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  • about me

    call me







    26 years old.



    Hi. Hey. Hello there. I'm a twenty-six year old weaboo that is currently experiencing a renaissance of their past interests. I've been Roleplaying for well over a decade now and my interests tend to be all over the place (thanks, ADHD). About three years ago, I lost my primary Roleplay partner and have been struggling to recover since. That, essentially, is what has led me here. . And to this unusual interest check where instead of promoting my ideas, I try to sell the idea of picking me up as one of your Roleplay buddies instead.

    Does that sound interesting to you at all?

    Well, if it does, then read on.

    about you

    Preferably over the age of twenty-one, but if you're younger and absolutely insistent on writing with me, then we can discuss writing a public Roleplay on the forums. Aside from that, I'm most looking for someone over the age of twenty-one who is comfortable writing on Discord (though writing on the Nation is not a deal-breaker). I have no upward age limit and I am comfortable writing with people of any gender identity, sexuality, background, etc. I'm a queer person myself, so while I don't expect my partner to be queer themselves, I absolutely expect them to be kind to the community. It's OK to write bigoted characters, but if it applies to you as a person in any way whatsoever, then I'm dropping you yesterday.

    I'm looking for a Roleplay partner with a wide range of OCs and/or canonical muses that is interested in creating a cinematic universe with me. I love to write ensemble casts and I'm looking for someone who is interested in the same. I also tend to jump around with interests, creating new concepts on the spot, so I'd love to have a partner that is receptive to jumping around as well, should we get bored with our initial plot(s). For that reason, I also ask for partners that are willing to be patient with me. I jump around a bit though the trade-off is that I'll probably be super invested in our plot and fire off responses whenever I'm around. In downtime, I'd prefer to have a partner who is receptive to OOC chatter. I love plotting, making memes, moodboards, playlists, and sometimes even one-shot fanfictions of our work.

    Lastly, and most importantly, I'm asking for someone who can equally contribute. I'm an aggressive Roleplayer, so I don't mind leading the plot, but I don't always want to be in charge. I love it when writing partners throw their own ideas and/or plot twists my way. I focus heavily on characters, so most of mine have their own arcs and development, so I'd like for a writing partner who could do the same. More than anything, though, I really don't want a rehash of my own posts.

    That gets old very quickly.

♡coded by uxie♡


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