Emilia Sven


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Emilia Sven

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Species/Race: Human

Kingdom of Origin: Elysium

Aegis of light: Emilia can create a small glowing barrier to protect herself and others, the barrier can take a strong amount of force before breaking and protects anything behind it from physical and magical attacks. The barrier can be made from the size of a buckler to a 5 by 5 foot wall and can be grabbed by the caster to move it at will, hanging in that air when released. She uses this ability in lieu of a shield in order to allow herself to use her longsword with both hands.

Honor the pure: A passive effect, Emilia magically heals her wounds very slowly when under direct sunlight.

Strong and determined, Emilia doesn't back down from a challenge! She loves to test her limits and try new things. Though she may be mute, she makes up for it with her rather boisterous and overtly friendly personality. She tends to make friends easily despite her disability as she has a strong instinct on how to act in social situations, always quick with a joke through the clever use of her chalkboard, she finds great joy in making people happy. In her free time Emilia loves to spar, the thrill of a good duel is just something she can't get enough of and as such she's always looking for more competent partners. Though sparing is her main way of relaxing she does enjoy some "lighter hobbies" she greatly enjoys listening to music and finds herself drawn to those with the ability to play, though she's never been able to properly learn an instrument herself. She also loves to draw and often spends time doodling on her little chalkboard when she's bored.

In combat, her normally pleasant and casual demeanor gives way to a more stoic and serious one. Emilia is always the first one in and last to leave a battle, always willing to risk life and limb for another. She's known to be protective of her teammates almost to a fault, taking great personal risks to ensure their safety.

Emilia's birth was a moment of some celebration, a healthy, bouncing baby girl born Ricard and Alice Sven, to two knights of the dragon guard! An order of knights dedicated to protecting the kingdom of Elysium and it's nearby territories from monsters that would threaten the human populace. The two of them were ecstatic and for a while life went relatively well for the two, Emilia had a great childhood as the two knights made enough money to afford themselves quite a few luxuries. But there was always the pervasive air that something just wasn't right... It would be a few more years before the two knight came to realize that Emilia just.. wasn't speaking. By now she was well past the age where a child would at least say their first words, but despite their efforts the two couldn't coax a single peep from the young child. Worried now, the two took Emilia to a physician where their fears were confirmed, Emilia was simply yet incurably mute. There was a lot of sadness, a lot of uncertainty, after all the Dragon Guard would never be able to accept a new recruit who couldn't speak! Communication was key in their order, they heavily emphasized on group tactics and teamwork to tackle greater foes, how could they take a mute into their ranks? Even if she was a child of two high ranking officers.

The two knights though were not deterred, they were determined to see their daughter among the ranks of the dragon guard, and so the two of them did everything in their power to have her accepted to the guard. They spent money on expensive writing courses to teach the girl how to write as a form of communication, purchasing the girl a small, hand held chalkboard that she could carry with her and use as a form of communication. Though Emilia took slowly to the lessons she slowly came to use the small board to express herself more and more, eventually finding herself able to hold full conversations with the board, though there were some obvious limitations. While this solved the issue partially the dragon guard was still tentative to accept her, she still would have difficulties communicating in the heat of battle. While her peers were apprehensive, she was still accepted into training thanks to no small amount of pleading of her own.

It was then that opinions started to change, the girl worked hard, very hard in order to secure a place within the knights ranks. She fought and trained vigorously true to her family name she was a born natural with a sword. In time she would end up going three to one in the training yard. The guard admired her dedication, and so they finally decided to grant her the honor of working under their order. Today Emilia is a fully fledged knight and a valuable asset to the guard, she works with a small team of knights to tackle any beast that dares harass human kind.

Job: Knight of the Dragon Guard!

Alignment: Lawful Good


Casual clothing:

Emilia's longsword:

When preparing for a fight, Emilia wears a full suit of plate armor pictured above plus a small range of weapons consisting of a longsword, a silvered shortsword, and a crossbow.
No matter what though she will always be found carrying her trusty longsword, no matter the situation she always keeps her steel by her side!​

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