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Fantasy End of Vahlana Character Content

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Desert Rose

Adored Muse
Please read >> Lore Content <<

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Since Vahlana the necessity for magic has been lowered and thus nearly forgotten. Even though Many people are born with magical capabilities they have not been taught. Magic is now considered an ancient art and a dying one. Though magic itself is not looked down on it is still not encouraged.

Vahlana consists of mostly Elves, Goblins, humans, with neighboring villages of orcs and centaurs. Dwarves hide themselves away in the mountains and are recruited when the towers and walls are in need of repair.

Of course there are other races throughout the lands constant wars with the nations, but those who refuse to seek peace are not welcomed in Vahlana (this doesn't mean they don't try to come in).

I will love you if you're a peace breaker, shhhhh
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Character Sheet Construct




Appearance: digital art preferred but not required

Personality: At least 2 paragraphs

Background: At least 3 paragraphs

Magic capabilities(if any): Powers will be determined on a dice roll along with their cost. For now put N/A until it can appropriately be applicable.

Current Occupation:


Extra: Make it spicy
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Name: Swallow Tring
Race: Centaur
Gender: Female
Age: Twenty-six


A rather distant but loving creature, Swallow enjoys to be in the company of small groups rather than crowded areas. Hence why she spends most of her time within the forest. Even so, she finds herself immersing herself into detailed and long conversations, doing her best to give a flow to her speech. Wise of her humour, she doesn’t always understand, sometimes finding some people’s humour too much for her not to the front of insulting but more to the way of finding it uncomfortable.

Being a rather curious creature, she can be torn between wanting to find out what is going on to being afraid of what the result may be. This also plays into her being distant to large crowds. The back lines and hidden areas are her strong point when finding out new things. During times of confrontation, she is often hesitant to rush in. Normally between humanoid confrontation yet when in her work she will be the first to help.

Swallow was born to a hunter father and warrior mother, both of which were well known within their herd. Expecting a child in their very late years, most were worried of the out come the child would be seen as. They were right to be worried. When she was born their was a problem with the birth leaving her with only a father who quickly came to realise the mistake they had made by leaving baring a child so long.

During her childhood years she was often shunned away by the other children due to her discolouration on her fur and her eyes, leaving her often isolated. Yet one was always curious about her, they became close friends being left alone together to play and learn. Her father soon came to realise that this may be the only friend and potential mate she would have, often encouraging her to take their relationship further in her later years.

At the age of twenty Swallow had begun to look for a potential mate within her only friend, yet his own parents were disgusted by the idea sending their son away to a new herd. Alone once more, the younger generation of centaurs moved into their occupation designation. She was assigned to be a warden of the forest.

Elders of her herd were in hopes she may leave due to this but instead took into her stride. With patience and kindness it was known wardens would have to come close to the dangerous creatures that roamed the forest lines and the forest grounds, Swallow wanted to make it work and she has done for the past four years.

Magic capabilities(if any): N/A

Current Occupation: Forest Warden
Location: Outskirt forests of Vahlana (primary centaur herd)

Only wears one small jacket(as seen) and uses a long branch hardened with tree waxes.
Ignored by other centaurs due to her unlikely colourations, given her job to ‘get rid’ of her, wether that be her leaving or dying on duty.
Rumoured to be slightly corrupted in a sense. (Possible reason behind her unlikely appearance.)

(Vahlana, my refuge.)
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Rodolfo Albern Hawthorn Sylas Von Rothenburg III
Roldolfo is a meek boy, one who has become accustomed to a life distant from others. This, incidentally, has made him somewhat sheepish and socially awkward. The young noble enjoys the company of the dead more than he does the living, though deep down he truly does desire living friends and acceptance from his peers.

When first talking to the pale man, you will be hard pressed to get any verbal response from him, but bring up an number of scholarly topics and you'll have a hard time shutting him up. He startles easily, and has a somewhat child like demeanor, which can be easily misinterpreted as simple boyish charm. He's a tall cowardly fellow, and certainly a strange individual.
The infamous Duchy of Rothenberg, known for their practician of necromantic arts and rumored dealings with devils. Established in the far north, the Rothenbergs ruled over a small city known as Farr'El, cupped gently between the slopes of two mountains. It is here, between these two mountains, that the Rothenbergs practiced a family held philosophy, of which they believed that sentient life should not go to waste after death, and that the bones of our ancestors should be put to work while their spirits are free to leave and journey to the after life. It was because of this philosophy, that the Rothenbergs have been destroyed.

