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Fandom Equivalent Exchange (FMA RP!)

@AnimeLover1116 Done.

If you guys are wondering why I'm not replying, its because I'm giving everyone in the RP a bit of time to reply. I'll only wait a bit more and then I'll make my post to advance the story.
Name: Marsilo Ficino


Age: 54

Alchemy Specialty(If Alchemist): He has one of the best understandings of how alchemy works and why. His abilities involve the tranmutation circle he has written on the front of his left hand, that he mainly uses for his earth based transmutations.

Bio: Marsilo is a well known state alchemist, popularized by his novels about the basics of alchemy. He is known as the "Basic Alchemist" due to his intensive research about how and why alchemy works on the most fundamental level. His writing has become the standard for anyone to begin with if interested in learning alchemy.



Other: One of the most brilliant alchemists of his generation. Received his state alchemy license six years after Edward Elric.

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