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Fandom Equivalent Exchange (FMA RP!)

Just wanted to inform you all that I changed a few things in my character's bio. I added a name to her since other Homunculi have names xD Her name is Amelia Beau.
Well yeah but it's more of to "save her identity" thingy. Like if someone were to ask her name she can't just say Lust bc yenno xD

Someone want to give me a heads up on whats going on.

Sorry kind of went to a friends house and we have been doing D&D since oh....Thursday and I've only just got home.
I'm here usually lol, just being left in the shuffle. I'm just trying to make my posts interesting but no one notices the short blond girl lol
SerenityAngel said:
I'm here usually lol, just being left in the shuffle. I'm just trying to make my posts interesting but no one notices the short blond girl lol
Don't worry depending on what @JKthegreat does I'm going to cause a big commotion and you have a chance to shine!
@remembervvinter You gotta make you place, just think of something you want to do and just start...People will intersect with yours.

Im glad people are posting here at all..sometimes people just join, post and leave never to return
Sorry about that, I'm here. It might be best to just skip to everyone arriving at the practical exam.

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