Though, by no means cruel rulers, the Rothenberg family was despised by their subjects, a notion Rodolfo never understood. In fact, Rodolfo didn't understand a lot of the things that went on in Farr’El. He didn’t understand why no one would look him in the eyes, or all the false rumors that were spread about his family, and he especially didn't understand why the other children didn't want to play with him. It was all very depressing, never being able to go outside with out being called names or all together ignored. So, like any good Rothenberg, Rodolfo adapted. He grew accustomed to a lifestyle of seclusion, often times spending days with out going outside. He immersed himself in books and study, learning everything he could about the world from the comfort of his family library.

Both Rodolfo's mother and father dabbled in necromancy, though of the two, Rodolfo's mother – an elfish woman – was by far the most proficient. Even still, when studying further into her art, an accident occurred, causing her to become very ill. This inspired Rodolfo to begin studying necromancy, so that he might undo the disease that had befallen her. However, he was not swift enough in his studies, as eventually the illness crawled into his poor mother's heart and destroyed her. The townsfolk, hearing that the most powerful necromancer of the family had passed, decided this was the optimal time for revolt.

During the ensuing coup, Rodolfo's father told Rodolfo and his older brother to travel to Vahlana, for they had an uncle there and he would know what to do. Grabbing his skeletal servant, Gregory, Rodolfo and Rodolfo's older brother tried their best to escape. They made it to the courtyard of their estate but were noticed by rebels. From Farr'El they were chased into the woods and forced to cross a frozen river before eventually losing their pursuers in a cave. In this cave, Rodolfo's brother lost his life to hypothermia.

The following year, Rodolfo made his way south, slowly crawling to Vahlana. In that time, Gregory lost function of his body from the neck down. Rodolfo keeps the skeleton's bones in his travel sack until he can one day learn to reanimate the skeleton fully. Nevertheless, for the first time in a long time things are looking up for the young noble. He’s finally made it to Vahlana! What luck, what timing! Now all he needs to do is find his uncle, the only other necromancer Rodolfo has ever known.
Magic capabilities:
Current Occupation:
Rodolfo dislikes shoes. If he doesn't have to wear shoes, he won't.

Vahlana, my refuge
Race: Half-Elf
Name: Aurora Frey
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Personality: Aurora grew up on the outskirts of Vahlana, because of this she grew up loving the forest that surrounded it. She is her happiest with a bow in hand and dire wolf by her side. The fastest way to become her friend is by offering to go hunting with her.

Even though her father decided to raise her, Aurora wasn’t entirely accepted in the elven community. Aurora doesn't have many friends, her main companion being her dire wolf, Knight. She is almost never seen without him walking besides her.

Aurora is outgoing and isn’t afraid to speak her mind because of this it can sometimes sound like she is being harsh.

Background: Aurora’s mother was a human and her father an elf. Growing up she never knew who her mother was due to the fact that her father didn’t want to her to know. Normally half-breeds are not accepted by their elven parent and are abandoned by them, left to be raised by their human one. Aurora was an exception due to the fact that her mother didn’t make it past childbirth. Her father was left to raise her in the elven community.

Growing up in the elven community no one had high expectations of her and constantly looked down on her. For a while that made her want to prove herself. That she belonged there and was capable of doing everything they were. This attitude died down once she reached her middle teens. Aurora had proven she was the best at almost anything she put her mind to, becoming one of the best archers out there, but even that didn’t stop the judgment from others.

When she reached her mid teens she started to grow out of her ‘needed to prove something’ phase. She started to not really care what others thought of her and just did what she wanted. Her father had given her a dire wolf as a present in hopes of calming her down but it didn’t. Now she is mostly seen either causing trouble or hunting, Knight never leaving her side.

