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Fantasy Elemental Royalty (Full!)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/crovo.jpg.b9481ee7bc471fc54cdcb20e25bbb09d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140559" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/crovo.jpg.b9481ee7bc471fc54cdcb20e25bbb09d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Adam Tivaunne

Location: Entrance of the Ballroom

Mood: Wtf does she want from me?

Adam just got back from his walk, leaving Mina to talk with her royal lady friends. The walk was pretty nice, altough somehow tense. Tense as in sexual tension, because Adam was enamorated with the Azarsan lady beyond his head. He didn't know if she returned the feelings yet that didn't stop him. Altough, why would a noble like her look at a bodyguard? His thoughts were soon cut off by a lady with gray hair, and quite a difference of height. Clearing his throat, he saw that she posed herself right in front of him, demanding his name.

''Adam Tivaunne'' he said looking her straight into the eyes, his wolf like pupils scanning her. ''And I'm not a drifter. I was just out for a walk, altough I don't see how that affects you in any way...Miss...?'' he said making a pause waiting for her to speak her name.

@H A R P Y



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Nerida Valnarrus

Eleorim Palace: Ballroom

The smile that blossomed on Nerida's lips at the sight of Lucina as well as her encouraging words was largely fueled by relief. At least she had not unintentionally embarrassed herself due to her lack of presence during her dancing. Still, however, she was disappointed by her dancing that day; perhaps in the presence of others they would not be so polite, and she knew full well that she represented Unahla and she could not afford anything less than perfect. Despite the reassurances from the Eleorim siblings, she could not help feeling somewhat lacking, and that did ruin her mood, though of course she made sure not to show it on her face.

She was rather taken aback by Lucina's use of her first name with no honorifics whatsoever; back in her own country that was never the case. She was Princess first and foremost, and her highness had to always be mindful of her title and her behaviour so as to not shame her family. Or at least, that had been drilled into her since young. Appearances were everything. All the same... just hearing her own name without any title whatsoever made her feel... relaxed, somewhat. Like a normal person without an image to uphold. For a moment, she relished the feel of it. Of course she did not mind. She was not even going to correct the other Princess.

Plus, based on their earlier conversation, she remembered that Lucina had expressed a preference for being called Lucie, and so she was going to return the favour. "Thank you... Lucie," she said, sounding very hesitant, the lack of honorifics sounding very foreign to her tongue. She was so unused to this. She blushed, rather embarrassed now. "I do enjoy dancing, and it feels wonderful to be complimented on doing it well. I have to admit that I was so intent on my own performance that I was not able to catch yours. Perhaps... there might be more chances in the future." And she sure hoped so! Interacting with Lucie was quite different from her other female companions (perhaps because they were both of the same status).

@Twyllvarlais @Argus @Uxie
Kasia couldn’t help but cock an eyebrow at his flattery. She was no blushing maiden that fell at the feet of any man who called her pretty, such pleasantries were nothing new to a princess. Especially ones that sounded like a merchant about to ask for money. Much in the Kasia way, a bit of teasing was the response.

“Shall I say the same? How I feel honored to dance with such handsome and powerful man, how every woman around me must look on with jealousy and—“ She paused mid-fake swoon at the shattered glass, followed by Kian’s laughter.

Her first thought as she saw the winged princess run off was shame, it was such a pretty dress followed by why did he have to laugh. As one who knows the work that is put into finding the perfect dress for an occasion such as this, getting it ruined was no laughing matter. Frankly, had that happened to her, Kasia probably would have stabbed the person who spilt the drink. No intent to kill of course, but people can easily survive a dagger in the leg or shoulder, an even payment for a ruined dress.

Naturally, things could only go downhill from here. It was then that Kasia saw her brother run by with a particularly nauseas princess in his arms. “Oh great.” She sighed. Well, at least she wouldn’t be the only gossip back home.

“It would seem tonight the gods have it out for everyone,” Kasia mused as scanned the ballroom for any other possibly disastrous events. “I would hate to be the council that got this disaster of a ball as a result to their ‘treaty’.”




LOCATION: Balcony outside Eleorim Palace Ballroom

MOOD: killmenow

TAGS: @Shadow Alpha

Being lifted into the lion's strong arms so suddenly did absolutely nothing to ease her nausea despite his nimble attempts, and Szahdi clamped her hands over her mouth to prevent spraying the contents of her stomach over her betrothed and other guests. Her eyes slammed shut. Willpower could only work for so long before...!

And there it went, a ghastly mix of bile and wine, over the balcony's edge to the shrubbery below. Her stomach heaved up every last drop of her much-loved alcohol and then some. After what seemed like a never-ending bout of misery, the princess' chest rose with one last effort to rid her body of its poison before she sank to the stone with panting breaths. She leaned her side against the balcony railing and without opening her eyes, addressed the Azarsan prince at her side.

"W-Why... are you szztill here...?" Her words sounded as drawling as ever, but there was a slight touch of sobriety to her tone that wasn't there before.



Location: Eleorim Palace Ballroom

Mood: Let us play a game, shall we...?

Tagged: @Elias

Naris was no oblivious fool; when the guard parted ways with his foreign friend, she caught the longing in his fleeting gaze, the hunger that so resembled the elf's own. Outwardly, she gave the man a steely stare, her pursed lips set in a frown. But mentally, her mind began to wander.

Naris was a predator always on the hunt. Between days of serving her dear royals, she catered most eagerly to her whims. However, with all of this treaty and marriage nonsense, there was little time left for frivolity and her whims remained unsatisfied. The man before her was no Unahlan dream, and certainly no elven charmer, but there was a rough bit of beauty in his wartorn visage. ...Yes, this man would be a mark, something to ease her back into her game, something to work her up to the grand prize.

