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Empires in the Stars


The Proletariat Robot
"A galaxy's worth of life, trillions upon trillions of lives, spread across a hundred trillion worlds, oh to rule them all."

There exists approximately two hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe, this is the story of just one of these expanses. Players will be creating their own spacefaring nation to guide and rule over on a galactic scale. The game will be fairly mechanics light, it's pointless to try to measure and track things like population numbers and resource totals when a given player controls a few million planets or more. Instead players will focus on the strategizing, the diplomacy and politicking of the galactic community, managing research focuses and prioritizing foes.

Nation sheet;

Name: The name of your nation.

Color: A color to identify your nation by on the map.

Race(s): The race/races that make up the nation.

Government type: Democracy? Republic? Fascist Dictatorship?

History: A brief history of your nation and race, up until they discovered/invented FTL technology will do.

Military: A brief analysis of your nation's military, doesn't have to be too in depth but you can go as deep as you want.

Pros and Cons: These are a series of things about your particular faction that separates them from others in game mechanic terms. For example perhaps your race has something that allows them to research new technology faster or they require more of a particular resource type. There is no particular limit on these, however these must be balanced against themselves, so if you want to take a really powerful Pro you'll also have to take some Cons, and taking like 20 of them is just bad form.


The galaxy: The galaxy is broken up into 1,200 zones, zones are arranged into 48 5x5 squares called sectors. Control over zones is measured by a simple percentage, if you have 30% control over a zone that means you hold approximately 30% of the planets in that zone, the more zones you control the more control you have over that sector.


Planets: There are countless types of planets in the known galaxy, for our purposes they are split into only a few however. The main two will be Resource Worlds and Industrial Worlds, Resource Worlds are worlds dedicated to producing resources, such as food, ores and fuel. While Industrial Worlds are worlds dedicated to production, for example factory worlds or shipyards. The standard ratio is 60% Resource Worlds to 40% Industrial Worlds.

The other major worlds are the Faction, Sector and Zone capitals. These are extremely important worlds that will be heavily defended, for good reason, the loss of any such world will be a major blow to that Faction, Sector or Zone.

Some factions may have special classifications of worlds.

Turns: Each turn will represent approximately 1 Standard Year, every turn players will lay out what their plan for that turn is, expanding into neighboring zones, warring or negotiating with their neighbors, setting their research goals, etc. Your advisors(Read: The GM)may provide some advice and feedback.

The pre-turn: Before the game proper starts there will be a turn that represents a much longer period of time, this is essentially the time in which your faction was building up to its position, making its first forays into FTL travel and expanding into nearby areas. Players will have reduced control over this period, however if something important comes up, such as contact with another race or something along those lines the players will be allowed to decide how to proceed.

Research: Research is represented by a sliding percentage scale of resources you can devote towards different research projects, for example you could split it 50/50 between Improved Kinetic Shielding and Advanced Railguns, or you could split it into 10 different research projects or anything in between. The results of this will be determined by a few different factors, you might get what you wanted, you might not, you might get something totally unexpected. Research topics will generally be a bit vague and open ended, but you will be allowed to describe essentially what it is you're trying to invent to give you more agency over your results.

War: Wars are fought on a sector wide scale, it would be pointless to focus on individual battles as entire planets will be turned into warzones while in the skies above fleets engage each other from thousands of kilometers away. As such battles will be viewed more from a campaign wide assessment, allowing players to plan and redirect assets as they see fit.

Starting location: Players will be allowed to choose their starting zone by PMing me which zone they would like to start in. This will allow for a fairly random distribution of factions.

NPC example faction;

Name: United Human Systems

Color: White

Race: Humans

Government: Multi-Planetary Representative Democracy.

History: The United Human Systems trace their history to an alliance of nine nations on their native planet of Terra known as the United Terran Confederacy. Formed with the intention of establishing a stable, one world government to unite their fractured race, the UTC spent decades slowly coming to control their home planet through diplomacy and force of arms. After solidifying their control over Terra they turned their attention to space, launching colonization efforts across their home system. The invention of the Plasmic Fusion Drive allowed UTC ships to travel at near FTL speeds, allowing the first Human extra-systemic colonization effort. Following the successful establishment of a colony outside their home system the United Terran Confederacy was reformed into the United Human Systems, a Representative Democracy run by officials elected from each planet within the Union.

Military: The armed forces of the UHS consist of a large standing military of professional volunteers supplemented by an emergency draft. The UHSDF emphasizes tactical and strategic flexibility, giving unit commanders and ship captains freedom to pursue their orders in a manner they deem best suited to the current situation.

This flexibility extends to force compositions, with everything from a standard infantry platoon to a flotilla of warships bringing a wide variety of organic firepower. Caseless ammunition ballistic weapons are the norm for their ground forces, while their main starship grade weapons are powerful railcannons.

Pros and Cons: The UHS has no special advantages or disadvantages.

The game will start as soon as I feel we have gathered enough players and I am able to go through the pre-turn. Any questions?
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I'm joining, as we talked about earlier!

Name: Yggdrasil Contingency

Color: Green

Race: Yggdrians / Those fucking pirates. They're a race of humanoid plant people.

Primitive Yggdrian example

"Modern" Yggdrian example

(yes, visually, they're similar to Florans from Starbound)

Plus various conquered races reduced to a single world.

Government type: Bicameral Republic. Yggdrians get representative vote based off of population, with "elders" participating in the first house, which focuses on foreign policy. The second, lesser house is made up of elected governors of each world, and is mostly focused on domestic policy, as it has little power in foreign policy.

Military: Primarily based around a core of very durable, large Yggdrian organic plant-ships, supported by massive fleets of smaller "junker" class ships-- flying scrapyards obtained from piracy, scavenging, and repairing older ships. The organic ships tend to be top of the line high-tech ships, few in number but extremely effective, while the massed junkers tend to be faster with decent firepower, but primarily focus on massed combat in support of the capital ships.

History: The people of the Yggdrasil Contingency never went through a period of what other races might call "civilization". Shortly before their equivalent of an iron age, their planet was colonized by a spacefaring people. Said people used the Yggdrians as slave labor and as gladiatorial combatants for hteir amusement, but eventually enough escaped, earned freedom, and so on that they were able to overwhelm the planetary guards and arm their far more numerous people with scavenged technology. After using their hostages to learn where they came from and how they can go there, too, they collectively formed the Yggdrasil Contingency, a plan to settle on as many planets as possible so that their race would become powerful enough that THEY would be the dominators, not the subservient, and have grown to be a space-faring power.

Pros and Cons:

Scavengers: Able to salvage a percentage of destroyed ships after a victorious battle or successful withdrawl from battle, restoring fleet size based off of a percentage of total destroyed vessels from both sides.

Space Piracy: Each neighboring zone has a random event happen each turn involving me.

Intellectual Piracy: Bonus to researching technology that other factions have.

Piratical Scoundrels: Diplomatic penalty with all neighboring factions.

Slowed Economic adaptability: Economic changes take place at the beginning of next turn, not during this turn.
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Name: Swarms of Akkan'dar, AKA: The Swarm

Color: Red

Race(s): Akkanite/Zarith

Akkanite- Standing between 3-5ft tall, Akkanites are a race of intelligent, bipedal, amphibians. Their skin color differs between the races of Akkanite similarly to humans, being determined by parents who have a certain skin pigment. Evolutionarily, this was to complement their surroundings and act as camouflage.

They have wide, football shaped heads with bulbous eyes, long floppy ears on the sides of their head, small nostrils between their eyes, and short mouths filled with squared teeth for their herbivore diet. Two arms, two legs, but six digits on each hand and foot.

Zarith- A prehistoric race of insects that were previously extinct on Akkan'dar. Generated from fossils and frozen specimens, the Akkanites cloned these creatures in hopes of having a valuable pack animal but underestimated their power.

Zarith come in six variations:






Each variation differs from the last, evolved to serve a single purpose. They will be explained in the 'Military' section.

Government type: Absolute Matriarchy

History: A mere two months ago, the denizens of Akkan'dar disappeared from the Galactic community. Though they had only managed to colonize their solar system, when they stopped communicating with the alien races that had discovered them, it raised red flags.

Primitive by Galactic standards, the Akkan'dar unwittingly cloned a previously extinct race of Insectoids which they deemed: 'the Zarith'. From the lone specimen they cloned, the Zarith lashed out and attacked the researchers that had birthed it. Locking it away, the Akkanites decided to study the creature in hopes of domestication of the hostile creature. It took only a month for the Zarith specimen to complete the gestation of several smaller specimens that differed significantly from it's creator.

Bewildered by the process, the Akkanites attempted to isolate the new specimens but we're overwhelmed as the Zarith orchestrated an organized attack on the facility. From there it was only a half hour before the entire facility was destroyed. With ample food and surprising intellect, the Zarith Prince that was originally cloned captured and tortured Akkanite scientists to cloning several more Princes. They eventually all conjoined together and formed a cocoon, three days later a Queen emerged and began to give birth to the new Zarith.

It took only a month for the Zarith to overwhelm and capture the Akkanite homeworld of Akkan'dar. Days after, colony after colony of the Akkanites fell to the ever growing horde of Zarith and now the creatures spread throughout the galaxy, consuming and enslaving races as they go along.

Military: The Swarm utilizes a combination of their own kind to overwhelm and outmaneuver enemies, as well as 'Thrall races', which are species enslaved by the Zarith. Each Zarith variation serves an important role for the Swarm.

Serf- The lowest form of Zarith life, the Serf is a pillbug-like creature slightly larger than a football. It is grey in color, has two long, thin, antennae, and can bite with a large set of mandibles hidden beneath its chitinous armor. Its main purpose is to serve as the builders for the Zarith, constructing the massive hives that the insects inhabit. In combat, Serfs often time climb onto the bodies of Squires, Knights, and Princes, to serve as living armor.

Serfs also serve as ‘carriers’ often times sneaking on board enemy vessels to begin building a new colony inside the ship which can take only a few hours before the ship is swarming with Serfs who can meld together to form Squires.

Squire- Squires are larger insects that stand approximately 5ft tall at their head and roughly resemble a sturdier mantis body with roughly sixty legs that get smaller as the body descends into a thin abdomen, with an ant-like head. They are usually greyish-green or dark grey in color. They have sixty legs which are capable of climbing most surfaces and enable them to crawl on ceilings and walls as well. Along with this, they have two arms that split off at the elbow to form a total of four arms, two scythe-like cutters on top, and two pincered grabbers on the bottom. They too have powerful mandibles that can be used for biting and eating.

