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Eevee-er Said Than Done

"Oh. Okay, that sounds like a plan!" Eevee declared, smiling and hopping back down to the ground "Okay, let's go now! Let's have a fun, awesome adventure together! Or, uh, something like that."
"Looks like someone is happy about that idea!" Zach laughed, "Anyway, let's head over to Santalune City; I'm sure we can get some more treats and whatnot there." And with that, he began heading towards the large mass of trees known as Santalune Forest, with a new friend by his side.

(I'm starting to get used to the update, and so far I like it; how about you?)
(It's alright. There are things I like and things I don't like, but overall I don't mind it.

And my follow preferences were set wrong xD  I only realized you replied because I looked at my unwatched content :P )

Eevee nodded and followed alongside him, singing a happy song about the treats she expected to find in the city they were going to.

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