"Adam Tivaunne." Ah, so she was right in assuming that he was the Jyraanian dog. Naris met his bestial stare with a cold gaze of her own. "And I am not a drifter. I was just out for a walk, although I don't see how that affects you in any way...Miss...?"

"Naris Oleran," she said with pride, "guard to His and Her Majesties the prince and princess of Eleorim. Unlike you, ser, I see my post as an honored privilege and take it quite seriously. I do suggest you pick a spot and stick to it before I deem your 'walk' as suspicious development." The slightest of curls lifted a single corner of her lips and she nodded towards the Azarsan noblewoman. "By the way... I do commend your efforts, ser guard, but remember your status here; this is no party for peace, but a marriage arrangement for royalty. Do keep that in mind...~"

She was the last one to offer such advice, but it wasn't as though this simple guard knew that. Naris was simply testing the waters, as it were, getting a feel for the shifter's temperament.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/crovo.jpg.c87be935dde687f88e65cf59b0a15b4a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140834" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/crovo.jpg.c87be935dde687f88e65cf59b0a15b4a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Adam Tivaunne

Mood: Taunted

Location: Balroom

@H A R P Y

Adam's fist clenched slightly, almost instinctively as the elf spilled her critique over him. This unknown woman was 'lecturing' him about leaving his post, and considering his walk as suspicious behaviour. Reaching her words regarding Mina, his fist clenched even harder, him visibly trying to figth the urges to transform into a wolf, and rip her throat. Taking a deep breath, he took control of his instincts and his fist loosened. Looking her straight in the eyes, Tivaunne started to speak his mind.

"Well, Miss Oleran. I do apologize that not everybody is as vigilant as you..'' he said with a tinge of sarcasm in his voice. ''Altough I do find it funny that you thought even for a moment that I wasn't taking my job seriously. The prince was never far from my sights, and my ''suspicious developement'' as I was walking around the gardens, worked two ways. You know why? Because besides enjoying myself around a noblewoman who at least knows how to talk to people, I got to keep an eye out for my prince who was on the balcony. The gardens do offer a good view of the royalty coming outside to cool themselves off'' he said as he grabbed a glass of wine from a nearby tray.

Ending his rant, he looked at her and said: ''Altough, you do have some points'' he admitted. ''I do have to be more vigilent. Danger could come from any way''



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Kian Ignis

Once Szahdi had begun to support herself over the balcony, Kian sunk to the ground with a heavy thump. He was so happy that he managed to get her out in time before she threw up on herself. The sound of Szahdi retching was not kind on the ears while Kian sat with his legs crossed by her side. One hand was constantly rubbing small, reassuring circles on her that doubled to steady Szahdi to prevent her from going over the edge. This reminds me off the time I was badly poisoned by Kasia during the peak of our sibling rivalry. It wasn't enough to kill me but I couldn't eat solids for a week. She went overboard over me eating her favorite sweets that she had hidden away. It was a fond memory now that Kian could look back on it. Szahdi seemed to be over the worst of it as she addressed Kian. His eyes were full of worry and concern, "Why? There's no way I could just leave you out here like that. I felt much better knowing that you weren't suffering alone."

@H A R P Y
Wulf said:
Giroux bowed in return. She was a graceful, delicate thing, one that would require his prtection. He was just the man for the job as it were, Unahlan seaborn lived to serve their wives, who were many times just as mighty as the men. He took his place at her side, relaxing his posture a bit as she apologized for not joining him earlier. He wasn't in a rush to meet her when he first got here, but it was nice to finally break the ice as it were, "Oh I don't blame you for having nerves, my lady, this gathering has been interesting to say the least. It's a good thing we didn't join the crowd either, we could have ended up covered in wine, or in a fight." he mused, jokingly widening his eyes at the thought. The commotion died down as more people finished their dances, the group of musicians turning their attention to the Unahlan Prince and the Princess of Isra Nosca. Giroux took a deep breathe, reaching down to grab the Princess Charlise's hand, giving it an encouraging squeeze, "Let's win this." he smiled, offering a friendly wink.
Other than the dancing he did with his sister over the last few weeks during the nobility crash course his family imposed onto him, the only memory Giroux had of dancing was watching his sister when they were children. Other than that, the only dance he knew was the dance of battle, his music being the drums of war, accompanied by the crash of cavalry and howls of dying men. Now he found himself leading a dance with the Princess of one of his former enemies. He finally got to get a real look at her, the Princess Charlise Alexander Dwinanae.

She was something else, adorned in markings that graced her figure and eyes as deep as the sea, the kind of eyes a man could get lost in if he did not have the strength. There was a substance to her and her people, one that even Giroux would learn to appreciate. Isra Nosca was a land of deep mystery, and their Princess was no exception. Giroux smiled at her as they danced, partly because she was beautiful as she was graceful and partly because he actually done a decent job with the dance.

He wanted her to feel safe with him, when the music faded silent, Giroux got on one knee once again and pressed his lips to the back of her hand, a gesture of undying loyalty in Unahla. As their relationship began, so did their journey to bring peace to their respective homes, together. The thought alone was enough to rile intense emotions Giroux had to tame. For the first time in his life he would know peace, the great storm in his heart would calm and he would forge a new future for his people, all the while maintaining productive partnerships with Isra Nosca and Eleorim. For now, the dance competition would make for a fun first step.

Giroux rose to his feet, relaxing himself from the deep thought he plunged himself into as he smiled and let out a deep breath, "That went better than expected, Princess, although I look forward to lessons from you in the future." he finished, winking as he took her hand once more, walking to be away from the crowd once again. "I hope you don't mind us spending some time away from the group. I'm not one for getting lost in the revelry. We are both very far from our homes, I must say it feels good to finally meet you, hopefully the stories and nicknames don't frighten you." he finished, a smile of optimism growing on his face.