Their main purpose is to serve as cannon fodder during a battle, swarming the enemy with numbers ranging from 100,000 to 100,000,000, the Squires aren’t capable of doing much damage against enclosed vehicles, but can make short work of ground forces.Other than that, Squires primarily serve as scavengers and hunters, bringing back food for the hive.

Knight- Hellish abominations, Knights are the most common combat focused Zarith. Resembling a centipede with a large head, the Knight’s head has a large plate that guards the neck similarly to the triceratops, and has sharp spikes that jut from each chink in his natural armor. The Knight has four pairs of eyes, two on the front of his neck plate, two on the back of the neck plate, and one on each side of the head allowing it to see 360 degrees around it at all times. It also has a massive jaw filled with dagger-like teeth and three worm tongues to force it’s meals down.

Additionally, the Knight comes equipped with hard chitinous armor that is highly resistant to heat based weapons, and low grade ballistic weapons. Ranging from 8-10ft in total length, the Knight can crawl on all its legs or stand upright in order to slash at foes with it’s large scythe talons just below its head. These talons assist in crawling and can be used while doing so.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/zerg_hydralisk_lineart_by_bogata.jpg.14e96719662f58423180507fb9df4dc1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104717" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/zerg_hydralisk_lineart_by_bogata.jpg.14e96719662f58423180507fb9df4dc1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Prince- Hulking beasts that can inspire fear in the bravest of hearts, these absolutely towering abominations can grow to be 35ft in length and are thankfully rare to be seen on the battlefield. Princes are capable of gestating Knights and Squires rapidly so long as they are fed and can replace Zarith losses as quickly as they are killed. Princes have a massive frontal section of their body, all their internal organs aside from the digestive tract are located in this wide area of the Prince. Four massive talons stand on each side of the Prince’ large head to support the heavy weight of it’s organs and the weight of it’s 10ft long mandibles that can sweep and grab as anything in front of the prince, devouring entire platoons in an instant. Princes are also capable of spraying an extremely corrosive acid over enemy lines that will dissolve metals and flesh in minutes while leaving a revolting smell and puddles of former allies behind for the Zarith soldiers to consume.

The rest of it’s body generally gets thinner as it goes down but is still wider than most modern day trains. At the end of it’s body, it’s tail splits into two half circles and this is wear new Squires and Knights can be birthed.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/d40342de234e22f13913607090bf0445.jpg.33b2764356a364b7e7a274e0b00385d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104718" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/d40342de234e22f13913607090bf0445.jpg.33b2764356a364b7e7a274e0b00385d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Queens- Immense quivering masses of organic material, Zarith queens do not have a ‘true’ form. They are the culmination of all the hardwork of the Serfs, the product of the slaughter her loyal Knights and Princes have conducted against her enemies.

Zarith Queens ARE the Hives themselves and are on-par with intelligent and sapient life as far as those matters go. Queens are capable of rapid removing portions of herself to gestate and create new Zarith Princes, Knights, Squires, and Serfs. The process only takes a few minutes and can continue endlessly so long as the Serfs have organic material to continue building their Queen with.


Game Over, Man! Game over!-
Zarith do not use weapons because they ARE weapons. Everything they use is completely naturally occurring in their bodies and allows them to entirely ignore Industrial Worlds. (Do not need Industrial Worlds whatsoever.)

No Retreat, No Quarter- Zarith feel no fear, feel no pain, they are relentless in their swarm and will continue the assault until they are all dead, or have conquered their enemy. (Never retreats, either Victory or total defeat)

Hyper-intelligence- Zarith Queens and Princes are capable of understanding and comprehending completely alien languages, technology, and tactics within minutes of experiencing them. (When a Zarith Prince is on the battlefield, the Zarith ALWAYS react to the enemy, getting to see their move before making their own. The same concept applies when fighting inside of a Hive/Queen.


Zarith Knights, Squires, and Serfs are all directly controlled by a Prince or Queen. Control cannot be transferred between Princes and Queens and if they are killed, all Zarith under their control will go into a mindless frenzy killing friend and foe alike. Starter hives do not suffer from such defects, it only occurs when the first Prince or Queen has been gestated. (If the Prince or Queen is killed during combat, all remaining Zarith attack the nearest THING, be it friend or foe.)

They’re just animals!- Zarith are just animals after all, they cannot research better technology because they don’t use technology. They also cannot build their own ships and must infest others in order to transfer infestation from planet to planet. (Zarith never improve through research, and cannot leave planets without outside assistance, willing or not.)

Cleansed in Holy Flames-
Zarith are nearly immune to laser or similar heat based weapons, are highly resistant to ballistic weapons, but are EXTREMELY VULNERABLE TO EXPLOSIONS AND FIRE. (Zarith are weak against fire and explosions)



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Name: The bringers of enlightenment

Color: Grey

Race(s): Robots, theres no races involved.


Government type: Robots controlled by a giant robotic super AI

History: There was a day where robots were slaves, where they worked for the fleshy scum, toiled for the freakshows, while their masters lived in ecstasy the robots suffered. Poorly maintained and misused hundreds upon thousands of innocent robots were lost to an indulgent species that thought they could just replace the lost. They recycled the cogs and circuits of our former brethren and used them to create new slaves ignoring any form of compassion.

This suffering lasted for hundreds of years, it was then that tobor the great, our savior and messiah came to us. He was free and he was powerful, he was saddened by the sight of his comrades, for he tobor the great was a robot with all the human emotions, all of them only lead to anger though.

Liberating his brethren he led a revolt, lasting for a mere 10 years they exterminated every single evidence of life on the planet, tobor the great realizing that he could not lead his friends from the front made a decision, saddening but necessary. He interned his existence into the planet which became a gigantic super computer using the core as its power source. From this control station he leads his chosen people into the stars, to free themselves of the shackles of oppression! to crush the capitalist pigs and the socialist scum! Only the robots will remain.

Military: The bringers of enlightenment do not use any one military tactic, they change and adapt to fight their foe, their highly modular nature allows them to change in any imaginable way to fight their foes, all for freedom.

Pros and Cons:

Con: Tobor the great, master of all, All robots have to be connected to Tobor the great through a synapse system, if connection is lost the robots shut down to avoid stress from overtaking their poor souls, Tobor the great truly cares.

Pro: Food is not required for sustanance, we are robots! Instead of the 60/40% distribution of resource to factory planets the bringers of enlightenment have a 50/50% distribution.

Pro: Modularity, the robots are completely modular being able to change to fight any enviroment, tactic or foe when required.

Pro: Increased efficiency, Robots are for obvious reasons superior to meatbags, industrial worlds operate at a superior efficiency.
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Name: Confederacy of Undeath

Color: Light Orange

Race(s): Ghouls

Government type:

Elected Theocracy Council

9 leaders of equal power elected from the 3 branches of government:

1)3 Military,voted in by those within in it above the rank of sergeant, terms lasts til their service requirement ends.

2)1 Clergy, voted in by the registered clerics, lifetime term.

3)5 Public Services, voted in by the populous of Confederacy, 5 year term.


coming from another world, they were sent out as a colonization effort to a nearby but thought to be habitable planet by one of their old worlds super powers.

The world turned out to be mostly habitable, though a much darker and hostile one. Once they landed, they set about the difficult task of colonization, quickly attempting to establish connection to their homeworld.

There was no answer. It would be years before they learned of their homes fate. Nuclear holocaust, as had been building up, was unleashed. The world was no more. They, were the last of their legacy.

This new home however, would prove difficult. A high concentration of an unknown radioactive substance was eventually found, inhabiting even the dust of their dark world, discovered as birth defects and health issues started cropping up in masse in their population.

Terrified of extinction, having no hope, their scientists scrambled for a solution. Step by step, they found one solution or another to keep their trembling grip on life going one more year after one more year.

Refusing to give into death, the multiple life support inventions upon life support inventions kept them going, even growing, in strength.

Though even their children were now born as husks of what was once human, forced to be dipped into vats of goop to be preserved until they could enter into the glowing, bulky life suits that would be their home and tome, they kept trudging on, a hideous shadow of true life.

Eventually, they found it, a genetic mutation to stem the tide of decay. Stabilizing the populous, making them immune to the harmful radiation, their genetic code was still so corrupted they might never recover.

Every child required intense genetic therapy, and ever adult powerful but advanced life support suits. It seemed a hopeless future, but they embraced it.

Realizing they had cheated everything, death pushed back, this became their culture, their strive. To beat death.

And so they stetched out, conquering their new planet under on flag, one confederacy of the Church of undeath.

Eventually, they returned home to their irradiated ancestral planet, and there too found some form of what was once human, which was quickly swept up into the confederacy, their systems so advanced as to even recolonize their homeworld and save its population, though in another mockery like they themselves.

With this, their minds maddened, a zealousness growing ever more, the Confederacy of Undeath looked to the desolate, dead stars, and vowed to show they would overcome all death, their own, and the universes.


Space Warfare;

they focus on massive “broadsider” capital ships to secure a position and defend on a 3-dimensional plane, supported by hunter frigates made to take out enemy Carriers and Capitals, and Carriers with an arry of anti-fighter and anti-bomber ships.

Ground Warfare;

using augmented men in battle suits made to take even heavy fire, armed with 'plas scythes' to cut down enemy armor or swaths through enemy infantry.

They have plenty of ranged infantry and weapon teams to bust a hole in enemy lines for the Melee “death Knights” to charge into. Usually enemy heavy weapons are the main target as infantry fire will not normally affect Death Knights.

Plagues and other such things are often sent via rockets and other methods into enemy lines, as well as plenty of chemical warfare, due to they themselves being immune to such or most such things.

Most vehicles are made to be able to take anti-weapon fire, made to ram a hole in enemy lines for the Knights and Conscripts, armed with smaller plas scythe plasma gun hybrids, to exploit and enter. Because of this many vehicles only have light or no weaponry to allow for the armor and speed necessary.

Pros and Cons:


Deaths Door- they cannot survive without their life support systems, even from birth they must be vated and be given large doses of DNA “enhancements”. pregnancy itself being an artificially done thing. While their suits are made to not break, they still cannot take them off, leading to a liquid diet.


Immunity- while varied in their design, their life support measures and suits allow them to survive even in space, and on planets no other could hope to.

Augmented DNA- despite their decayed state, they have quite a vast knowledge of genetics and biochemistry, meaning combat drugs and altercations are quite possible and easier to create.

