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Fandom Equivalent Exchange (FMA RP!) - Additional IC

Serenity noticed that the Fuhrer was a lot shorter than she thought he would be and couldn't help but mention it to him, so before heading to the testing area she walked up to him with a very serious expression on her young face and had to ask him, "You're Fuhrer Elric? Huh..." she started but then the trigger came, "You're a lot shorter than I thought you'd be. No wonder people say I look like you." She knew that mentioning Edward's height was a reaction trigger in the man's youth but she wondered if he still had that same hang up and her curiosity being her biggest personality trait, she tested it for a reaction.

I laughed and looked at Brigadier General Fredrick in mock stun. "Me, a State Alchemist? That's preposterous." I said with a grin, nudging him a bit "I'm here for the Janitor job. Where exactly is the reception for those jobs." I pretended to peer around, but then realized I was only making myself more likely to be late. "Well general, if I wasn't almost late I would kick your ass right now to prove you wrong" I said over-confidently, saluting to him with a smirk quickly as I rushed to a seat "But I guess that'll have to wait." I found a seat near the back, as I hated sitting anywhere near the front during tests, and sat down, glad I wasn't late. The test was about to begin.


A young messenger ran up to a smiling Ed who was just about to enter the examining room himself, and whispered something in his ear. The look of horror on Ed's face would make anyone think that the world was ending, but to him, this was even worse. "Not a word of this to another soul" He commanded the messenger "You tell that to the soldiers at the Satellite Hub as well, alright?" The messenger saluted and scurried off.
We need good people in there writing that exam he thought, as he straightened himself and entered the room, the shock of the news not even slightly appearing on his face anymore Because our worst nightmare is soon to come true again. But this time, we'll be prepared.
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((Ah crap, sorry I haven't been posting. My notifications have been kind of losing their shit lately. Hopefully they're back to normal now))

The blond was pulled from his meditative state by the sound of others entering the exam room. He stood up and almost stretched from force of habit. However, he realized it might be strange if the room was suddenly filled with the sound of shifting metal plates, so he decided against it. Besides, prostheses couldn't get stiff, right? At least that's what he'd been telling himself lately. The phantom pains he felt begged to differ. 'Oh well" He thought "Best not to dwell on it, I guess"

He moved towards the other students, choosing to seat himself next to the the other male who was also sporting a ponytail (
@JKthegreat). "Yo" He said in greeting to the male, whom he assumed was an alchemist like himself. "So why're you here? Money? Fame? Power? Perhaps you're searching for something like I am," He smiled as he questioned the other alchemist, his deep blue eyes hidden behind his sunglasses. "Or maybe, you've got some sinister ulterior motive."
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"Redemption" I said, in response to the question that the guy who had just taken the seat next to me had asked "I did something terrible with this gift of Alchemy that I was given. Now I want to use it to do exactly the opposite, even if that means becoming a dog of the military, I'll bark all they want, as long as I'm helping people." I looked up at the blonde, with an odd pink streak, a casual, laid-back manner about him and hair even longer than mine. "How about you, man?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me "What's your big reason? Or is that a secret, maybe?"

JKthegreat said:
"Redemption" I said, in response to the question that the guy who had just taken the seat next to me had asked "I did something terrible with this gift of Alchemy that I was given. Now I want to use it to do exactly the opposite, even if that means becoming a dog of the military, I'll bark all they want, as long as I'm helping people." I looked up at the blonde, with an odd pink streak, a casual, laid-back manner about him and hair even longer than mine. "How about you, man?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me "What's your big reason? Or is that a secret, maybe?"

The blond smiled at the answer that was given. "Redemption, eh? I suppose there are worse reasons to be here. As for my motives," He yawned and leaned back in his chair, putting his arms behind his head. "They're simple really. I want to conduct alchemical research. And the easiest way to do that is to become one of the state alchemists, who practically have research grants thrown at them. Plus, I wouldn't mind getting the chance to knock a couple heads together once and a while. Training is all well and good, but actual combat," He chuckled softly, his smile widening slightly. "There's just nothing quite like it."
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Lust was making her way towards Central Command, passing by the train stations. However, she noticed that things began to buzz once again. Military officers began to surround the area, as well as a few state alchemists. "Oh?" Lust said in curiosity as she frowned slightly. According to the various shouts, it appeared that a wild goose chase was going on. But one word caught her attention.

"Stop the trains! Evacuate the people! Don't let the Homunculus get through!"

