she couldn't open her mouth. It was taped shut save for a small plastic tube in her mouth that opened outside. No help, no one to save her. No freedom. Only fear...
Wendy observed Kayleb during his treatment and dotted down anything he did. She was thinking about how she came to the asylum.

"Hey!" Wendy's best friend, Alex said to greet the teen. "hey ya!" Wendy replied as she waved at her. "So, what're we doing today?" Alex asked her friend as they began walking down the street. "Wanna go to the park?" She asked her friend. "Sure" Alex replied. Wendy was wearing a small purple pair of shorts and a white shirt along with red shoes. They walked down the street. "Try not to you know. I know it's fun for you but it gets us all kind of looks." Alex told her friend as they made their way to the park.

They arrived at the park and sat down at on the nearest bench. They began to talk about various things for a few hours untill a foul smell started to emit from Wendy. "God! That's reeks!" Alex exclaimed as she slightly budged away from her friend. "It was an accident, i swear." Wendy lied to Alex as she continued to soil herself. "Eww!" Alex exclaimed as the teen continued to soil herself. "Aaah, much better." Wendy said a few minutes later. Alex started to cough because of her friend's foul smell and said "that's disgusting!" She stood up and looked at the teen. "It's not! Go on, try it! You'll enjoy it and if you don't, you can always wash yourself in the pond then claim you fell in." She said as she began to wet herself. "No!" Alex said to her. "If you do it, i promise not to do this when i'm with you." Wendy said to her friend. "Ugh, fine! but i know i won't enjoy it." Alex said in an annoyed tone as she walked back to her and sat down next to her.

"It's disgusting! Why did i agree to do this!?" She exclaimed after soiling herself just to shut Wendy up. "Because it's fun and feels good." Wendy causally told her. Alex stood up and walked into the pond. "Spoilsport." Wendy commented as she watched her friend clean herself up. Alex left a few minutes later after saying bye to her friend. She stood up and ignored the stares of the passing people. "Mummy, that girl has pooped herself." A child said as she walked past them. "Ignore her."

Wendy could feel her shorts starting to fall down and was later arrested for public indency and for stealing drugs.

"Take him back to his cell but be gentle." Wendy told the orderlies an hour later. She left the room and went to Elena's cell. She knew the room with the ice tubs could fit up to 5 tubs at a time and it was common for multiple patients to undergo the same treatment.
"Oh, I don't know. At least you're an honest one. Can't be said about everyone."

Doctor North would continue walking with her speed, in no great rush, really. he would nod his head a little. IT was how she worded things, wanting into the background, it appeared. It could just be a complete lack of comfort, who knew exactly.

"Really? You're my patient, in my care at least temporarily. That means you are of great interest to me."

He wouldn't speed his gait from hers, but he would get her to turn towards his office. He was moving and trying to establish something, at the very least.

"So, why did you go start working that particular trade, if I may ask?"

He would accept a no, or no answer. He was honestly interested in her, in helping her in his own ways. He was genuine about that. No reason to lie and ruin a patient's trust, just like it was standard for them to know it was silly to lie to him when he was trying to help.

unlike most of the staff, he reserved his sadism for when he really needed to unleash it.
A smile crept across Audrey's face when he mention having interest in her. Even though he meant it in a professional manor, her mind misconstrued it as something more. He doesn't think your a freak. He is interested. She tries to pick up her pace as they get closer to the office. His next question catches her off guard and her mind turns back in time to the first client she ever had.

She was only seventeen at the time. So young and inexperienced in the world. While most teenagers where thinking of college or going off to jobs, the only goal Audrey had was where to get her next fix. She remembers standing in a dark alley pleading with a dealer even though she had ran out of money. She was approached by an older gentlemen, much older then Dr. North. Instantly the man reminded her of her father. He gave the dealer a clip of money and said "Hook the poor girl up, can't you see she needs it." He smiles at the shaking Audrey. She simply stares at him like a deer caught in the headlights of a car, eyes wide and full of fear and wonder. The man brushes his hand over her face. "I will take care of you, if you let me.".

Audrey shudders at the memory of his rough skin against her cheek and his words laced with poison. The memory nearly makes her fall to her knees so she braces against the wall with on hand. It was painful to go back to this place. She looks up to Dr. North with the same look she once gave that man. Could she trust him? Surely she could. He was a doctor and he was interested in her. "He made me feel wanted." Her voice was shaky and weak. The look on her face never changes.

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