Charlise Alexandra Dwinanae

Location: Light Kingdom Ballroom/some place away from the ballroom

She watched as Giroux took his place by her side, smiling slightly. She knew about the Unahlans. She took the time to learn as much about them and their country before meeting Giroux. Having some knowledge of them helped her relax, and, if necessary, it could become the subject of conversation if things became awkward. But for now, she was content to just be by his side, listening to him. Charlise listened to his comment about the wine, laughing as he widened his eyes jokingly. At the very least, she knew she was going to marry a man with a good sense of humor.

Then, the commotion from the crowd died down, and she realized the musicians were waiting for Giroux and her to dance. She trembled a little, looking out at the sea of faces. What if she messed up? What if she steps on his foot? What if she gets laughed at? Her thoughts were silenced as she felt him take her trembling hand, feeling an encouraging squeeze. She relaxed a little, and nodded confidently at Giroux, smiling as they made their way through the crowd.

This was it. Her mother had taught her everything there is to know about dancing, and mistakes were not tolerated. She had practiced and practiced for years, mastering her dancing skills. She only hoped it would pay off. As they took their position on the floor, she smiled at him, feeling at peace as she looked up at him. They started to dance, and she moved gracefully, making sure to
not step on his foot.

When she looked into his eyes, it was almost as if she could see into his soul. She could see the scars - the brutality of the war he had experienced, the deaths he had witnessed, the heartbreak he had seen. It was, indeed, heartbreaking. Charlise could only imagine what years spent in war could do to one's mind, but staring into his dark brown eyes, that she found rather attractive, she had an idea.

Once the music finished, she heard some soft clapping, and she grinned. They both had done very well, and she knew it. She watched him kneel once again, and kiss her hand. This man was a true gentleman, and she relaxed, knowing she would be in good hands. She only hoped that she could help soften his calloused heart that had been through so much pain. As his wife, she would do everything in her power to make sure he felt supported, encouraged, and loved for the rest of his life. It would become her goal in life.

Watching him rise, she nodded in agreement.
"You did very well, my Prince. I will look foward to dancing with you in the future." She took his hand and looked forward, walking away from the crowd with him. Charlise listened to him and she chuckled, replying. "On the contrary... you probably already know that I am pretty nervous around crowds. Especially crowds of strangers." At the mention of stories and nicknames and stories, her mind raced with thought.

She rehearsed all his titles and remembered all that she had heard about him in her mind, trying to get her facts straight just in case he asked. Her face turned into a slight scowl briefly as she did, but she quickly regained her composure.
"Not at all... I have heard nothing but stories of good and brave acts done by you, and your nicknames - your titles, were earned, as well as deserved in my opinion." She smiled reassuringly at him.

Lucina Vyshaan


feeling: delighted

location: eleorim palace, ballroom

@Huor Spinks @Argus @Twyllvarlais

Lucie's smile seemed to grow wider as the other girl referred to her as she'd wished to be called. Did that mean they were on a different level now? Perhaps they were even friends? Lucie would very much like to be her friend. Nerida was possibly the sweetest girl she'd seen in ages. The elf pretended not to notice the blush on the blue-haired's face, to spare her the added embarrassment while already being embarrassed. "Well, your dancing is as beautiful as the desserts are delicious! And they are. You should try them if you haven't." Sha glanced at her bethrothed and her brother, curiously wondering what they were speaking about, though she didn't feel like knowing. Well, she did, but to intrude would not be mannerly, not in the least bit.

"I'm sure we will have many more chances! Maybe even at your wedding, hm?" she said with a sly wink, grabbing Nerida's hand and pulling her aside gently. "I never did get to hear your answer for my first question. What's your impression of my brother so far? Has he enchanted you? Charmed your socks off?" Lucie wiggled her eyebrows comically, but she was genuinely interested to know her answer. She'd always fantasised about what kind of girl Thanalil might marry, though now she was more curious to find out if Nerida herself had a good impression.

A sudden image of Thanalil declaring war on the other kingdoms popped up in her head, and she pursed her lips. How would she take that? How would
Arie take that? Her eyes flicked to Thanalil once more, before she shook her head, tossing the thought to the back of her head. She's cross that bridge when she got there. Realising she'd been silent far too long for someone engaged in conversation, Lucie added hastily,

"You've got a... um... lovely dress, by the way!"

Before Thalanil could continue his conversation with Nerida he noticed his beloved sister effectively stealing away his bride to be. It had also appeared that she brought in toe her future groom to be. The ever so troublesome Prince Arie of Ilmatar. The night had not even begun and he had already threatened the already unstable peace of the six kingdoms. He along with the other troubled royality in attendance served as an example of why the marriage treaty was a foolish idea that would never hold. To make matters worse this was the man his sister was promised to, his sweet doting sister with this winged dolt. In the end it didn't matter, the treaty would never see fruition, Thalanil would see to that.

"Greetings Prince Arie, I appologize for the earily unpleasantries but as the host I do have to take certian precautions. As a fellow heir to a kingdom I am sure you understand." Thalanil said with a friendly smile as he nodded his head acknowledging his presence.

"I do hope my sister hasn't been too much of a handful, she can be a bit energetic at times." As he placed a hand on Lucian's head, ruffling her hair enough to displace it from its current perfect state. His own little form of revenge for her forcing this meeting upon him.

In truth there were other a couple others Thalanil needed to speak to and this interruption caused by his sister came as problematic. Such was life, he would just have to roll with the change and speak to them after the conference. Thalanil was well aware his father was still nowhere to be seen, knowing full and well that it would be up to himself to lead the proceedings of the conference for the marriage treaty. After the proposed dance competition he would dismiss all no essential nobility in attendance and then the real reason for the gathering of the six kingdoms would commence.

@Huor Spinks @Uxie @Twyllvarlais
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Ariaevon Kaean Dwinanae

Location - Light Kingdom Ballroom

Mood- Neutral.