Magic capabilities(if any): N/A
Current Occupation: Hunter
  • Is proficient with a bow and arrow and knives.
  • Aurora almost always carries her bow and arrow with her.
  • Is very good with navigation and plants.
  • She occasionally enters archery competitions when in need of some money.
(Has blue eyes not red)
Name: Knight
Gender: Male
Age: 7
Creature: Dire Wolf

(Vahlana my refuge)
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Name: Serin "Wink" Telaneos

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Race: Human

Appearance: Wink is a powerfully built man with broad shoulders, wiry arms, and strong legs. He's fair-skinned with craggy, unhandsome facial features which seem to hold a thoughtful expression regardless of the mood. A head of coarse black hair falls close to his shoulders and fans out into an unkempt mane. His right eye is liquid and the color of dark twilight; the left, replaced by a black leather patch.

Personality: To most who encounter him, Wink comes off as reserved yet disciplined, almost to a fault. He's a man of great devotion, driven to fulfill whichever task he is given with all possible diligence. That said, he constantly strives to improve himself and rarely allows himself time to relax, unless he's around Lin. But to those he knows on a personal level, Wink is a gentle man, and a well-spoken comrade to his fellow soldiers. While he hides it behind a veil of stoicism and sophistication, he's deeply dedicated to his allies and subordinates, and would go to great lengths to ensure their well being. Even at the cost of his own.

But despite his grit and determination, Wink rarely seeks out praise and tries to stay out of the limelight when he can. Honor is paramount in his philosophy, and he has little patience for actions he deems dishonorable or immoral. He despises torture, and cannot condone anyone who supports or partakes in the act. He also has a distrust for black magic, believing it to be dangerous and could result in many unnecessary deaths should it go out of control.

Background: Serin Telaneos was born in the Western Free City of Selkyron, the third child and only son of Olvus Nadian Telaneos and his wife Tigria. Olvus was locally renowned as a dignified warrior, and as such, he trained his son to follow in his footsteps practically from the moment of his conception. Serin was brought up on the virtues of honor and chivalry, and as soon as he was old enough, he was trained in martial combat and tactics. His father's vigorous training regime left him little free time to enjoy himself, though what little time he had was often spent reading.

As soon as he hit his mid teens, Serin was sent away to enlist in the Selkyrene army, which was considered a tremendous prospect for him. There, he enjoyed order, discipline, and a worthy cause to fight for. Some years later, Selkyron had become embroiled in a border dispute with the neighboring city-state of Tavarin, and when negotiations failed, war broke out. Serin, able-bodied and eager, was placed on the front lines, where he would find out the hard way that battle was bitter in its taste.

His first battle was nearly his last.

Serin witnessed many of his compatriots perish on the field, their heads bashed in by maces or ridden down by faceless knights. The young man had killed a fair amount of men himself until he found himself faced with a youth no older than fifteen, begging for mercy. Serin froze, unable to land the killing blow on the boy, and so his hesitance gave an enemy archer the chance to loose an arrow into his left eye.

Only the intervention of his remaining comrades saved him from death. Having been wounded in action, Serin was allowed to go home, though not before being christened with the name "Wink" by his brothers in arms. Yet Wink, having lost the stomach for war, did not return home. He could no longer stand being another pawn in older mens' wars. Taking his belongings, he traveled to the west, towards the city of Vehlana, searching for safety.

Upon reaching the city, recruiters of the town guard began to take notice of him, and Wink, out of a sense of honor (and desperate for a job) took up their offer. Since that day, Serin "Wink" Telaneos has been regarded as one of the finest spearmen to take up arms for the Watch, having served with distinction for nearly a decade. Somewhere along the line, he became acquainted with an elven scout named Linasith, and while they were non-communicative at first, they eventually warmed up to each other. He thinks of Vehlana as his true home now, and being charged with its protection, he'll be damned if he's going to let anything happen to it.

Magic capabilities(if any): N/A

Current Occupation: Town Guard (Commander)

Location: Vehlana


- Wink wields a spear, seven feet long and tipped with cold steel.
- He also keeps a short sword as a sidearm.
- Has limited depth perception as a result of his missing eye. Vulnerable on his left side.
- He's learned a small bit of Classical Elvish from Lin, though his knowledge is elementary at best, and barely coherent.
- He must never be allowed to cook.