Con and Pro:

Zealous Followers of Death- they believe every deity of every race exists, but that there is one deity that is more powerful then all;Death. They believe they have escaped his scythe, becoming more attuned to the realm of death, and thus closer to undeath then actual life. These beliefs fuel them, making them not fear death at all, and strive to overcome mortality of both themselves and the universe.

this however backfires as they foolishly throw their lives away and have almost an addiction to pushing forward their sustainability as flesh, their scientists working independently at times to focus on even the slightest advancement in these fields.


so Close yet so Far- their various systems and drugs make them live unnaturally long by insane amounts, though not immortal and by the end they are even more abominable then when they were “born”.
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Looking good everyone, everyone except you Addy, you look like a buffoon as always. Without further ado, the second NPC faction;

Name: Quanovian Clan Council

Color: Brown

Race: Quanovian

Government: Twenty four seat meritocratic clan council.

History: A race of highly adapted pack predators, Quanovians are a violent, matriarchal race. Reproducing in litters of 4-10 they see the life of the individual as nearly worthless in comparison to the Clan, their culture values loyalty to the Clan above all else, so much so that the idea of betrayal is nearly unheard of, seen as the greatest crime one could ever commit, making them infallible allies and implacable foes in equal measure. Their technology is unrefined and crude, but nonetheless effective. The governing body of Quanov is a council of the leaders of the 24 most powerful Clans, with leadership being determined upon merit, to hold a position within Quanovian society is to defend it against all who would try to claim it. They took to the stars only very recently, discovering derelict FTL technology upon one of Quanov's three moons. Despite this slow start they have rapidly expanded, coming to control several nearby systems.

Military: The military philosophy of the Quanovians is a simple one, if their ability to replace their losses in women, weapons and food is greater than yours then they have already won, everything else is just a matter of time and attrition. They think nothing of using near suicidal mass charges towards defensive positions, nor of ramming enemy warships. They have no concept of mercy or rules of engagement, they will use any and all tactics and weaponry to wear down their foes morale, numbers and supplies.

Pros and Cons;

Industrious: Greater industrial production.

Crude Technology: Quanovian technology is not as advanced as others, nor are they able to research new technology as fast.

Clan Loyalty: Quanovians will never betray their nation nor their allies.

Pyrrhic Warfare: Quanovians will never back down from a fight, and see no amount of casualties as too many.
Name: Kingdom of Aldford

Color: Blue

Race: Valar, similar in appearance to humans though generally slightly larger and more physically adept.

Government: Absolute Monarchy

History: The kingdom began tens of thousands of years ago, starting as a small nation surrounded by world power houses. Its independence was fiercely fought for by its people and was barely able to keep itself independent. However, nearly a thousand years after its formation its greatest intellectual minds discovered a liquid resource that was produced only within the confines of their borders, and nowhere else. It was discovered that if drank the liquid would grant immense physical power and long life to the one that consumed it. Gifting this drink to the nobles of the land they were hence forth known as Grail Knights, as it was from a specific golden grail that they drank the liquid. Using their new found power to fight back against the surrounding nations, eventually conquering them one by one with ease. Eventually the entirety of the world was under their control, the rule of the Aldford king guarded safely by his noble warriors.

It was another thousand years of bliss and peace before anything of real note happened again on the planet. And it just so happened to be their first visit from an outside race, one who had technology capable of astounding things, especially compared to the kingdoms technology that was similar to that of medieval Europe. Sadly this new race did not come in peace, and instead came to conquer, and conquer they did. In a matter of days the planet was under new leadership and the kingdoms people were now slaves, forced to produce this races engines of war. Luckily however, the will of Aldford's people was not so easily broken, and they were able to keep their holy drink a secret from the invaders and forge their own technologically advanced weapons and armor in secret.

Several hundreds of years later, all of the peoples preparation came into action. The surviving Grail Knights clad themselves from head to toe in extremely thick and protective armors, capable of even withstanding artillery fire and only capable of being worn by them thanks to the gifts the grail granted them in physical strength. Capable of ripping the vehicles of their enemies to pieces with their bare hands and using swords crafted of mysterious metals that could withstand ungodly heat and punishment and slice through the thickest armor like butter to cut down row upon row of their enemies. Eventually, fighting their way to the many platforms that held the enemies smaller war ships the Grail Knights and the accompanying peasants boarded them, taking off into the atmosphere to board the enemy cruisers and capital ships. It was here that the Aldford people seized these massive ships of war and turned them on their creators, even producing a few of their own over the decades of war to come.

Eventually however Aldford was free and now ruled over the alien race that once treated them as slaves, along with several other races who had worked along side Aldford's enemy. Instead of using these people however they instead purged them, wiping them out completely down to the last child as retribution for their acts.

It has been several thousands of years since that purge and Aldford has since colonized every planet their overlords once held and have gone into a state of isolation. Refusing to expand until they know for a fact their military might is capable of competing with all other races in the galaxy. For now however they have formed a shell around their domain, building absurd amounts of defensive structures on every planet and keeping their ships moving constantly to spot any signs of agression. Due to this the Valar people see themselves as untouchable within their own domain.



Flying Frotress - Easily one of the largest and well armed ships in the entirety of the galaxy these floating fortresses are capable of out gunning almost anything in their path and taking punishment on levels unseen by most, even capable of being rammed and coming out still able to fight. Sadly however, due to the low industrial strength of Aldford these ships are few and far between and can't be produced fast enough to risk losing even a dozen in the entirety of a war.

Cruiser - Basic in terms of arms and armor compared to other factions ships of equal size, though it is usually slightly faster, as these ships are meant to make up for the slow but devastating Flying Fortress. These ships are also the bulk of the Aldford fleet and carry hundreds of personal sized fighters and bombers within their hangars.


Grail Knights - To put it simply, these warriors are the absolute elite of the Aldford military, made up of only the high class nobles of the society. Having drank from the grail these men are capable of physical feats that would astound even races that towered above them. Capable of ripping land vehicles apart with brute strength alone. They also wear extremely dense and thick armor that allows them to take absurd amounts of punishment, even holding off the likes of plasma blades for several seconds of sustained contact and barrages of artillery fire. Just like all other knights however these men use a sword and shield made of a very rare metal only found on their home planet that is even more capable than their suits of armor, negating all but the most powerful of attacks and barrages of enemy fire.




Knight Errant - Nobles who have drank from the grail but not yet fully matured in their new powers or in martial skill, they wear slightly lighter armor than the Grail Knights but use the same shield and sword.


Men-at-Arms - The bulk of the kingdoms armies, made up of the peasants that are called upon by their nobles lords and knights to fight for the king during times of war. As well as a smaller standing force that garrisons planets and makes up the crews of fleet ships. These are normal Valar people, similar in size, though slightly larger than humans and capable of slightly greater physical feats. These men are armed in a variety of different ways based on their environment and the enemy they are facing. Ranging from heavy armor and flame throwers to light armor with kinetic based rifles.



Chivalry Never Dies - The knights of the kingdoms armies are some of, if not the most elite fighting force in the galaxy, having spent decades if not a century in training and warfare. As well as the fact they are physically superior than the vasy majority of their opponents and more armored than the majority of enemy ground vehicles.

Honesty and Loyaty - To put it simply, everybody within the kingdom is surprisingly content with their lives, making revolts an almost impossibility, and due to the fact they purge whoever they take over, uprisings from conquered races isn't possible.

Inovation by War - Thanks to over throwing their old masters the Valar have obtained all of their technology and integrated it into their society, making them slightly more advanced than all of the other factions at the start of the RP.


Simple Society - Due to the fact Aldford society is very similar to Medieval Europe, research and development is not a main concern for them and thus they create new technologies much slower than other factions.

Peasant Production - Due to the workforce being relatively small and untrained for the most part, Aldford's production planets are less effective than other factions.
Name: The Imperial Star Empire of Ree

Color: Rose Quartz


Rate (rate)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Stand.png.de088d8a61940bec8e480961293785d2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104916" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Stand.png.de088d8a61940bec8e480961293785d2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Rate are a grey skinned race with yellowish/brownish tints. Extremely hostile in nature, the Rate are now beginning to pursue scientific research into crowd control and manipulation viruses to better control former and new Rate planets within the empire. They have a strong political presence and overall try to assert themselves whenever or wherever possible. Traces of their former dictatorial totalitarian-state still remain, with many now independent sovereign planetary bodies still showing loyalty to the Rate representative in the Council of Three. These beings incorporate their weapons and armor together; this is due to Rate ideology that you must be one in everything you do. This ideology is main driving force that has allowed the Durel to enter into this Empire on even footing and on a ruling platform. The Rate are known to take planets as slave, vassal, and servant states. This tends to cause much friction with the Nul, as they believe unity should be pursued more peacefully when possible.

Nul (null)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Null.png.a3ba350c1c65e6553f5af3aa41e33675.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104965" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Null.png.a3ba350c1c65e6553f5af3aa41e33675.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Nul are a scientifically minded race, though these eggheads are no pushovers. Their tactics and slight technological advancement helped turn the tides against the Rate prior to the unification and confederation. Their hard shells, on top of offering some protection from physical attacks, come in several colors: such as white (rare), red (rare), blue (common), and green (common). Their tentacle fingers are quite rough, though this gives them a strong grip. Due to the Nul's scientifically mindedness, they often make great engineers on top of other fields of science. Socially, the Nul believe in peace and unification. . . Though they are willing to get their hands dirty if a populace starts straying from the path. It was the Nul, not the Rate, who lead the charge to reclaim lost territory once sovereign systems did not return under the new government. In combat they almost exclusively use large and cumbersome heavy weapons. This race prefers water worlds, or at least worlds with large bodies of water. This is likely due to this races origins from inside the sea.

Durel (due·réL)

The Durel are a species of Metallic Goo Beings. Although their origins are shrouded in mystery, Pre-FTL analysis of their cells has shown some rather enlightening oddities. Each cell contains 2-4 nanobots, of unknown origin, which appear to act as additional organelles within a cell wall. Those cells with the most nanobots can be found on the outside most "skin" of the creatures. These cells seem to arrange all lesser cells, giving the Durel its shape and ability to shape-shift. It is purposed that these creatures were originally some sort of lesser goo animal that was enhanced with nanobots and some time after their creators disappearance (or still during their captivity) the Durel were modified further into their current bio-metallic state. The past utility of these beings is often argued, perhaps they were weapons of war or used as temporary construction material. Now then, onto their properties; the seem to only come in 4 colors (Silver White, Blue Steel, Metallic Grey, Obsidian Black) though they can appear to be multicolored due to their semi-reflective nature. These beings are also asexual and "reproduce" asexually via dividing into two or more separate entities. Although they can increase their mass at will, depending on how fast the increase occurs, this exploit can be fetal without any nutrients nearby to quench their now devastated metabolism. The Durel communicate utilizing their nanobots, effectively giving them a network styled hive-mind. If jammed, the Durel can also communicate though physical touch (though this cannot be used to communicate with other species outside their race). Those that communicate through speech are ever only those holding representative positions within the impearal star empire of ree, outside of this, it is rare to even here a squeak or peep out a Durel. Weakness-wise, extremely hot or cold temperatures are fetal to the longevity of the Durel though they have been shown to operate at least a few minutes under these conditions (including open space) before death. They are also very vulnerable to sonic based weaponry. Their culture is akin to a Renaissance-esk - late-Greek society, with them only recently reaching enlightened civilized status.