Tagged -

At Kasia's teasing, Ariaevon gave a brief smile. He had not expected much from his flattery, as he was sure she had had plenty of it showered upon her since birth. Flattery, in its own way, was a form of acknowledgement. Mostly of the fact that the Dark Prince cared enough, for his own reasons, of the princess' opinion of him that he would try to influence her through flattery. What had occurred earlier was still weighing on his mind, more so because of thought as to how to reverse the possible damage done than actual worry.

As the two finished their dance, the music came to its final crescendo, and as a fitting finish Ariaevon spun the Fire Princess once more. He had noticed that his first spin had caught her off guard, nearly causing her to trip, so this time he made sure to give her ample hints as to what his attention was. As she spun around, Ariaevon could not help but note the beauty with which her dress flowed with her movements. Thus far the two had minimal, at best, interactions with each other. Kasia knew nothing of him, aside from what had been told to her, and he knew nothing of her, nothing except what had been gathered by his father and passed along the grapevine by the nobles of Isra Nosca. Two strangers, soon to be wed for the rest of their lives. It is almost comical in a way. So far, though, Ariaevon thought that Kasia would be an adequate companion. Perhaps, not as he had expected, but adequate.

As Kasia came to a stop from her spin, the music faded out, and their first dance had finished. With her hand still pressed into his own from the dance, Ariaevon lifted it up to brush his lips against its back once more, before releasing it. Around them dances had begun to finish, and the competition was nearing its conclusion, as it were. The result of the competition was of no meaning to Ariaevon, and as such the realization that there had even been a competition was pushed out of his mind.

“It would seem tonight the gods have it out for everyone. I would hate to be the council that got this disaster of a ball as a result to their ‘treaty’.”

A slight bitter smile crossed Ariaevon's lips at the mention of how the night had gone thus far. He... was actually in participation for the council that had arranged the ball. And, as a result, had splendidly made a complete ass of himself. The consequence of such a disgrace was sure to come once he arrived back home, and the Prince of Darkness could already hear the condescending, and slightly amazed tone, of his father at how Ariaevon had managed to let down his expectations even further than he had already expected. All in all, not a conversation he was looking forward to... The only saving grace of the night was that his sister had not been in attendance for his disgrace...

"It would appear so. Maybe the deities of all the Kingdoms gathered together to have a good laugh at our expense," Ariaevon guessed aloud, shrugging his shoulders. Though, he personally did not believe in the gods; much to the embarrassment of those who knew of his beliefs. "And, yes, I believe that this would be quite the embarrassment for the council. Two princes almost tried to killed each other, a princess was doused in wine, and another got shitfaced. All in all, the actors of this little play of ours have come up with quite the hilarious improvisations."

Nerida Valnarrus

Eleorim Palace: Ballroom

"Well..." Nerida gazed rather longingly at the deserts table. She had partaken of two of the deserts earlier, and she had spent such a long time at the table deciding on which of the two deserts she would chose to take because there were so many choices, and all of them so delectable looking. Ultimately, she ended up taking the two deserts that featured the color blue the most; at least that colour was familiar to her and made her less homesick. But as much as she missed the palace, she did not really miss the people within it. The somewhat teasing jibes from her mother if she had taken one slice of pie too many; her figure was so nice now, did she really want to loose it? And so she held back.

Indeed, they were delicious, and she personally did not dare to admit that her dancing was anything but excellent (she was most definitely disappointed with her performance earlier) so she decided not to mention her dancing at all. "Thank you," she said, bowing her head slightly. "That was a most gracious compliment, as those deserts were absolutely delicious. You must pass on my compliments towards the chef that made them."

As Lucie pulled her away by her hand, she glanced back at Lucie's royal brother, in case it was necessary that she excuse herself but as it turned out, it was hardly necessary. Prince Thalanil's attention was on what was most likely to be the Prince of Ilmatar, Arie, and as she took a good look at him, the realization that he was that obscene, disgusting man from earlier made a slight frown mar her face before she quickly composed herself and turned away. Thankfully, she was not to be the one dealing with him, but if Lucie was the one betrothed to him, and it was highly likely she was, seeing that it had been him she was dancing with earlier... the thought of him embarrassing Lucie like he had done earlier with another Princess made her somewhat concerned. Lucie did not deserve that kind of humiliation, in her mind.

But Lucie was now asking her impressions about her brother, and as usual, she just had to answer in her straightforward way. "I feel most fortunate that he is to be my betrothed, as compared to some of the other Princes, he was most polite, gentlemanly, and at least honest about his faults. I mean... in terms of dancing," Perhaps to soften the blow a little. And perhaps to get the attention off herself, as well as to learn more about Lucie's impressions of her betrothed, she asked, "And what of your impressions of your betrothed? I am curious to know what you think of him." Well, at least if Lucie liked him, that was one thing less to worry about.

It was then that she realised that Lucie's attention was elsewhere. There was an awkward silence, and Nerida was just about to tentatively ask if all was all right when Lucie came back to with a completely unrelated topic; about her dress. It was so unrelated that Nerida had not been expecting it, and she actually had to pause and think of what would be a suitable answer to that. "Ah, thank you," she said finally, giving another slight bow. "I was worried that it would be too dark for a place like this, and I am glad it is not the case."

@Argus @Uxie @Twyllvarlais



Location: Eleorim Palace Ballroom

Mood: Oh, please.

Tagged: @Elias || @Huor Spinks @Uxie @Argus @Twyllvarlais (mentioned)

Naris raised a solitary brow as her fellow guard ground out his defensive reply. A roguish grin took hold of her mouth and when he finally admitted to revising his methods of patrol, a quick chuckle bubbled up and out of her throat. Though her caution for danger remained, the elf's sour mood faded quickly now that she had a game to play. Such a silly, little man this guard was; he would make for an interesting prize.