(Vahlana My refuge)
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Race: Human

Name: Lakan Diedre

Gender: Female

Age: 26


The saying curiosity killed the cat explains everything you need to know about Lakan. She is beyond curious and never seems to learn from her near death experiences. Growing up as a human in Vahlana she didn't hold any magical abilities and yet was always inspired and curious about it. She was the type that would question the fabric of reality.

Lakan is kindhearted and a bit too trusting. Her sheltered life in Vahlana did not allow her to experience the type of hatred that existed beyond the walls. The hatred that made the tension in Vahlana among other races so tolerable. She didn't understand why others couldn't get along and fought in wars. She wanted to help people. The woman loves to study and can often be caught with her nose in a book. She is willing to try and try and try again, failure is never an option.

Lakan doesn't remember much before Vahlana. She and her family arrived at the city when she was only 5 years old seeking refuge from orcs that were enslaving humans. Her family were one of the lucky ones to survive the long journey and made their new home. Growing up in Vahlana Lakan got to experience encounters with all kinds of races, from centaurs all the way to dwarves. That was when the fascination of different cultures and magics peaked her curiosity.

Being human she didn't have much of a magic ability and didn't know if that was even possible for a human to have. Then again not many in Vahlana seemed to know much about magic, which only frustrated her research. Still she needed to find a way to learn as much as she could. To study how it worked and how one could possess it. The girl came obsessed. As Lakan grew she entered into what was known as alchemy. Through her research many healing herbs and elixir have been concocted. However, as helpful as she had been, it didn't come without consequence. There was only one time that her experiments nearly destroyed the city, not only did her family die from it but she was severely punished by the high council elf who had mastery over magic, and he was not a nice person. The explosion happened while she was trying to replicate the mysterious power that lit the lamps each night and kept the city functioning. That was six years ago.

Now Lakan is under heavy watch to make sure nothing like that ever happens again. She backed off on doing a lot of experiments since she would prefer to never be brought forth the high council again. She learned of their cruelty and the darkness that resided in their hearts. She even had the scars to prove it. While they got he praised Lakan was looked down upon and ridiculed for her her alchemy work, but that didn't stop her.

Magic capabilities(if any): N/A

Current Occupation: Alchemist

Location: Vahlana

Lakan doesn't have feeling in her right hand or arm due to nerve damage from the explosion.
Race: Elf

Name: Viscount Belmont Edwards Rotheschilde Von Rothenberg, Second council member of the Vahlana High Council

Gender: Male

Age: 300


Belmont is a posh but harsh man. Growing up in the house of nobility he learned the responsibilities of leading people. He is a prideful man and his pride was Vahlana itself. He would do anything to make sure Vahlana maintained peace and tranquility. He was not a man of war and often deemed them unnecessary. For this reason he made sure Vahlana continued to be the hope and rest so many oppressed sought out. No matter what the cost.

He is studious being a master of necromancy, although he doesn't often choose to display his power lest he worry the people. He isn't afraid to give out justice where justice is do. He is the stern face of Vahlana, but someone has to do it. He often displays himself as emotionless and cold and for the most part is. Unless it interests and benefits him he what take much thought into it.

Belmont grew up in Farr'El for the majority of his years studying and practicing necromancy. As his power flourished and the world began to grow more dangerous he was approached by another elf from the city called Vahlana. He was told how Vahlana was meant to be a place of truce. A place where all could go and seek refuge no matter who or what they are. Awe'd by the idea and offered a position of the high council he took it and has been living in Vahlana the past 100 years.

The elf made the high council organized and more refined. While the other elf and humans elected were the face of the city he sat back practically playing god. He was unafraid to do the hard things as a council leaving his emotions out of it. He punished those who deserved it never any qualms about it. How he punished them was a different story, but no one knew what the elf was like behind closed doors. How deep and dark the secrets grew and how they fueled his hunger for power. All of it being done for the greater good of Vahlana.

