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Realistic or Modern Enhanced

Evelyn walked down the stone path on the side walk people staring at her constantly and whispering to there friends or snickering or laughing, it didn't matter to her even thought she could hear every word they were saying, eventually she stopped and listened to the heart beats, some of them were extremely rapid and she could already tell they were enhanced, she looked around slowly to see if they were looking at her but saw them eating through a window, she immediatley uncovered her eye patch and saw there vains hear beat, she immediately saw there where a couple of them and walked across the street putting back on the eye-patch, she walked into the apartment complex and immediately used her super speed to get to the front door, she knocked 3 times waiting for an answer.

@Daniel Atlas Wing @Smoaki @Neal Caffrey
Misha (temporary)


"You uh, expectin' another one of yo' friends?"
she asked Kirstin, picking up the baseball bat that she kept next to her door. Kirstin shook her head and Misha peeked through the peep hole," some red head, firey eyes. You know her? She huntin' you too?"

Kirstin Harrison


She changed her appearance, grimacing slightly as her face moved a bit, and turned to the boys.

"Red head? Any of you know one from the island?" she asked. Her voice was still the same, but the looks were a precaution.

Evelyn sighs before leaning back against the wall and removing the contact and eye-patch and stuffing thm in her pocket revealing both her red eyes as she leans her head back, "I know your all in there, i'm not stupid, and i'm also not from the goverment" She says in a dull dry tone, no emotion at all in her words.

Kirstin Harrison


She kept her disguise up, hearing the girl yell to them, but she got up and put a hand on Misha's shoulder.

"Let me get this one Mi, this girl's obviously enhanced," she said before grimacing as her voice changed as well. It was more sultry than her normal. She walked to the door and opened it, looking at the red haired, red eyed girl in front of her.

"Alright, convince me you're not with them," she said, using the severe faced disguise she'd chosen to her advantage.

Evelyn sighed before standing and unclipping the sword on her back, as it drops into her hand and walks forward a couple feet in front of her, she uses her super speed to go straight past her and stands right behind her, "If i was with them you would all be laying on the ground bleeding out, you just lucky i got here before 19385," She says in another robotic tone before pulling out her green contact and eye-patch and putting the eye-patch over then the contact.

@Neal Caffrey @Daniel Atlas Wing @Smoaki
((sorry I was asleep))


Carter stepped in front of Tullio protectively as the girl burst through the door. "Who the hell are you?" he asked, keeping Tullio tucked behind him. He wasn't sure why, but he wasn't about to let anything happen to the kid.
((Soz brother was on laptop, couldn't get on any earlier.))

Evelyn looks over at Cart with a dry look, "Evelyn, Evelyn Crimson Rose, you?" She says with a blank tone making it sound threatening but also welcoming at the same time, she puts her hand in her pockets and puts most of her weight on one leg the slight cape covering her left leg.

@Neal Caffrey
(Okay timezone issues, is it midday for anyone else?)

Kirstin Harrison


"Uh, okay," she responded, still standing in front of Misha a bit protectively, glad Carter had stepped in in front of Tullio," what's with the contact? Since you seem to know we're enhanced, you shouldn't hide that."

Kirstin was planning on keeping her disguise up for a while until the definitively knew that this girl wasn't with them. How could she trust anything she was saying since she hadn't escaped with the rest of them?


The room was dark, his computer screen the only source of light. Reflecting of his glasses words were types quickly as if nothing else mattered. He was pale, emotionless as head gear with a speaking unit toughed his breath. Satisfied he leaned back in his wheeled chair, cracking his knuckles as if he was about to act. Reaching up, with a flush of his fingers he turned the head set on. A light green light appearing on the side notifying him that he would be heard. "Your mission: collect the escaped enhanced, none will be terminated unless orders are given. If anyone gets in your way, you know what to do."


"I understand." As the door to the compound opened, she sparked the engine of a onyx colored motorcycle. She was dressed in all black, two guns at each hip, and a black mirrored helmet covering her face. No one was to know who she was or what she was to do. Clasping the bike, she flew off. Lights passing over head as she sped up. Lucky her, this was going to be easy. Yes the enhanced escaped however, what was after them was far worse. She will take them back and if any one tried to stop her she would eliminate them with out a blink. She felt no fear, no feelings. A soft whisper escaping her mouth, only but her would ever know. "Run..."
((Just woke up soz))

Evelyns' eyes widened turning her head towards the compound through the walls, "She's coming..." Evelyn gave a small chuckle before returning cold, "You best get all your things, they just released 19385, and she will find you if we stay here." She turns around looking at all of them then stopping at Kirsten, "You can stop changing how you look, it's dumb to know you choosed that as a disguise." Evelyn moved over to the window and looked over near the compound, "She's getting closer, if you guys don't to get caught by the government again and tortured worser than before, I suggest we leave now,' She turns and looks at everyone 'Or not, your choice, if you want to not be given nanites that control your every move, meet me down stairs in and hour, if not goodluck to you then." She says in a robotic tone before turning and leaving the apartment and the building, she moves across the street easily seen through the window.

The girl left and Carter looked at the others. "What the fuck just happened?" he asked. He thought that he knew what was happening in his life, even though it was complicated. Now he had no idea.
Kirstin Harrison


She changed back to her normal appearance and normal voice, raising at eyebrow at the now departing girl.

"What an... interesting personality," she said, attempting to not sound too mean. She shook her head and turned to the others.

"I'm no more sure than you are," she answered Carter before shrugging," well, if she's right and they're after us, we better get moving again."

@Neal Caffrey @Daniel Atlas Wing

Tullio nearly started crying again. "B-b-but I l-like Misha," he stuttered. "I want t-to s-st-stay."


"No one else knows we're here," Carter said. "How would we be safer anywhere else?"
Kirstin Harrison


She opened her mouth to say something but sighed and ran a hand through her hair with a frown. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do, what if that girl was right and some... thing was coming after them?

"I...I guess we can stay here," she started, rushing the rest of it," but we have to be careful!"

@Daniel Atlas Wing @Neal Caffrey

"We will be. No going near windows, no phones, no leaving." Tullio looked even more upset. "You'll be okay, kid."
Evelyn sighed before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up, she put up her hand with all five fingers to them, "She's getting closer, not my problem anymore, she'll be here in a couple minutes anyway, and when she is she'll get them." She says to herself taking a puff of her smoke and starts walking down the path.

@Neal Caffrey @Smoaki @ThunderDire

"We should keep watch though..." he mumbled. "Misha? Kristin? You two would be the best candidates for that."


Tullio tapped on Kristin's shoulder. "S-something's wrong," he whispered. "That l-lady that was just here... She's st-still c-c-close, and I can feel her w-worry... I think she was t-t-telling the t-truth."

"If it can find us here, then how do we know that anywhere else is safe?" Carter argued. "We'll always just be putting someone else in danger."

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