"Now, now, ser guard, I mean you no disrespect," was her light reply, the palm of her free hand up and out as a gesture of peace. "I simply call out the inconsistencies that I see. You are a protector and yet you were not at your master's side in order to protect him. I am sure you understand my concern." As if to punctuate her statement, but really to allay her worry, Naris's gaze flickered across the floor to where her own charges stood.

She found Lucina by the dessert table with the blue-haired beauty that was surely Giroux's sister, stuffing her mouth and that of her company with various brightly-colored sweets as only Lucina could. Predictable. The elf's smirk faded ever so slightly into a more sincere smile. She was quite fond of the princess, and glad to see her mingling so easily with foreigners, enemies though they might be. It was when Naris found Thalanil speaking with the winged troublemaker from before that her features grew stiff and her hand tightened around the staff of her spear. The prince could handle himself easily, that she knew, but the mere thought of the possibility of that Ilmatarian vulture bringing more shame to her home than he already had ignited a blaze of fury in her heart.

Naris turned her grey-amber gaze back to man before her, its wandering having lasted no more than a half-minute. Besides a slight tensity to her features, there was no apparent change in her visage. Her roguish grin lingered on, as did the hint of of a threat in her eyes.

"Stay wary, ser guard. It would simply would not do for any more, ah, disturbances to interrupt this peaceful gathering tonight."
Composing himself, Arie prepared himself for the conversation with the host of tonight's ball, the Light Prince Thalanil. Arie also decided it was best to apologize to Thalanil also so as to somewhat recover his honor. "It's quite alright Prince Thalanil. It was my fault for starting the whole ordeal. I already apologized to your sister, but it makes more sense to apologize to you. I made myself look like a fool in front of everyone and especially in front of my sister and my betrothed Lucie."

Arie didn't know how Thalnil would react to his apology, but Arie was hooing would accept it. Hearing Thalanil talk about Lucie's energetic spirit, Arie smiled. "Honestly I quite enjoy the company of your sister. She has a lot fire to her, and I think she enjoys deserts little too much haha."

Waiting for Thalanil's response, Arie felt the eyes of someone on him. Turning around to find the presence he saw an elven woman with a spear eyeing him with an intense and furious glare. She must be one of the royal guards for the Light royalty. Deciding to throw her off, Arie bowed to her and recovering from the bow Arie winked at the elven woman and returned his attention back to Thalanil.

"So what do you enjoy doing in your spare time Prince Thalanil?"

@Argus @H A R P Y
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Kaisa was much more prepared for this spin, thankfully. With ease she turned, feeling her dress trail around with her. When Ariaevon kissed her hand, she gave a small curtsy and returned his small smile. There wasn’t much to this “competition” considering most had been caught up in the drama of the spills and drunkedness of other royals. In fact—as Kasia observed the group of other royals chatting off to the side—it appeared even the host had forgotten about it.

Oh well, it was a dodgy attempt at a distraction anyway.

She turned her attention back to Ariaevon. This entire night had been strange so far, but to think that she was looking at the man she was to spend the rest of her life with was the strangest of all. He was tolerable so far—except for maybe that icy anger, that would be a trip when pair up against her fiery temper—but he was still a blank slate so far. All of these formalities, stiff interactions and constant observation, they had a draining effect on the personalities of everyone present.

“Still, improvisations are usually what make the play interesting.” Kasia nodded a head towards the group of royals on the side. “Shall we see where the script takes us?”

Without really waiting for an answer—it’s not like he would want to remain standing in the middle of the dance floor anyway—she weaved her way through the crowd, nabbing a glass of wine on the way.

Kasia approached with a pleasant smile, giving a nod to the others in greeting though lingering slightly on the pretty blue haired princess she had not yet seen. Glancing around at the group for a second, she raised an eyebrow at the scene. To think: royals from countries that had been fighting for decades, so casually gathered it was almost comical. She could practically hear her ancestors stirring their urns trying to roll over.

An amused tone held in her voice as she addressed the group. “After seventy years, who would have imagined this very interaction happening.”

@Rari @Huor Spinks @Argus @Twyllvarlais @Uxie
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LOCATION: Balcony outside Eleorim Palace ballroom

MOOD: I'm Szahdi fuckin' Solum, okay...!

TAGS: @Shadow Alpha

Were she in her right mind, the Jyriaanian princess would have snarled and snapped at the man who dared to touch her with such familiarity, betrothed or not. However, Szahdi was exhausted. Spending the entirety of one's day preparing to spend the night cavorting with (former) enemies would do that to a wild woman who can't sit still for more than two minutes at a time. She was sick of it, sick of the formalities, of the forced friendships, and especially of this spirits-forsaken dress that prevented her from breathing properly! Apparently, adding something akin to womanly curves to Szahdi's petite frame was far more important than the function of her lungs.

Womanly curves be damned.

Instead of backhanding the lion for his unwanted attempts at comfort, the princess took a tonfa from her belt and ripped into the side of her dress, just above her waist. Her grasp was clumsy, however, and in addition to tearing through the gown and the corset underneath, she managed to leave a long scratch across her skin. She simply shrugged and heaved a heavy sigh, her first proper one of the night, as crimson beads of blood welled along the wound and dripped to stain her skin and clothes. At least she could breathe. Szahdi replaced her weapon on her belt after a bit of fumbling, then returned to resting against the balcony railing. She turned her eyes on Kian, searching his face for deceit, appraising him.

"Szzh... Szzpare me y'pity," she finally replied when she found only concern resting on his golden gaze. The woman huffed and turned her own eyes away. "I-I dun' neeeed y'here, y'know...! I... I─" she pressed her thumb against her chest, "─am nuh orn'ary pernsess, y'know...! 'F I wah' throw chh-chunkses ev'rwhere 'n suffer ferit, I-I can def'tly ... d-do it alone...!"
"I have heard nothing but stories of good and brave acts done by you, and your nicknames - your titles, were earned, as well as deserved in my opinion."