Keeping the peace and the people happy came easy to Belmont. He was revered and respected if not feared. Certainly a jewel to the Rothernburg family. He enjoyed the monotony everyone had their place and as long as it was kept that way then thing was out of place. It was simple reasoning, but no one seemed to quite understand that part of it.

Magic capabilities(if any): Necromancy

Current Occupation: High council

Location: Vahlana

Uncle to Rodolf
Inwardly thrives on exploiting the weakness of others.
LinName: Linasith Gwaessibren Yrvenar

Gender: Female

Age: 78

Race: Elf

Appearance: Lin is surprisingly tall for an elven woman, yet still lightweight and thin of frame. Having been raised as an archer, the muscles in her arms and shoulders are much more toned than the rest of her body. Thick auburn hair hangs over her pointed ears, but she's careful not to let it grow too long. Vivid green irises stare out into the world, bright and optimistic. The ornate designs on her face mark her as a woman of Clan Yrvenar, though she's remarkably humble about the matter.

Personality: Lin is a congenial sort, an idealist of the highest caliber. She excels in spreading positivity and putting good lights on bad situations, but her sanguine temperament often leads her to make unrealistic expectations. Compassionately driven, she has a fierce determination to help others, which was part of the reason why she joined the City Watch. She has a good sense of humor about most things, and has a love for telling stories or sharing what she knows.

Lin is confident and hard working, and at times has a tendency of being bossy and domineering in her friends' lives. This often makes her come off as mothering or self-righteous, but in the end, she's really just worried about their safety and well-being. Lin's also known for having quite a fierce temper. She might not be very quick to anger, but she can become frighteningly loud and vicious when provoked.

Background: Clan Yrvenar is one of the more venerable elven clans living near Vehlana, though they're a touch more conservative and traditionalist than many. As such, Linasith and her siblings were raised in the same ways their forefathers were for millennia. From the day she could grasp a bow in her hand, she was taught to hunt. Her mother, one of the family's best archers, inspired her daughter to take an interest in combat and exploration. From the first day, Lin was taught to use every part of her quarry, so as to not waste the life of a fellow woodland creature. Bowstrings were spun from sinew, bones carved into knives, and animal fat made into lantern fuel. Most of the excess pelts and furs were sold to traders in the city, which allowed the clan to live a comfortable lifestyle.

At the age of 30, Lin surprised her entire clan by enlisting in the town guard. She'd been young and altruistic, and like many young elves, she was prone to run wild in search of new experiences. And so, she remained a Ranger for the City Watch for nearly 40 years, during which time she made great progress through the ranks and became enthusiastic about the job.

Several years ago, she was partnered with one-eyed Serin Telaneos during a job. For a time, they hadn't really been friends as much as they were the two lowest common denominators paired together for the sake of necessity. Eventually though, the two sparked a genuine bond that was one of the strongest in the Guard.

Magic capabilities(if any): N/A

Current Occupation: Ranger/Guard

Location: Vehlana (my refuge)

- Wields a handmade recurve bow, along with a quiver that can hold around 20 arrows at a time.
- Keeps a pair of daggers as sidearms
- Bisexual
- Speaks Classical Elvish and Common fluently.
- She has a sweet tooth
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Name: Minerva "Mina" Briggs

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Personality: An adaptable woman who enjoys exploring the world, Minerva Briggs is just one of the many aliases she goes by. Descriptions of her differ depending on who encountered her. Some say she's a shy yet caring woman. Others see her as a sassy spirit who speaks her mind. And then there are those who simply say she's peculiar. Despite this, all say that wherever this woman goes, trouble soon follows.

There are a few criminally inclined individuals who truly know Minerva, and they'd all tell you two things: She's cruel and without compassion. She loves only one thing in this world, and that is herself. A love for gold and glory comes in a close second. A deceptive trickster, she habitually fabricates beautiful lies that can convince others she is of good nature. She has no qualms with manipulating and using others, and once her use is done with them, will back stab them when they're at their most vulnerable.

