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Futuristic Edge of the Dunes - Apocalyptic Airship Adventure


Dimensional Traveller
Well, boys n' girls, it's time for another one of these.

Another of my half-revival, half-migration types of Roleplays from other sites.

'Course, unlike my other one-


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-That one had the decency of taking off before falling down into a flaming wreck on the other site that I had it on.

This one here didn't even have a chance to leave the runway before becoming a typical firework fiesta.

Yeah. Fully fleshed out and everything, down to the tiniest of details. No interest.

So, I'll try it here and see if anyone would like it.

Edge of the Dunes

Hello, Internet.

Do you like ships?

No, bigger than that!

That's a whale, stupid!

There you go!

Well then boy, have I got a treat for you!

Edge of the Dunes is a post-apocalyptic airship desert simulator.

Less of simulator, more of RP.

War has come. War has gone. Humanity clings to what it once had, the rest slipping through its fingers.

The year has been lost to the ages. Could be hundreds of years, or thousands, since the bombs that formed the world now had fallen onto the past. Before everything went to hell, stories tell of great breakthroughs in technology. Things such as advanced robotics, unlocking the genes of Humans, the curing of major diseases and disabilities, working prosthetic limbs, and even space travel.

These are still just stories, however. Stories told to children to give them hope in their bleak times.

Greed can only go so far before turning to war. With such reserves of technology, one can assume that war would be that much more devastating. Indeed, as the warheads launched and fire rained from the skies, the world was torn asunder. The wonders of the world were reduced to ash and rubble in minutes, the citizens vaporized inside their homes. Buildings turned to sand, deconstructing at a rapid pace. The atmosphere of the planet changed, inducing the rays of the sun to beam down upon the planet in full force as the explosions rocked the world.

In the end, Humanity clung to life to survive. Whether they hid underground or moved as far away from the cities as possible, they survived.

Humanity rebuilt itself, but it was not the same. Technology was lost, and had to be discovered again. Not all of it was brought back, but pieces and reminders of it all still remained. Research labs were gone, factories were buried under the sands that consumed the world, whipped around by the harsh winds. Simply living is now a fight for survival.

Humans have created towns and cities in this new landscape. To protect themselves from the harshness of the desert, they have rediscovered electricity and flight technology. Now, cities roam high into the skies, held aloft by large turbines and wind tunnels, with generators and farms to sustain themselves. To travel here, smaller version of this technology have been implemented into transportation, creating airships as a form of major travel. They travel via two methods: either through air travel, with things such as turbines and blimps, or through jet engines or the rarer energy thrusters leftover after the war. Some Humans decide to carve out a town into a rock face, one of the many that jut out of the ground after seismic activity forced them upwards. Some even dare to stay on the desert floor, or inside the last decaying ruins of forgotten cities.

Though it may seem like Humanity is regaining itself, you must beware. Dangers lurk everywhere, even from above...

For as far as Humanity gets, it always returns to the edge of destruction, and sends itself back to the sand below.



Velcha, a city of industry and pride. Based on Gothic architecture with a maze of pipes and wires on every corner, Velcha is the 'factory of the world,' providing many of the planet's production. Velcha is based on a class system, separating rich and poor. The poor work the factories, while the rich look down on everyone, including outsiders, as unworthy to be in their presence. Velcha itself is made up of many individual turbine-powered landmasses to cut down on the cost of propulsion, and is thus connected by many bridges and their personal train system., as well as docking ports.

The Bastille


A military on the move, the Ironclad Battalion staged a coup on the corrupt officials working this city-ship, the Bastille. Essentially a city built on top of a large airship structure, the Bastille is a military base through and through. Billowing a black cloud of smoke from the massive engine output, the Bastille flies wherever it feels like, and is protected by an armada of smaller ships and squadrons of fighters. As is with their training, their society is entirely based off of their military training, and each citizen is a trained combatant, be it for engineering, piloting, or gunnery.



The shining jewel of the new world, Khral is located atop a high mountain and away from the sands, and is almost entirely safe from attacks due to its height and powerful defense system. As such, Khral is slowly achieving success within the world, through science or through a crackdown on illegal activities. Khral is possibly the safest place to live, and thus the many citizens live rather peaceful lives. The city, however, is isolated, and tends to keep itself from the rest of the world. Incoming ships are either shot down almost immediately or turned away as quickly as possible. Those ships that do make it through are only those requested of or sanctioned to be allowed inside.

The Miasma:


Once a site for building a city, the project was quickly abandoned due to lack of materials and time. As such, the citizens that already lived there were forced to adapt to survive. Half built, the Miasma has sat in the same spot for many, many years, and time has taken its toll on it. As such, the citizens have to scavenge to keep the city alive. Almost every interior space is covered in cramped, single room living spaces. Local food is of extremely low quality. The turbines that keep the city afloat are replaced daily with scrap metal and spare parts, more cobbled together engines than anything else. Being away from prying eyes, crime runs rampant, and a thieves' guild extorts every citizen for protection.

