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Fantasy Elemental Royalty (Full!)

Nerida Valnarrus

Eleorim Palace: Ballroom

Nerida allowed the Prince to raise her hand, in response to the soft kiss she allowed her lips to upturn slightly; a smile that did not quite reach into her cheeks. At least this Prince had manners, unlike some of the other royalty apparently. And she was extremely relieved about that. She was not sure how she would be able to keep her habitual calmness if she was confronted with a Prince who spoke...well... out of bounds. At least if they both functioned under a firm mask of politeness she would be able to keep with appearances, and for that she was grateful. Of course, the Prince could turn out to be quite the opposite out of the public eye, and she would need to be aware of that, but at least here she could keep to her script.

At his words she gave a little nod. "I understand," she said, accepting his apology. "I have hosted before, and it seemed that you have your hands full hosting the various personalities tonight." It was much easier to play the part of a guest, and she was very much relieved that the ball was not being held at Unahla; she was grateful that at least it would not need to be her to step in. It had to be admitted that her tone was a bit dry at the mention of 'personalities'. Oh yes, the Prince definitely had his hands full tonight. On his admission that he was not good at dancing, she could not help feeling a little apprehensive.

If there was one thing that irritated her, it was dancing with an inept partner. She loved dancing; the cheerful music (the dancing tunes were surprisingly cheerful for such a dark and solemn place as Unahla, despite the fact that the songs were usually about war, battles, death and heartbreak), the swirl of skirts, the bright smiles and laughter. Dancing was probably one of her escapes from propriety; at least she could relax a bit during dancing. Consequently, she was a good dancer. But if she was partnered with an inept partner... she tended to be tense, more focused on making sure that she was not making mistakes and making sure to adapt to said partner's interactions and ensuring that he did not step on her foot... hardly relaxing.

Consequently, she could not help being a little tense as she reached out to accept Prince Thalanil's hand in hers. "It would be my honor to dance with you," she echoed, allowing him to lead her to the center of the ballroom. As her steps echoed with his, she reflected on his words. Future Queen of Eleorim. Her mind had not even processed that yet, yet she knew it to be true. She would be marrying the Crown Prince... there was a chance that she could one day be Queen of Eleorim. She cast an eye about herself, taking in the ballroom once more. It would not be such a bad thing to be Queen of such a beautiful ballroom and castle, yet she wondered how long it would be before she started craving plainness.


It was pure muscle memory that kept Kasia from tripping, caught off guard by the spin. Recovering quickly, she couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips. Kasia did enjoy a good dance, even if it was for a silly competition. Actually, especially or that reason; what kind of royal would she be if she didn’t indulge in a competitive spirit?

"It has been some time since I last danced, I am afraid. So, I believe this will be quite entertaining."

Ariaevon was visibly tense and obviously out of practice, but it was his confession made her chuckle. “I can tell.” Luckily, she had not been on the battlefield therefore had plenty of time to hone her dancing skill at balls and parties, or even just to pass the time. Her feet moved with ease in time with the music, each step near seamlessly gliding into the next. Well, almost. It was harder to move when your lead acted as if he were made of stone he was so rigid.

Feeling the tense muscles under her hand on his shoulder, she gave a little pressure in attempts to lower it. “Get your shoulders out of your ears and your brain out of the way, your body will remember so relax and let it take over. Easy peasy.”

Kian Ignis

Hearing Szahdi's slurred speech made Kian chuckle as he accepted the fact that there was probably no chance of them winning while she was completely drunk. I can kiss my bragging rights over Kasia goodbye now. He didn't agree with her on the notion that cats were somehow dumb creatures. "Cats are pretty smart since they can be effectively self-sufficient and they're pretty cute or handsome right?" Kian was enjoying this little exchange, no one had referred to him as just a cat before.

He continued to observe Szahdi's drunken behavior and found it quite cute even if it was a little more on the childish side. Kian shifted the hair around his ears so that Szahdi could see their furred covered appearance and lifted his arms to show the faint traces of rosettes that trailed along them, "
I guess you're not completely wrong about me, I'm more cat-like in appearance than most of my kin." The sensation of his tail beginning to strain against his shirt was becoming quite uncomfortable but he would not risk bringing more shame than he already has.

The wine that covered the winged princess seemed to travel through the air in slow motion. The entire act was almost comical, leading to Kian erupting in laughter. This day was slowly becoming more and more interesting as time moved on.
What else could possibly happen to liven up this boring event?

@H A R P Y

B L A I R ❀ V A H T A C E N


feeling: questioning, angry

location: light kingdom ballroom


Blair winced slightly when the Dark Prince had brushed her aside, and Arie's remark had only added more salt to the wound. The night was not going well as she pictured, and for a moment she just stood there quietly while watching the events unfold. At the announcement of the dance competition, Blair widened her eyes slightly and she looked up. Sure she could dance, but the thing was that she hadn't even seen her fiance ever since she arrived, not even once. Perhaps she simply overlooked him, but her fiance must have seen her before, right? Especially since her clumsiness played a part during the whole fiasco.

According to her memory, her fiance was the Jyriaan prince, Prince Arlo. She had never seen him before, but one way or another they were bound to meet. If the Prince wasn't going to meet her, then Blair might as well do it herself to meet the prince. That was the whole reason why she was here at all. Looking around, she couldn't help but feel like there were eyes on her, as if someone was watching her. The other engagements had already begun dancing, and Blair just sighed, quickly stepping out of the center of the room.
"Wouldn't want to knock over another crown," she muttered under her breath.

The Ilmatarian princess walked down towards Arlo's direction, but she didn't even know that she was. Her first goal was to approach the buffet table again, but when she looked up, her eyes locked onto a certain figure who seemed to stare at her as well. She raised an eyebrow suspiciously at the guest, but then she felt a familiar aura, the same aura that all royalty had. Blair was shocked, to say the least. She didn't expect the Earth Prince to be so....covered. Blair sighed softly, and then simply gave him a small smile out of politeness as she began to approach him. The Air Princess was about to open her mouth to speak until--

Splash. Crack.