Background: Minerva was known as Mina back then, a girl who grew up on the Mido Isles, a set of islands home to pirates and low lives. Most of the common folk lived in poverty, and Mina was no exception. Her parents were fishermen, but the scraps of food they caught from the filthy waters could barely feed themselves, let alone their children, so Mina survived by becoming a pickpocket and a thief. On Mido stealing was not a crime, getting caught was.

The older she grew, the more skilled she became. However, she never shared her fortunes with the rest of her family. While her parents and siblings went to sleep with half empty bellies, Mina would be sleep comfortably, belly full with stolen food. Yet she craved more. A diet of stale bread and rotten fish could only satisfy her for so long. It was a well known fact that the Pirate Captain ate a plentiful feast every night. He dined on fruit, red meat, and strange candies from distant lands. Mina would have all of it and more. Perhaps she'd even share some with her family this time.

The full moon was overhead when she set out to the Captain's residence with only a leather bag to put her bounty in. Sneaking in was a simple task, and finding the Captain's stash was even easier. Vibrant fruits and vegetables, slabs of meat taller than herself, and the sweet aroma of candies. It was too much to take in, and enough to distract her as a sword was thrust into her back.

She would later awaken with dried blood on her back and a rope tightly wrapped around her neck. The town's populace was before her, all looking to her with a mixture of fear and anticipation. Her punishment for attempting to steal was a public hanging. She doesn't remember much of that fateful day. The horrified look in her parents eyes. The Captain's smug expression transforming into dread. The massive waves approaching the island, taller than any ship's mast. Awakening from unconsciousness again, she found herself on the beach of a foreign land. Wet, dirty, and barely clinging to life, she carried herself into a nearby coastal town where she was healed by the elders who lived there.

Asking around, a few sailors would tell her the Mido Isles were reclaimed by the sea. It was all she needed to know. She could start her life anew and could be more than some lowly thief. She would leave the town to explore this new land. She would use many names for herself, but eventually would settle with Minerva Briggs, the cutthroat mercenary. She'd sell her sword for gold, taking part in the occasional battle or uprising. The riches she gained lost its luster quickly. She wanted power too. Her eyes set on Vahlana, the place were everyone got along. She dreams of causing it to crumble from the inside out, and once the dust settles, perhaps she'd be the new ruler of Vahlana.

Magic Capabilities(if any): N/A

Current Occupation: Mercenary/Traveler

Location: Vahlana my refuge

• Is particularly skilled with knives and short swords.
• Absolutely loathes seafood.
• Has a slight accent.
• Is a known drunkard.
Race: Orc

Name: Drakka

Gender: Male

Age: 26


Personality: Not 8 feet tall and bulging with muscle like most other orcs of his tribe, Drakka always had to be fast and vicious in order to stay alive amoung his peers. This is reflected in his actions and his fighting style: any moves he makes are likely to be fast and powerful. He is very opportunistic and greedy, always wanting more no matter what he has obtained.

He is not trusting or trustworthy, but if he wants something he is willing to die to follow it through. He is not a coward, but if he believes that courage is for the dead. He places his own life above anyone else’s. He is an enourmous hypocrite, hating others for doing the same things he does. He has a tendency to take random acts of chance as acts of God assisting him.

Background: Born small and weak, Drakka always had to be vicious if he wanted to survive in the harsh world. He had no other options. The first 15 years of his life were a living hell. He had no companions, and every day was a struggle for survival. Even so, he had plans for his future. He wouldn’t die a pitiful death and leave the world alone.

His first stroke of luck came when he stumbled across a sleeping adventurer with an enchanted axe. Feeling joy for the first time in his life, Drakka killed the adventurer, and stole the axe. From there his life turned around. With the axe’s power, he took control of the younger generation of his tribe, and bided his time until he could make a move. Eventually, his chance came. The clan chieftan died, and Drakka sprang into action.
He staged a coup, breaking the line of succession and purging the older generation of the tribe. Their food problem was solved. After that, Drakka took them on a five-year raiding tour, eventually being stopped by a Vahlanan platoon when they entered their territory. He lost most of his forces, and he would never forget it.
This began Drakka’s hatred of Vahlana, and all who called it their refuge (a bit paraphrased, I think it counts). His natural greed and hatred is leading him towards a destructive path. He has spent the last 10 years living hidden in Vahlanan territory, building his forces and trying to rediscover the magic of people, preparing for an opportunity.