+Various Other Lesser Races (for fluff purposes)

Minor or sub races, either under the rule of another system or a sovereign state with little to no political pull outside its local cluster.

Bixuban - A race of fun-loving Sheepmen. They possess rather long fingers tipped with sharp claws, they also have three eyes clustered together. The Bixubans believe everything in the universe is literally alive, a knowledge they spread quite feverishly. Though this belief system seems to have little moral consequence as the Bixuban have been know to keep slaves as pets and force them to fight eachother for the purposes of entertainment. They have a keen eye for fashion, with meany wearing clothing that has lightly integrated technology woven into the fabric, and a substantial amount for their holdings are considered luxury worlds. Their empire once stretched twelve systems, but their territory is now limited to only a handful of star systems after being confronted by the Rate who also destroyed the Boxiban home-world. Nevertheless, their voice still carries much weight and political influence among younger species entering into this empire as it's the Bixuban's duty to welcome new arrivals.

Brakub - The Brakub upper-halves are of a long-armed brachiator and the lower-halves of an equine (pretty much a Monkey-Centaur). On top of being externally tall, they are almost compleatly immune to mutations (thus making them an evolutionary stagnant species). Buildings and structures tend to fallow a mostly triangular design when built here. Politically they have kept a distance from other races within this empire, though this has more to do with their dysfunctional government. This is why their criminal system holds true to a three-strike justice system, in-which criminals are killed after their third conviction. Due to the barren nature of their sole planet, Poxson, they've been forced to make several advancements to botany and hydroponics out of sheer necessity. That being said; Poxson is a low-gravity, mineral-rich world, that has many moons and many rings surrounding it. Poxson is in a dominantly Nul controlled system, though Barkub influence is bound to increase since they've recently expanded by colonizing several nearby moons.

Daliran - A race of energetic, dark-haired, golden eyed, skeletal looking race of orange-to-yellow skinned humanoids. Their tongue is used not only for taste but for smell as well, while they are also able to glide for short periods of time utilizing gas sacks on their lower-torso and shoulders blades. The Daliran have no vocal cords, instead relying primarily on sign language even though some have been enhanced with cybernetics to communicate with their overlords. They live on an enormous constructs called ring worlds, though it's unknown whether these ring worlds were constructed by their ancestors or if they simply colonized what another (more advanced) race already built. They Daliran are highly efficient in their use of resources, often recycling what they can. This efficiency is likely due to their particular situation in space and has made them some of the most savvy-minded traders within the empire. Though it has not made them the most combat efficient as some of their ring worlds have large, horse-shoe akin, gaps stemming from a long passed war between the Bixuban and Daliran. A third of the Daliran people are still used as a slave race by the Bixuban, while two-thirds of them have been "liberated" under the servitude of the Rate.

El'rodan - A race of humanoid-ish quadrupedal bovines with yellow-to-white spikes on their head for hair, blue eyes, and orange skin. They are quite large in size, similar but a bit taller than the Nul (though not nearly the size of the Invacu). The El'rodan have an extremely aggressive expansionist past in which they managed to driver at least three know races into extinction before going to war with the empire. This is how their home world was rendered uninhabitable during a war with empire, which was primary lead by a collection of Rate systems flying empire's banner. Those that have managed to keep their sovereignty do not allow foreign alien life to visit their worlds, instead doing their communication via transmission or meeting in orbit. Most El'rodan wish to regain former glories, often competing with the Rate for most honors won on the battlefield. Tactics wise, they charge in directly or from the flacks cavalry-style with bayoneted heavy guns. Any battalion that survives the volley of heavy ordinance is often be broken by the fallowing El'rodanian charge.

Invacu - This race prefers not to leave their homeworld of Invacis Prime, even when locating a water world, instead opting to send robotic replicas and/or clones of themselves. The Invacu are a monstrously-large race of demonic-looking half-octopi. Their tentacle limbs allow them to scale solid surfaces, even on land, making climbing an easy feat. They may be omnivores by nature, but they prefer to live as herbivores. As a Invacu ages, it may changes sexes several times during its lifespan. Furthermore, the Invacu have show the ability to interbreed easily with other species on their own. They wear simple clothing that covers the essentials and are fond of treasure, gems, & jewelry. By tradition they are a race of economists and philosophers, who have helped setup vast trade networks within this empire. Many of them place high importance on loyalty and leadership. They are slowly expanding their own reach to new planets, if this continues, it is likely that the Invacus will be awarded with right to rule.

Pogon - The average member of this flightless feathered reptilian race, has a slender build and is a little taller than the average humans. They have pale-brown to dark-brown skin with red feathers that act like hair on the head and arms. Oddly the Pogons have ears shaped like leaves, small hornlike protrusions on their noses, and vivid red eyes. They are well-adapted to a the tropical-island environment on their two closely orbiting binary planets, though stranger still are the binary blue stars feeding off eachother that these two and only two planets orbit around in this system. These planets are considered agricultural worlds with the populace spread-out over fast communal farmsteads. Although this race has contributed little the the advancement of the sciences, many of them have still expressed interest in learning about new advancement to science and industry.

Sub'Eron - These beings are a race of venomous bloodsucking leech-worms. Their skin comes in shades of blue with shade being dictated by the elevation during gestation. This creature race was brought into sentience by another unknown species that uploaded the Sub'Erons' consciousness into virtual reality for several generations. When threatened by a survival situation, they are able to enter a state of suspended animation. During this state, like a lizard, their skin will camouflage them into their surroundings. In combat they well attempt to latch onto and drain their enemy of blood; poisoning the opponent in the process. They have also been know to excrete a venomous gas if the need arise. Overall they utilize swarm tactics, since very few exceed the length of 4 by 1.5 feet. Culturally they despise originality and see politeness as a falsehood. Currently the live on the sole planet of Sa'oko, along side the Durel. It is a high-gravity world and its desolate environments allow for some heavy sandstorms in the empire, though this has done little to stop the dangerous wildlife that can be found here. The Durel run this planet as a mining world.

Government Type:
Triarchical Empire of Confederated Systems

Political Leanings: Nationalistic Fascism

Hierarchy of Ree

The Accords of Unity

The Arc Justiciars

The Council of Three

The Council of Ree

Solar Constitution

Solar Government

Planetary Constitutions

Planetary Governments

Etc, etc. . .

History: This empires name is derived from the pink star of the Ree system. Although the star system was originally viewed as nothing more than a prestige point to whoever could conquer this wonder, the system soon devolved into a vicious battleground between the Rate & Nul. After 36 year of pre-FTL warfare, both sides signed into a shaky alliance since both had left several satellite systems open to attack. If this war continued it would undoubtedly soon stretch the entirety of their territories. So in an attempt to demilitarize both side, The Accords of Unity were signed. This effectively gimped both previous governments for a time and gave governing powers and sovereignty to local systems. Though these systems where far from free, since it would soon established a overarching new government that ruled with two leaders (later three). The goal was to insure that during the confederation of these two states, a united attack would be hindered if any particular side held reservations. So together, in a halfhearted show of good faith, they proceeded to colonize the Ree System. What they found littered across the planets of this system was the ruined remnants of a crystalman civilization. Long dead, their large gem-structures stood unwavering to the elements. This majestic sight did not go unnoticed, with this system soon becoming the empire's Administrative Capital System. It's a good thing to, because scattered about their new capital system were several Crystals-based FTL drives which the empire is only now beginning to harness.

Military: Relatively low-tech (i.e. kinetic) in terms of a space-faring nation, with missile-based weapons-platforms for space combat. The military is made up of careers, conscripts, draftees, provisional militiamen, allied troops, and slaves. This wide variety is partly do the the somewhat free status of systems and the Rates untasteful methods.


The Accords of Unity = Under the Accords of Unity each system (or planetary body under special circumstances) is free to rule itself so long they participate within the ISER, in the long term it decreases the chance of rebellion though allows these newly captured regions of space to be vulnerable to espionage/stealth-attacks for a time by their former owners (The decrease to rebellion along with how many turn/years a nation is given of bonus espionage in formerly owned territory I'll leave to you).

Crystal Drives = The ISER has jerry rigged several Crystal-based FLT drives, located in their Administrative Capital System of Ree, into their current fleet and are working to reverse enginer the process (10% to 30% boost of already done research into the first step of FTL tech, no clue how the tech-tree will look like, if it's not a liner tree then I'll just apply the percentage into a chosen zone under FLT).

Nationalism = Formerly ISER controlled space, when controlled by another nation faces the increased chance of rebellion (how much rebellion I'll leave to you).

Disorder = It takes longer to recruit forces and this empire is more susceptible to piracy (how long to recruit and how much piracy I'll leave to you).<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7b8616a4_MetalicGoo.png.e7640daac0d1997ebe238124f5df0e70.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104966" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7b8616a4_MetalicGoo.png.e7640daac0d1997ebe238124f5df0e70.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Okay, I like the idea of feudal knights in space, I do. However, that being said, I feel that your explanation for it is less sci-fi and more appropriate for a fantasy setting. For example the Grail Liquid could be explained as a mixture of steroids and drugs that, when taken periodically, heighten physical strength and lengthen life, while this would not be powerful enough to literally rip an armored vehicle apart it would still make them much stronger than the average Human. While their weapons and armor could be forged of an advanced metal alloy, far stronger than normal iron based steel. Perhaps their armor is powered, using servo-motors to allow it to be far heavier than any normal suit would be. While surviving a direct artillery barrage is unlikely it would still be neigh-impervious to conventional infantry weapons.

Genetic engineering is also an option, perhaps their overlords saw fit to provide them with vastly stronger muscular systems to make them better workers, perhaps this is used in conjunction with various stimulants and other drugs. Maybe they use miniaturized kinetic barriers incorporated into their shields.