Wet. Cold. Red. Blair's eyes widened in shock as she looked down in horror at her dress that was now completely ruined by the red wine, and stood completely still. "...." Kian's laughing echoed in the back of her mind, and at this point she just had enough. "Excuse me, your highness," Blair said coldly to Arlo as her hands clenched into fists while anger was slowly building inside her. "It seems I have a mess to clean." She was slightly shaking, but it was a miracle that she was still able to keep her calm. She turned around and began heading to the terrace of the ballroom. She couldn't find it in herself to stay indoors anymore. The night was complete, utter shit.

"Do you expect me think of you as a perceptive man after such a comment as that? Hah. Any warrior can spot another easily, by eyes or scars or the weight of their frown. I am not so easily fooled." the mystery lady replied. All Giroux could do was let out a small chuckle of agreement. This is what years of leading sailors got him, laughed at by other nobles, it was all in good fun though, Giroux could tell that much, he was enjoying the banter too much. He kept watch on his beautiful sister, now in the company of Prince Thalanil. That's what they call men in this country, he thought to himself before his spear wielding conversation partner. "But now, thanks to this, how shall we say, lovely arrangement, he shan't have so much to worry about. Do allow him some room for gaiety." she remarked, Giroux smirked and shook his head.

You speak of countless deaths meaning nothing and now you think the boy should have his fun, peace time is a funny, cruel thing, is it not? he pondered in his mind. He meant nothing by the observation, but the hypocrisy of politics were making their way to the surface of his mind once again. What a dance it was, one that required no music, only terms, negotiation and the occasional spilling of blood. Time and place however, the Tiger Shark relaxed his hand and returned her bow with a respectful bow of his own. "There's no need for pardon, Lady Naris. I can rest easy knowing my beloved sister is under your protection. I will heed your advice and join in on the festivities" he finished before giving her a subtly humorous bow, turning on his heel to make his way through the crowd and towards Princess Charlise.

Passing by his sister and Prince Thalanil, he places his hand on her shoulder and squeezed affectionately, meeting her eyes and giving her a wink. He wanted her to know he was watching over her, he also wanted her to know it was good to see her. It was hard for them to make conversation, they hardly saw each other, sadly they hardly knew each other, but the bond they shared as children remained, no matter how diminished. He gave Prince Thalanil a firm pat on the back as he walked by, nodding respectfully and offering a friendly smile, "I will speak to both of you once I've won this competition." he humored, making his way towards the Princess of Isla Nosca. She looked beautiful, but nervous. Giroux knew what it was once like to be intimidated, to be scared. It was Unahlan custom that a seaborn man was to do whatever necessary to make his wife comfortable. Giroux Valnarrus wasn't one to ignore the customs of his culture.

As he made his way out of the crowd, he did his best to get her attention, putting as genuine a smile on as he could before kneeling just before her, bowing his head before looking up. Unahla took the loyalty that came with marriage very seriously, and Giroux was intent on setting the tone. "Princess Charlise, I am Giroux Valnarrus, Prince of Unahla, Son of the Sea Wind, I come to you pledging my loyalty as your future hus-" The sound of glass breaking echoed sharply across the room and immediately Giroux turned to check on his sister, standing in front of Princess Charlise as means to protect her. The Ilmatarian Princess emerged from the crowd, covered in red wine, running outside as mostly everyone stood in shock. Giroux snapped his fingers at the nearest servants, their heads turning quickly to his summons, "Attend to your lady, fools, she needs you." he ordered. Immediately they rushed in pursuit as he shook his head, "What a mess, these people." he muttered to himself before remembering the Princess Charlise stood just behind him.


Giroux spun around and bowed, he could think of nothing else but to smile, "Hello Princess, are you alright?"

@silentecho @H A R P Y @Huor Spinks @Argus

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Lucina Vyshaan


feeling: flustered, happy, concerned

location: eleorim palace, ballroom

@Twyllvarlais @H A R P Y @Wulf @remembervvinter

She felt a smile forming on her face.

She couldn't really help it, she was enjoying herself. More than she'd expected.

Plus points for the fact that her betrothed wasn't a prick.

Lucie's eyes flicked from Arie's face to her brother, who seemed to be having an amazing time with Princess Nerida, then to Naris, whom she'd finally spotted amongst the crowd. She'd been wondering where the guard was, considering how much she prided herself in protecting her and her brother, Thanalil especially.
She must be letting him enjoy himself fully today. she thought, her expression bemused as she thought back to when she was younger and how she'd thought they were dating. Well, she hadn't been that much younger, but how times have changed.

The two Light siblings were about to be married.

Her attention was caught suddenly by the man Naris had been conversing with. As he turned to leave, she let out a small gasp of surprise. He'd been the Prince of Unahla, and he looked vastly different from his sister. For one, he lacked the sweet aura she seemed to embody, though Lucie hadn't spoken to her enough to find out if that aura was her true nature. The princess' blue and violet eyes followed him as he weaved through the crowd, bent down to speak to the Dark Princess- Lucie halted in the dance suddenly, her foot slipping and accidentally landing on Arie's foot, like she'd promised. The elf released him, and stepped back, her expression filled with concern.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." she apologised, before looking around the room for the consequences of the broken glass. Perhaps someone'd dropped their wine glass, or broken a plate.

Things didn't seem to be that innocent, unfortunately. Lucie caught sight of the Ilmatarian Princess- Blair, was it?- fleeing from the crowd, towards the doors leading to the terrace. There were small snickers, gasps in the crowd, and Lucie felt immediately bad for the girl. She'd already been having a bad night, hadn't she? She noted the servants summoned by the Unahlan Prince, and seemed to be ready to rush out to be of assistance, but she waved them away. Instead, Lucie nudged her betrothed gently, motioning to his sister.

"Arie, I think your sister may need you more than I do at this very moment." she smiled kindly at him before glancing at the door Princess Vahtacen had left exited through. "Go to her. Please." With that, she left him, wandering over to the food table and resuming her dessert raid.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/crovo.jpg.d1a1823e620567e632a0ae801149f71b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139893" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/crovo.jpg.d1a1823e620567e632a0ae801149f71b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Adam Tivaunne

Mood: Amused, Entratained

Location: Balroom

Adam was taken aback by the drunk responses of the princes, but he quickly regained composure as he noticed how drunk she really was. Taking his face into his palms he sighed, then chuckled as Kian took her away to dance, and she showed him his tongue, then outright laughed when the wine she threw found it's way on the poor Ilmatirian princess. ''No one but the best, to represent Jyriaan'' he said jokingly to himself as he trailed away from the table and into the crowd that was gazing at the wet princess making her way out of the balroom. Wandering around he looked for Arlo, but he seemed to have dissapeared from the tables, most likely gathering up courage to ask his date.

''Ah, lady Mina'' he said as he approached a wonderful dame wearing a bright red dress with gold linings. Mina was a respected lady from the kingdom of Azarsa, the fire kingdom. She was from a tiger lineage, and this could be seen in his orange-ish skin, sharp teeth, and of course, a couple of tiger-like stripes on various parts of her body. ''So glad that you could make it, my lady'' Adam said as he kissed her hand gently.

''You sly wolf'' she said as she recieved his kiss. ''How have you been Adam? Still in your previous service I can see. Guarding your royalty. How's prince Arlo? I won't ask about the princess....I already know what she's been up too'' she said with a hearty chuckle tilting her head in the direction of Szahdi and Kian. Turning back she released a slight purr of pleasure as she sipped her wine. ''I must say...the people of Eleorim have a fine taste in wine'' she said as she took another sip. ''Fine taste in men too'' she added as she trailed Thalanil Vyshaan with her tiger like eyes.

Adam nodded in approval at the wine comment, then laughed as she assesed the prince of Light. ''He's taken, I'm afraid'' he said with a hearthy smile. ''I know someone who is availible though'' he said, and as Mina looked inquiring who he meant, Adam delivered a wink. Mina started to laugh as she caught on to his flirting. ''Find your prince, Adam'' she said laughing. ''He needs to go to dance. Don't worry. I'll still be here later'' she said playfully as Adam left looking for Arlo.



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Charlise Alexandra Dwinanae

Location: Light Kingdom ballroom, off to the side

Charlise finished matching names to people, and she sighed, staring at her betrothed in the distance. She almost felt sorry for the man, knowing what kind of woman he was going to have to deal with. She smoothed her dress with her hands, looking at the ground for a second, and then took a deep breath. Although very nervous at first, she was beginning to become more comfortable. Charlise then realized she probably looked foolish, just standing to the side in the room, not dancing like everybody else was. She prepared herself to face the crowd, taking a step forward, but then saw Giroux stepping through the sea of people. He was smiling at her, which caused her to crack a small smile. As he knelt and bowed his head, she couldn't help but think well of him.

Charlise never expected to go through an arranged marriage. She always imagined it being some prince that she gradually fell in love with, or perhaps a man she knew when she was little. When her mother first explained that she was to be married to the Water prince, Giroux Valnarrus, a complete stranger who sounded intimidating to her, she was against the idea. Then her mother explained that it wasn't just her going through with this - it was for all the kingdoms, to stop the war and bring them back together. Charlise immediately opened up to the idea. She despised all the bloodshed - all the lives that had been lost! She would do anything to stop it, even if it meant marrying a man she had never met. Despite the very intimidating description of the Water prince given to her by her mother, she realized as he knelt and introduced himself, that he may not be as scary as she thought.

She smiled and looked at him, trying to keep up with all his titles, but her concentration was disrupted when the she heard the piercing noise of glass breaking in the room. Charlise was startled and jumped a bit, then saw Giroux stand to protect her. She blushed a little, and watched the girl run out of the room.
That will most likely be me, later. She shook her head, feeling sorry for the girl. Her thoughts were again interrupted by Giroux barking an order to the servants. Charlise wanted to laugh at his wording. She nodded in agreement at his comment, then replied when he asked if she was alright saying, "I am doing well, just a bit nervous." She realized she sounded like a wimp, quietly speaking and admitting that she was anxious, but this was who she was. She was not a very outgoing person, and knowing that she could mess something up at any time in front of all these Royals, made her very nervous. She curtsied, bowing her head, "... Charlise Alexandra Dwinanae... princess of Isra Nosca. Pleased to meet you, Giroux." She smiled, meaning it. "I apologize for not joining you in the crowd..."

Arlo winced as his betrothed's dress was ruined. Dammit! You could have helped, you dumbass.

He sighed, and watched Blair leave the ballroom. Convincing her to dance with him would be no easy task.

Arlo noticed that his sister was already way too drunk to speak properly... That was bad. Not only did it mean that Kian would have to get equally drunk in order to dance with her, (hence the rule of "two drunks make a sober") but Szahdi basically loses whatever remnants of a filter she has when she's this degree of intoxicated. If only he had brought some nooseweed powder to sober her up. He even brought her a spare dress, but he didn't bring nooseweed powder. And then it hit him.

Arlo stepped onto the terrace, where Blair was standing. It wasn't hard to tell she was upset. "You know, I brought a spare dress for my sister," Arlo blurted. He then remembered Blair's reputation. "It may or may not be to your liking, or fit perfectly, but you're welcome to try it on."


Mentioned: @Shadow Alpha @H A R P Y

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Despite Arie enjoying himself he realized that his sister was not. Not only was she awkward and shy, but she knocked over the Dark Prince embarassing herself, and had her dress ruined by the annoyingly drunken Jyriaan Princess, Szahdi Solum. The she-devil was apparently having the night of her life through the enjoyment of alcohol. Disgraceful! "Your right Lucie, I'll be back." Walking away from the dance floor, Arie headed in the direction that Blair went, outside on the balcony terrace. On his way out, he neared Kian Ignis and his drunken betrothed. Addressing the Fire Prince Arie gave the giant man a stern glare. "You better control your drunken she-devil for a Princess before I do, Prince Kian; and make sure she apologizes for her disgraceful attitude and for ruining my little sisters dress, before she regrets it." Despite being only 5'9'', Arie wasn't afraid of the hulking Azarsian Prince. Arie knew of his own name and reputation he earned on the battlefield, he wasn't called the Sword-Dancer for cheap parlor tricks.

Walking away for the couple, Arie made his way out to the balcony, when he saw that he wasn't the only one who was concerned for his sister, it seemed her betrothed the Jyriaan Prince, Arlo Solum was also there to console Blair. Walking up to his sister, he overheard Arlo talking to Blair about getting her a spare dress. At least Prince Arlo has more manners than his drunken swine of a sister, Szahdi. Clearing his throat, Arie walked up beside his sister and put his arms around her. "Hey, I'm sorry I troubled you earlier with the way I acted. It wasn't called for and I apologize sis. I embarrassed you and I brought shame to our kingdom. Please forgive me, and I'm sorry about your dress. I was the one who picked that out for you, not mother and father", turning his attention to Prince Solum, Arie nodded to the Prince in approval. "Prince Arlo Solum, I would say it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, but under this situation, it would be inappropriate. Thank you for seeing to my little sister, it reassuring to know she is betrothed to a caring man; I just feel bad for Prince Kian, your sister can get out of hand from what seems, on and off of the bottle."

@remembervvinter @Shadow Alpha @Uxie @H A R P Y @SP3CT3R
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Kian Ignis

The appearance of Arie was welcomed at first until Kian picked up on his tone and was no longer pleased. He did not take kindly to Arie's words and looked down on the smaller man with a look of boredom. Am I really going to have an issue with most of these princes? First, it was the uptight ice prince and now bird brain has a problem with me. Kian let out an exasperated sigh while continue to pay no attention to his rant. It occurred to Kian that Arie was the reason for his sister getting put in harms way in the first place and a low snarl escaped. "Your sister had her dressed ruined while your little joke almost ended up getting Kasia injured so I suggest you pick your battles wisely runt."

Once the fowl left them alone he turned back to Szahdi to see if her inebriated brain understood what was going on around her. "I apologize for that boy's rude behavior towards you. I will not allow it to happen again without giving him some sort of punishment." Azarsa culture was big on men protecting their families and not tolerating any type of disrespect towards their woman.

@Twyllvarlais @H A R P Y

B L A I R ❀ V A H T A C E N


feeling: better than the last post, but still throwin' shade

location: ballroom terrace

@SP3CT3R @Twyllvarlais

Blair ignored all their eyes on her as she escaped to the terrace. She didn't look back, she didn't want to. She didn't want to see the gazes of pity fall on her, and for all she knew, perhaps even some people thought she deserved it. Blair was aware that there were rumors of her attitude after all. She wasn't a stranger to looks of disdain. As she arrived at the balcony, Blair sighed softly to herself at the feeling of fresh air. Honestly she was slightly surprised at herself that she didn't cause a big fit. If she were at home, oh boy. Was this a sign that she was maturing? Or was it only because the result of having more humiliation if she did was threatening her not to? Blair shrugged.She huddled her feathers around herself to keep her warm, since it was a little chilly outside. The calm air definitely helped her settle down as she leaned against the railing, looking down at the wondrous view of the Light kingdom. The lights of the towns that illuminated the dark looked beautiful, especially from such a high view. For a moment, the Ilmatarian princess forgot about her troubles, instead wondering what the lights would look like if they were painted on a canvas. Oh how she wanted to crawl back into her room back at home and just paint her stress away...

"You know, I brought a spare dress for my sister."

The sudden intrusion caused Blair to jump slightly, immediately breaking away from her thoughts. She turned to look at the unwanted guest, but then her hardened expression softened slightly when Blair realized that it was her betrothed. Well, glad to know that my guess was right at least, she thought secretly to herself. After hearing Arlo's offer to her, Blair simply blinked, staring at him for a long time afterwards. "..I appreciate your effort, but I don't think your sister would approve of me wearing her attire," she replied. "She already has a problem with mine." At the realization of what she said, Blair's eyes widened slightly. Damn it! "...My deepest and sincere apologies Prince," Blair immediately said to him with a genuine apologetic look. "I didn't.....It's just been a troublesome night for me." She sighed softly as she turned away and shook her head while looking down, feeling stupid for being so immature, and to her fiance nonetheless. "Old habits die hard," Blair muttered to herself. Prince Arlo was only being courteous towards her, and she already turned one of their first encounters to a prickly road.

"I'm sure the dress is lovely though. The dress your sister is wearing certainly is. The gold trim nicely brings together the deep purple and dark green." Blair smiled at him, but then looked up when her brother had arrived. The princess raised an eyebrow at his sudden appearance, and after his apology, although noted, she turned away to look back at the sight below. "It's fine. It's already been done and it's the least of the guests' worries now. I'm sure they're busy paying more attention to the dance competition," Blair said. "I may be a brat but I can take care of myself when I know I must. And thank you for the dress. I'm sure your future wife will appreciate your tastes as well when you're married."




LOCATION: Eleorim Palace Ballroom

MOOD: Uwahhh

TAGS: @Shadow Alpha || @Elias @Twyllvarlais (mentioned)

Szahdi was quickly becoming the most disliked royal present, but she was far too drunk to notice, let alone care enough to do anything about it. However, it was doubtful whether she would have behaved properly, drunk or sober, on this particular night. After all, this was the gathering that made the treaty official, made it real and irreversible. Tonight was her last night of freedom. She would not let it be squandered by acting as the prim and proper princess that her mother always longed for.

"Cats are pretty smart since they can be effectively self-sufficient and they're pretty cute or handsome right?"

As she quirked a brow in response to the feline prince's words, her head rose along too, though it lolled about somewhat upon her neck. It was safe to say by anyone in attendance that the Jyriaanian was quite far gone into the daze of inebriety.

"Puh-leez," was her drawling reply. "a ca'z dumb face dun' make up feritz dumber a'tuuude...!" The princess huffed and snatched up another glass. She pressed the lip of the cup to her mouth and jutted her little finger out into the air, mimicking the posh nobles around them, then gulped the liquid it held. Only after Kian's show of his Azarsa heritage did Szahdi shove her glass on the table (where it tipped over to its side, spilling the wine to stain the otherwise pristine tablecloth) and step closer to her betrothed, her eyes bulging like a fly's.

"Whooaa! So... Ssso yer th'weirdo prince tha'z guh' be marr'd t'me!" Another drunken laugh ensued and she turned to punch her brother's guard in the shoulder. "Ayyy, Adamn! A-Adamn, look! This guy'z m'husband─eh? W-where'dja go...?" But Adam had already left. Instead of the guard's arm, her fist met empty air, sending the woman stumbling in a circle until her hip collided with the side of the table. "Oooowwww!"

"You better control your drunken she-devil for a princess before I do, Prince Kian..." Szahdi looked up at the newcomer as she nursed her forming bruise to find none other than the Ilmatarian Prince himself. "And make sure she apologizes for her disgraceful attitude and for ruining my little sister's dress, before she regrets it." The vehemence pouring off his tongue was almost palpable, but drunken Szahdi was of course oblivious.

"H-Hey, cah'I touch yer win─"

"Your sister had her dress ruined while your little joke almost ended up getting Kasia injured so I suggest you pick your battles wisely runt."

After a bit of testosterone flaring, the winged prince stalked off and left a pouting Szahdi and combative Kian behind. After a huff of disappointment, she waved off the cat's apology with an large flourish of her hand before turning to face him properly once more. The girl was totally blind to the trouble she had caused and it showed in her sloppy, eager grin.

"Heyheyhey...! Since─Since yer m'prince n'all, we shuh' go dance! C'mon, c'mon, we cuh' def'tly take thuhz -hic- p-prissy lil' oth'r royalsez, eh?!"

Without even bothering to pause for a reply, Szahdi shoved her hands against Kian's chest with a surprising amount of strength for one so small, hoping to send him stumbling back towards the dance floor.
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Ariaevon Kaean Dwinanae

Location - Light Kingdom Ballroom

Mood- Entertained, but on alert. Somewhat guilty, and sympathetic.

Tagged -

“Get your shoulders out of your ears and your brain out of the way, your body will remember so relax and let it take over. Easy peasy.”

At Kasia's words, and her hand's pressure to lower his shoulder, Ariaevon took a deep breath and focused on moving with the flow of the music; which was so obscenely loud due to his hearing it felt as if his brain were dancing to the beat of the music just as the rest of him was.

"Much more out of practice than I thought..." Ariaevon sighed internally, but at the same time he felt pleasantly refreshed from dancing again.

Dancing just requires... so little thought, as it were. Once, of course, the Dark Prince had taken Kasia's directions, and shoved his brain out of the way to just move with the rhythm of the music. Of course, his movements were still rough and inexperienced but they had lost most of their previous rigidity. This relaxation of his was due both in part to the skill of his partner, and the general atmosphere of the room. The mood seemed to have calmed quite a bit, considering the excitement from earlier. It honestly made Ariaevon intrigued, and slightly jealous, of Prince Thalanil, who was able to change the mood of the room so adeptly. A conversation with the Prince of Light held the potential to be quite entertaining, Ariaevon concluded to himself. However, curiosity could wait for when Ariaevon did not have a woman inside of his arms. A woman who, if his plans for the future are to bear fruit, must at least be willing to offer her cooperation. Aside from that, it would also be in his best interests to be on her good side; lest his future personal life be spent in a never ending passive-aggressive hell with her.

Conversation between the two ground to a halt as they focused on dancing; well, more like Ariaevon stopped talking in an attempt to focus on not stepping on the princess' feet. As the music played on, however, over time the Dark Prince grew slowly more used to the dance movement as his body remembered some of what instruction had been drilled into it. They were not too terribly difficult movements. A side-step here, a rotation there. Slowly though, the two were making their way around the dance floor with the rest of the dancers. A small smile of satisfaction crept onto the prince's face when the two began to move in rhythm with each other, as well as the music. "Perhaps I should not wait another decade before dancing again," he thought to himself, "This is more enjoyable than I remember it being."

As they danced on, Ariaevon began to observe his partner once he felt assured that he would not step on her feet. In contrast to his own movements, the princess moved almost like water; fluid, and without hesitation. A confidence that was likely built upon through a lifetime of practice, and just a little natural aptitude. To add to things, her dress swayed and flowed with her movements in a most captivating way, as if it truly were on fire. The sight of her, the prince was sure, would be quite the mesmerizing thing from afar. Her mood, however, he could not ascertain with certainty. She was smiling, but he knew better than most that appearances were a simply thing to fake. But, it seemed to him that the smile was genuine, so he took some measure of comfort in it.

"You dance quite beautifully, Princess Kasia." Ariaevon spoke, breaking the silence. "I feel quite fortunate, as it were. Though our pairings were decided for us, it is not every day that a man is granted the pleasure of a woman's first dance of the evening. And the first dance of a princess, no less. I feel as if there is no man who would not feel honored, if he were in my place."

A bit of flattery never hurt anything.

"However... that might..."

The unmistakable sound of shattered glass brought Ariaevon's attention back to the world on full alert. Turning his attention towards the direct of the offending sound, the Dark Prince was faced with the unfortunate sight of a woman, bearing striking wings, with red wine ruining her gown; the woman obviously on the verge of a melt down. The sudden roar of laughter from the large beast of a man Ariaevon had locked gazes with earlier, Kian Ignis, most likely did not help anything.

"Excuse me, your highness, it seems I have a mess to clean up,"

Even though she is halfway across the room, Ariaevon heard her words with perfect clarity; including the barely concealed rage within them. Princess Blair Vahtacen of the Illmatar Kingdom. The prince had not ever spoken to her, yet her voice seemed vaguely familiar. Was she, perhaps, the one who had thrown him to the ground with her wings earlier? Following the agony of having his glasses removed, Ariaevon had completely ignored whoever had thrown him to the floor; not even glancing at the one who had knocked him over. An unmistakable pang of guilt hit somewhere in the Prince of Darkness' heart, but he made sure it did not show on his face.

"Poor thing." Ariaevon commented, nodding in the direction of the fleeing princess, "The night may be ruined for her, I would think. However, it would appear that there are those who will see to her, so perhaps not.", he thought aloud, nothing more than a simple and detached observation at the two figures following behind the retreating princess.

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Location: Eleorim Palace Ballroom

Mood: What a bunch of idiots

Tagged: @Elias || @Wulf @remembervvinter @Argus @Uxie @(me) (mentioned)

"There's no need for pardon, Lady Naris. I can rest easy knowing my beloved sister is under your protection. I will heed your advice and join in on the festivities."

'Lady Naris' fell pleasantly on her ears and although she was a mere guard, not a noble, she gave no word of correction to the prince. Instead, the elf simply bowed her head and stepped to the side to allow Giroux to pass. Narrowed, hungry eyes stared after him, anticipation building in her chest, but she gracefully averted her gaze and drew a breath.
All good things come in time...~ Besides, with a gathering as large as this, there were plenty of other marks standing idly by, waiting to conquered. No need to snatch away a grand prize so quickly.

To steer her mind away from speculations, Naris stepped away to take a round of the room. It was high time for one after that icy display earlier, and the sound of shattering glass confirmed her thought. The guard locked her jaw, her gaze tightened with an intense flare of protection over her prince and princess. Her pace hurried yet composed, she delved into the crowd of dancers and scanned each face for her charges. When she found Lucina and Thalanil unharmed, she released a mental sigh of relief, but the threat remained. Only a moment later, after setting her sights on that of the Ilmatarian girl, covered in wine and looking as though she were ready to explode, and the mess of of a broken wine glass at her feet, did the elf even slightly relax her nerves.

Great Mother Elk, what a night... And it wasn't even half-over. After a bow of her head to her prince and princess, Naris followed the winged woman out of the throng, though she wasn't the only one. As she neared the spirits table, her ears caught the sounds of a slight altercation between a group of royals─the clean brother of the wine-doused princess, the freak of Azarsa, and miss wild thing herself.

What a truly
terrible combination.

Luckily for everyone, they kept their words short and the culprit of the incident was no less wasted than the combined inebriation of every patron of Eleorim's Hanged Goats Pub. If anything positive was to be gained from such a sight, it was the knowledge that the glass was not thrown on purpose. The guard heaved a heavy sigh, flashed a more-than-peeved look at the Jyriaanian beast, and continued on her round of the room. Assuming it did not end early, this was bound to be a long night.

Her mood soured for the time being, Naris was in no playful state when she noticed a wanderer in her midst. If her assumption was correct, the man was personal guard to Arlo Solum, brother of bestial drunk. The elf approached him and stepped directly in his path.

"State you name, drifter," was her hard command, the ire of the night plain on her face.
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Kian Ignis

Kian's head tilted to the left as he continued to listen to Szahdi's drunken rant, Never been called weird before either. When she pushed her against his chest, Kian instinctively grabbed her hands to avoid her from stumbling into him. He could only hope that Szahdi was oblivious to his tail which she may have hit when her hands were against him. There's no way in hell she'll be able to dance like this...but I'm always up for a challenge! With that thought in his mind, Kian led them to the dancefloor and gently lifted her so that Szahdi was standing on top of his own feet. This situation also made the height difference inconsequential since Kian would be in control.

(Sorry, it's kind of short)

@H A R P Y
As Thalanil danced with Nerida he quickly realized that his partner was far more experienced in the art of dancing than her shy nature led him to believe. Of course it didn't help that Thalanil was distracted by keeping an eye on some of the more troubling royalty in attendance. During the dance the couple was approached and greeted by Nerida's older brother. Thalanil made sure to return his greeting with a respectful nod, taking a mental note to speak with man alone when given the chance. Once the man had left Thalanil turned his attention back to his partner.

Nerida danced as if it all came natural, her movements flowing in perfect rhythm with the music. The only times she would step in error would be in part to correct Thalanils own mistakes to make the dance go smoothly. To her he was but a novice, and the dance served as a lesson of humility. Never underestimate those around you as they may very well have something hidden within themselves that far surpasses your own capabilities.

At last the song ended and Thalanil gave his partner a deep bow.

"Milady I do apologize it seems that the only thing holding you back from winning the competition would be myself. You danced beautifully and even flowed with my missteps to take the attention of any mistakes I made."

Thalanil gave a warm smile that followed his words concealing the contempt he felt at the events he saw transpire at the conclusion of their dance. Princess Blair had been covered in wine and to make matters worse his own servants had to be told to do something about it. The night was not going as planned and it left a bad taste in his mouth at the thought of the negative impressions it would leave on some. He needed these royals on his side if true change were to ever come to the six kingdoms.

"I would very much like to dance with you again some day, maybe after you give me a few lessons first so I can better keep up. If that would be to your liking of course lady Nerida."

@Huor Spinks @Wulf
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Nerida Valnurrus

Eleorim Palace: Ballroom

For some reason, despite how much Nerida usually liked dancing, she found that she was unable to relax and just go with the flow, as she was usually able to do back home. Perhaps it was due to the fact that she was away from home, dancing with the man she was supposed to marry, and she had wanted to impress him with one of the few things she was good at. Yet even that she was unable to. The duration of the dance, she had found herself rather tense and worried, wondering if her steps were correct. It also did not help matters that she had to worry about sidestepping her dancing partner's mis-steps from time to time, to try to make them appear as innovations rather than mistakes.

Fortunately for her, about halfway through the song, she felt a squeeze on her shoulder. She glanced over, (ignoring the pins sticking into her scalp), and when she saw who it was, her lips lifted in a small smile, due to relief. Her brother had arrived after all, she was not quite alone in a strange kingdom as she had been previously. Yet sooner or later, he would have to leave while she remained behind, and she was not looking forward that. They were not close, she was reluctant to admit. The very nature of their positions in life had torn them apart, pulled away by strings of different priorities and duties that they had to carry out. Yet it was good feeling not quite alone after all, and some of her tenseness melted away. She could only hope that he had not seen her nervousness.

"Of course, brother," she responded, giving a nod. "I shall look forward to our meeting then," formal as always, to pretty much everyone she wished to project herself as strong. It was then that a crash distracted her, and out of the corner of her eye she saw someone rushing away. It was just a glance, and she was not able to see the young woman's face. She could not help sighing; just who were these people intending on such disruptions? Once again, she was glad it was not her hosting this ball. At least now she knew who not to invite the next time she had to plan a ball.

Finally, the song ended. She was disappointed in herself. She knew that she had not danced as well as she usually did, and the realisation tore at her. But she still managed a smile as Prince Thalanil complimented her dancing. She wondered if he was simply being polite, and she would have done the same as well if she was in his place. "Thank you," she replied, dropping a curtsy. "I did enjoy dancing with you as well, and I look forward to more opportunities to do so." Especially since they were to be married to each other. She only hoped that she would be less nervous the next time.

@Argus @Wulf

Arie Vahtacen

"Alright well if you say so Blair. I'll be heading backing inside then." Nodding to Prince Arlo, Arie headed back inside to the ballroom. Weaving in and out of the crowd, Arie found Lucie eating desserts. Grabbing his own plate, he picked out some eclairs and jelly filled pastries and placed them on his plate. Taking a bite of one them, Arie was surprised by the taste of raspberry. Noticing that Lucie didn't see him yet, Arie came up behind her and spread his raven black wings around her. Coming up close behind Lucie, Arie took his plate in his left hand and brought it in front of Lucie and taking his right hand, placed a raspberry filled pastrie in her mouth. "You like it?"




LOCATION: Eleorim Palace Ballroom, dance floor

MOOD: Oh, spirits no--

TAGS: @Shadow Alpha

The base of Szahdi's palms brushed against Kian's tail, but she paid it no mind in her drunken state. Far more important than some bizarre, unseen appendage was the sensation of his massive hands taking firm hold of her own before lifting her up to place her feet upon his.

"Eaahh...! 'Ayy now, y'mangy tomca-hic-! Y-You be'rr wwash wher're putin' yer han'z─! W-Whoa...!"

She fought at first against the lion's hold, but the feeling of swaying across the floor with the sound of music a distant echo in her ears saw her struggles cease. Instead, she let him lead, though by no means was it an act of deference. Her gut was churning, her head wavering upon her neck. the princess blinked against the rising feeling of nausea, forcing the contents of her stomach to stay put for as long as possible. She may have been drunk as can be, but even Szahdi realized the implications that would come with covering the floor of a foreign palace with sick on such an important night.

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Lucina Vyshaan


feeling: ehh

location: eleorim palace, ballroom

@Twyllvarlais @Argus @Huor Spinks

It was a wonder she wasn't fat. She had at least two of each kind of dessert either on her plate or in her stomach at this moment.
If I ever conduct some sort of research, it would be to find out how desserts can be so goddamn delicious. Lucie shook lightly as she swallowed, revelling in the sheer goodness of sweet treats. She paid no attention to her bethrothed who'd returned from the terrace, her attention wholly on the sweetness that lingered on her tongue.

The princess made a small noise as she was suddenly enveloped in his wings, her mouth opening slightly and allowing him to pop the pastry in. She chewed and swallowed, her eyes squeezing shut as if to fully unlock the use of her taste buds.

"You like it?"

"Yeah-" she paused mid-sentence as one of his feathers tickled her nose gently, and she let out a short sneeze, her hands flying to cover her nose and mouth immediately. Turning around to face him, she said through her hands, "You sound like
you were the one who made this, you handsy dolt. Of course I would like my own kingdom's pastries, or else what kind of princess would I be? An utter traitor to the bakeries, that's what." Her voice held a tone of playful irritation, and she subtly wiggled herself out wing's grasp.

Lucie reached for a napkin and wiped daintily, before her eyes flicked to him. "Is your sister alright? Not hurt, is she?" Her hurt went two ways, both in terms of physical and pride-wise. "Do apologise to her on my behalf later on, I feel terrible for allowed such misfortune upon her. She doesn't need a new dress, does she?"

Tilting her head upwards, she observed the slow flicker of the chandelier lights, blowing out a soft breath. "Sometimes I feel so glad that Thanalil's the heir instead of me. I could never handle that kind of responsibility. Though he has his sights set on something else." she confessed quietly. As if noticing how depressing she sounded, she perked up, her whole expression brightening. "Speaking of my brother, you haven't properly met him, have you? Other than that time when he was reprimanding you for that stupid prank you pulled."

Without waiting for an answer, Lucie reached for his hand, literally dragging him through the dance floor, in search of her brother and Nerida. She hadn't even finished her conversation, well, really, it hadn't really even
begun properly, and she did want to know more about Princess Valnarrus. So why not shove those two together while she conversed with the Unahlan princess, right? What a great plan. Finally catching sight of the couple who'd seemed to have just finished their dance, her pace sped up, her grip on his wrist tightening.