The Azure Raiders:


Although most pirates and raiders operate independently, the largest group is a conglomerate of air pirates calling themselves the Azure Raiders. Unusually well-armed and armored, the Azure Raiders are business first. Raiding, for them, is a profit, and will steal the valuables before anything else. As such, however, business is their top priority. Bribes, majority of the shares, and offerings are their favorites. As long as they profit, their services can be bought. They are, though, known for turning on their employers for a better deal or a bigger cut.

Weaponry and Armor: Steampunk-era technology is in full effect. Pistols and rifles, blades and shields, plate armor or assassin leather, anything that fits. However, drudging up treasure can sometimes result in remnants of higher technology from the old world.

Airships: Airships are the most common forms of travel over the deserts. Two types of airships are present: Galleon types with sails or slower battleships. Multiple types of propulsion are present as well, being propellers, steam turbines, or the extremely rare technologies of the old world. Fighters, single-person airships, are used as well.

Currency: Because of high altitudes or winds over the sands, paper money has lost its value for being so lightweight. Coins and ores, however, have reached a resurgence.

Old World Technology: Scraps and pieces of a highly-advanced civilization still reside under the dunes, among the destroyed cities and buildings. Some parts, though, have been reverse engineered. Scrap-made robotics and prosthetics made of armor or metal are very new, and have not yet become too common. Powerful, experimental airship cannons are mounted on larger battleships. Radar / Sonar is fully developed, among things such as cameras with video feed, steam- or electricity-powered armor, mass production, among many others.


World's a giant dust bowl because of bombs.

Get into an airship and go, I dunno, be a pirate or something.

Ackbar it up.

The way I'll be conducting this RP is based off of what I've seen so far from other users' preferences. It'll be a story-driven RP, with the players (at least, those that wish to follow this format) being banded together and set on the same path. I'll still allow some people on the side, if they prefer supporting roles. I'll take on the role of the NPCs and story-telling / setting and visuals, akin to the DM of a D&D game.

The entire thing has side plots that don't relate to the characters as much as the main one does. Things like civil war and battles for territory, entire cities and towns (some of which aren't going to survive, entirely), some caves and 'dungeons,' piracy, and some more. I will be making it akin to a treasure hunting sort of story, with a bit of the world's general problems thrown in.

If anyone's interested in flying around, discovering ruins and treasures, swashbuckling, and being a hero or something in a sort of halfway mark between archaic technology and advanced technology, then feel free to express interest.

The RP was literally made ready to go, and the package was never sent. So, that means I've got pretty much all of the information all made already, if anyone has any questions.

Goddamnit, been too interested in Skies of Arcadia of late.
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Zab said:
Guess not, huh?
Ah, well, bumped for any latecomers.
Since I didn't take part in Brocken Forces like I said I would I'll join

plus, I'm always for ackbaring it up!

Alluha Ackbar!
Heck yes. Being the ship engineer would be cool, if I am allowed to do that.
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Hey, no problem. Join whatever you like, don't feel obligated to do so.


Of course! Though, I will treat it like a sort of D&D grand adventure type of thing. Good to have a backup ability.
I'm interested. I've always wanted to be a post-apocalyptic war-priest. Even without powers, my prayers* shall make others lose the will to fight.

I've updated the information a bit. I've included a few of the places and concepts.

Still withholding a bit of information regarding lore and the setting simply due to less interest, as of this current moment.
Just getting another check on this.

Possibly one or two more people before starting. If anyone else wishes to join, I'll probably allow some supporting roles.
Very intriguing. I like the idea of a steam-punk rp and have been looking for more things to get me back into the site.
Ugh. My apologies. I've been extremely busy as of late.

I will be making a thread tomorrow, most definetly, though probably after my return from work.

Make sure to see the character sheet and think of whatever you want your character to be. Pirate-y, steampunk / futuristic airships, hooooh.
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Cool! :D I dunno when I'd be able to get to making a profile though. Probably not till much later :x So hold a spot for me! I still wanna make my war-priestess!
I am, indeed, writing it, and have been for a little while, to fill in all of the tabs before I get the thread posted.

I'll take a sleep before I finish it up. Off tomorrow, so nothing to keep me from finishing it.
MasterIzzy said:
any chance for an open spot?
Of course. I'm almost finished writing it all up, then we'll see how people go with the Character Sheet.

I also have open positions for side characters / villains, whom will be working directly under my contact.
Zab said:
Of course. I'm almost finished writing it all up, then we'll see how people go with the Character Sheet.
I also have open positions for side characters / villains, whom will be working directly under my contact.
hmm... I may be interested in being a villain
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Room is always open, of course, so long as the story continues.

The only two things left are writing the opening post, which I'm doing now, and making sure that the character sheet is good. Spending so much time conversing with a friend about fine-tuning the RP and grinding the map into a fine work.

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