Homunculus? Things were beginning to grow interesting for the blonde Homunculus, and suddenly she grinned rather maliciously. Slowly she made her way towards the group of military officers, watching from behind them. One of the men turned back, and was taken aback by her beauty for a second, one which she smiled at. Slightly dazed, the officer quickly got his composure together and saluted. "Ma'am, I'm afraid that you have to back away. This area is for military and alchemist personnel only. If you could please continue and evacuate along with the rest of the people.."

"Hmm...is that so?" she questioned while looking up at the officer innocently. "But...I've always wanted to see an officer fight up front. If anything were to happen...I'm sure I can put my trust in you to protect me, correct?" Lust smiled sweetly at him, a smile that caused the officer to blush. "Er, ah, um...r-right! You just..just stay behind me, but don't get too close!"

Lust nodded in thanks, waving at him from behind but on the inside, she was thoroughly annoyed.
The Fuhrer hired these buffoons to protect the city? she thought to herself with a roll of her eyes. If they can so easily swayed...I didn't even put effort. Shaking her head in dismay, she decided to focus on something else. The Homunculus must be powerful if it was able to attract this much attention...must be reckless as well. When she heard the military officers beginning to squirm, she quickly looked up in preparation. What she expected as someone big, someone buff...someone that represented the atmosphere of danger....but instead what came through the entrance was....a girl with flowers?

Rosabel was getting off the train just to be surrounded by men not noticing that the flowers had stuck to her clothes, and that the solider had described them. She watched as they all pointed their guns to her, but for some reason she was focused on a mother and daughter holding hands in the crowd behind them all I'm jealous...I envy them...envy, envy envy, envy! "Halt!" They finally caught her attention, but didn't shoot yet. They wouldn't shoot however until the civilians were out of the building. The alchemists were on the ready, and as her thoughts raced ENVY, ENVY, ENVY, WHY CAN'T I HAVE THAT! WHY CAN'T I KNOW WHO I AM, WHY CAN'T I BE FREE!?

Her personality blended with her sisters for a moment and she smiled bright for the people which felt a little unsettling "Again? Come on, that's all you ever do, well time to make things exciting!" She clapped her hands together, in a way that put terror into the alchemists on sight "She can do alchemy?!" As she placed her hands on the ground vines broke out of the concrete growing flowers everywhere, which exploded. Petals were falling everywhere of all different colors and she had vanished. She had turned herself into petals and escaped out the window on the wind. Far away she reformed herself in an alley and thought to herself Lily took over again...wait they think I can do alchemy? I can't, that's what Lily did, whoever she is. Why did I clap my hands then? To do what I did I guess, but I could always do that. I never had to use alchemy, is it not normal to be able to do that?

She found a tattered dark green cloak, and put it on. Her mind started to get fuzzy, she needed to start selling her flowers, that was the only thing that made it better. She crouched down and bit her finger letting a few drops of blood on the ground. In moments about 2 dozen roses sprouted out from the ground. She placed them into another cloth she found "I guess I need to buy a new basket" She walked out of the ally with her head down, gloves on, and money in her pocket from her last sale


As I was about to reply to the blonde guy, an official in the front of the room called loudly and with great authority for silence. Ed stepped up, maintaining his formal, elegant walk and manner and I couldn't help chuckling at how out of character it was. "Welcome, new Recruits" He began, scanning the crowd with welcoming, excited eyes "I say the word 'recruit' lightly, because as you know, there are never many spaces available for State Alchemists, as it is such a prestigious position. Anyways, I am Fuhrer Edward Elric, and I just wanted to say thank you for coming and good luck. If this really is what you want to do, then give it your all." With that, they began to hand out the written exams to everyone. The exam had begun.
Jack began furiously scribbling in answers. A, B, B, another B? C. He went on for the next few pages, filling in the questions to the best of his ability. The written portion was a bit difficult, but he dealt with it. Other than that, the rest of the test was pretty boring. Filling in bubbles, regurgitating facts. The real show would be the live preformance,
She had walked into the store and then out with a new basket, and some extra items. Those extra items being ribbons, and being free with the five finger discount. Rosabel didn't know why but she felt a urge to take it, like it belong to her. She had wanted to go back and return it, though they were going to hunt her down like earlier if she did, so she kept it. A new cloak, basket full of flowers, and a small sign of $2 roses each, she went back out on the streets. People were looking at her the basket strangely. She had never come this far to sell flowers before when she was alive. They would usually have to be ordered and it was pricey. To see them here now for $2 were the bargain of the century, though who this person was is a mystery. Anyone who knew that only the Garden Family n co sold these flowers, and know about the remaining living family members would put two and two together. Otherwise this person was just selling a fraud item.