Magic capabilities(if any): N/A

Current Occupation: Chieftan

Location: N/A (Moving tribe of raiders)

Extra: Fights with a reckless abandon, with fast and vicious movement. Rides a Land Dragon (pictured below) that his tribe has several of. He is an expert rider. He is also skilled with a bow, but not a genius. He wields an enchanted battle-ax in combat, stolen from a hero he killed in his sleep early in his life.
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  • Lorena (Lori) Astromities
    Age: 124
    Race: elf
    Gender: Female
    Abilities: Close combat, knife throwing, and sword play.
    Bio: Lori was born in the center of Valana, her father was close to the high council and she is well know to most of the city. she like her father, is amazing at sword play and knife throwing. She swore to avenge her father and mother who were kill when she was a child during a great war back then. she is a quiet woman but can be very out spoken when it is time. her intelligence cannot be matched. Her knowledge of the land is impeccable like most elves. She does have an anger problem that can be disguised as pride and honor. Her emotions about doing the right and loyal thing will always be the most important thing. Living in the city as a guard for the council, also studying to be on the council she is almost lonely

    Appearance: 5'3 tall, 125 pounds, muscular, but small. Her green eyes are bright and she has very pronounced cheek bones and a bright smile. she has a few scars on her arms and one on her collar bone from a few fights. she has tribal tattoo's on her left at down to her wrist. she generally wears and shirt and leather jacket with dark pants and boots, having her weapons on her waist and back.​
    • 99d25f78177be0ad95e3bb4ab4436afd (1).jpg
Please read Lore Content <<click

Since Vahlana the necessity for magic has been lowered and thus nearly forgotten. Even though Many people are born with magical capabilities they have not been taught. Magic is now considered an ancient art and a dying one. Though magic itself is not looked down on it is still not encouraged.

Vahlana consists of mostly Elves, Goblins, humans, with neighboring villages of orcs and centaurs. Dwarves hide themselves away in the mountains and are recruited when the towers and walls are in need of repair.

Of course there are other races throughout the lands constant wars with the nations, but those who refuse to seek peace are not welcomed in Vahlana (this doesn't mean they don't try to come in).

I will love you if you're a peace breaker, shhhhh
so after we post our character where do we post the rp?
Balfnaught1 Balfnaught1 if you could look at the skeleton again 2 paragraphs for personality and 3 paragraphs for background. Also take a look at the rules one more time :D thank you.

Megeara Megeara The rp hasn't started and as you probably noticed I haven't accepted characters as of yet. I highly recommend you READ the Lore content and the Character content. I can already tell by glance at your CS that you haven't.
Balfnaught1 Balfnaught1 if you could look at the skeleton again 2 paragraphs for personality and 3 paragraphs for background. Also take a look at the rules one more time :D thank you.

Megeara Megeara The rp hasn't started and as you probably noticed I haven't accepted characters as of yet. I highly recommend you READ the Lore content and the Character content. I can already tell by glance at your CS that you haven't.
Sorry I don’t see what you mean
@blafnaught1 I require that personality is 2 paragraphs and the background 3 paragraphs. Plus a phrase is missing.



207 years young

Personality & Background
Ancient Kingdoms carved into the roots of mountains, halls carved with the artistry of multiple Generations. Hammering in the deep mines, producing echoes of picks and various speak would be a society committed to clan and tradition. Kilgrin is from one of the most prolific and influential dwarven clans in the world. While he maintained a deep hatred for Goblins and Orcs, no doubt passed down from previous generations and to his own kids no less - it was one of the many common threads which united Kilgrin with his kinfolk in Vahlana.

Kilgrin is your cranky, run-of-the-mill elder Dwarf. He loves mead, fighting orcs, squabbling with elves, pissing off humans; pretty much anything to troll any living thing in his immediate radius brings nothing but immense joy to the old fuck. Kilgrin very much is an old dwarf, stuck in his ways and stubborn down to his core. Oftentimes, when he takes a liking to a particular youngin', Kilgrin could be found spitting knowledge no one asked for. Whether it be his glory days fighting or making weapons in his old age, the often-drunk dwarf is always ready to party and always the first one to drink himself unconscious.