The beach was littered with arrows and bodies. On the horizon of the sea, ships crashed into each other, the wails of dying and drowning mean echoed across the beachhead. Giroux had thrust his sword through the stomach of an approaching enemy, grunting as he tossed his limp body aside. More enemy swordsmen arrived, hateful determination in their eyes. In his mouth, The Tiger Shark tasted blood and salt water, rallying his mean to his position as they braced for the next charge. Unahlan pikemen were infamous for being unmovable, as the rock is against the raging tide. "To me seaborn, they will charge, we will hold, they will die!" he shouted. The enemy fast approached, their swords catching what little sun broke through the dark clouds above. They were Isra Noscan.

"Good and brave," he contemplated, clearing his throat as well as his mind, and regaining his composure, his demeanor. His brow sunk as he looked at the groups of nobles they separated themselves from, "Yes Princess, good and brave is a kind way to put it. You're much better with words than I am, it seems." he finished. There was a long solemn silence he had brought upon them, and he had realized the grip he had on his intended's hand had loosened. He squeezed her hand as before, it was quickly becoming a habit of his. "This has been quite the task, turning the tide, making peace. All my people, my family has known is war. I am curious to see what the future hold, with optimism of course." he assured, he wasn't sure if he believed in his own words.

"My home is no Ilmatar, my Princess, Unahla isn't known for it's poetry or ornate pageantry, but there is beauty in the sea, and in my land and among my people. Most importantly, there is loyalty and safety. We have the largest, fastest navy in Pantaleon, your home will never be far." With every word he spoke, Giroux could only hope his beloved sister was getting the same amount of assurances. He would pull Eleorim's navy down into the depths himself for her. Being in another kingdom was beginning to take it's toll on his good will. He thought about returning to his parents, how his younger brothers would react to the beautiful Isra Noscan jewel he would bestow upon his house. Unahlan's were not one for subtlety, Princess Charlise had a long road ahead of her, but he would be at her side every step.

There he was, lost in his own mind as thoughts of his duties took grasp of him once again. He pulled himself out of it, smiling out of reflex as a servant walked by with ale. Naturally he grabbed a cup, half looking to see if the Princess grabbed herself a drink as he took his first sip. Ale, it would help him loosen up, though not as much as some of the other guests, at least that was the plan. "Forgive me, Princess, I'm still getting used to these banquets, peace time has come with it's own battles as it were." he explained, taking another sip, "I'm afraid I'm more graceful on the deck of a galleon than a dance floor. My sister was always the one that attended these kind of gatherings." he relaxed himself, taking a deep breath and another sip,

"We can join the others if you wish, or perhaps you can tell me about your homeland. I'm afraid I'm only familiar with Isra Noscan trade ships, they are rare sights, your land's medicines have saved many lives in Unahla, I look forward to learning about your kingdom, through you specifically."

Suddenly, Arlo's twin sense went off. Not waiting for a response, he left Blair with a "Sorry, gotta go." Inside the main ballroom, Szahdi had already torn her dress, and blood could be seen inside the tear. "Oh my gods," Arlo sighed under his breath. Before anyone else could get hurt, he had to get this under control. He turned to Kian and asked, "Do you mind helping me get my dear sister to my carriage outside? I brought a spare dress and some medical supplies for a situation like this."

@remembervvinter @Shadow Alpha @H A R P Y

Lucina Vyshaan


feeling: ?????? she's not very sure anymore, and neither am I

location: eleorim palace, ballroom

@Vannah @Huor Spinks @Argus @Twyllvarlais @Rari

"Never." Lucie said in reply with a sniff, looking at the girl's dress. It was beautiful, and Lucie almost felt a small twinge of envy as she compared her own with the Unahlan's princess'. Perhaps she'd find out the identity of their tailor later on. "It's stunning."

She hesitated a moment, before turning, her gaze on Arie, standing a bit away, conversing with her brother. As she watched him silently, she caught the small wink he sent to some direction in the room, and following the line led her straight to Naris. Lucie bit her lip gently, catching the wariness on Naris' face, and her eyes flicked back to Nerida. "He's... something, alright."

The girl paused, then continued. "Having been brought up in this environment, I must say he would be an absolute disaster of a prince in my mother's opinion. I doubt she'd still agree to the marriage. But I think he'll make a great friend, if it doesn't progress into love." Lucie smiled brightly, her colourful eyes twinkling subtly. "His humour and flattery are embarrassing, and he's definitely more of a flirt than I anticipated, but it's all in good fun, and I do love fun." Her brows furrowed in concern again as she thought a little more about this situation. "It's a bit of a concern, though, that he caused the incident earlier. I'm afraid most of the people I plan to befriend have a terrible image of him, as should be." Lucie confessed honestly, glancing back at Naris.

The Lady of Light's attention was caught by the arrival of the Fire Princess, bethrothed in tow. "Hello, Princess Ignis. And it was bound to happen sooner or later. Most wars in history have ended in a negotiation, and those negotiations would have been similar to this.
Very different circumstances, though." Lucie nodded lightly towards the redhead, a smile on her face.

With a light teasing tone, she said, "I don't believe we've properly met. Lucina Vyshaan, bethrothed of the man who framed you of fooling around, Lucie works perfectly fine."


Nerida Valnarrus

Eleorim Palace: Ballroom

Nerida nodded towards the Princess that approached them; instantly recognizing her as Kaisa, the Fire Princess, giving her her own friendly smile in return. She lifted her own goblet of wine to her lips. It was her second glass and if she was not able to partake of the deserts, at least she could drink, though even even that she had to be careful to not get too drunk and disgrace herself like another Princess had. "Indeed," she gave a nod in reply. "I daresay our parents would be most pleased by the results of this ball. Though that could be because we are all on our best behavior. Or at least, most of us are," she amended, instantly reminded of the two other royalties who were not. "Either way, it does bode well for the future, seeing that no one has yet drawn a sword."