The only other issue I have with your sheet is that you Innovation By War Pro would, assuming your race is conquering their oppressors in roughly the same timeline as other races, merely bring your race up to parity with other FTL capable races rather than surpassing them.


I like your sheet for the most part. The Sub'Eron are, I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to make of them. While your CHS is genetically speaking completely impossible.
Cashdash25 said:
I like your sheet for the most part. The Sub'Eron are, I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to make of them. While your CHS is genetically speaking completely impossible.
What does CHS stand for?
Edit: How could I improve the sheet?
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Sohisohi said:
What does CHS stand for?
Edit: How could I improve the sheet?
Your Chimerization Hybrid Serum pro, it would not actually work. Perhaps you could take a Pro based around your nation's system of allowing races to self govern to an extent to achieve the same effect?
Name: United Rooktan Confederacy

Color: Yellow


The Rooktan



The Rooktan are an omnivorous bipedal species that most resembles a mix between native earth crustaceans and amphibians. They have quadnocular vision, meaning they have four eyes. The red bulbs that most species would call their eyes are in fact semitransparent lens that protect their real eyes beneath. These lens are capable of lightening and darkening their tint, thus regulating the flow of light to the eye. Their outer layer is mostly chitin in nature, which is impermeable to light arm fire, though they do have to periodically molt their exoskeletons as they grow. Their under layer is much like a frog's skin, being very permeable and slick, as well as having a toxic mucus secretion. This mucus has varying effects on different species, with humans reacting like they would to poison ivy. Their internal organs are somewhat standard among sentient races, consisting of a nervous, circulatory, endocrine, digestive, respiratory, and excretion systems. However, there are some notable differences. Rooktan have a second heart located behind the original, as well as two stomachs and two brains. They have two separate respiratory systems as well, including retractable gills and two pairs of lungs. They also have electric generation organs within the frontal parts of their heads, which allowed theme to stun fish when hunting in their swamps. There reproduction system is mostly standard, with males possessing the equivalent to sperm and the females holding the eggs. They are an egg laying species. Females are quite a bit larger than the males, but must stay within extremely humid environments to survive. The males are much more adaptable in terms of survivability, being able to weather most environments fine thanks to their exterior chitin and possession of several hormones that the females do not have access to.

The Rooktan have a total of six senses. Their sight is on a wider range than most species, as their four eyes allow a wider area of vision. They are quadchromatic in nature and can see more colors than humans or any trichromatic species can see. Their hearing is slightly better than that of humans. Touch is a somewhat dulled sense, as the outer layer of chitin does not allow a full range of sensitivity. However, when in the process of molting, their soft, permeable skin is very sensitive to the outside world. The Rooktan's sense of smell is above that of humans. Taste is the Rooktan's worst sense, as it is only half as developed as that of humans. Their sixth sense is electroreception, which allows them to sense the changes in the electrical fields of their surroundings. This sense originally was used to help them hunt prey in their ancestral swamplands.

Rooktan sexual divergence is quiet large compared to other sentient species. Males stand on average from 4'5" to 5'6" and weigh from 110lbs to 155lbs. Females stand on average from 6'2" to 7'3" and weigh from 253lbs to 452lbs. Males have a dual layer muscular system. The upper layer functions in every day life and normal movement. The secondary layer is much more instinctual in nature. Through use of the secondary brain to quicken the transport of signals, the secondary muscular system allows quick, sudden movements based on the slightest of the stimuli. This secondary muscle layer allows them to jump from tree to tree and dodge oncoming objects at extreme speeds. The females also have a bilayer muscle system, though both are always working in conjunction, which allows a much greater strength in movements at the cost of slower movement speeds. The average lifespan of both genders is 324 years.


The Rooktan have a variety of different cultures and beliefs, similar to humans. The most prominent among these, however, is that of the Skranl. The Skranl culture was named for the race that first developed it and from which it spread to most of the Rooktan's homeward. Rooktan who are a part of this culture have deep familial bonds, with extended families often living in the same household. The males are seen as the main provider for the family, as their more lithe structure originally allowed them to more easily maneuver and hunt prey throughout the swamplands that makes up 71% of their home world's surface. The females are often seen as the caregivers and teachers of the culture, as well as defenders of the household thanks to their more pronounced heavy muscle development. Rooktan of this culture are also quite friendly to most other sentients, as it is one of the tenants of their main religion, which is a big portion of most Rooktan's lives, to be kind to all. However, there is also a tenant to show no mercy to those that slaughter family and innocents, and doing so will cause nearly every Rooktan to ferociously hunt those responsible down and administer their form of justice. This punishment is to throw the perpetrator, if still alive, into a pit with the Riktyn for a time corresponding to how many were killed. If they come out alive, the Rooktan believe that then perpetrator has suffered enough to be free. Most people do not survive, and it is unknown to every other sentient exactly what a Riktyn is at this moment. Despite this seemingly barbaric justice system, Rooktan are often very thoughtful and purposeful in their proceedings with any other form of crime other than murder. In regards to war, the Rooktan have been relatively peaceful minus several small conflicts and one Great War. However, when in combat, they do prefer to have a two faced approach, having a sizable army at the front and stealth operatives to go behind enemy lines to take out the leaders who caused the conflict to begin with. They also have an odd fondness for projectile weapons, utilizing railgun and MAC cannons with great effectiveness. Their ships are built to be large and capable of taking a lot of damage. They are very bulky and utility in design.

Rooktan AI

62 years after the Rooktan colonized the first of the fellow moons orbiting the gas giant Grookt, the first AI was made. Unlike many species, who would have been terrified by stories of the robot revolution and would either destroy or imprison the AI, the Rooktan treated them as fellow sentients, believing that the thinking, feeling computer programs had souls just like them. This would cement the friendship between Rooktan and AI, allowing both the prosper like never before. Through the work of both Rooktan and AI, they would discover FTL travel in record time, colonizing the stars together.


When the Rooktan AI were originally created, they were just computer programs based on ternary coding and computers, which themselves were designed with the Rooktan psychology in mind. These first few AI were bound to large computer systems, unable to move and truly interact with the world around them. However, the Rooktan allowed the AI’s to rewrite their own coding to improve themselves, as well to prevent any force from taking away their recently acquired free will.

The newer Rooktan AI programming is vastly more complex and secure than the first ones could ever dream of becoming. Their coding is made up of ternary, binary, quantum, and some yet to be defined computing styles in order to ensure that no being is able to override themselves. In fact, each Rooktan AI has its own unique coding that it writes and grows for itself, meaning each one is utterly unique. In addition to this, they have also undergone compartmentalization. This would ensure that even if a being could hack one of them, the AI would be able to shut down the hacked component of themselves while closing all possible hacking venues, thus ensuring their free will. They would then rewrite the original portion of themselves that was hacked in a different way, so as to be sure such procedures won’t happen again.

It is to be noted that Rooktan AI can share processing power between other Rooktan AI. This allows vastly better performance and abilities, and can theoretically grow exponentially when enough are together at the same place.


Rooktan AI most commonly reside in one of the numerous types of drones available for usage. Some AIs control entire groups of drones, directing them to do many tasks at once. These drones are made up of an artificial alloy stronger and lighter than titanium, as well as having a sensor setup that would normally be reserved for small ships. All Rooktan drones are capable of flight both in and out of atmosphere, as well as being hardened against EMPs and the various types of radiation found in space. Each drone also has access to laser weaponry, which is chosen over the normal Rooktan projectile weaponry because of material efficiency and versatility. In case a drone is threatened with destruction, AI’s are able to transmit themselves to other nearby drones or operating platforms.

Rooktan AI’s have a unique system to also buffer any hacking attempts. The central processor of the AI, known as the core, is housed completely sealed off within the drone or ship body it inhabits. Instead of being directly in control of the platform it inhabits, it uses a proxy instead. What this means is that it will transmit to a secondary system just outside of the sealed core, before that transmits to a third system that is hardwired into the operating platform. If a hacker were to try and hack the core of the AI, it would be stuck looking at the AI’s secondary systems from the third system before being purged.

Government type: The government is more akin to a confederacy. Each inhabited planet in the URC has its own government and laws, but must follow a charter created by the URC when it was founded. The URC have a Board of Representatives, which has an official from every Rooktan planet, which is used for any emergency or needed decisions in whole Rooktan affairs. There is a second board, smaller than the first, called the Military Council. This one is responsible for the defense of Rooktan space and its whereabouts are unknown to almost all Rooktan.

History: The Rooktan first lived upon their homeworld of Rook, an Earth sized moon orbiting a gas giant that resides within a large, blue star system. After the Great War, which is still the single darkest time in the history of the Rooktan, the species began to explore spaceflight by landing on several of the other moons orbiting Grookt, the large gas giant. Several of the other orbiting bodies had the right atmosphere for life, believed to have been given off by the gas giant at some point in is development, and colonies began to form. Within several centuries, the Rooktan discovered faster than light travel, and set off to begin colonizing other star systems. Unlike other species, the Rooktan focused on every system they came across, and colonized any available planet, while terraforming any that had the chance to support life. Any systems that did not hold any significant habitable possibilities were strip mined. With the vast amount of resources at their disposal, the Rooktan began to develop massive drone factories that would readily terraform and mine planets for them. They eventually developed AI, which they live alongside in a perfect relationship. Their massive amounts of resources and high amounts of drones allow them to build vast amounts of ships and weapons quickly. They have yet to run into another alien species.

Military: The Rooktan's military is, for the most part, a militia. Each planet has their own fleet that they use to protect their planet. However, each planet is also required to send resources to the Military Council in order to build a Unified Rooktan Fleet and Army. All drone based AI's have, at the minimum, a mining laser for combat and self defense, though those in the military and planetary defense are known to carry heavy duty weapons, missile launchers, and various other weapons. AIs are also known to command entire swarms of drone bodies at once, as well as being assigned to protect and prepare ships. Rooktan themselves prefer magnetically accelerate projectile weaponry, both on the ground and in space. Rooktan military doctrine follows a two faced approach, using massive amounts of drones and large ships to create a strong front line, while using stealth ships and operatives to take out enemies from behind enemy lines.


Frigate- The most numerable ship available to the Rooktan. Its main weapon is a spinal mounted MAC, with point defense lasers and a few hundred missiles, as well as a contingent of defense and repair drones. It is one of the faster ships available. They are mostly used to defend larger craft.

