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Fantasy EoC: Rewritten Fates | Characters [1x1]



The Absent-Minded Daydreamer
Name: Kean Raghnall
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Appearance: Kean is a lightly tanned young man with curly, light brown hair that reaches to the middle of his neck. For the most part, he does the bare minimum to clean up, but he’ll make an effort if he’s going somewhere important. He also has dark green eyes that can take on a slight brown coloring in certain lighting conditions. Finally, because a fair amount of his interests involve a surprising amount of exploration, he has a decent muscular frame - though, it's nowhere near the physique of a regular adventurer/warrior.
In terms of clothing, he doesn’t give much thought to his outfit - he usually just throws on whatever he first grabs out of his closet. Somehow, this works out well for him - most of his shirts/jackets are either green or blue, and his pants are all various shades of grey.
Personality: Kean is a rather kind and earnest young man who possesses an insatiable curiosity of the world around him. Due to his recklessly inquisitive nature, as well as his tendency to ramble about whatever he is currently interested in, he knows he tends to annoy and drive others away. Therefore, he is extremely loyal to the few friends he does have, and frequently puts their needs before his own. He also tends to assume the best in others, which makes him come off as extremely gullible and naïve.
Magic Affinity: Enchantment - Runes
Preferred Weapon: Sword
Affiliated God: God of History
Strengths: Extremely good memory, Ability to properly use various runes, Decent sword skills
Weaknesses: Poor regard for his own wellbeing, Bad at seeing the bad aspects of others, Focusing on the present

Champion Skill: Projected Memory - When Kean focuses on a specific event/moment of time (whether described verbally or in writing), he can cause his surroundings to take on the appearance/certain physical characteristics of where this moment occurred. This effect lasts for as long as the event happened, after which everything returns to its original state.

Backstory: Kean is an aspiring scholar who was raised in a very small yet loving family in the peaceful town of Clearview. Even from a very young age, he loved to experiment and ask questions about practically everything, always eager to learn about the world around him. Later on, this very passion for learning managed to land him a spot in Taenora Academy. During his time there, he became somewhat infamous for his ill-advised experiments, as well as his inability to stick with singular topic of research for any extended period of time. As a result of his eclectic interests both prior and during his Academy years, he’s become decently acquainted with many people - though, whether or not they view him in a mutually friendly light varies wildly from person to person.
At the moment, thanks to a rather unfortunate incident involving a Water Sigil, some fur-covered monsters, the library, and some dubious claims of ‘science’, Kean is currently suspended from the Academy.
Additional Notes: (Orientation, Notable character quirks, Opinion on the gods before/after revelation)
  • Identifies as Panromantic Asexual
  • Once a topic that he’s interested in comes up, he will usually go on a very long and passionate speech about said topic. He will not realize he’s doing this unless someone tells him to please stop (usually Elian).
  • Before learning about the truth of the world, Kean held an average amount of respect for the gods - while he was mildly curious about the extent of their individual abilities, he ultimately didn’t think about it too much and chose to focus on other topics.
  • Post-revelation, his respect has considerably lessened. While he’s still curious about their powers, he’s also rather invested in trying to figure out why this cycle exists in the first place.
Name: Elian Terrel

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Appearance: With pale ivory skin and grey eyes overshadowed by bags, Elian's tired appearance is in direct juxtaposition to his profession. His blonde, shoulder-length hair is often tied at the bottom, leaving a tail of hair brushing the collar of his brown leather waistcoat. A satchel completes the ensemble, weathered and full of the various herbs required for a more natural method of healing. While not unhealthy (sleep deprivation aside), Elian is no warrior; his physique is slim with little muscle to boast.

Personality: Elian is, by all accounts, a stubborn, cantankerous young lad with the irritability of a man several years his senior; his caustic sarcasm is rivaled only by his dexterous skill as a healer. Underneath his grumpy demeanor, however, is a genuine desire to help others, hence his chosen profession.

Magic Affinity: Practical - Growth (of plants exclusively)

Preferred Weapon: Elian prefers to use a dagger, though almost always as a last resort.

Affiliated God: God of Sacrifice

  • Apothecary - Through years of rigorous training, Elian has become quite adept with medical practices. Creating various natural remedies, diagnosing ailments, and treating diseases come with ease.
  • Quick Reflexes - Those in the medical field must have quick hands and even quicker minds; Elian's medical training has honed both his reflexes and his wit.
  • Feats of Strength - Heavy lifting is, to put it bluntly, not Elian's forte...
  • Emotional Intuition - Elian is emotionally maladroit at the best of times; years of solitude spent devoted to work have left him struggling to connect with others on any meaningful level, and he can come across as distant or uncaring because of it.
Champion Skill: Blades of Mercy - Through the channeling of his very will, Elian can summon a pair of spectral daggers. Unlike conventional weapons, these possess an innate magical sharpness that can penetrate even the thickest of hides, leaving wounds no medicine, magic or otherwise, can heal. For even the best physician must know when a patient is too far gone, when mercy is the only option...


Backstory: As an orphan, Elian was apprenticed to Clearwater's apothecary at a young age; while the advancement of healing magic made such practices less valuable, not all were attuned to healing magic, and so it was that apothecaries still had their place. Elian spent his childhood memorizing herbs and poultices, learning which plants would save a man and which would kill him. It was grueling work, made more unpleasant by his strict mentor, but he persevered, eventually becoming a skilled apothecary in his own right. His position as a physician's apprentice of sorts allowed Elian to meet and treat a great many people. Some of these, after great persistence and tolerance of his sour attitude, even managed to become his friends.

Additional Notes:
  • Before the truth was made known to him, Elian paid little thought to the gods above. A prayer would not cure a cold (for him, at least), nor would piety stave away infection, and so he had little use for either.
  • After the truth was revealed, Elian's divine interests, or lack thereof, were peaked: was the cycle necessary, just as it was sometimes necessary to remove a limb to save the patient? And if not, could the gods really be called as such, flawed as they then would be?

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