At Lucie's answer, Nerida hesitated, before nodding, glancing once again at the Air Prince, before turning back to face Lucie. Lucie's concerns were right however; already due to the incident she did have a terrible image of him, though it was for Lucie's sake as well; she did not want Lucie humiliated by such a man like what had happened earlier. "He certainly is very different from what I expected of a Prince," she admitted to him. "His upbringing must be quite different from our own. I am merely worried that he would be obscene in his references to you, and that would be beneath the dignity of any Princess to have to endure." She took yet another sip of wine, afraid that she had spoken too much. But then, she almost always did say too much.

What Nerida did have in mind at the notion of Prince though, was probably Thalanil Vyshaan. The man was authoritative, polite, and most importantly, calm. Yet Nerida could not help wondering if his image was a facade, and that the more time she spent with him, he might end up turning out to be a a monster, worst case scenario. She too, knew all about fronts. She had been wearing one even before she had any concept of fronts; it had been necessary to impress the Unahlan court. Yet the thought of marrying a man and keeping up that facade... the thought exhausted her. She could not see any joy in it. Already at her young age she could see her future as dreary as the Unahlan court; even in bright Eleorim. Would marrying Thalanil really be better than marrying Arie?

If only she had the ability to chose who she could marry! But that was not her lot in life, nor should she expect it. Her own parents had not chosen each other either, and it had shown, as it would surely show in her own life. But she could not say that to Thalanil's sister; she did not want to insult him in front of her, for surely she would take offence at that. For a moment, she felt a bit lightheaded; perhaps she had been drinking too much after all. Perhaps she had better sit down. But fortunately for her, she soon found herself back on the ground, and she was forced to find a way to resume the conversation from the awkward silence that had no doubt just ensued.

Fortunately though, Lucie was now conversing with Princess Kaisa. So with a soft smile on her face, she sipped at her wine and merely listened.

@Vannah @Uxie @Argus @Twyllvarlais @Rari


Ariaevon Kaean Dwinanae

Location - Light Kingdom Ballroom


Tagged -
@Vannah , @Huor Spinks , @Uxie , @silentecho , @Wulf

"She uh... She walked off." Ariaevon spoke quietly to himself. He, honestly, was a little dumbfounded. It seemed the princess was a tad flighty, as it were. "Well, onward then."

The prince decided quickly to follow his princess, for the simple reason that he had nothing better to do. Moving

in order to not lose Kasia, Ariaevon moved back out of the dance floor, and ghosted his way along the outskirts of the room while keeping her in his sights. The edges of the room had become more crowded than usual due to the dancing competition, so it took more effort than he would have liked to weave his way through the crowd without unintentionally disturbing someone. As luck would have it, as he made his way closer to Kasia a waiter passed by him carrying glasses of some kind of alcohol with toothpicks sticking out of the glasses, so with a light pluck the prince snagged a glass from the waiter's tray as he passed by. Looking closer at the glass, it appeared that the toothpick was skewering an olive.

"Odd. Never seen a drink like this before.", the prince thought to himself, taking the exposed end of the toothpick between his fingers. At his touch the drink quickly became frozen, and Ariaevon worked the ice out of the glass with the toothpick as a handle. Bringing the ice to his mouth, Ariaevon bit off a chunk of it before returning it to the glass.

Enjoying his frozen alcohol, the prince continued his way through the crowd at a slower pace now; seeing that Kasia found her destination of a group of the other princes and princesses. Along his way, however, he could not help but notice a certain person in his path. She was of a ghostly pale complexion, with a gorgeous silver dress and hair styled in a distinctly Isra Noscan fashion. Her back was to him, and in front of her was a man who gave off a distinct impression. Tall, distinctly out of his element, with untamed eyes and a sword at his waist.
"Prince Giroux Valnarrus," the Dark Prince mused as he drew closer to the pair. Ariaevon had never met him personally, but he fit descriptions that he had been told. The prince scrutinized Giroux as closely as possible given the short time for observation. He seemed to be kind; perhaps a bit too kind, as the prince's eyes narrowed at seeing their interlocked hands. Closer scrutiny will come later, once they had a chance to speak, for now his precious sister appeared to be in good hands. Or, at least, non-malicious hands.

Passing behind his sister, the prince spoke in the soft manner he usually did towards her,
"It is good to see that you arrived safely, dear sister. You seem to be enjoying yourself, so I am glad one of my worries is put to rest. We will talk more later... You look beautiful, Charlise." He spoke rather quickly, but he had spoken loud enough that he was sure his sister had heard him clearly. The prince looked at Giroux briefly, nodding slightly to him, before he left the two; soon disappearing back into the crowd of people.

Finishing off his frozen treat along the way, the Dark Prince worked his way through the crowd until he came to stand next to his betrothed. She was caught in conversation with two other princesses. One, being Lucina Vyshaan, and the other a beautiful woman with long blue hair. Princess Nerida Valnarrus, Ariaevon presumed. The list of royalty he had yet to see was beginning to dwindle, and only the Earth Kingdom heirs remained to be seen. Following a brief comment towards Arie's upbringing, Nerida seemed to go silent in thought. Glancing off to the side, Ariaevon noticed Arie and Thalanil not too far away.

"Let's avoid that..." The prince thought quietly to himself, the two seemed to have a sort of tension between them.

Circling around the group to come to stand next to the Unahla Princess, the Dark Prince thought to leave his betrothed and the Light Princess to their own devices. Besides, she was to be the future sister-in-law to his own beloved sibling.