While Kilgrin can be cranky, mean-spirited and trollish, he does maintain the ability to love as well as care for others. He is rather intelligent due to his experience and age. Kilgrin is considered wise due to his knowledge of various clans and families. Kilgrin spends hours each day trying to accumulate more and more of his one true love; GOLD. He has been known to collect 'trophies' from each honorable or worthy foe he defeats in battle. Kilgrin is last to trust and is always planning his next move.

Kilgrin respects the traditions of his clan. He can trace not only the ancestry of his own but also other prolific dwarven families back to their most ancient footholds in the youth of the universe. Kilgrin does not take very lightly to these traditions. He has refused to leave them behind; nor his many kids, to that end. In addition to this, Kilgrin is devoted to a God. The one true God. Kilgrin respects other dwarves who uphold ideals of industrious labor, devotion to their clan and skill in war. He is cautious at best of everyone else.

The dwarf's adventures started in his youth after hearing rumors of one of his eldest ancestor's weapons being lost in battle centuries prior. After finding this weapon, Kilgrin has refused to use any other since his decade-long search came to an end almost a century ago. After that, the old dwarf was known for adventuring constantly. He fathered multiple children, both half-dwarf and full dwarf by multiple women and never took a wife. Kilgrin was not only motivated by his desire for treasure but also glory. He wanted to be known well after his bones disintegrated into dust. He never took sh!t from anyone and always was primarily employed by himself.

Kilgrin now spends the majority of his time welding weapons for other fighters, taking his pay and drinking himself into drunken stupors on the daily.

Magic capabilities(if any)

"Vahlana, my refuge."

Faylan Myleala

Half-Elf l Female l 39 l Huntress


Do no harm but take no shit.

Faylan had always been short-tempered. There are many things she does not tolerate. These include, but are not limited to: stupidity, bureaucratic nonsense, fish, cats, sadism, obliviousness, and most jackasses.

She meant well, or did at one time, before life went to hell and the world fell apart. Before her world fell apart. She has a dark sense of humour, a strong moral code, and a want for revenge.

Gods willing, it would be bloody.


Faylan was born to an elven noblewoman in a mining town that housed both elves and humans. Her mother was a widow, having birthed an elven boy named Carys. There was speculation surrounding her birth, particularly from the miners, who had been oversaw by her mother's widower.

The truth was, nobody but her mother knew the exact circumstance, and she was hardly telling.

Most assumed she was half-human. The product of a visiting nobleman or one of his guards.
That could quite well have been true.

Neither her mother nor brother (twelve years her senior) felt prideful to have an impurity in the family. Her mother withdrew, leaving her brother to care for her, which he at least somewhat resented. He loved her, in a way, she was sure.

Still.. She spent more and more time in the woods and around the mines as she grew up. She had miners spit at her, curse, but just as many were at least decent. It gave her a mixture of faith and anger at humanity, and she herself withdrew, away from people.

She bought a bow with allowance money, started hunting, sold the furs and meat for pocket money. It was peaceful, out there, except for the occasional wandering party or human (sentient?) trafficker who decided to engage her.

It surprised no-one when she disappeared into the woods. Her brother, the same that had taught her to use a bow, saw it as an.. opportunity.

She could be a real elf, where nobody knew her, out in the woods.
He tracked her. Brought a tent.

She was... Less than thrilled.
Even still. He was her brother. She dealt with his insistence that she shouldn't wear boots. Leather armour only. Bows - he lost it when she used her dagger for anything other than skinning.

Tensions rose over time. He bitched about her boots, no one heard him.
Eventually, in a recurring argument about elven ideals, she threw her boot at him.

Shit hit the fan.
The ensuing fistfight left her unconscious and stabbed on the ground. He left, leaving food for four days, a tent, and not much else.

She headed to Vahlana to sell her skills. Vahlana, my refuge.

Magic capabilities

Just outside of Vahlana.

Don't touch her fucking boots.

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