Around this time it would have been reported that she had escaped capture at the train station.
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Once the test had started Fredrick moved up next to Edward slowly and whispered so nobody else can here, his voice a lot more serious than it usually is "anything the matter sir? Anything that concerns me anyway?" When Edward seemed surprised that someone had noticed ((im assuming he would be since he's hiding it)) he simply added with a small smile" you don't become one of the major strategic minds in central without picking up on people, and their emotions."


Ed sighed and placed his hand on Fredrick's shoulder, leaning in really close so no one else could hear. "We just got a report of a confirmed Homunculis in the city. We we're right, they're back" he said, the words seeming to burn his throat as he recalled all of the terrible memories from his first encounter with the Homunculi "So this team is even more important now then ever, Fredrick. I already have my eye on one or two of the candidates. I'll discuss it with you after the practical exam, and we'll decide on the final members then. Until then, remain on alert in case something big happens. We may need to leave at any stage, so be prepared." Only then did he realize that a lot of the students in the front were looking towards the source of the whispering, and Ed smiled bashfully, waving a hand of apology.

@Iak Destler
Fredrick nodded in response and smiled to the kids in the front before turning around a beckoned some guards to come with him as he headed out of the room. He stationed them at the entrances to the exam before heading back to his office to put the people under his command on alert, not mentioning the humunculi, just that someone threatened the exams this year.
Ryu noticed the hushed conversation between the two at the front of the room, but he paid it no mind. He sighed and started leisurely working on the exam, not slow enough that he wouldn't finish, but not fast enough that he would finish too terribly early. He disliked written exams, he always had. He found them tedious and boring. But, nonetheless, he pressed on. He hoped the rest of the exam would be more interesting than this.
Though she had not planned it this way, fortune seemed to favor her since no one was able to find her. The description of a young 5'2 girl with colorful flowers was no longer a good description. She had sold many flowers to men, women, and children that the only thing that could identify her now were the soldiers that were at the station, someone who saw her selling the flowers, or her tattoo on her hand.
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Serenity sat at her desk and rolled her eyes when they handed out a written test. She always found them tedious and useless in determining knowledge but if it was part of the alchemist exam she'd do it. She sat with a bored expression on her young face but she did notice she was the youngest here and that kind of ticked her off a little. She thought more young people should find more interest in science and alchemy. the world would open up for them and be a better place. She knew if her siblings had shown more knowledge and interest in science she wouldn't be in the situation she is in now. When she came to the written part she tried her best to use big words but the biggest words she knew of were alchemic formulas so she just wrote what she knew and that was quite a lot for her age.

Wrath heard the news of a homunculi traveled among the soldiers of Central. There was only one answer, diver attention. The creator had entrusted he to find the homunculi before any else get control of her. Wrath took a short cut through an alley to set up the trap. She planted gunpowder with an intent to blow up the area. But before she left, she drew a transmutation circle. It would throw of the Elric. She dropped the match before disappearing into the crowd. All she had to do now would be to follow the flowers.
TurtlePower said:
Wrath heard the news of a homunculi traveled among the soldiers of Central. There was only one answer, diver attention. The creator had entrusted he to find the homunculi before any else get control of her. Wrath took a short cut through an alley to set up the trap. She planted gunpowder with an intent to blow up the area. But before she left, she drew a transmutation circle. It would throw of the Elric. She dropped the match before disappearing into the crowd. All she had to do now would be to follow the flowers.
Rosabel was walking down the street munching on a candy bar, having sold all of her flowers at the moment. "This place is really nice, maybe I can sleep good tonight. Everyone loves the flowers to! I don't know why I feel like I know this town" She held her head as a flash of memories went though I did it! I filled out the forms to take the alchemy exam in central! Wait till I tell sis about it The face of a younger girl shouted before the memory faded away

"There it is again that girl, who is she? Wait this city is called central, maybe I can find out who she is here!" She walked over to a woman who was admiring one of the flowers she had just bought. "Excuse me?" She looked her way "Yes?" "Where would someone go in this town to take an alchemy exam?" The woman looked surprised "Oh are you going to take it? If you are I believe you are late" She shook her head "No I think I can find something important I left there" She smiled "Well in that case it's down that way to the south, be careful, if you get lost I'm sure there will be plenty of soldiers around to show you the way." The older woman patted Rosabel's shoulder "My husband told me he was by the train station, and saw a homunculi in the city so keep your guard up. I think his eye's were playing tricks on him, but it can never hurt to be careful"

