Eric/Sai Backstory

"I meant with all the time. But that works too. What do people do when someone else isn't ordering them to do other things?" Eric honnestly had no idea what 'free time' was. He'd never had more than five minutes where he wasn't directly supervised or in view of a security camera. He'd lived his whole life under a microscope, watched. Of course this fed his paranoia even more and he always did feel lost. "Crime fighting? You have got to be kidding." He closes his eyes, shamed. 

"Do you have any idea how many people I've killed? I've shot children, Sai. I doubt anyone wants me on the streets with a gun any time soon. I'm pretty sure I'd scare the shit out of everyone." Eric groans. He really could be one hell of a hired gun, it'd just be strange doing it on his own will. No one could make him do anything he didn't want to anymore. "Hm... I'd scare the shit out of everyone..." He thought outloud, realizing that might be useful. "Believe me, You're safe from me! In fact, I owe you. I swear, anything you need. Thankyou." He raises both arms, almost as if asking for a hug. Being freed was a dream come true!

                His lips twitched into a slight smile. “Really, a lot of the crime fighters are scary. Some of them are even murderers. Have you heard of Arrow? He is part of Justice League now but when he began he killed a lot with a bow and arrow.”

                When the other opened his arms for a hug, Sai hesitated. He didn’t mind touch exactly. Living with the clan one had to get used to it, and he had been born and raised among four others who tended to pile together. It had always been someone he knew though, someone who was related to him or someone he was taking as a lover. Letting his eyes trace over Eric he shrugged faintly and stepped into the embrace. “Remember that if I ever have to do something nasty.”

                Stepping back after a moment he turned to scrawl a note onto paper, in kanji with an English address as well as the Romanized words (and pronunciations) for how to ask for directions under it. “Go here, tell them Firefox sent you, pay them, and they will get you the papers you need.”

Eric hugs the other man, He had never had a real hug before as far as he can remember. He vaugely remembered one hug. He'd always remember it. A blonde woman who smelt like roses, eyes that sparkled like the summer sun, with as sweet and delicate figure. He never knew exactly who this woman was, but he loved her. He thought it was his mother, because he remembered being small and only being as tall as her rib cage. It was one of the very few things he could remember that wasn't within the last few years. He remembered the woman, he remembered hitting a baseball off a tee and running as fast as his little legs could carry him, and walking up to a big ass horse and feeding it a carrot. And that was it. And entire childhood, completely forgotten. Eric purrs, hesitating when the other stepped away, but did release him. "Nasty? Like? Stab somone? I can shank the shit out of someone." He blinks. 

He glances down at the note, reading through it. "Alright. Guess I get to go break some thumbs then." He smiles, getting up and wincing. "Where'd you say you put my guns?" He asks.
                “Please do not break the thumbs of the one I sent you to. He needs those, and if you lay a hand on him he will refuse to do anything.” The stubborn old goat had the idea in his head that if he was going to get beaten for something, or even killed for it, he was going to make sure it was worth it by not giving up whatever they wanted no matter what. Shifting past the other Sai went into the computer room. Without the illusions it looked much the same as it first had, just mirrored. Kneeling beside the desk he drew a section of the floor up, revealing the safe under it which opened at the click of his tongue. One by one he handed the weapons out. When he was done he closed the door in the same way he had opened it. “Now off with you. I will send a message if there is every anything.”
"Huh?" He asked in confusion before realizing how Sai had interpreted that. "Oh no, not him. No I was talking to get the couple hundred to pay him." He laughs, having some trouble standing upright. It hurt so bad to use any of the muscles that'd just strained themselves.He limps as he follows to the computer room, happy to take it slow.

"Fancy, safe in the floor. OH! I Forgot to mention,  Remember when I mentioned that big bad scary thing he's keeping asleep? Don't go looking for tech stuff on that. Crowley kind of banned all digital records of it. Everything is strictly in print. I'll find info on everything else... but her. It's weird, I know, I just don't want you to waste your time looking for something like that." He mentions the second he remembers it as he moves to re-holster his pistols and hide everything back in the hidden arsenals in his clothes. "Off with me then. Goodnight." He smiles, contemplating taking the window... but he was so sore he didn't want to land it. He decided for the front door instead.
                Sai smiled slightly. For all Eric’s warnings it would change his actions a whole lot. Not any more than his warnings would dissuade Eric from roughing up anyone nearby. He would just have to find out the hard way that where one member of the clan lived, it was good odds that others were nearby.

                Once the cat had disappeared off of his cameras, Sai settled in to do exactly what he had suggested he was going to. He went back to studying the files he had already pulled. Within a few days he might even get through them all and be able to go back into Crowley’s system.



                It took eight months to get the dream of the Young Justice Initiative to the point where Firefox decided that it was about time to look into what had happened to Eric, or rather Black Cat. It wasn’t even that hard, given that he knew the person who had set up Eric’s initial things. That Firefox had access to all of the records that should otherwise be sealed made everything incredibly easy.

                The fox that appeared out of the shadows in front of the cat didn’t quite look like any other fox in the area. The creature was large, although it was only by a little bit. More interesting was the soft cream color of the creature. The elegant creature also had a mane. Not a full on mane like a lion, more like the thicker fur on an old dog or a wolf. It was also carrying a letter. Single tail sweeping back and forth, the creature crept close enough to drop the invitation in the center of the light. Gold brown eyes met Eric’s for a moment before the creature turned and with a shiver of blue toned fire was gone.
And Eric was gone, hobbling off into the night to do god knows what...

~~~~ 8 MONTHS LATER~~~

     Eric had his life set up pretty well. He had a decent appartment, paid for with his earnings from taking 'hired gun' jobs here and there. However things were run on his terms and followed his rules. No killing children, anyone who's family depends on them, or truly innocent people. He was not going to wreck lives anymore, rather take those who have done bad things. Such bad things, people were willing to pay for them to be taken out.

    He wore a grey button down with nice jeans, casual as hell, walking home from visiting a friend who'd just escaped the lab and moved into an abandoned building on the other side of town. He had a can of lemonade in his hand when he stopped short, noticing a fox, carrying a letter and stepping into the light. He'd played enough video games to know what this meant. Hey, you got a side quest for me? He joked to the fox as it set down the letter and seemed to disappear. Those eyes. He'd seen them somewhere before. A smile crept across his face as he took the paper, reading. Bad ass side quest.


(Whoooo I'm so excited for these two!)
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