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Fantasy Enemies in the Dark

zCrookedz said:
Im ok, Beee waiting on @Syrix. Though looking over her activity recently, she hasn't been able to do much.
Yeah... I've been swamped...

That and I've been holding off a little bit as well because I want
@Lokipi and @TechnoParadox to be on the same page as the rest of the gang.

@zCrookedz @SarahSweet @Affili @xxlifexx @TechnoParadox @Lokipi

So I have some rather unfortunate news... this game will be closed indefinitely. I've got a lot on my plate with school and extracurricular activities that I just manage a story as directed as this one. Do not get me wrong, I love this story and you all are fantastic players, but I do not have time or energy that it and you truly deserve from a GM. If you'd all like, you can keep up with me and my little short story series, "The Drowned Machinist" and I may boot up a more casual open world type game in the future but I'm still trying to figure things out.

Again, I love this story and it pains me to have to do this, but the story and you all as the players of this story deserve more than I can provide at this point in time. My sincerest apologies.

Your GM,

Archbeast (formerly Syrix)
Well It was a pleasure building the story with you all. I'll be around here and there some feel free to send me a pm if you like! I'm actually working on a story myself that I think I might run at RPNation. right now I'm Still terraforming the landscape Via Unity 3D so that people can have a few reference points and I'm still putting the rough plot together.
Thanks @Archbeast for working on this. If you ever decide to start it up again, just let me know. :)

If anyone else wants to 1x1 or is starting things up, let me know. I always love detailed stories and posts. :)
Though its sad to hear that the game will no longer continue it has been a pleasure role playing with you all, and hopefully we meet again in role plays in the future.
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