Eerie (Anthropomorphic Bat)


Minority of One
Character created for the following roleplay: The Project - Hero System | - Best Roleplay Forum

  • If I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear!
    Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

    Name: Eerie

    Animal Stock: Bat

    Gender: Female

    Age: 6 (23 equivalent)

    Place of Birth: Venezuela

    Appearance: She clocks in at six and a half feet tall (not counting her ears), and fluctuates from 240-250 pounds. Like a typical albino bat, Eerie has powder white fur over leathery pinkish skin. Her blazing ruby eyes all too often unnerves the humans she comes in contact with. Eerie's most prominent feature—her wings—transform her into an ivory gargoyle whenever they flex and full spread.

    She wears tight black athletic pants, prefers to barefoot most situations, and is never without her charcoal grey combat vest. Eerie will also suit up with a bandolier of crossbow bolts for missions.

    Personality: Calculating, competitive, driven, and devilish. Eerie, when not in the heat of battle, can often sink into bouts of private poetic expression and soul searching. Her gloomy mood swings have been concerning for her human caretakers.



    Eerie's Theme Song

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