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Fantasy Eight Fabled Creatures in the Real World (Full)

Nez stopped dead in her tracks when she heard someone call out. She mentally facepalmed herself for being so stupid and change back to her human form and not sneek out in her true form. Luckily for her she was still concealed in the shadows and even in her human form it would be hard to see her. Nez kept quite hoping he didn't see her. The tensed silence was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and someone anouncing themself loudly. Nez grinned, knowing this was the perfect opportunity to try to sneek out. When she thought that the boy was occupied with the newcomer, she silently moved towards the front door that was still open and tried to sneek out. @Drangor @djinnamon
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Suddenly, Nez was grabbed. Lili's eyes stared into hers, and she could see one thing- actually, a few things; She was tired and could clearly see what she was doing. "And who are you, Miss ``I'm sooo sneaky``?" She slammed the door shut, and stepped in front of it. Despite how tired she looked, she also managed to be intimidating at the same time. She waited for the other's answer.
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Nez felt herself being grabbed and dragged in front of the slime-girl. Lilly stared into her eyes sternly and Nez looked back challenging. She wasn't really intimitated by the girl, she had seen way worse in the 2nd dimension, but she was pretty pissed off by her, not really because of her comment but because she had figured out what she was up to so easily. Nez looked at her, nostrils flaring and brows furrowed in irritation, 'well, I am Faye and if you don't mind. I would like to get my bag from outside' It came out as irritated as she was feeling. Nez grabbed the door handle and looked at the girl mockingly as if to "ask for permission", but it wasn't like she was going to let that slimeblob stop her from going outside.
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...She thought, she wasn't exactly sure, but she thought, she was being challenged. She simply gave Faye a slimey thumbs up, before walking off. She went upstairs, swiftly and randomly selecting a room. Luckily, it was unclaimed. She went inside, and flipped her duffel bag upside down, with heaps of junk falling out. From posters, clothes, and miscellaneous items like books, it was all dumped out into one heap of items. She decided to turn into her human form, as she believed it'd be more efficient for unpacking her stuff anyways. "..What a wonderful ``Sanctuary``." She grumbled to herself. To her, it felt like she was re-living college, except...well, different in almost every aspect. Though she didn't know at the time, her room was right next to Orianna's, and she was causing quite the noise from dumping out her stuff and decorating the room.

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Trace teleported in front of the house with a picture in his hand of it. 'This must be the place,' he thought to himself. 'Let's hope whoever's in there is friendly.' Trace then takes a look at his arms and legs. 'Looks like the crystal is still working fine,' Trace thought. He knocks on the door three time before he puts his hand back down. 'I'll finally be able to see some non-humans.'
Nez smirked when the girl gave her a thumbs up and walked away. She had promised herself not to get into trouble the first day she was here, well… at least not too much. That’s why Nez felt better when the girl went upstairs and didn’t make too much of a problem about the fact that she was obviously sneaking around. She was about to open the door when she heard someone knock. Nez had to fetch her bag from outside anyway, because she put it there when she decided to look around in the house, so she opened the door and looked at the boy who stood there. He had white hair and wore a white hoody she thought to herself that he looked pretty good and only then realized she hadn’t said anything yet. “ohw, come on in... I just need to get my bag from outside” She tried to act as normal and not too distrusting as possible when she motioned for him to come inside, because she had no idea who all of these people were and if she should even be letting that random boy in.
'Woah,' thought Trace when he saw who opened the door. 'She is so beautiful. Black is my new favorite color.' Trace smiled at her before he walked inside. "This is a really nice place," he said, trying to sound cool. "Is everyone here, like, you know. 'Special'?" Trace asks. "I just wanna be 100% sure that I have the right place." He turns back to look at the girl. 'I think I'm gonna like it here.'
Nez gave him a small smile when he walked inside and answered his question by saying “yeah, as far as I saw everyone here is “special” or whatever you want to call it. I already…” she stopped for a second not sure what word to use instead of saying that she broke in. Trying to play it as safe as possible, she decided to continue with “… checked… to make sure”. She didn’t reply to his second statement, because she wasn’t sure if she was gonna like it. It was still way too soon to judge if these people could be trusted or not. There was an akward silence for a few moments before she decided to break it and said. “Well, I am Faye by the way, but I am going to get my bag real quick. If you wait we can go upstairs and see if there are any people there and we can both pick a room.” @Red Reaper
"...You already broke in and observed us, you mean?" Lili said coldly, a small grin on her face. It was like she came out of thin air. She...was eating a bag of lays, seemingly already done with what she was doing earlier. By now, she had gone back to her true form, going back to her slime body. "I know what you did, but I don't really care that much, and I doubt the others will too. We'll be living with each other for god knows how long anyways, so let's not start off like this. My name's technically Lilinox Norum, but just call me Lili, or Lily. And, I'm dying to know, what creature are you, Faye?" It was only a guess for others, but if they looked at her face, she looked like she already knew. From her eyes, to hr small, sly smile, it spelled it out. "Oh, and hello, other person." She said, looking at Trace. She only bothered for a second, however, before looking at at Faye.

so cold, lili.
Nez put her bag down and turned towards Lili. She was about to react on her question, but Lili had already continued on rambling. After making sure Lili was done. Faye shrugged and said “well I prefer to see it as taking necessary precautions, because I’ll be living withy everone in this house. Regarding your second question I am a Nocturna, although none of you probably have any idea what that is. I also think it’s better for all our sakes that I don’t show you.” @Drangor @Red Reaper
"Well hello slime lady," Trace said to the slime lady. "My name's Trace. Trace Grmir. It's nice to meet you." Trace then looks at Faye. "Do you have any cool abilities," he asks. "Like fire breath or super speed? How about energy manipulation? Maybe you have telekinesis. But judging by your looks, I would say something that has to do with shadows or darkness. But I could be wrong though." Trace takes a deep breathe after running out of air. "So what are you abilities?" @TheDarkOwl
(Okay, a lot of explaining beware!)

Nez looked at Trace and said "Well... you're kind of right, although it's a bit more complicated than just shadows and darkness. As you may know your dimension is composed of matter and antimatter. Many people believe shadows and darkness are just an absence of light, but darkness is actually composed out of antimatter. Nobody notices it, because every form of live in your dimension is not only made out of matter, but also a tiny bit out of antimatter. I can use the antimatter, your dimension is made of, to blend in with the "shadows" and do other things." Nez had stopped a few times during her explanation to see if they understood everything. When she finished she thought to herself. 'I think it's better that I don't tell them that, I can suck away their life energy with a single touch, that would be a bit too dramatic.' Faye then looked at Trace, as if she didn't just explain a big secret of their universe to them, and said "Well that was a lot of explaining, what about you? Do you have any "abilities"?" @Red Reaper @Drangor
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..She slowly blinked, taking all of the information in. She took a deep breath. "Naturally, being a slime lady, I can basically rip myself in 2 and clone myself. Furthermore, you can do something like shoot at me with a mini-gun, and I'll basically spit out all the bullets. That should give you two an easy idea of what else I can do, using common sense, that is." She said, not thinking twice about it. It was normal life to her at this point, even if she despised her body with all of her life. She wondered what a small...furry...anthrophic dog could do. She didn't know what Trace was, but then again, she didn't know what a Nocturna was either. But did this lack of information impact her at all? No, not really.
"Well," Trace said after Lily was done. "I can read and link minds. And by link I mean make it so we can talk via our minds." He closes his for a few seconds and reopens them. "Like this," Trace said to them through the mind link he established. "I can also transfer my matter from one point to another without traversing the physical space in between. Or in simple terms, teleport."

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