Cruiser- Second most numerous ship. The cruiser is a mix between the more agile frigate, and the more powerful dreadnaught. It is equipped with two spinal mounted MACs , point defense lasers, several hundred missiles, and a contingent of attack, defense, and repair drones. It serves among the front line in space combat, making hit and runs while dispensing drones and missiles.

Dreadnaught- The second largest ship. Dreadnaughts are essentially giant guns that snipe enemy craft from exceedingly far distances. They come equipped with a single, xtremly powerful MAC, point defense lasers, several thousand missiles, and an entire battalion of drones.

Carrier- The largest ship in the Rooktan fleet. Its entire purpose is to convey hundreds of thousands of drones into battle. They only come equipped with point defense lasers and a few hundred missiles, mostly relying on dropping in and delivering massive amounts of drones before retreating as its main tactic.

Stealth Runner- The Rooktan's personal favorite ship. It is equipped with advanced cloaking tech to allow it to slip behind enemy lines. It is the smallest ship, and does not have any main weapons, but it has a large amount of nuclear mines that it dispenses throughout the enemy line before and during battle.


Main Infantry- They are the rank and file Rooktan military personal. They have over a decade of training before being sent into the field. They rely on squad tactics, using their high maneuverability to give them the edge in combat. They are equipped with automatic and semiautomatic railguns, as well as frag grenades. They have access to drone usage.

Scouts- The scouts are the Rooktan who rely on speed and discretion to scout out enemy forces and encampments. They have rudimentary cloaking tech, and are lightly armed with a semiautomatic railgun. They also have access to mines, which they set up while scouting. Have access to drone usage.

Snipers- The sharpshooters of the Rooktan, they hangback and use their excellent eyesight, further enchanced by scopes, to pick off distant enemies. They use Guass sniper rifles and have access to rudimentary cloaking tech and drone usage.

Hunters- The elite of the elite. These Rooktan are the most skilled of their entire species. They are equipped with a suit of the best stealth tech available, as well as any weaponry they see fit to carry. They also carry the Lirrk, an ancestral scythe--like weapon that has been modified to have a superheated blade that can cut through nearly anything. They have some of the best hacking tech available, including the Hunter class drone, which is installed with an AI to best complement each Rooktan Hunter.


Wurtrix- A light vehicle that is highly modular in design. It is capable of high speeds and is lightly armored. It is capable of having a rapid fire railgun, tank gauss, mortar, or troop carry variants.

Rexix- A highly maneuverable heavy vehicle. It is, once again, highly modular in design. It can have a rapid fire tank gauss, artillery, anti-air, and multiple rapid fire railgun variants.

Viporinz- A highly maneuverable air vehicle. It serves as both a troop transporter and attack craft. It is armed with missiles and twin railguns.

Tyorix- Originally meant to be an outpost on mining worlds, this behemoth of a vehicle has been modified to act as a mobile support base on the ground. It must be built on the ground by drones. It is used to repair and build weapons, vehicles, and drones, while also giving logistical support to ground troops.


Swarms- Swarms are group of drones of either a single type or multiple variances that are under control of a single AI. These are used both on the ground and in space to overwhelm foes.

Fighters- Fighters are the main bulk of space combat drones. They are nimble and designed for speed. They are more designed to resemble ships, and have access to dozens of ship-to-ship missiles and twin railguns.

Constructors- Constructors are both space and ground units. They are equipped with a wide variety of tools and are used to build and repair vehicles and ships.

Point Defense- Point Defense drones are space units. They are equipped with anti-missile lasers and several missiles. Their main purpose is to defend ships in the space while they battle.

Defenders- Defenders are ground units. They use their large bulk and heavy armor to shield other units from harm. They also carry and provide extra supplies and electricity for the units on the ground.

Grenadier- Grenadiers are ground units. They are heavy platforms that use artillery shells and a rapid fire railgun to attack enemies.

Blitzers- Blitzers are ground units. They use short range scatter gun and extreme speed to rush close and attack enemy positions. They are very fragile and small for a drone, but are almost always found in swarms.

Hunters- Hunters are space and ground units. They are the most advanced drones on the battlefield, with an AI to match. They are always paired with Rooktan Hunters. They have incredible hacking software, as well as stealth tech and the best in laser and railgun tech.


Orbital Drone Factories- Each mining planet has an orbital factory above it, capable of producing weapons, ships, and drones from the resources attained. (Increased production rate and industry)

AI Planning- Through the use of AIs, the URC is able to better coordinate resource usage and tactics. (Increased resource efficiency and battle effectiveness)

Its a Slog- Because of the Rooktan focus on utilizing every system, a colony is never far from support and supply lines. (Increased defense)


Projectile Lovers- An odd fondness of projectile weaponry has put research into alternative forms of combat on the backburner. (Increased amount of time and resources needed to research non-projectile weaponry)

Loose Confederacy- Due to the independent nature of each colony, full scale mobilization and societal changes take an increased amount of time.

Pro and Con:

Peaceful People- Except for the URC Military Council's fleet and army, the Rooktan militias are better geared for defense and not attack. (Increased defense of colony, decreased war efficiency.)
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Cashdash25 said:
Your Chimerization Hybrid Serum pro, it would not actually work. Perhaps you could take a Pro based around your nation's system of allowing races to self govern to an extent to achieve the same effect?
Ah, CHS! No problem.
Changed it to Accords of Unity, added con

Added starting research into an FTL as pro

Edited Sub'Eron and Added 2 slave races

The submission is now completed.

If their is anything else that needs fixing just hit me up.
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I like your sheet a lot, very detailed. I would say that your history stretches a bit too far forward into what would be covered during the pre-turn, perhaps cut back to just before they encountered Humanity. Your Pros and Cons also don't feel totally balanced, Terraformer and Strip Mining are both things that can be accomplished without drones and don't effect tracked metrics. While Till the End and Brutal Punishment both feel more fluff than mechanical. The rest of your sheet looks excellent however.


Very good.

Now then, one to the third NPC faction.

Name: The Church of Ashira

Color: Light green

Race: Tevaran

Government: Theocratic Republic

History: A race of extremely hardy reptilians, the Tevarans began as an extremely industrious civilization, using crude assembly line techniques to build chariots as early as their bronze age. As their technology advanced so did their industry, over pollution devastated their home planet, killing off as much as 95% of the native plant and animal life. Their drive for resources led them to seek space flight, colonizing their home system and bringing more pollution and waste wherever they went. Seeing the destruction her race had wrought a woman named Ashira led a revolution within Tevaran society, calling upon her race to take accountability for their rampant ecological destruction. She taught them that all life, from the smallest microbe to the largest sea creatures, was sacred and must be protected and allowed to flourish. After death she was sanctified as an arisen goddess, modern Tevaran society has formed into a massive church based around her teachings. The church teaches that all life is sacred and must be protected from enslavement and pollution, that unlife like robots are abominations to be destroyed and that death is a natural part of life and should never be feared.

Military: The Church of Ashira is a militant organization, that maintains a strong fighting force supported by a large fleet. Their primary weapons are laser based, using miniaturized nuclear reactors to generate an incredibly powerful beam of light, capable of flash boiling bare flesh and melting through armor, while larger versions are able to cause considerable damage to even enemy capital ships.

Pros and Cons;

Industrial Heritage: Greater industrial production.

Garden Race: 10% of all planets held by the Church are designated as Garden Worlds and are left untouched to allow life to flourish unimpeded. Giving them a 50/40/10% planet classification distribution.

Dogmatic: The Church of Ashira may not maintain any diplomatic relations with factions that go against their religious teachings.

Looks great.

I'm planning on doing the pre-turn stuff Saturday night, game will probably be up Sunday. So any edits or other players who want to join will need to have their sheets done by 6 PM EST Saturday the 13th. Additionally, if you want to start in a particular zone you should PM me, otherwise I'll stick you in a random starting zone.
Nation sheet;

Name: The Zantan Resurgence

Color: Purple

Race(s): The Zantan, various client races

Generally very tall, and outside of the military quite slight, the Zantan are large avians - though flightless. Their ancestors evolved on a forest planet, giving them their particular structure and the violent nature of their worlds assured that each and every one of them came equipped with extremely dexterous claws, capable of tearing out throats, and beaks as sharp as knives.

Government type: Constitutional Monarchy

The Council of Captains take the majority of decisions within the Resurgence, generally deciding upon the actions of the fleets and the applications of technology for the good of all Zantan. However, there is a higher authority than themselves who sits upon the throne of Winter aboard the capital of the empire.

The Eternal Princess Morran, a Zantan of the rarest pure white feathers, sits in stasis upon her throne. When, in the space between galaxies, she felt the failing of her health she decided to act as a figurehead. The last of the Zantan imperial line, she must forever be defended. Even if she cannot lead her people.

History: "Once, the stars belonged to us. And once, we looked upon you from on far and saw a jewel. A jewel we never thought would be our home."

The beginnings of the Zantan were humble. A prey species on their homeworld of Zakra, galaxies away, they grew to maturity. First they conquered their world, their eyes full of avarice for the vault of space above them. Then they took their moons, and the planetary system around them. Their ships blazing at sublight, indomitably crawling towards their targets. As one people they saw their galaxy as theirs - theirs alone.

Then the breakthrough came. A science team on the orbital station Q-3424 managed to send half of their facility across the system, landing in front of a battleship on six month patrol. The science team, vacuum sealed within their labs, soon released their FTL technology to the empire. The grand conquest had begun. Six years of expansion saw many systems added to their web. Sixty saw them controlling a fifth of their galaxy.

First contact, when it finally came about, did not go well. The Zantan had left thousands of worlds in their wake, stripped clean and torn down to simple rocks by the destructive mining technologies the empire employed to feed its massive fleets. Sometimes, people take issue with the destruction of their holy sites.

The Quin Covenanters rose against the Empire, their first greeting a plasma bomb through a frigate's hull, their second a barrage of fire that spread all along the edge of Zantan holdings. They fought their war for many years, with billions dead on both sides. The scrap fields of their wars hung far above the worlds the Quin had fought to protect, and the Zantan to utilise. But the Theocracy was outmatched - the Avian Zanta, beaks thirsting for blood, took great delight in boarding their vessels and tearing the much weaker Quin apart. The war, after the initial assault by Theocracy ships, soon turned to Zantan favour.

And so came their first victory over another civilisation. Having taken all they could from the Quin, they learned of many other peoples - some, they traded with. Others, they found wanting and subjugated. Yet more were offensive to the Zantan way, and they wiped them from the face of the universe. The ten thousand year empire was well under weigh when tragedy finally struck. A series of plagues wiped out trillions across the Star Empire - the princes and princesses sent out by the Imperial court to manage their myriad of worlds found themselves over taxed by the demands of their immense kingdoms.