"Prince Ariaevon Dwinanae of Isra Nosca, it is a pleasure to meet you Princess Valnarrus." the Dark Prince bowed to her slightly, as is customary when greeting nobility, "Tonight has been quite interesting thus far, has it not?"

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Kian Ignis

Kian would have chuckled at such a drunken display of confidence if not for the serious air that seemed to be around her at the time. He earnestly looked into her eyes as she seemed to be scanning him for any traces of dishonesty. The was nothing but true concern showing upon his face. The sudden metallic smell of blood hit Kian's nose before he saw the small beaded trail leaving behind crimson tracks. He could tell that it wouldn't turn into anything too serious but he was still concerned of a potential infection. The appearance of Arlo made the situation a little better. He was not used to things like this since him and Kasia had tough skin that rarely allowed harm to fall upon them. "Sure, no problem Arlo." Kian was prepared to pick Szahdi up like he did before but she seemed mildly irritated at the way he carried her. He decided to carry her the way he would one of his hurt brethren. After hoisting her up onto his back and supporting her with one arm, Kian wrapped her arms around his neck while accidently brushing his ears. He could only hope that she would hang, even if she clutched at his hair like the younger ones did in his kingdom. I can only hope that she's too drunk to notice 'it'. Kian stood up straight while supporting Szahdi, "Alright Arlo, lead the way."


Nerida Valnarrus

Eleorim Palace: Ballroom

Nerida inclined her head as well, her customary polite smile on her face. So, this was Prince Ariaevon of Isra Nosca. "It is indeed a pleasure to meet you, Prince Dwinanae," she replied, referring to the man by his rank and last name as he had done with her. "This night has most certainly be interesting, and somewhat entertaining, it has to be admitted." Nerida took another sip of her wine as she contemplated what to say next. This man seemed about as self-controlled as she was, and Nerida could appreciate another polite individual, though she could not help feeling a bit wary. From what she had seen earlier, this man seemed to have a temper, but was good at controlling it, another plus in her opinion.

In addition, this man was going to be somewhat family as well; his sister was to marry her elder brother. But very distant relations it would appear. She in turn was regretfully not as close to her brother as some of the other royalty seemed to be, she could not help being rather envious of the sibling relationship between the Eleorim royalty, for example. She had yet to even try to meet with the Isra Nosca Princess herself, though she supposed she should soon, since the young woman would soon be family to her. And being the brother of her brother's betrothed, she highly doubted that she would be interacting with Prince Dwinanae very often. Still though, now was a good time to get to know someone who would soon be related, she supposed.

@Vannah @Rari @Uxie



LOCATION: Eleorim Palace Ballroom > En route to carriages

MOOD: Just let this night end already!

TAGS: @Shadow Alpha @SP3CT3R

With an oafish snort, Szahdi crossed her arms none to lady-like and turned her face away from the lion. She managed to keep that pose for a full ten seconds before fidgeting where she sat as the scent of her brother drifted by her nose. The princess could practically smell his disappointment and frustration.

"Do you mind helping me get my dear sister to my carriage outside? I brought a spare dress and some medical supplies for a situation like this."

The nerve of him! Predicting 'situations like this' as if she were so easy to read! How rude! How demeaning, how... how downright
mean! Here she was, doing her downright best to make fantastic impression on their enemies, of all people! And Arlo has the gall to assume that she would fuck it all up somehow and make a fool of herself?! Well, no sir to him! She was perfectly content sitting on the stone floor in her freshly mutilated gown, and there on the stone floor she would stay! To hell with any diva-like dress change!

What the princess did not realize was that she spoke these jumbled thoughts of hers aloud in a mess of drunken mumbles. And she would have happily continued on were she not suddenly hoisted onto the back of her betrothed.

"Hhhey...!" she slurred in protest as he directed her arms around his neck and stood. What an idiot, Szahdi thought, as she tightened her arms against his throat. Luckily for Kian, her intoxicated mind and exhausted state sapped her strength and her attempted chokehold was likely little more than an annoying flail of her limbs. "W-Whah'ya think yer doin', ehh? Puh me down, you... y'beast! Down, I say─ahh...!" Her protests ceased when her eyes hit the floor, its stone tiles swimming and bubbling like soup beneath her.

The Jyriaanian clung to Kian as tightly as her tired body would allow, her eyes slamming shut against the vertigo. She dipped her head against the lion's shoulder and refused to look up for fear of growing sick once more.

"Yyyou people... are... goin'a pay," she ground out as clearly as she could.

Needless to say, this treetop warrior was terrified of heights.


Ariaevon Kaean Dwinanae

Location - Light Kingdom Ballroom


Tagged -
@Huor Spinks

"This night has most certainly be interesting, and somewhat entertaining, it has to be admitted."

The prince listened to the Unahlan princess with a respectful amount of interest; however, he was more occupied with observing her habits, than her words. In general, she seemed to be of a similar kind to the Dark Prince himself. Her words were deliberately chosen, and all movements from her were gentle and elegant in nature. Just as her future husband, Thalanil, Ariaevon decided he should keep an eye on her as well. Fronts are everything to the public noble, but it those who are skilled at their fronts that are to be feared. From first glance, she appeared to be just as she should, an elegant and beautiful princess. Underneath that veneer however, she could truly be anyone. The Dark Prince mused to himself of how simple everything would be if everyone was as transparent with their intentions as Arie was. But, nothing is ever as simple as that.

"I saw your brother and my dear sister together on my way over," Ariaevon commented, speaking to fill the silence left by the princess, "They seemed to get along well enough. I never faced Prince Valnarrus in battle, but from what I know of him my first impression was very different from what I had expected. He and Charlise looked the part of actual lovers. Closer than the rest of us put together, I would say. What of your betrothed, Princess Valnarrus? What do you think of him?"


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