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Realistic or Modern Eden Boarding School: Embrace the New You!

Nicole slapped the girl's arms. The girl stopped shaking her.

"How long have I been asleep?" Nicole muttered. "I should go to the assembly."

She went down to the first floor and found a crowd of students sitting down on chairs, waiting for the assembly to start. Nicole sat down on a free chair.
The fresh smell around was so relaxing that Lorenzo fell asleep.After a while,the announce of the assembly Lorenzo wake up him as he start to walk away from what it seems like to be a garden.Lorenzo didn't take attention of the sign "Embrace the New you" "Maybe just kind of some advertisement?" As Lorenzo keep going thinking about that
Nathan eventually found his seat and sat down, wishing he had some popcorn. Deciding that wouldn't happen during a serious assembly, he just laid back and waited for the principal to show him or herself, not quite sure exactly who it'd be here. Would it be one of those uptight principals who demands order? Or maybe it'd be a laid back one, but someone who can make him feel a little more comfortable at the school. Either way, Nathan laid back in the red cotton seat, twiddling his thumbs.
Xavier sighed, searching for a seat. He had to admit: this assembly seemed like it was going to be pretty damn boring. He shrugged, finding one at the back of the hall. