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Fantasy Elemental Royalty (Full!)

Perfect. Arie got the response he hoping for. He knew his act was unfit for nobility and royalty, but Arie was in the mind set of, fuck all. Though what Arie was not expecting was the room to get considerably colder, and he knew it was from the Dark Prince. What made him laugh even more was when Blair accidentally knocked over the Dark Prince. "Oh man, that was good sis. Maybe your awkwardness can come in handy. Hahaha!" The Dark Prince then came within a few meters of Arie. The Prince was obviously flustered and humiliated; though it just made the scene so much better.

"For obvious reasons I had to cover her up for being so feisty", Arie turned his head and winked at Kasia and brought his attention back to Prince Dwinanae," You're gonna have a handful when it comes to Kasia... If you know what I mean," smirking at the Dark Prince.

@Rari @Vannah @remembervvinter @Shadow Alpha @Uxie @SP3CT3R @Huor Spinks


Ariaevon Kaean Dwinanae

Location - Light Kingdom Ballroom

Mood- Prideful

Tagged -

At Arie's words pertaining to his betrothed, Ariaevon tilts his head slightly. Granted, he feels nothing for the woman in his wings, but that is the woman that will one day stand beside him; as such, he felt a degree of protectiveness, naturally. That protectiveness itself is not strong enough to prompt action, however the role of the male to be a protector does. If he did not protect the honor of his future wife, what could be expected of him of his Kingdom, and its people.

"You, have quite an unpleasant mouth." Ariaevon said coldly, as most of the room began to shiver fiercely due to the temperature; which is creeping northward of thirty degrees colder than it should be. "A Prince should maintain himself with dignity befitting his Kingdom. One should also defend his future beloved's honor fiercely. So, now that you have gone so far..." Ariaevon trailed off, as he stepped back towards the table to grab a glass of wine before returning to his spot. The Dark Prince of Frost takes a single sip, before he scatters the wine in Arie's direction. Upon hitting the air the wine freezes into a dozen shards of red ice, and they embed themselves at Arie and Kasia's feet "Why not stop hiding..."

"He wanted to put on a show... Well... I guess its going to happen..."

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Kasia couldn’t keep the shock from her face. “You little minx.” Nor could she hide the smile curling on her lips. This was no smiling matter of course, they were in public! Surrounded by the royal families! No nothing was truly happening but of course that’s not what others would say when retelling how they witnessed this particularly scandalous moment.

Then again, Kasia was no stranger to scandals thanks to a one night and drop reputation. Naturally it was in this moment that she heard her brother’s voice cut across the ballroom, helpfully reminding everyone of this fact. She sighed, her smile turning to a smirk. We’re already here, might as well make it a show.

“Your future wife is going to kill me.” She whispered to Arie before yelling back at her brother. “What can I say, a girl has needs!”

It was then, of course, that Ariaevon to make his opinion—or lack therefore of—known. Damn. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t somewhat hoping for a testosterone-led fight to break out. When he got knocked over by the Air Princess, Kasia had to wince. She knew what humiliation looked like, and it was never pretty. She simply watched as he scrambled for his glasses, trying to find composer. At least the rumors were true about that though. Isra Noscans were beautiful.

Then the room temperature dropped, leaving goosebumps on her exposed arms.

Then wine ice darts flew at their feet. The air literally growing colder with tension.

Wow, this is becoming a real shitstorm.

Seeing as this was not how she wanted this to go at all and heading south very quickly, Kasia pushed out of the wings, shooting a ' shut it, you're not helping' glare to Arie. Mustering up as much inner warmth as she could—Azarsans were not made for the cold in the slightest—she straightened her spine and stared at her future husband.

Even though her mouth was tense from the cold, body visibly trying not to shiver, she managed as calmly as she could: “If you wanted to offer me a drink you could have just asked.”

@Rari @Twyllvarlais
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Lucina Vyshaan


feeling: mix of amusement and concern

location: eleorim palace, ballroom

@Vannah @Rari @Argus @Huor Spinks

It seemed she'd have to step in before her brother made a move. What a pity, she was getting along with Nerida so well. Kind of. She perfected her already immaculate fair hair as she slipped through the crowd, having already lost the Unahlan princess along the way. Seeing the source of the first loud comment took her by surprise.

This would be interesting.

Lucie watched silently with a moment, and for the briefest of moments it seemed the Dark Prince would settle this without much conflict.

If only the Air Princess hadn't bumped into him.

Well, really, it was more like she fell on him. Very unfortunate, though Blair Vahtacen was not to blame, not in the least bit.

The blame is more heavily on her brother, Lucie mused, still not making a move.

The Dark Prince scrambled for his glasses, and when he'd composed himself again, his expression was no longer as assuring. Lucie sniffed the air, noting the temperature change and the strong scent of magic. Oooh, this was not going to end well.

The Elven princess had to stifle a short laugh as the winged prince made anothe rude remark, but the amusement turned into concern as the realisation that this situation was in no means funny to the Dark Prince. He'd been humiliated.

Lucie curtsied as she stepped forward, spreading her skirt around her gracefully, and when she'd straightened, a calm smile was painted on her face. As she stepped closer to the Dark Prince, goosebumps began forming on her arms. Mother Elk, it was cold. "Excu-" She was interrupted by the other Elf, and she felt a slight twinge of irritation which she suppressed.

"It is understandable you are angry, Prince Ariaevon, but may I please request you refrain from using magic? It would be in the wishes of many, I believe, that this conflict be settled without violence." She glanced at Arie pointedly as she continued, "And it'd be good if no swords were drawn. I also trust it would be in everyone's best interests that no one creates any...
problems." Though her tone was neutral and polite, as she locked gazes with the air prince, her eyes glinted with humour.

Lucie fought to keep her expression neutral as the fiery Princess spoke something else. Seriously, being a host was hard. She'd have done better to leave these things
all to her Brother in future.

Five horsemen, black tipped spears drinking in the last of the sun as it set rode along the countryside of the light kingdom, Eleorim. Five horsemen, five Unahlan horsemen, trained to crash into the enemy as the wave crashes unto rock, rode with haste to the palace of the Eleorim royal family. At the head of this small unit was The Tiger Shark himself, Giroux Valnarrus, Warrior Prince of Unahla, The Seablade, Captain of The Black Kraken, Son of the Sea Wind. He had many titles, many earned. Seaborn soldiers loved giving titles to their warriors, it spoke volumes of the battle prowess of the individual, for in Unahla those who are highly decorated are most deserving. When you come from the cold, harsh sea, you have no time for false fortitude. They had been riding since they landed, Giroux was late. His sister's carriage had arrived much sooner but that was no matter, they had not been close for many years. Five horsemen, fierce riders of Unahla approached the stairs of the royal palace, music from the banquet could be heard echoing down the halls. The guardsmen waved Giroux and his men closer in welcome.

"Prince Giroux, welcome t-"

"The Seablade is here you land dwelling dogs, bow your head in respect!" one of the riders shouted, shattering the formal silence.

Giroux's personal sigil, a tiger shark, flapped dark and foreboding in the wind as the sun set behind. There was a silence, the guardsmen stood in shock, looking to one another as the Unahlan soldiers offered fierce gazes. The greeter hasted down to meet them, presumably to calm them down, then, laughter. Giroux and his men laughed aloud as he dismounted. The guardsmen and host let out sighs of relief as the young prince shook the greeter's hand. They knew who he was, they knew his accolades, the blood he had spilled for his nation, they just didn't account for his sense of humor. "Forgive my men," he charmed, "It's been difficult behaving since the treaty was signed." Servants rushed down to him as removed his cloak, "Sorry I'm late boys, I trust my sister arrived safe and sound, a glass of that piss you call wine ready for her?" he asked. Abrasive yes, but the young prince had a certain charisma about him.

"Your grace, Princess Nerida arrived earlier in bright spirits. She has been enjoying the banquet just inside. Will you require accommodations for your men?"

"Oh no, that won't be necessary. One moment, forgive me." Giroux turned, waving the men off, "Alright you sea dogs, no tavern brawls, no girls."

The men bowed obediently, turning their horses and riding off into the night, they knew their princess was safe, they knew their prince needed no protection. Giroux climbed the stairs with the greeter follwing suite, the guardsmen relaxed. "Your grace, we have become very familiar with Unahlan culture and policies regarding hospitality. Eleorim and your host, Prince Thalanil are proud to inform you that you are permitted to keep your sword in observation of your people's customs. We would not want the warrior prince of Unahla to be without his honor."

"A kind gesture, you and your prince honor me and my kingdom, truly, but even if there were no observance of customs, this sword would never leave my side unless I desired so."

There was an awkward silence as they reached the banquet hall until a servant passed by with ale. Giroux waved her over and she immediately poured him a drink, he nodded in gratitude and entered the ballroom. It was quite the spectacle, a true credit to the beauty that was the kingdom of Eleorim. Sadly, Giroux had no interest to truly appreciate the grace of the palace, he was here to secure peace for his kingdom by marrying a woman he had never met before. A servant walked by close enough for him to summon.

"Where is this princess I am supposed to marry? More importantly, where is my sister? I must make sure she is well."
Feeling the tug of his sister Thalanil turned his attention to the events around him. It seemed to be a dispute between two princes, and to make matters worse the other royalty stood gawking at the situation. As if this futile display of grandstanding were entertainment. Dispite the childish behavior unraveling before him these where his peers wether he liked it or not. Their cooperation was necessary if his dream was to be realized, well most of their cooperation anyway.

Closing his eyes for a moment Thalanil used his magic to access the situation. Probing ever so gently into their thoughts so he could get ahold of the situation, taking great care not to probe deeper as anyone versed in magic would take notice. The scene flashed vividly through his mind playing from each viewpoint of the royalty involved. It seemed that Ariaevon was the one who had been slighted and Arie was seeking amusement at his expense. The situation needed to be delt with before any more unpleasantries were suffered.

At the sight of his sister trying to intervene Thalanil raised right hand and giving a curt snap causing a boom to ring out though the hall out as the hilt of every lance held by a guardsman in the ballroom slammed to the floor in perfect unison, ushering a in silence among all of the guests. With the silence Thalanil out on a smile putting himself in between the two princes grabbing his sister and putting her to the side out of harms way. All the while using his magic to try and nullify the cold Aura Ariaevon emanated. Slightly amused when his attempt to raise the temperature with his own magic was met with resistance, the auras strength was something he would remember.

"Esteemed guests I would like to remind you that disrespect towards any guest in this hall is disrespect towards myself and the kingdom of Eleorim. We hold the future in our grasps, let us act with the grace and dignity of those that are tasked with securing peace between the six kingdoms."

After a breif pause Thalanil clapped hands together as an idea came to mind

"Since everyone here seems so lively I propose a competition between the members of the six royal families gathered here today. The competition will be ballroom dancing, and your partner will be your future betrothed. This will give you all a chance to get acquainted with your future spouse and provide a little entertainment you all seem to seek so desperately."
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Kian Ignis

Kian's viewpoint of situation had begun to change drastically once the dark prince tried to assert himself through physical means. That action did not sit well with him as his adrenaline began to course through his veins at the very thought off an altercation. Kian would not allow for any harm to come towards Kasia all in the name of some joke. Before he could make a move to intervene, the loud boom that followed Thalanil's snap caused his hair to stand on end.

The announcement of a competition between the betrothed royals made him anticipate an all out battle royale. His feelings were quite hurt when Thalanil said that it would be a dancing competition. Looks like all of those dance lessons that mother put me through won't completely go to waste. Dancing itself was a simple task, Kian was more concerned over dancing with Szahdi because he completely towered over her. This might be a complete disaster.

Once Thalanil was finished with his little speech, Kian had made his way towards the center where Kasia and Arie were located. He stood up beside Kasia to his full height with his chest puffed out in a defensive manner. The tail behind him swung in a slow and calculated manner while his amber eyes seemed to ooze fury as he glanced at Ariaevon.

@Twyllvarlais @Vannah @Rari


Ariaevon Kaean Dwinanae

Location - Light Kingdom Ballroom

Mood- Thankful, but also guilty.

Tagged -
@Argus , @Uxie , @Shadow Alpha

At the entrance of Thalanil, the Prince of Light and the apparent main host, Ariaevon very nearly openly sighed with relief. Nearly. However, Thalanil's entrance is exactly what Ariaevon had been hoping for in order to avoid violence, and even with a way that maintained his dignity; or what was currently remaining of it. The Dark Prince will gladly seize the out he has been given, and will capitalize on the moment. Honestly though, a dance competition the Dark Prince had not seen coming. At the same time of his suggestion, Ariaevon felt a resistance against his previous domination of the room's temperature; this having brought Ariaevon to mind that he was slowly turning the room into an ice-cube. A side-wards glance at his betrothed, Kasia, revealed her to be shivering while attempting to resist it. This brought slight feelings of guilt over all in the room suffering because of his need to maintain his image. Without showing any signs of remorse, Ariaevon thinks a brief "I am sorry, everyone,", before turning to Lucina .

"I believe an apology is owed to you, Princess Vyshaan. Because of Prince Vahtacen and I's display, we forced you to put yourself in the middle. For the both of us, I apologize." Ariaevon proclaims, giving the princess a deep bow; all the while maintaining his stoic presence of a king.

Bridges must not be burned. These two could very well be valuable allies in the future, so Ariaevon knows that he should not put them at odds over such a trivial matter. After apologizing to Lucina, Ariaevon turns to lock gazes with Thalanil,
"To you as well, I owe an apology, it seems that we have caused quite the stir during the Ball you have so graciously hosted. Once again, for both Prince Vahtacen and I, I apologize." Ariaevon bows once again, and upon standing upright he turns towards Kasia; who is still shivering.

"Right. I have yet to fix the temperature."

Taking notice that the room is still freezing, Ariaevon opens his right hand, and the air started growing rapidly warmer as all of the cold in the room seemed to begin to condense into his palm. While making sure to fully recontain his Frost Aura, the room returned to its usual temperature as all the cold air in Ariaevon's palm formed into a small, intricate statue of the deity of Eleorim- The Mother Elk.

"Flawed... Useless as a paperweight." Ariaevon sighs internally, while depositing the statue onto the nearest table to surely melt in the next few minutes.

Turning away from the table, Ariaevon locks gazes with a large beast of a man, standing protectively near Kasia. His amber eyes seemed to sear through Ariaevon's glasses, and clearly portrayed that he wished nothing more than to rip him limb from limb. Ariaevon presumed that this man was Kasia's brother, Kian Ignis, the future king of Azarsa.

"I still have so much to learn..." Ariaevon thought sorrowfully, "I may have maintained my image, in a sense, but I have most assuredly put me at odds with him. One bridge is set on fire, and most likely will not be saved. I am still no where near ready to be king... I believe that I have made quite a mess of things... I can't wait to hear what Father will say over this..."

After a moment of self-derisive thoughts, Ariaevon banished his worries from his mind, and stepped away to find himself a glass of wine. As he was was turning around, his head did turn in the direction of Kasia and Kian.

"She stepped forward without an ounce of fear for me... Interesting."

With the dance competition commencing shorty, finding a glass of wine did not seem to be too difficult to Ariaevon. Soon enough, he was mixed among the mass of people dispersing from the earlier excitement.

"Just a would-be king among a sea of faceless nobles..."

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LOCATION: Eleorim Palace Ballroom

MOOD: What the fuck--?!

TAGS: @ pretty much everyone


Complete and utter chaos.



Oh, what a mess.

One moment, Szahdi was bearing her fangs at any who dared to stare after her little outburst with the servant, and the next, she was sneezing up a storm thanks to some furry thing brushing against her nose. Not a second later, she could have sworn that she heard Adam and Arlo speaking close by ('The nerve of them not to say a single word to me! Me! I'll kill them both, rip their throats out, murderlize 'em─'), and then came the booming voice of who must be the host of the evening that night.

"Lady Szahdi, I would like to apologize for my men's rudeness in requesting you to hand over your weapons. They do not understand the importance of one's weapon to a Jyriaanian warrior."

Oh. OH.

The princess stretched open her indignant gaze, shifted her weight to one leg, and placed one hand on her hip─the picture definition of sass.

A right shame that she didn't have the opportunity to express such sass when some band of royal hooligans decided to cause a scene.

"...pun intended, but damn, you're on fire tonight! Mmmmm!"

Szahdi blinked and raised a quizzical brow, but her intrigue was quickly mowed over by awe as she turned towards the scene to catch sight of a pair of coal-black wings. 'Ilmatarians...' Her awe only grew as another pair of gorgeous wings flashed across the scene. The princess took two automatic steps closer, her interest plain on her face, only for a collective gasp from the the other attendees to stop her in her tracks. Apparently, an attack had been made by one such hooligan and the air was growing heavy and cold─oh, so very cold─ with the tension rolling off the royals.

Her heart was bounding and a wide, confident smirk began to spread across her lips. Her hands raised, fingers curled like claws, her fangs gleaming bright in the light of the palace. 'Heh, maybe this ball thing won't be so boring after all!' Were she in her everyday attire, without the bourgeois hairstyle and makeup, she might not have looked so ridiculous in such a stance. And so Szahdi was lucky, in a sense, when the Eleorim prince from before and another who must have been his sister stepped in to calm the growing hostility.

"...I also trust that it would be in everyone's best interests that no one creates any... problems."

Though it wasn't directed at Szahdi, the Jyriaanian rolled her eyes and reluctantly straightened her stance. She had to keep her head straight for now; no fighting, no raging, just calm and collected thoughts. Calm and collected... Yeah. Right. But she was saved once again from her thoughts by the host of the dance as he announced a... dance competition?

No. No no no, just
no! Not possible! Not happening! No way!

The princess marched over to the table offering glass after endless glass of spirits and began to gracelessly chug as many in a row as her stomach would allow.

Oh, gods. This was going to be a long night.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/crovo.jpg.9830cbc7ab60f51c3ea8ef085fa29288.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139347" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/crovo.jpg.9830cbc7ab60f51c3ea8ef085fa29288.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Adam Tivaunne

Location: Ballroom

Mood: Amused, Intrigued

Adam was quite amused by this whole situation. What started as a simple enough ball in the honor of the arranged marriages, managed to turn into a shitstorm in a few minutes. Adam couldn't help but smirk slightly at Arie's smugness or the anger of the dark prince after he had been publicly humiliated. He wasn't complaining though. A little action at a quite boring event, couldn't hurt anyone. Directing his attention to Kian, Adam analyzed him, wondering how well the prince would fare in a battle. He seemed like a strong enough lad, towering both over him and Arlo, altough Arlo was shorter. Motioning to his prince that he would step away for a moment he made his way towards a servant and grabbed a goblet of wine.

Passing guests, and royalty, he heard the host declaring the dance competition, as he reached the table where the Jyriian princess, Szahdi was standing, chugging drinks apparently. He and Szadhi knew each other, altough they weren't as close as Arlo and Adam were, yet they managed to socialize quite fine, when they had too. Altough, he didn't like that one time when she called him Arlo's little pet. He was a respected bodyguard not a bootlicker. Reaching the princess, he did a small bow as he drank a little of his wine.

''Good evening, your highness'' he said with respect in his voice, and with a tinge of sass. ''Nervous?''

@H A R P Y @anyoneelse



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Charlise Dwinanae

Location: Dark Princess's bedchamber/Light Kingdom ballroom

Charlise sharply gasped as one of her many maids tightened the corset around her waist. She looked at herself in the mirror and grimaced. She never liked corsets, but she realized it was proper for the occasion. Her mother, the queen, had actually taken time to see that Charlise was properly prepared, and she smiled as Charlise looked at her with a pained expression. "You look beautiful, Charlise... but your hair needs done." The queen walked forward and started messing with Charlise's hair.

Charlise just stared at herself in the mirror, playing around with her hands lightly as her pale blue eyes sparkled, deep in thought.
"Judging by your face, I would say you have something on your mind. What's troubling you, Charlise?" Charlise paused, then responded softly. "I guess I just expected to be married later... to someone I know, not a complete stranger." The queen chuckled quietly, finishing her hair and nodding at it in satisfaction. "Isra Nosca needs you to do this, my dear... this will bring peace between us and the other countries. You are saving lives... try to remember that." Charlise simply nodded, and the queen left shortly after, letting the maids help Charlise into her dress.

Once they were finished, Charlise was escorted to a carriage above ground. There, there was her most trusted guard, ready to accompany her to the palace. She was great friends with this guard, and so she just smirked at his next comment.
"Running late again, are we? I warned you that you would be late if you kept fluffing your hair for hours." He stuck out his hand, helping her get into the carriage, then he sat next to her, chuckling as the carriage started moving. "You know, if I didn't know your mug so well, I would not have been able to recognize you with your fancy clothes and jewelry on." Charlise laughed. "I barely recognized myself, and I know myself better than anyone else," she whispered. The guard smiled. "Hey. I appreciate you doing this. Isra Nosca, appreciates you doing this." Charlise simply nodded.

As they arrived at the palace, the guard got out, helping Charlise get out as well, then he looked at her sadly.
"... I still remember when you were just about four years old. You had a doll that you kept with you, and one day you were playing. You kept running around that day, swearing that you had found your prince. You had taken your doll and put your crown on it, and you kept insisting that it was your prince and you were going to marry it." Charlise blushed in embarrassment as the guard, who went by the name of "Leo", laughed, tears in his eyes. He then took her hands and smiled. "And now you are actually going to be married. To the Water prince... and I know you will be a beautiful bride. He will be one lucky man..." Leo's kind face smiled, and he raised Charlise's hand, kissing it gently. The man had a wife and children of his own, and he was generally not that emotional, but one of his daughters had married just a few months prior, and Charlise almost felt like a daughter to him.

Waving goodbye, he got back into the carriage as Charlise watched, tearing up. The carriage left and she gathered herself, taking a deep breath. She entered the palace, announcing herself as Charlise Alexandra Dwinanae, princess of Isra Nosca. The guards nodded and let her into the ballroom. Charlise's face grew pale as she looked at the crowd of people. Instead of heading towards the center of the room, she walked casually off to the side, watching everyone, attaching faces to names and names to kingdoms. She froze up and just stood there, whispering these things to herself.

(Her dress)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/luxuriant_sliver_sleeveless_gothic_masquerade_victorian_dress_dresses_3.jpg.a12b72f6a418048a6c3319b7eb250cf3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139424" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/luxuriant_sliver_sleeveless_gothic_masquerade_victorian_dress_dresses_3.jpg.a12b72f6a418048a6c3319b7eb250cf3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Arlo was on the verge of panicking. Dancing. Of all of the possible competitions, it had to be dancing. Arlo could dance fine on his own, but in front of this many people? Not to mention he had to pair up with Blair. Arlo had heard many stories about how spoiled, childish, and needy Blair was. None of them sounded realistic, but they were probably some degree of rooted in truth. She'd probably be afraid of him, due to his always-covering-his-face thing, or worse. She might expect him to take his mask off. Maybe I should just run away, Arlo considered. Or maybe I could take my mask off and pretend to be an Isra Noscan noble. Arlo shook his head. It was his duty as a prince.

The crowd began to part, as if they were expecting the royalty to move to the center. He saw Szahdi chugging drinks, probably to knock herself out in order to avoid dancing. That meant that if she were successful, it would be even more important for Arlo to take the challenge. If Jiryaan's prince and princess were both too drunk to dance, their family would be a laughingstock.

Blair was still standing where she had knocked over Ariaevon, but Arlo had a hard time working up the nerve to go talk to her. Normally, he could talk to others without difficulty. But, after hearing all of the stories about her, Arlo was, in all honesty, afraid of Blair. She was literally right there, and yet Arlo couldn't work up the nerve to talk to her. He just clung to the walls and hoped someone or something would save him.




Location: Eleorim Ballroom, near entrance

Mood: Ugh

Tagged: @Wulf || @Uxie @Argus @silentecho (mentioned)

Naris stood near the entrance of the ballroom, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, her spear at her side. Her hair was left down and pinned back from her face, and gone was the armor that usually covered her form. In its place flowed a heavy dress of white and gold. It was no extravagant gown like those of the noble lady guests, but it suited her well.

A bored look sat upon the elf's face as the royals began to trickle in. She watched them mingle, watched them dance, and envied their frivolous lives. When the beginnings of a fight broke out towards the center of the floor, a rise of her brows showed her curiosity, but she made no move to intervene; the Eleorim heirs were way ahead of her and could easily handle a bit of ruckus. What was a gathering of wartorn royals without a scuffle or two, anyhow?

"How tactful," the guard muttered in response the Thalanil's dance proposal, the smallest of smirks on her lips. But Naris was growing bored. Here she was, surrounded by the most pompous people in all of Pantaleon, and the closest thing to fun was squashed under Lucina and Thalanil's feet before it even got started. A light sigh left her parted lips as she stood straight from the wall and took hold of her spear. Her eyes scanned the ballroom, searching for someone she could play with.

'Ah, there we go.~' She caught the sight of two otherwise unoccupied people─an anxiety-stricken girl who seemed to be whispering frantically to herself, and heavily battle-scarred male who looked as if he were unsure where to begin. Naris caught the corner of her bottom lip between her teeth, her mark chosen. She raised her head proudly and sauntered over to male to stand about two feet from his side.

"Pretentious, is it not?" she asked, facing the crowd as he did. "Holding a ball as grand as this, I mean─as if the countless deaths of soldiers who believed they were fighting for a cause mean nothing."
As the tension in the room finally began to cool down—or rather, warm up—Kasia let out the breath she had beholding. That was too close of a call for all involved. She had let herself “loosen up” and was now probably holding on by a thin shed of dignity in the eyes of the other royals, including her future husband. Glancing around the room, Kasia had to wonder what they must think of her now.

She knew it had been risky to step forward after such a display of power from Ariaevon; that quick and cold reaction of his might become troublesome in the future. It was for that reason that she had to make a move, had to let him know that Kasia Ignis was not going to fold into the mold of a voiceless queen. She was his equal and would not be treated any less.

When her brother came to stand by her side in a protective stance, Kasia let out another sigh. When had sighing become such a signature for her? “Worry not brother, you of all people should know I can take care of myself.” He was still the younger sibling even if he had a good half a foot on her in height; she was a future queen, she was raised to last. It was then that she noticed that he had his tail out.

“Kian..” she whispered, giving him the what are you thinking? look. He knew his 'affliction' was look down on in Arzarsan culture, so why was he risking it here in front of the most powerful collection of people in the land?

Then again, it’s not like I can say anything after that monstrosity of a display.

At that thought, Kasia let out another sigh. She may not regret her actions, but as a princess she must at least take responsibility and salvage as much respect as possible. Turning towards the Eleorim royal pair, she also gave a deep curtsy. “I too apologize for such behavior. I played just as much of a role as they and I am terribly sorry to have brought such disrespect to your home.”

Now to focus on this… unexpected turn of events. A dance competition? Not that she could complain, Kasia had a knack for ballroom dances, but the idea just seemed so ridiculous. When Thalanil announced it, Kasia had to work to keep from making a face—she could practically feel the condescension in his voice at his last comment.

Giving up on trying to find the logic behind a dance battle, she moved to stand next to Ariaevon. “For future reference, I prefer my wine as a drink, not a projectile.”

@Rari @Shadow Alpha @Argus @Uxie
Giroux had his eyes on his sister, he watched her converse and socialize with another princess from some nation Giroux didn't care to take notice of. As long as she was safe, everything was okay. They hadn't been a close pair of siblings since they were children, chasing each other around the Unahlan capitol, above and below the surface. They were just kids then, not a care in the world. Completely oblivious to the war torn world around them. Things were different now, the war had split their paths, but at the end of the day they were still blood. Many of the nobles in attendance had bodyguards close by. Princess Nerida needed no bodyguard, she had Giroux and Giroux Valnarrus was more than enough, especially in this kingdom of perfumed men and shit wine he thought to himself.

"Your grace, Princess Charlise Dwinanae of Isra Nosca has arrived, she's just over there. I've brought you another ale, should I send for her?" a humble servant asked. Damien casually shook his head, he was in no rush to meet someone he would spend the rest of his life bound to. He would sip his ale and make sure his sister enjoyed herself. Suddenly, footsteps approached from the rear, resting just to his side. It was a lady, presumably some noble here to suck up to those higher up than her. She held a spear and stood proudly, but Giroux just took another sip of ale and kept looking forward, he had no intention of sucking up for approval or favoritism, it wasn't the Unahlan way.

"Pretentious, is it not?" she conversed, "Holding a ball as grand as this, I mean─as if the countless deaths of soldiers who believed they were fighting for a cause mean nothing."

"Never was one for fancy banquet," he casually replied, looking down at his glass of ale, stirring it calmly before taking another gulp, "Then again, who are we without our honorable obligations? Sometimes that showing up to a party, other times it's dying for your kingdom." he calmly mused, turning his head to look at the lady who started talking to him. He nodded subtly to himself, a small smile spilling over his face before he looked back at the crowd, "You were a soldier. It's not the spear, anyone can hold a spear. It's your eyes, whoever you are." he finished. Unahla wasn't known for it's extravagance, more known for it's natural beauty.

Stirring his glass again before pointing across the room to the nervous Isra Noscan girl trying to whisper up the courage to participate, "You see that girl over there? That's to be my intended, poor nervous little thing." he took another sip, turning his attention over to Prince Arie, "And he, that is the Ilmatarian Prince Arie." he went on, his free hand tapping the hilt of is sword nonchalantly, "Ilmatar was losing the war, badly, this treaty barely secured their survival, and here he is making jokes like a child, if anyone here had any sense we would snuff them out here and now, be rid of them. Oh well." he finished, downing the last of his ale setting down on the tray of a servant who had rushed over after seeing him down his glass.

"I'm not one for dances myself, but i'll be damned if I let my sister beat me at anything." he humored, extending his hand out to the lady so generous to make small talk with him, "Giroux Valnarrus, Prince of Unahla, pleased to have you cross my path. You are?"

@H A R P Y
Kian Ignis

His eyes lingered on the retreating form of Ariaevon before relaxing his stance. Kian's arms remained folded but his the aura around him no longer oozed any malicious intent. Kasia's sigh drew in his focus but he had mistaken it for a sigh of shame as he watched her gaze at his tail. With the attention of the other party goers focused on Ariaevon, Kian forced his tail to wrap uncomfortably beneath his shirt once more. He was fully aware of Kasia's abilities but he still didn't intend on standing by while someone tried to harm one his kin.

"I can't believe that he will end up being my brother-in-law," Kian muttered to himself as he began to walk away from the center of the room. He scanned the horde of people in search of one person, Szahdi. It was quite easy to find her since Kian was the tallest one in the room and he made his way towards. Kian watched with approval as Szahdi chug the alcohol like it was water and deemed her as an acceptable mate. A woman that loves to drink and fight is perfect for me! He reached around her to down a glass or two before speaking with the Earth Princess, "Excuse me Princess Szahdi, my name is Kian Ignus and I would love to win this little competition as your partner."

@H A R P Y
Nerida Valnarrus

Eleorim Palace: Ballroom

Nerida hesitated. Behind the mask of polite curiosity, in all honestly she did not want to be involved in what appeared to be an altercation between two Princes. The entire thing was rather obscene for a ball room, and for their ranks for that matter. Really, this seemed more in place in some sort of low-end bar, and apparently that seemed to be where one of the Princes seemed more at home with. Nerida could not help feeling extremely relieved that it was not this prince she was being betrothed to. She would sooner jump off a high tower than marry such a man. Already she was feeling sorry for his betrothed.

Tempers were blaring, and this unnerved Nerida. The last thing she wanted to do was head to a direct center of emotional outpouring, but declining would only make her appear weak. Within her own affairs, if she was ever called to intervene between anything, she usually waited until all parties had calmed down before she appeared to mediate the discussion. That way, people were not ruled by emotional outpouring... though a few times tensions arose during discussions and she had to call for order, threatening to postpone discussions yet again until people calmed down.

But still though, she did not want to display weakness, so she settled for the next best thing; she would follow the other Princess, but remain off to the side so that she would not be involved. Yet her eyes displayed a momentarily panic, even as she gave the other Princess a rather tense smile. "Certainly," she said, calm and polite once again. And as the other Princess disappeared, Nerida made her move as well, moving in the direction of the commotion. As she moved through the crowd, she realised she had lost sight of the other Princess, but she had no doubt of where Lucina was heading. It occurred to her then that perhaps now was a good time to disappear, but she had already agreed to accompany the other Princess...

Much to soon, she caught sight of Lucina again, right in front of her. It seemed that she had stopped too close. She took two steps back in order to blend in with the rest of the witnesses. As she watched, she could not help admiring Lucina's bravery in stepping in right where emotions were at their highest; the Dark Prince had even thrown a wine glass at the other offending Prince. She could not help holding her breath as she watched the proceedings... she was almost sure that something would be thrown at Lucina. Why couldn't people just calm down? Or at least behave appropriately? She shivered. And why was it so cold?

She jumped as a sudden slam echoed throughout the room. Prince Thalanil had finally seen fit to intervene, very fortunately. The temperature heated up again, the excitement was over, much to her relief. She glanced around at the other nobility, before Prince Thalanil spoke again, announcing a dancing competition... with their betrothed. Her face paled. Prince Thalanil was her betrothed! Unahlan custom dictated that it was the host who had to lead any ongoing activities, and the thought of dancing in front of everyone with Prince Thalanil sounded like a nightmare.

At least she was a good dancer. She actually enjoyed dancing, though she had no doubt that dancing back home was far less nerve-wracking than dancing here, in front of complete strangers, with the man she was to marry. For a split second, her face showed uncertainty, before she composed herself, stepping forward. If she was going to have to do this... it was time to steel herself. No weaknesses. She stopped in front of Prince Thalanil and curtsied, daintily, gently. "Prince Thalanil? I am Princess Nerida Valnarrus, from Unahla. I am finally glad to make your acquaintance."

She was quite proud of the fact that her voice had managed to not shake.

@Uxie @Rari @Twyllvarlais @Argus


Ariaevon Kaean Dwinanae

Location - Light Kingdom Ballroom

Mood- Slightly interested.

Tagged -

It took little time for Ariaevon to find his way over to a little, out of the way, table bearing several glasses of champagne. Being the center of attention of an entire room of nobles was never Ariaevon's intention of presenting himself to everyone; especially in the violent fashion that fate had forced him into. The reputation of a nobleman is a very fickle thing, as it has always been. For even the slightest reasons one's reputation could be made, and then just as easily broken. Considering he had demonstrated a portion of his abilities, the young Prince of Darkness was reasonably reassured that he had not been perceived as weak; or, at least, not seen as someone who would be easy to conquer in the future. Probability is a terrifying thing, and things have been shoved out of his favor with his public humiliation...

"Sigh... Reversing the effects of tonight will be quite troublesome. However, that should not be too far out of my reach. Kian will be troublesome to persuade. But, that is simply the cards I have been dealt. A Prince should know how to make the most of things."

At the conclusion of his thoughts, he shrugged lightly while reaching out to retrieve a glass of champagne from the table.

"... Alexandra Gwinanae, princess of Isra Nosca..."

As the prince brought his drink up to his lips, a familiar voice reaches his ears amidst the sea of chatter. Moving to face the direction of the voice, Ariaevon turns just in time to see his sister, Charlise, entering the ballroom. Observing as she begins to move along the sides of the room, a smile crosses his lips for the first time since leaving his home.

"Staying out of the spotlight as always, dearest sister. I had hoped the knowledge of your fast approaching engagement might have helped prepare you for such crowds of strangers, but it seems not." the prince sighs quietly to himself before noticing that Charlise has stopped moving around the room; seemingly frozen to the spot, only watching the crowd of people in front of her, "At times like this, I normally would rush to her side, but she is a beautiful young woman now. Grown, and already betrothed to a prince from a land far away... It saddens me to think that she will be going away soon. Before that, though, she needs to stand on her own. I have faith that she will recover without my interference. I will speak with her later."

As the prince was focused on his sister, it took him a moment to notice that a certain woman in a dress like living fire had come to his side. Kasia Ignis, at it would seem.

“For future reference, I prefer my wine as a drink, not a projectile.”

Turning his head away from his sister, Ariaevon comes to look at the princess. Earlier he had not had a chance to look at her due to the situation, so since she is so close it seems like a perfect time to satisfy his curiosity.

"Unquestionably beautiful, as would be expected of royalty, I suppose. Slightly shorter. Eyes that seem to be trying to tunnel through my head. And the sass of her speech. Perhaps Arie's obscenities had some truth to them. She seems to a bit of fight in her..."

"Princess Kasia. It would seem you wasted no time in seeking me out after that rather unpleasant start to such a lovely ball." Ariaevon spoke, after having turned his head back towards the crowd in front of him, "I apologize if you felt as if you were in any danger. Rest assured I would not have allowed harm to come to you."

Whether she believes his words or not means very little, but offering a reassurance could not cause any harm. Turning his back to Kasia for only a brief moment, Ariaevon uses his freehand to pluck another glass of champagne from the table. Turning to his future queen, the Dark Prince offers the glass.

"Your preference is duly noted. Allow me to introduce myself, properly this time. I am Prince Ariaevon Kaean Dwinanae, heir to the throne of Isra Nosca. It is a pleasure to finally meet you."

Thalanil watched the reactions of those around him at the mention of a dance. All nobility may differ but a competitive spirit is something most had in common. No matter how quaint the competition there would be no doubt that they wouldn't want to lose to their own peers and rivals. Before he could speak again he was approached by a stunningly beautiful woman with blue hair. A woman he instantly recognized as the Princess of Unahla. He didn't need to use his magic to see that the girl seemed nervous, she seemed much more naive than the other royals he had met so far. A pleasant suprise as a strong relationship with her would make it that much easier to gain the support of her brother the Tiger Shark.

"Princess Nerida, you look splendid. I apologize for not coming and introducing myself earily but I had my hands tied with tonight's events."

As he spoke he returned her curtsy with a bow carefully clasping her hand in his before bringing her hand to his lips giving it a gentle kiss, to show his respects.

"It seems I also owe you a second apology as I believe I have done something foolish. I announced a competition in something of which I have little aptitude for."

A smile formed on his lips as he held out his hand for Nerida to take.

"Even so as the future king and queen of Eleorim it is up to us to lead the way. I would be honored to have this dance with you Milady."

@Huor Spinks and everyone else.

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She had to stop herself from scoffing, unpleasant was an understatement. Kasia could practically hear the scolding of her mother that was bound to come: ‘You are about to be a married woman! You cannot keep up with such foolishness, no future king wants a hussy for a wife’. It was always the same with her mother, a woman who followed Azarsa’s strict gender roles to a tee. Even the thought brought a brief scowl to her face before she caught herself.

Pushing that train of thought aside, Kasia returned her attention to Ariaevon’s apology. Danger? Oh no, she had not feared getting hurt; the last thing anyone wanted to do was run the risk of breaking this already rocky treaty. Still, just the idea of the potential threat—a future incident where there is no crowd or Light Prince to calm the storm—was what had Kasia make her stance known.

It was then that Ariaevon offered her a glass of champagne.

Well, at least he has good taste.

She accepted itwith a small smile and gave a little one-handed curtsy after taking a sip. “Kasia Ignis, princess of Azarsa. The pleasure is mine.” Despite being one-handed, the introduction still had all the grace of years of mannerism training and muscle memory. Her father would always say: introductions are everything, no matter how many times you meet someone.

Hearing the band warm up their instruments, Kasia glanced towards the dance floor. A quick change from the pristine princess that had just introduced herself, she drained the last of her drink and offered her hand to be taken. “It appears we have a dance to do.”


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Collaborated Post with


Arie was greatly surprised how angry the Dark Prince became. The aura that seeped off of him was nothing short of frightening, but Arie knew that at an event like this, violence was not allowed nor did he want their to be. Then his betrothed, Lucina Vyshaan stepped in and tried to alleviate the delicate situation, before her brother, the other host, finally stepped in and brought the quickly escalating confrontation to an end.

Announcing the dancing competition, Arie finally had the chance to meet his betrothed. Walking up to her, Arie bowed and said,"I hope what you just witnessed, didn't make your perspective of me worse. Granted I didn't know mister icy pants would react in such a way, but I assure you my lady that I will from now on try to at least act a little more composed." Leaning in he said in her ear,"You know it was funny though", winking at her.

Lucie looked gratefully at her Brother, though the expression melded into one of disbelief quickly. "Was that seriouslythe best thing you could think of?" she whisper-yelled at him.

She shot him her worst glare as her bethrothed stepped towards her, and she returned his bow with a curtsy of her own. "I hope what you just witnessed, didn't make your perspective of me worse. Granted I didn't know mister icy pants would react in such a way, but I assure you, my lady, that I will from now on try to at least act a little more composed." Lucie blinked at him in surprise, the change in attitude more than a little sudden. Not to mention the fact he just addressed a royal figure as Mister Icy Pants.

Her cheeks reddened slightly as he leaned in and whispered in her ear, and she couldn't help but let out a laugh in agreement. "I'll have to admit, it was good entertainment. Though I think I'll have to step on your toes a few times just to get back at you, apologies in advance." Lucie replied good-naturedly, a smile playing across her lips.

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it, my lady. Don't worry about the dancing, I got some tricks up my sleeve. Though if any anybody was step on my toes, I would want it to only be you." Arie returned her smile with his own. "So tell me more about yourself, Princess Vyshaan." Arie held out his arm, hoping that she would take it as he gestured her over to the buffet.

If she weren't so used to flattery, Lucie would've been as red as a tomato. Luckily, she was a princess, and all that showed was a slight pink tint to her cheeks. "You might regret saying that." she said, lifting her foot and turning back to glance at the sharp heels. "I'm pretty sure these heels could be used as a weapon." The Elven princess took the arm that was offered to her and wrinkled her nose at the title. "That sounds dreadfully formal. How about we skip all that big stuff and have you call me Lucie?"

Her eyes twinkled playfully as she caught sight of the food. She replied, "Well, for one, I absolutely love dessert. Or anything sweet, for that matter." She eyed the cakes displayed on a silver platter and licked her lips in anticipation.

Arie was surprised at the personality of his betrothed. He wasn't expecting her to be this informal, and he loved it. Too many nobles here had their heads way too far up their own asses. It was refreshing to meet a rather beautiful noble like Lucie. Listening to her go on about desserts, was admiring her beauty and taking it all in. One thing that stood out in particular about the elven princess, was her different colored eyes.

"Sweet thing are very good. The desserts in Ilmatar are very delicious, soon you'll be able to taste them. By the way Lucie I noticed that your eyes are different colors, like mine; though my right eye is dark red instead violet like yours." Reaching for a piece of buttered bread and placing it in his mouth, Arie relished the flavor. Picking out more food Arie started to talk about himself. "As for myself, I do adore sweet things, but I also do like spicy foods too. You've probably heard about my virtuosity as a guitarist? I might just play a song later tonight. For you."

Lucie reached for a slice of the cake she'd been eyeing, and as soon as the soft sponge hit her tongue, she let out a quiet moan. She was going to miss these desserts. Maybe she'd ask them to send some over from time to time. The princess popped another eclair into her mouth, and giggled happily at the thought of Ilmatarian desserts.

"They'd better be good, or else I'll be severely disappointed." She raised her eyebrows at this observation, having not noticed that previously, and wondering how it'd escaped her. "Yours is cooler, though." Lucie admitted before shoving another pastry down her throat.

Gosh, she loved desserts.

"Your virtuosity as a guitarist?" the elven princess repeated in a mild teasing tone. "I've heard of your talent wielding a sword, but this is new to me."

She laughed gently at his offer, and smiled. "How gentlemanly of you." Dropping her voice into a lower tone, she added playfully, "Don't make a fool of yourself, and I might just admit I wouldn't mind being wed to you."

Taking more bites of the desserts on his plate, Arie smirked at Lucie's last comment. Dropping his tone lower as well to match hers, Arie replied,"Haha, well I only aim to please, Lucie. Honestly between me and you, if I had to choose between wielding a sword and playing the guitar, I would choose latter. There's so much music has to offer to the world than violence. Music is a universal language, did you know that?"

Taking a bite of some fried venison, Arie brightened up his smile. The spices cooked into the meat were unbelievable. "I'll say this too, I love your country's take on meat, extremely delicious."

Lucie smirked. "I wouldn't have expected that answer from one known as the Dancing Swordman." She stuffed a tart into her mouth and chewed thoughtfully. "Music can't end wars, I'm pretty sure most of us know that first-hand, considering that's part of the reason why we're here in the first place. But if music were a language, the only words I know are the piano."

The princess halted her raid on the dessert section to try some of the meat, and she made a small pleasured sigh. She'd really miss this food. Heck, she'd miss everything about this place. "Maybe we can kidnap the cook." Lucie suggested playfully, before turning and surveying the room. "Is your sist- Princess Vahtacen alright, by the way? The Dark Prince wasn't exactly, ah, courteous to her."

Arie did realize the foolishness of what he said. Music certainly couldn't end wars. As long there were people in power, war would continue on till the end of time. "You're right Lucie, what I said was foolish. I'm just sick of the fighting. Though playing the guitar allows me to unwind and take myself to a different place, far away from all of this. Plus I do think you'll like it; the piano? Hmm I wouldn't expect that from you?"

Seeing that Lucie was enjoying the meat, Arie agreed to her statement. "That sounds like a plan, though if we get caught, I'm calling you out." At the mention of his sister, Arie did nod in agreement, though it wasn't his fault for his little sister knocking the Dark Prince to the floor, if he hadn't of started the whole ordeal, maybe she wouldn't have panicked. "Indeed. Though it was my fault for causing the whole scene in the first place, but what's done is done. I do owe Prince Ariaevon an apology."

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Ariaevon Kaean Dwinanae

Location - Light Kingdom Ballroom

Mood- Slightly interested.

Tagged -

Seeing the Princess drain her entire drink so quickly causes Ariaevon to raise an eyebrow ever so slightly. Her movements since coming up to him had been so graceful, with the obvious touch of refinement and practice befitting a princess. Her sudden consumption of her drink however...

"Interesting." The Dark Prince mumbles, setting his drink aside on the table behind him. Reaching out to take Kaisa's hand, Ariaevon pauses for a moment to bring the back of her hand to his lips for a light kiss; as was customary when meeting a woman of nobility.

"It would seem so." The Prince speaks, walking forward hand-in-hand with Kaisa until they reach the dance floor alongside all of the other Prince and Princesses that have thus far gathered.

A whim of the moment seizes Ariaevon, and as a start to things he gives the Princess of Fire a slight spin as he was taught to do in his youth. The movement felt rigid, and foreign. Though, he had not expected much else. It has now been close to one and a half decades since he last danced, and even that was purely for his own instruction in the practice. Aside from that, this last decade of fighting and war had afforded very little time for pleasurable pursuits such as dancing.

"It has been some time since I last danced, I am afraid. So, I believe this will be quite entertaining."

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Lucie and Arie

(collab with


She made a mock-insulted face at him before shaking her head. "Abandoned by my bethrothed. How tragic." As he spoke on, she tilted her head to one side.

"You very much do." Lucie said in agreement, glancing curiously at him. "What was your goal in pissing him off, exactly?" It was funny, she had to admit, but the experience had ultimately humiliated the Prince, and she feared for their relations afterwards. Lucie was blessed that Ariaevon hadn't gone full-rage, or they'd have several ice sculptures and much explaining to the various rulers.

Smiling at her, Arie took a sip from a cup of wine and winked at Lucie. "All in good fun, but still it was your idea Lucie. As for my goal in pissing Ariaevon off, well that wasn't my intentional goal, but after seeing the dull look on his face, I had to do something to get him fired up, though he became colder as a result, hehehe."

As she turned and surveyed the room, noting the royal couples interacting with one another, Lucie caught sight of her brother and his bethrothed. A small smile formed on her face. They looked perfect, absolutely perfect, and the princess felt relieved that Nerida was the one he would be marrying. "Should we be dancing?" she mused to Arie, twirling around to grab another treat.

Hearing the band starting to play in the background, Arie responded to Lucie's question by grabbing her hand and pulling her in close to him by grabbing onto to her waist, which was quite small, and gently flapping his wings gliding the both of them onto the dance floor. Bowing to her, Arie said,"Let us dance."

Lucie wondered if she'd have done the same in his position. Probably not, though possibly because she didn't have the guts to do it. The princess let out a small cry of surprise as he pulled her close, her cheeks reddening. She glanced away flusteredly as she let him guide her to the dance floor.

The princess smiled as he let her down, her face still pink. "That's one form of an invitation." She dropped into a graceful curtsy, and whispered quietly, "It's been a while since I last danced. Excuse me if I do take you on that promise you wouldn't mind me stepping on your toes."

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Location: Eleorim Palace Ballroom, near entrance

Mood: Oh myy~ ; Ugh

Tagged: @Wulf || @Huor Spinks @Argus @Twyllvarlais @silentecho @Uxie (mentioned)

As the Unahlan prince replied, a roguish grin tugged at Naris' lips. She approached the man with the assumption that he would be quite like her Prince Thalanil, but such a thought could not be more false. Dignity was perhaps the only commonality between them. The Tiger Shark was quite the serious thing, she mused, her eyes scanning the fish's features as he spoke. Noted by that solemn gaze and terse frown, not to mention the beginnings of old age already marring his young and handsome face, he had little care for jovial appearances or charming others. Such a severe look left no doubt in Naris' mind that her tricks would not work so easily with him, but no matter─she certainly loved a challenge.

"Never was one for a fancy banquet. Then again, who are we without our honorable obligations? Sometimes, that's showing up to a party, other times its dying for your kingdom."

"Well said," she remarked, her gaze flitting from the Unahlan to the prince she served, watching as he took the hand of a woman who could only be the fish princess. Her jaw tightened, smirk fading.

"You were a soldier."

The guard turned her eyes back to the man, a subtle, almost bored look of surprise on her face.

"It's not the spear, anyone can hold a spear. It's your eyes, whoever you are."

A grin tugged at her lips once more, her amber hues back on the crowd to follow Lucina and her Ilmatarian prince as they floated about the dance floor.

"Do you expect me think of you as a perceptive man after such a comment as that? Hah. Any warrior can spot another easily, by eyes or scars or the weight of their frown. I am not so easily fooled.~" Naris spoke her words with a light and teasing tone. Her eyes left her princess to follow the fish's gestures as he continued on to point out the various royals gathered that night. When she set her sights on the princess a ways away, the elf felt a growing satisfaction that she chose the man at her side as a mark. Really, the poor thing looked as though she might crack at the slightest touch, so tense she seemed. Naris couldn't help but feel a small tinge of pity for the Unahlan.

Her focus returned once again to her princess, her eyes narrowed sharply, studying Lucina's winged husband-to-be especially so. After the commotion he caused mere minutes before, the Ilmatarian landed quite far from Naris' good graces.
My dear Lucina, how it pains me to think of you wed to such a clown.

"Can you blame him though," came her leisure, malice-free reply after he spoke his piece on the air nation. "You cannot be so quick to judge, my friend. Times were desperate for that prince and his people. But now, thanks to this, how shall we say, lovely arrangement, he shan't have so much to worry about. Do allow him some room for gaiety." As the harried servant strolled by to take the prince's mug, the elf plucked a glass of crimson wine from the tray and took a single, long sip. When she removed the glass from her lips to turn towards Unahlan as he introduced himself, the wine was more than half empty.

"Giroux Valnarrus, Prince of Unahla, pleased to have you cross my path. You are?"

Instead of grasping his hand with her own, Naris gave the prince a deep bow of her head, partly a sign of respect for his higher status in the world, and partly to hide the triumphant grin that took firm hold of her mouth. A prince! Quite the challenging plaything he would be, indeed!

"'Tis an honor to make your acquaintance, sire. I humbly ask your pardon; had I known you were the Tiger Shark himself, I would not have spoken so boldly. My name is Naris Oleran, sire, guard to their highness' Prince Thalanil and Princess Lucina of Eleorim." With pomp and politeness out of the way, the elf raised her head and offered Giroux a bold wink, her smirk having faded enough to a small grin. "If you wish to compete on proper terms with my prince and your sister, then might I suggest you gather your betrothed from her spot of terror and join the others on the floor."
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LOCATION: Eleorim Palace Ballroom

MOOD: stop spinnin' around, would'ja?!

TAGS: @Elias @remembervvinter @Shadow Alpha

Szahdi kept right along downing one glass of alcohol after the next, though her pace began to slow exponentially after the seventh drink─and quite the shame that was, as the princess was sincerely hoping to beat her record on this the most treacherous of nights. She was halfway through with her ninth glass when her brother's faithful dog approached. She tossed her head back to finish what remained, although judging by the sudden spurt of coughing immediately after, that probably was not the best idea. Szahdi's chest heaved with bellowed coughs and when she finally managed to calm her lungs, she raised her right arm to her mouth to wipe away a dribble of wine, then turned to the bodyguard.

"'Ay! Adamn!" Great spirits, she was drunk. "Wha'zr y'doin' off'a yer leash, eh?! I ain' nerv's, pshhh!" Szahdi snatched another glass from the table and succeeded only in spilling a great portion of its contents to the floor. It was quite the wonder she had yet to break anything. "Nerves's fer wusses...! Nahh! Jus' got'a kick back'n let loose, y'know?!" As she spoke, the princess threw her hands into the air with exaggerated gestures and─yes, there goes her drink, flying across the room to douse the stricken Ilmatarian princess in dark red wine. A sharp shatter rang across the room as the glass hit the floor, but the inebriated Szahdi paid none of it any attention. Instead, she turned her attention to the second man who approached her, this one unfamiliar to her blurred vision.

"Excuse me Princess Szahdi, my name is Kian Ignis and I would love to win this little competition as your partner."

The Jyriaanian wild woman stared him down through narrowed eyes, more so to get him into focus than to intimidate him.

"Heyheyheyheyhey now, they said─th-they said, whatshisface said tha' ih'z a comp'tishun b'tween betrothh'dsz. And─An' my bethrod'zsa cat! 'N y-you don' look very cat t'me right meow!" She finished with a quick and deep, rather neanderthalic laugh at her attempt at a joke. "Buh hey, tha'z okay!~ Catsz're dumb anyway!" As if to prove her point, she turned a drunken glare to Adam and stuck out her tongue in a childish show.
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