The elf stopped right by them, tapping the blue-haired maiden lightly on the shoulder to catch her attention, a bright smile on her face.

"Hello Nerida! How was your dance?" she greeted, gently nudging Arie over to her brother, and making no show of even acknowledging Thanalil's presence. "You danced beautifully! And that was an outstanding job covering up all my older brother's silly mistakes."

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/crovo.jpg.758c1c9c8888e97f3fcb63ef33253de2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140319" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/crovo.jpg.758c1c9c8888e97f3fcb63ef33253de2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Adam Tivaunne

Adam departed from Mina not too long ago to make sure Arlo found his way towards his princess and that he wasn't still hugging a wall in fright of socializing with his promised future wife. He found them soon enough, in a balcony, but seeing as his prince had everything under control he smiled and left the balcony part, mingling himself in the public again. Parties weren't Adam's strong point yet he managed to behave properly on them. Most of them were boring messes anyway, but this one at least had good food, brought in from every corner of their world, from the spicy food of Azarsa to the weird yet delicious main courses of Isra Nosca, food was something that you wouldn't miss here. Glancing towards the dance floor, Adam spotted the huge prince Kian guiding the rather drunk Szahdi, which looked like she could puke her brains out any minute. Hopefully, she would keep it in. The last thing the Jyriian kingdom wanted right now is to be shamed at a public event because of a princess that could not abstain from drinking.

Combing his hair a little with his hands, Adam decided he would go back to speaking with his Azarsian friend, Mina, seeing as he wasn't interacting with anybody. Making his way back, he tapped her shoulder slightly, making her turn around startled.

''My prince seems that he can handle his own problems'' Adam said as he offered his hand. ''Would you join me for a walk in the gardens?''

Mina offered a small nod and took his hand and they started to go towards the gardens.



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Kian Ignis

Kian took Szahdi's lack of refusal as a sign that their situation was more than acceptable so he continued to lead her around the ballroom. Once the music ceased, a large boyish grin was spread across Kian's face. Even though he wasn't a fan of dancing, it brought back a lot of happy memories he spent dancing with his own mother. When Kian was nothing more than a young cub, his parents were still exited to have a son that would someday take the throne. Those were the good times before it became apparent that his extra feline parts were something to be looked down upon. His shining eyes glanced down to Szahdi's face, a look of realization crossed his face. Szahdi's usually tan complexion had taken a greenish tone while her head lolled to the side. Kian quickly picked her up bridal style without jostling her too much, "Hold on Szahdi." He quickly rushed Szahdi to the balcony before she spilled her guts in front of all the party goers.

@H A R P Y
Arlo watched Arie leave the balcony and head back to the ballroom. "So," he started, turning back to Blair. "If you're not going to do anything about your dress, should we go back to the ballroom?" He saw what looked like Kian rushing Szahdi out of the way before she puked, and changed his mind. "Actually, no. Maybe we should stay out here for a bit. It is a lot less chaotic than inside, after all," he said on an exhale. The night was young, and it was cerainly cooler than inside. Stars were peppered across the night sky, and beyond the gates of the capital city, fields rippled in the wind like a dark gold blanket. "The other kingdoms sure are lucky," Arlo sighed. "We don't have views like this in Jiryaan."
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Giroux bowed in return. She was a graceful, delicate thing, one that would require his prtection. He was just the man for the job as it were, Unahlan seaborn lived to serve their wives, who were many times just as mighty as the men. He took his place at her side, relaxing his posture a bit as she apologized for not joining him earlier. He wasn't in a rush to meet her when he first got here, but it was nice to finally break the ice as it were, "Oh I don't blame you for having nerves, my lady, this gathering has been interesting to say the least. It's a good thing we didn't join the crowd either, we could have ended up covered in wine, or in a fight." he mused, jokingly widening his eyes at the thought. The commotion died down as more people finished their dances, the group of musicians turning their attention to the Unahlan Prince and the Princess of Isra Nosca. Giroux took a deep breathe, reaching down to grab the Princess Charlise's hand, giving it an encouraging squeeze, "Let's win this." he smiled, offering a friendly wink.

Other than the dancing he did with his sister over the last few weeks during the nobility crash course his family imposed onto him, the only memory Giroux had of dancing was watching his sister when they were children. Other than that, the only dance he knew was the dance of battle, his music being the drums of war, accompanied by the crash of cavalry and howls of dying men. Now he found himself leading a dance with the Princess of one of his former enemies. He finally got to get a real look at her, the Princess Charlise Alexander Dwinanae.

She was something else, adorned in markings that graced her figure and eyes as deep as the sea, the kind of eyes a man could get lost in if he did not have the strength. There was a substance to her and her people, one that even Giroux would learn to appreciate. Isra Nosca was a land of deep mystery, and their Princess was no exception. Giroux smiled at her as they danced, partly because she was beautiful as she was graceful and partly because he actually done a decent job with the dance.

He wanted her to feel safe with him, when the music faded silent, Giroux got on one knee once again and pressed his lips to the back of her hand, a gesture of undying loyalty in Unahla. As their relationship began, so did their journey to bring peace to their respective homes, together. The thought alone was enough to rile intense emotions Giroux had to tame. For the first time in his life he would know peace, the great storm in his heart would calm and he would forge a new future for his people, all the while maintaining productive partnerships with Isra Nosca and Eleorim. For now, the dance competition would make for a fun first step.

Giroux rose to his feet, relaxing himself from the deep thought he plunged himself into as he smiled and let out a deep breath, "That went better than expected, Princess, although I look forward to lessons from you in the future." he finished, winking as he took her hand once more, walking to be away from the crowd once again. "I hope you don't mind us spending some time away from the group. I'm not one for getting lost in the revelry. We are both very far from our homes, I must say it feels good to finally meet you, hopefully the stories and nicknames don't frighten you." he finished, a smile of optimism growing on his face.

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