She left towards the direction of central thinking about what she would do. This girl in my head, why does she never leave? I want to know who she is! Looking to the distance at central I guess I should be avoiding them, but here I am still walking down the street right into people who want to hurt me...just to get them to look at me again. Like I can't live without the attention

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After what felt like a few years of writing, but was only three hours, the examiner called for time up at the same moment as I finished my final answer. We all handed in our papers and were told that we were allowed to explore the building or meet the other recruits for about an hour as a break, before the practical exam would begin. I sighed a I exited the room, rubbing my eyes a little after the constant concentration. I knew I had done really well in the exam, but it was still stressful nonetheless. I thought about going up into the main area of the building to see some of the people that had been part of the crew that visited Alphonse and I in Ishval, but decided against it as there seemed to be a busyness about the soldiers in the area. They looked very alert and I could have sworn the security had increased since we entered the room. I shrugged it off and decided to take a walk around the city before the prac exam, to see what happened around this incredible hive of activity.
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Jack was bored. He had finished the test at around the two hour mark and spent the last half hour of the period making paper shreds and pencil shards into a makeshift blow gun. It's a good thing he test ended when it did or he might've used it. Jack was the first one to the stand to turn in his test and quickly left afterwards. Jack needed some fresh air so he stepped outside and- Oh come on! I left it there for like on hour. Jack's bike had been impounded and in it'so place was a fee. Pay 300 cens or your bike will be repossessed. "Goddammit!" Jack's voice could be heard throughout most of the building'so entrance plaza
JKthegreat said:
After what felt like a few years of writing, but was only three hours, the examiner called for time up at the same moment as I finished my final answer. We all handed in our papers and were told that we were allowed to explore the building or meet the other recruits for about an hour as a break, before the practical exam would begin. I sighed a I exited the room, rubbing my eyes a little after the constant concentration. I knew I had done really well in the exam, but it was still stressful nonetheless. I thought about going up into the main area of the building to see some of the people that had been part of the crew that visited Alphonse and I in Ishval, but decided against it as there seemed to be a busyness about the soldiers in the area. They looked very alert and I could have sworn the security had increased since we entered the room. I shrugged it off and decided to take a walk around the city before the prac exam, to see what happened around this incredible hive of activity.
As he walked around he could see lot's of people holding multi color flowers in the bunches, Petals were on everyone, and the sweet smell they gave off filled the air. A short girl, with a chocolate bar in her mouth stopped him for a moment. She also had tons of petals stuck to her clothes.

"Excuse me...I'm looking for someone named Lily, and I think their at the central building. They said something about having filled out an alchemy exam. Can you point me in the right direction?"

She didn't care wither he did know who she was, all that mattered where those files and finding out who the girl in her head was, other than her name Lily.

As I walked, it seemed like everyone in the city was holding some sort of flower. It filled the air with a mixture of sweet smells, and I couldn't help but smile a bit as I walked. Just before I was about to head back to the exams, I was approached by a girl who seemed to be a slightly older than me who asked me how she could get to Central Command to find someone. I chuckled a bit and said "You obviously haven't been here very long, have you. Just follow me, I'm going there now anyway. Its basically the massive building that you can see from anywhere in the city, and I don't know a Lily, but I'll take you there anyways and help you look for her if you need." I smiled warmly at her as I began to walk back towards Central Command.
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"Thank you, I don't know what happened to her, just that she knows alchemy and filled out a from for central" She followed him all the way into the building and it's hallways. That's when she stopped "Ok thank you, I can take it from here" She turned to go down the hall but stopped "Do you work for Edward Elric? Lily talked a lot about the shortstop" Of course she only used the word shortstop because of the memories. Rosabel knew that the man was actually taller in person

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Despite his best efforts, the blond had finished the test thirty-five minutes early. He had hoped to not stand out too much, but it seemed that fate had other plans. While he was waiting for the practical exams, he decided to look around central for something to eat. He walked aimlessly through the streets of the large city, a lit cigarette perched carefully on his lips. 'One day I'm gonna have to quit these things" He said with a dejected sigh. He continued perusing the city, looking for something to catch his attention.
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She waved it off, "Nevermind" Rosabel said after walking though the building finally coming across a room that seemed to be teaming with personnel files. Getting to this point was a breeze, as her small stature improved her speed. Even when she was in a bind she turned her body into petals. It took a lot of of her to do every time. So if someone found her now it would be time to run, and maybe to turn two more times. Going through them she found Lily's file and the stamp on it saying that she had missed the test day. She quickly stuffed it into her robe, as she was sure at this point someone was noticed what she was doing, or who she was. Hood up she sped down the hall just tiring to get out, but getting confused about which way is which...

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