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Eevee-er Said Than Done

Eevee jumped around, making her way through the tall grass in a playful manner. She didn't have a specific destination in mind, she just wanted to play in the grass. She did keep in mind, though, that she was close to one of the many places where Humans tended to gather in large numbers. She didn't know what the place was called, she never bothered to find out. But the grass here smelled nice, and was fun to play in, either way.
Zach walked around Route 2 in search of a pokemon. He finally had some poke balls and even a pokedex as well, making it even better of a time to start his journey. Becoming a trainer was something he'd been wanting to do ever since he was a little kid, and if he could find a pokemon and catch it soon, that would become a reality. All that he needed to do was find the right pokemon... huh... that's kind of odd... why aren't there many pokemon around?
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Eevee continued dashing around, having a blast in the grass. Though, she wished there were more friends to play with here. She soon found the edge of the tall grass, emerging near a white-haired Human boy. Her ears perked up and she ran over to him. He seemed friendly! "Hello!" She shouted, as she ran. Of course, to him it just sounded like any other Pokemon, only able to say their name over and over again.
Zach's head immediately turned in the direction of the sound. Upon looking, he found a particularly happy looking Eevee running right at him. "Aww, come here you!" He said joyfully, kneeling down and getting closer to the Eevee's height. Yeah, he figured this may not be the best approach to catch certain pokemon, but other than being just plain adorable, it almost seemed as if this Eevee was happy to see him. He didn't want to scare it off with an immediate pokeball to the face.
Eevee stopped a few feet in front of him, smiling up at him. Her tail wagged back and forth behind her as she looked up at him "Are you here to play too?" She asked him. She knew he couldn't understand her, but she spoke all the same. Sometimes it was just fun to talk even if there's no one to listen to you.
Zach had no idea why at the time, but this Eevee was acting really, really happy. He had no idea what it was saying (since it was a pokemon and could only say its name), but something about it made him feel like the Eevee might like him a little bit. Hm... I wonder if it might want to come with me. Should I catch it? Yes. Definitely. "Hey, do you want to come with me on an adventure?" Zach asked the Eevee in a very gleefull voice.
Eevee tilted her head in response, curious "An adventure? What kind of adventure?" She asked him. Again, it only came out as "Eevee?", but still. She hoped he understood what she meant. There wasn't really much else she could be saying, after all.
Zach wasn't quite sure what the Eevee was saying, but it looked a little confused. Maybe it didn't really understand what he meant? That was his best guess at this point. "Yeah, an adventure." He answered happily, "you know, exploring the region, seeing all the cities, challenging the pokemon league, all that exciting stuff."
Eevee thought for a moment "Well, I've kinda explored around on my own a bit already... But yeah, that sounds like fun!" She replied, smiling and hopping up and down. She didn't care this time that he didn't understand her words, her enthusiasm was clear.
The Eevee sounded really enthusiastic about the idea, which made Zach even more happy about it. It almost seemed like he might just catch his first pokemon right then and there. Wouldn't that be awesome? It didn't long at all for him to snag a pokeball out of his pocket, and then quickly throw it at the Eevee, hoping that he could catch the cool new pokemon.
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The Eevee's ears perked up as she saw the Human take out a Pokeball. Well, she didn't recognize it as a Pokeball... She didn't know what it was. She was surprised when he threw the ball at her, and she jumped out of the way "Hey! What're you doing?!"
Zach was a bit shocked that the Eevee actually jumped away from the pokeball. Maybe he said something weird? He wasn't quite sure, but it definitely seemed like the Eevee did not want in that ball. Nevermind, that throw was way off. "Oops. My bad. Let me try that again." Zach threw another pokeball out slightly differently, hoping this time he'd end up catching the pokemon.
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(You're back! (*U*))

The Human took out another weird ball and threw it at her as well. Instead of dodging, she smacked it away with her tail, and it bounced away harmlessly "Hey, quit it!" She told him, looking more than a little peeved. Throwing stuff at people wasn't nice!
Zach was getting a little annoyed at this point, with the Eevee dodging his pokeballs. Yeah, he kind of expected it to do that, but really? As it turned out, the Eevee didn't look happy about it either; in fact, it looked pissed off as well. "Please, stop dodging." Zach told the Eevee in a more relaxed tone, "it's only a pokeball; it's not going to hurt you or anything."
"A Pokeball? What's that?" Eevee asked, ready to react in case he threw another one at her. Was it a weird Human thing? If it wasn't to hurt her, then why was he throwing them at her? What were they for? This situation smelled, to her.
Yeah, Zach wasn't too sure what to do right now. If he threw another pokeball at the Eevee, it would most likely dodge it given what happened the previous two times. Well... This is getting harder than I thought it would be. He looked at the Eevee very curiously, trying to think of another way to catch it. If he kept throwing them like he was before, he'd just run out of pokeballs.
Eevee was quiet, staring at him and wondering why he wasn't answering. Somehow, even though she had known it just moments ago, she had forgotten that he couldn't understand her Pokemon-speak. She just waited for him to either do something else or answer her question.
After blanking for a couple minutes, Zach just thought of something big. Wait... the Eevee seemed completely happy about coming with me earlier... and it stopped as soon as I started throwing pokeballs at it. A light bulb immediately went off in his head that moment. Wow, I definitely didn't look too good there. "Ok, sorry about the pokeballs earlier." He said apologetically, "So, let's just forget about what happened earlier, okay?"
Eevee blinked and stared at him for a few moments before smiling "Okay!" She agreed. As long as he wasn't going to throw any more of those pokey balls at her, she was fine with it! She ran up to him, her regular, cheerful self again.
Zach took the Eevee's cheerfulness as a "yes" to forgetting about the pokeballs. "Okay, that's good." He replied happily. While he was certainly glad to put the incident behind them, he was now all the way back at square one as far as catching it goes, and he had non clue what to do. Just then, his stomach started rumbling a little. Well then; I guess I'm hungry. Right then, he got another idea. Quickly, he searched his backpack for some food for Eevee, and found a couple of homemade pokepuffs. "Want any?" He asked, holding the pokepuff out to Eevee while finding a sandwich for himself.
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Eevee blinked and tilted her head, sniffing at the pokepuff for a moment. What was this? It smelled sweet! She nibbled it a little bit. Then a little bit more. And a little bit more. It was as sweet as it smelled! She kept eating, and before she even realized it, she'd eaten the whole thing. Oh. No more. It's a very dark time indeed.
Zach was almost shocked with how fast the Eevee ate both of the pokepuffs. He barely got halfway through his sandwich in the time it took for Eevee to wolf the sweets down. "Wow, you seemed to like those pokepuffs." He chuckled, petting the Eevee on the head. Zach was very happy that the pokemon seemed to like his cooking. While he wasn't the best cook in the world, he liked making sweet stuff once in a while. "Perhaps I should make those more often, huh?"
Eevee nodded in response and sniffed around "Are there any more?" She asked, as she climbed up onto his shoulder and poked her head into his backpack. Those Pokepuff things were really good! She wanted more of them! Her ears drooped slightly as she was unable to find any more in the piles of items already in the boy's backpack. She pulled her head out and turned around, facing his head and sitting down on his shoulder.
Zach figured that Eevee must have really liked those pokepuffs, seeing as it went searching in his backpack for more. It was almost saddening seeing its ears droop down when it couldn't find any more pokepuffs in his backpack. "Yeah, I don't have any more of them. Sorry." He said, "Maybe I could try making more when I get my hands on some of the ingredients. There's also probably places that sell them, so I could probably get some more soon."

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