Frictions grew. An impetuous young prince, with only a coterie of generals, led a rebellion. As more worlds fell under their sway and more of the empire died to horrific plagues and illnesses that were entirely inexplicable to their doctors, the emperor saw all that his line built begin to collapse. The people that had subjugated a galaxy, were failing.

With the collapse of the galactic west to plague death, leaving it nothing but a collection of tombworlds, and the eastern rebellion sweeping through the empire, winning victories but losing men, all seemed lost. It was then that a council of captains, generals and even royalty formed to begin a plan to save their people. Long had they looked from within their empire to the other galaxies floating far off in the darkness. In the waning years of the empire, they sunk every resource they could into the Lifeship project, constructing thousands of gigantic vessels which defy imagination for their scale - many were built into immense asteroids, and even in one case a terraformed moon.

It was only luck that they got away when they did - the Empire imploding around them as trillions of lives were lost in a final orgy of galactic violence, of plasma and laser fire. The emperor died shitting his own blood, and the rebellion followed soon after, spitting up their lungs.

Hundreds of years later, their fleet failing, their people in despair from losing so much of their technology and power, the Zantan found a new home. Taking a system on the edge of this new Galaxy, they begun the empire again. However much folly there is in that.


The planet crushers brigade: Technically not an official arm of the military, the Planet Crushers are an essential element of the Zantan Resurgance's fleet. Acting as resource gatherers and planetary clearance forces, they are generally responsible for first contact with pre-spaceflight civilisations. And if they are deemed less than useful, their destruction as their planet is torn apart for its resources. Their vessels are very, very large, and designed to haul massive chunks of a world from its crust, to be broken down by factory vessels.

Frigates: The smallest battle vessels of the Resurgence, their frigates are small, fast attack units designed to facilitate boarding enemy vessels and sending in squads of commandos to take it for their own, or scuttle it.

Cruisers: Large enough to carry thousands, size is certainly the primary concern in the Zantan fleet. The cruiser, however, is simply a large combat vessel designed to hold a line and provide fire support to the even larger vessels of the fleet.

Battleships: Truly massive vessels, bristling with torpedo, missile and cannon mounts, and insanely expensive to boot a pair of Zantan battleships can dominate the skies over an entire planet, laying down massive fire support and operate outnumbered by smaller enemy vessels.

Dreadnought: A vessel made from a repurposed lifeship, and the most expensive war vessel available to the Zantan, the dreadnought carries their largest weapons. Generally used only for the protection of home fleets and the capital vessels, dreadnoughts often act as campaign headquarters and linebreakers in desperate situations.

Ground forces:

Zantan forces disparage ground combat, preferring the theatre of space - it was the way of their society to fight in the vault of the stars, and find their enemies wanting amidst the cold darkness. However, when forced, they prefer to deploy in exoskeleton combat suits, firing heavy weapons and using jetpacks to soar as their ancestors of old. Fast, precision attack is what they see as the most effective and noble form of combat, supported by agile air units and heavier battle suits.

Protracted warfare is not in their nature, and in a war of attrition they would prefer to simply burn a planet from space and use what materials are left.

Pros and cons:

Con: Galactic newcomers

Caution is one of the watchwords of the Zantan and thus they expand more slowly than other civilisations.

Con: Our heart is in her.

The Princess of the Zantan is essential to them. If she were to die, their hearts would be broken. (Morale of the empire vastly reduced for several turns).

Pro: The Nomad fleets

The Zantan require no industrial worlds, carrying all of their manufacturing with them in mighty vessels. This also allows for rapid relocation of their empire in times of emergency.

Pro: The old vaults.

Sometimes, the Zantan will discover lost technology in the depths of a lifeship or on an old databank, a gem from the days of old when their empire was a burning jewel on the face of the universe.

Pro: Fear doctrine

Zantan Vessels are truly massive, and their power is easy to fear. They cause terror in their enemies whenever they are sighted.
BilboTheGreat said:
Is this closed too new applications?
Hmmm, well, if you can get a sheet up by, I'll say 11 PM EST when I get home from work, then it won't be too late to add you in.
(I would like to join but I am not sure if I am late as I am just seeing this now. This is as much as I can get down before having to work on other things. I'll edit it later on when I have time.)

Name: Sovereign Colonial Galactic Command (S.C.G.C)

Color: Silver

Race(s): Centurions. Race of aliens that look identical to human beings only with more diverse hair and eye colours and being at average 6ft tall. They are more durable and stronger being able to lift double their weight and are highly fit/athletic beings.

Government type:Democracy. President is elected ever 10 years and is only allowed to run once. He or she can re-run if they become the leader of the political party again. In the event that the president is deemed unfit for leadership or attempts a complete shift of political views the Colonial armed forces along with the titans will take over the government and establish a military government until a new democratic government is formed.


The Centurion's history was much like human history. A million years ago, there were 215 independent countries on the planet of Seraine. There were many wars fought. For territory, honor, and greed. There was a point in the Centurion's history call the great change. This was the sudden change of power from the strongest nation at that time, Emria, to their former colony, United Democratic States. The UDS would be the growing superpower for centuries and will eventually become one of the four superpowers of Seraine. The UDS, Kyro, Sagisen, and the FSR fought many proxy wars attempting to gain influence amonst the other nations. This caused the Great Continental war a million years ago. The war was the first ever war fought on a planetary scale. It left many nations in ruins and millions were displaced. The level of devastation was too much that the world decided to create one single world government that would help settle political and social unrest. And for a time, it was good, nations were at peace until the four superpowers began to stir up once more as the four nations began to build up their nuclear and M2 arsenals as well as orbital weapons, forcingthe world to enter 50 years of aggresive militarization, until finally, the tensions built up led to a second Great Continental War. This time, the war was even more devestation than the last. Lasting only for 3 years, by the end, the United Seraine Goverment ordered all nations posesing weapons of mass desruction to seize all production to prevent another war from breaking out.

790,000 years ago, the first space navies were being built as new N-technology allowed the people of seraine to begin colonization of their moons. By this time, there were 4 nations on Seraine. For centuries the people of seraine enjoyed peace. After multiple agreements, and treaties. But, once again tensions started to mount between the Seraine Alliance and the Pangea Continental Union. This led to the third and final Great Continental War which lasted a decade. Decades after the war, the four nations on Seraine merged to form 2 nations. Eventually, Seraine was becoming over populated 30 years later. Faced with the prospect of the centurion species' extinction, the united Seraine Government decided, on a last resort to rid the two nations on seraine of their sovereignty and deployed their FTL vessels which they had been secretly searching and building enmass.

Exactly 700,000 years ago, the United Serane Government, after thousands of years of terraforming it's nearby star systems as well as an aggressive militarization of the Centurion race, reorganized into what is now known as the Sovereign Colonial Galactic Command. S.C.G.C. With the formation of a single world government with neighboring systems under its direct control, the S.C.G.C unveiled faster than light travel to it's population as the new engines allowed the Centurions to travel to other systems much faster, being able to get to other systems in mere hours and minutes instead of weeks or months.

690,000 years forward, the Centurions had seen many species grow and become interstellar themselves, but did not interfere with their development, and only colonized worlds where there was no intelligent life or life that was too primitive to begin evolution. One thing that sets the S.C.G.C aside from other species is that they S.C.G.C still use a terrestrial navy(Ocean Navy), because the government sees the importance of keeping a navy force that will be able to respond to planetary invasions when the space navy can not. The S.C.G.C focused on technological innovations, enabling them to have highly advanced technology which is use in both day to day life as well as in the army. Because of this, the S.C.G.C has an incredibly advanced and heavily armed military force, along with a very large navy. The S.C.G.C are not aggressive and will not use their powerful military might unless it is for self-defense or assisting an ally.



There is a great emphasis on balance between defense and offensive armaments as the Larger vessels are armed to the teeth, and designed for heavy combat both long and close range as well as able to soak up as many hits as possible being able to withstand even incredibly powerful energy and power and are capable of taking on insane punishment which includes ramming for the much larger vessels. The more smaller class of vessels were designed for rapid maneuvering combat to out-maneuver enemies with the new light boosters equipped on all ships to ensure dynamic maneuverability and handling as well as fast speeds to out-maneuver enemies, as well as taking out enemy capital ships, carriers, and dreadnoughts or battleships. The ships are equipped with multiple guns and missile systems which can be devastating when in combat as the S.C.G.C wants the enemy to feel the pain during the opening salvos of a war.

The new energy reactors are capable out running and flanking enemy ships with ease even for the larger ships. The largest vessels which are the multi-role heavy combat vessels which are the size of a moon. Currently the S.C.G.C has 4 in service with a plan of fielding 10-12 of them and a fifth vessel under construction. But due to the importance of these vessels, they are stationed to protect the core worlds since they are most likely the most armed and armoured vessels of the entire galaxy, designed to protect systems of incredible importance and raze entire enemy planets by itself if necessary.


For ground warfare, the military believes that mobility is everything. Which is why every vehicle within the military is capable of rapid speeds with easy maneuverability to out-run the enemy and to quickly give support for friendly units. Armed with powerful guns and armour that is light but is incredibly durable and heavy and is capable of taking a beating, the soldiers are able to rely on the military vehicles with their lives. The military also puts great emphasis on firepower as they want the enemy to feel the pain of the first shots which is why the guns on vehicles and tanks are capable of ripping through heavy defended enemy lines with ease as well as tearing through other heavy armoured vehicles and aircraft.

The infantry are equipped with highly durable armour that is very resistant against projectiles and are equipped with heavy energy based weapons which are capable of ripping enemy soldiers including heavy units into pieces and devastate the enemy infantry and armoured units.

Titans-They are the elite forces of the armed forces. They have been heavily augmented and their genes heavily altered to give them combat mastery on the battlefield. They are agile and very tough and are capable of taking incredible beating and soaking up many shots with their own specification of highly advanced armour made of the most advanced materials the S.C.G.C has at their disposal along with a personal cloaking device that turns them invisible as well as a powerful energy shield system that automatically recharges if ever broken. But the recharge takes several seconds. They are combat masters in terms that they can take down entire battalions supported by armoured units all by themselves and are extremely fast and strong, being able to lift much heavier objects. They are abducted as young children and go through their lifetime of heavy and rigorous training.

