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Fantasy Elizia ~ Chaos Kingdom (Accepting)


Seeker of Stories


The end is near.


The two sisters have read the cards and have seen their desires laid bare.


In order to have the revenge they so desperately seek, one of them must seduce the devil and bring into this world a dark and terrible child.


With this child, they can control the armies of the underworld and devour the land of Elizia.


Elizia will fall. 


the sisters.jpg

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The table was made of a dark oak. Imperfect swirls danced across the wood and candle light reflected from the polished surface. Helena's fingers tapped impatiently as her raven haired sister gently ruffled the feathers of the crow on her shoulder. "Aryana, I am growing tired, how much longer will this take?" Helena's voice was as light and elegant as her Platinum hair.

"Helena, I have told you it takes time. Communing with unnatural forces needs patience. Give her a moment to channel the spirits." As Aryana's husky voice attempted to settle her sisters temper, the old woman in the chair let out a whimper. She knew that if she did not foresee her captors futures, they would strike her down. 

   Helena let out a sigh and leapt forwards across the table, her razor sharp nails clasped the old woman's throat. The captors haggard face quivered and struggled against the choke hold. Aryana didn't say a word and watched with her wide blue eyes as the situation unfolded. Helena tightened her grip and pushed her face close enough for the old woman to smell her breath. "I will no longer tolerate your insolence" Her voice was less elegant than before, her words a vicious hiss. "My sister and I have been waiting our entire lives for this moment. We have been abandoned, abused, raped and tortured; Now is our time to have revenge! There are more Seers in Elizia, if you do not speak the fate of the cards now, I will cut you up and feed you to the next unfortunate soul we enslave to take your place." The old woman whimpered once more and swallowed the lump  in her throat. She nodded her head in agreement and closed her eyes. Helena loosened her grasp and slipped back into her seat with a triumphant smirk on the side of her sculpted face. Aryana was in awe of her sister's dominance and gave her a wry smile of appreciation.

  The old woman's eyes danced back and forth behind her eye lids. Her wrinkled fingers trembled over the deck of cards placed in the middle of the three. The hundreds of bracelets on her wrist jangled and sang out a sweet melody as she picked up a card and placed it to her left. She picked up another and another and arranged them into a circle. The Seer groaned under her breath as the spirits urged her to place cards in the right order and with one more clatter of her jewelry, she stopped and opened her eyes. 

   Helena, Aryana and the woman stared intensely at the cards on the table, they could all feel the dark string of fate that bound them together. Aryana traced her fingertips across the words and with hungry eyes, turned to the woman. "Tell us now what they mean and then you may go free."

   The woman pointed at the first and with her once beautiful but now withered voice, she spoke what would become legend;


"The Empress, this is the Queen to be.

The Devil, your King and your saviour.

The Lovers, the Queen and the King shall be entwined.

Death, this will be a child brought into this world to devour and consume all within it's path. They will answer only to the King and Queen.

The Hanged Man, this is whom you shall seek. A sacrifice worthy of your dark gods to deliver to your King." 

The sisters looked at one another, understanding now that only one of them could have true power. Their bond was strong but how much could it truly endure?

"What about the other four cards?" Helena raised a brow in curiosity as she addressed the old woman. The Seer chuckled under her breath, no longer cowering a she had done before. Aryana stood and slammed her fists on the table.

"Do not laugh at us witch! Have you not forgotten that we will tear you apart if you do not answer us?!" The old woman laughed louder and louder, ignoring the outburst. Helena stood now and pulled out a dagger from the slip of her black dress. 

"Answer now or I will cut you in half." Helena's eyes scowled as her blood boiled and her anger seethed. The Seer stopped howling with laughter and with a smile said her last words. 

" The Moon, The Star, The Sun and The World. These four cards represent the four souls that will save The Hanged man and make sure The Empress never gets to meet The Devil."

The dagger flew from Helena's grasp and imbedded itself into the Seers face. Droplets of blood and brain dripped to the floor as the Crow on Aryana's shoulder screeched a symphony of pain and anguish.

The Cards have been chosen.

Fate has been decided. 

Elizia will fall.

tarot death.jpgtarot devil.jpgtarot hanged.jpg
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Elizia is a vast landscape of many wonders.
It is full of fantastical cities, unbelievable oceans and glorious mountains.
It is an old kingdom with no technology.
Horses and feet are the only mode of transport, other than boats and the occasional Dragon.
The Sisters have spies everywhere, making it almost impossible to hide.
Nowhere is truly safe, but the heroes of this story must find a way, must survive the land, must remain vigilant and brave.
This is the Kingdom Elizia, the Kingdom of Chaos.

This is The Kingdom Of Elizia


The Hidden dwelling of the Elves.
-Glarren Elstha-This city resides in the Farnorn forest.

The main city of the humans.
-Glamrell End-The largest human settlement in Elizia.
The wastelands of the Fallen Dragon Riders.- Dragoneire Lands - The lost city.

Dragons and their masters once lived here, but the Elves killed the riders long ago in the great flame war. Hundreds upon thousands of corpses; Elven, Dwarven, Dragon, Human, Demon and Mage have scorched the earth in the wastelands. 

The castle with no royals.

The Sisters lay claim to this land, Aryana's ability to commune with nature helps them to hide amongst the few remaining Dragons.


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The Moon - Rogue

~ Reserved by Lumeneire

The Star - Mage

The Sun - Warrior

The World - Seer

The Hanged Man - Sacrifice 


Please message me if you would like to reserve one of the five cards.


Helena -

 (Can wield dark magic and summon Demons. Is very charismatic, seductive and commanding)

Aryana - 

( Can speak with nature and control animals. Is full of wisdom and can be unpredictable)

Other - 

This can include bystanders, spies, demons, Elves, Mages, Dwarves etc..


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