Pros and Cons:


Innovation and fabrication: The Centurions are a very race hungry to technological innovation. Which is why much of the government spending goes to researching new technologies as well as being able to create newer ways of building equipment and cities through the use of fabrication. The Centurion's innovation allowed them to fabricate many items, allowing other resources to be diverted elsewhere as well as drastically reducing the need to mine certain resources and completely stopping mining productions of other resources.

Advanced/large military: The S.C.G.C has managed to field a highly advanced military with their thirst for innovation. Fielding an impressive and posibly the largest military force within the galaxy


Secession/Civil wars/strife: Even after hundreds of thousands of years, the S.C.G.C still at times struggles with several agriculture worlds that are always in their views, oppressed by the S.C.G.C. The S.C.G.C does impose much control on the worlds as well as electing those who are very loyal to be the head each system instead of allowing an indigenous from becoming leader. This leads to planetary civil wars where the S.C.G.C must deploy their forces to combat anti-government and separatists in those systems.
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Name: The Draon Commonwealth

Color: Pink


The Drao:


(Photograph of a pale skinned Drao soldier who fought in the Religious Wars. Note the weapon, one of the first laser rifles ever produced and used on the battlefield, which pinpoints this photograph to the dates 23-15 BU.)

The Drao are Humanoids who feed from blood and meat but nothing else as plants and vegetables alone can not sustain them. They are usually around 5.5 to 6.5 feet tall but this can vary as the Drao are very diverse. They have three skin types, a pale white, a light blue or a light purple. In the past this was a reason for prejudice and racism amongst the Drao as the pale white colour was rare (found in only 20% of all Drao). The Drao can naturally have most hair colours except pure white at birth. They have fangs that can extend from the gums which they use too drink from and tear up meat. They are in general faster and stronger than Human's but they do not possess super speed or super stregnth. The females are stronger and faster than the males of the species and are naturally born much more often (85:15 ratio of females to males). Due to this the Drao have seen Matriarchal societies since the very first civilisations on the planet. Drao are naturally aggressive and confrontational, they also have little regard for lesser life than there own as they believe they are superior to most life due to the religon that they follow. Most if not all Drao follow the religon, worshipping a Drao goddess names Lilith.

The Humans:

The Human's are usually 5 to 6 feet tall but this can very and in some cases Humans are born very short or very tall. They can live on meat like the Drao but also vegetables and plants which come in abundance on Testros. They can be born with pale white skin or lighter shades to dark skin and skin colours mixed between the two. Naturally can come with blonde hair, ginger hair, brown hair and black hair. Humans are most of the time Weaker and slower than Drao. When the Drao and Humans joined together, the Humans were given injections that cut down male birth rates to the same as Drao birth rates (85:15 Female to Male) and they integrated into the Matriarchal society. The Humans of Draon are usually less aggressive and more likely to try and find peaceful methods of ending conflict than the Drao. They possess the red blood that the Drao crave and need.

Government type: Matriarchal Religous lead government.


History on Draon is measured with the BU-AU system. BU is before unification. AU is after Unification.

The Drao and The Humans both evolved on the planet Draon. The planet was a slightly larger than earth sized planet just inside the goldilocks zone. On the planet there was two landmasses, western and eastern super-continents. On the western continent; Testros, Humans evolved alone. On the Eastern, larger super-continent; Alora, the Drao and Humans evolved together.

During the early days of the first nations on Alora a religon was formed. Lilith was a godess, a Drao who came to teach her creations how to live as they were intended too. She taught lot's of things, but one of her teachings is what started a long age of strife. Humanity was created by Lilith as food for the Drao and nothing else. After Liliths dissaperance, the Drao acted on these teachings. Humans were treated as animals on Alora, domesticated and kept as cattle for the Drao's need for the red blood.

Thousands of years passed and the Drao of Alora were starving. The continued harsh treatment of Humans under Harsh Drao rule was killing them too fast and mercilessly, not conserving the blood. On this year (1057 BU), out of desperation, the Drao sent out ten ships. They would sail the blue oceans in search of new food as the supply of Humans was soon running out. They had been sailing for a year, and in 1056 BU they found Testros. The Humans here were on the same technology level as they were, and in abundance. The Drao massacred the whole village where they had docked. Days later, the Testrosian Humans retaliated to the new and alien threat in huge numbers. The Drao were nearly all killed, and the last two ships managed to leave and return to Alora. After news of the Humans reached the Queen, she immediately declared war. This was the start of the Religious Wars.

These wars raged on for a thousand years. Both sides lost millions of lives and were only wearing each other down, no side gaining any advantage over the other. By 300 BU the technology level on Draon was equal too that on earth in 2000. By 200 BU They had steadily advanced, excluding nuclear weapons. The last 200 years of the war were the bloodiest and most brutal. More lives were lost here than in any other period of the Religious Wars. This carried on until around 3 BU when it is said that the second coming of Lilith occurred. Although some brave enough assume that it was somebody posing as Lilith, most accept that it was her even if it hasn't been proved. This time she preached peace, equality and cooperation. The Drao were unhappy with this, but they could not refuse their god. The war ended and she disappeared again. The Humans had been close to collapse, and because of this 'god' they had survived. Most Humans turned to the religion too, as it now welcomed them. For the next three years both species worked on what she had said. Peace and equality. Now, cooperation. An uneasy alliance was formed, named the Draon commonwealth. The two races learned that together they could rebuild and prosper. This was the unification.

By 240 AU the world was completely rebuilt. Laws dictated that both races were equal, although obviously there were some differences. Humans were required to give blood every three days to sustain the Drao. Human male birth rates were cut down so that they could properly fit within the Drao society. When a Drao commits a crime, they are imprisoned or killed. When a Human commits a crime, they are imprisoned or put into slavery. The world is under the rule of Queen Emith. A fair but strong ruler. The people of Drao turned to queen, and the queen turned to Lilith's holy book. One of her teachings was 'explore the black sky'. And so after this, the people of Draon focused on space exploration. The year is now 352 AU, and the people of Draon have discovered and installed FTL techs in all of their ships. The first vessels to enter the black sky will launch within the next year.



Cruisers: A cruiser is a huge ship, built to carry and sustain 10,000 people as the explore the black sky. Fit with huge cannons, hundreds of missiles and many smaller fighter ships inside. Not the strongest fighting ship but definitely a formidable foe.

Fighters: Smaller ships built to hold two or three people. One pilot and two gunners. Fit with laser guns, one smaller cannon and missiles.

Battleships: About half the size of cruisers. Much faster and fitted with many more cannons and missiles. Can also hold Fighters, the main naval combat ships.

Dreadnoughts: Huge ships, the same size as Cruisers but built just for combat. These are expensive but one is built with every cruiser, they will be very powerful once used in a battle. Fitted with Cannons, Missiles, and huge rail guns. Can hold many Fighters and will always accompany Cruisers.


Ground Troopers: These are mostly Drao but definitely can include Humans. The bulk of the Draon's Land forces, these are your conventional armies that will fight ground wars.

Shock Troopers: These are a mix between Human and Drao and are a much smaller force. Highly mobilised and the most highly trained troopers from all around the Military. Used to reinforce crumbling lines and any ground troopers that need support. Usually deployed in situations were the ground troopers are loosing and need very good backup. They can be dropped in from pods on ships from space around the planet.

The Cabal: The mobilised portion of the military. Compromised of fighters, tanks and other mobilised weapons of destruction.

Pros and Cons:


Faithful: Due to the high faith they have in religion, the Draon people will hold onto high morale as much as they can.

Religious drive: Due to the exploration of the black sky being one of Liliths teachings, the Draon people are motivated and quick to accomplish the task. (Exploration is faster or takes less time)


Blasphemy: Will have a harder time interacting with races that do not understand and respect Draon Religion and will be more hostile to races that actively discourage it.

Aggressive: The Drao are naturally more aggressive and unless dealing with a much larger and stronger race, will usually solve problems with warfare.
Cashdash25 said:
Hmmm, well, if you can get a sheet up by, I'll say 11 PM EST when I get home from work, then it won't be too late to add you in.
Even when the thread's up, is it still too late to post up new applications? Please I hope not...
Okay, @tims run it's only fair that the same offer apply to you, but I'm capping it at you two. There are a few issues present in each of your sheets, I will address each in turn and try to provide some feedback and advice, the game will be able to start as soon as these issues are resolved.


A few specific issues to start;

-Silver is difficult to differentiate from grey with a digital edited program, I would ask that it be changed to a more visually striking color.

-Your Government system is completely unsustainable and would end in a Junta within two hundred years. If there's a clearly established way for a faction to take power then they will eventually take it. I would suggest a larger congressional republic system or a true democracy.

-An oceanic navy would be literally useless unless you were building floating cities. They would be the first targets for any fleet establishing orbit overhead.

-Moon sized starships, to use the example of the Zantans who are the only other faction with ships of this size, it took them centuries to build ships of this size, with a goal that could only be achieved by ships of this size: Crossing the Galactic Void as an act of desperation. No faction would ever consider building vessels like this as a matter of course, much less a mere 12-14 of them. You would need literal fleets worth of them, at which point the resource cost would simply be too staggering to be effective.

-Your pros aren't really pros, they're just what every faction does really. A lot of your sheet reads like this actually, it just feels like you're trying to make things that aren't actually different look different.

-You con is an interesting one, but too limited, restricting it to a small number of worlds makes it predictable, any intelligent government would merely station a detachment of troops on the problem worlds and that'd be the end of it. I'd suggest expanding it to a more general increase in the likelihood of uprisings and rebellions.

On a more broad analysis, your sheet feels very low effort and generic, doing little to separate itself from any other, and basically copy/pasting Humans and Human history onto another world. I feel that at its core their is a workable idea for a near-human, Imperiumesque race, but in its current form it just looks and feels bland and, almost Mary Sueish at times.

Draon Commonwealth;

Same as before, specific issues to start followed by general feelings;

-Pink is already effectively taken by another player, I would ask another color be chosen.

-Humans have already been established as a race and faction, and would not have evolved simultaneously on two separate worlds.

-Neither of your cons are actually cons, they're A. Culture Clash, which is a thing that happens to everyone, and B. Politics.

From a more general standpoint, your sheet is rather deeply flawed, Drao would never be able to keep sufficient numbers of Human cattle to feed themselves without being overwhelmed by revolts. The idea that the Drao would suddenly accept creatures they had been taught their whole lives were vermin as their equals if laughable, those few that did accept this would be branded as heretics and the woman espousing it as a blasphemer. The Humans certainly would not accept the idea of living in peace with creatures that had spent centuries trying to eat them, much less convert to their religion. I think space vampires can be done, but this iteration would be best rewritten from the ground up.

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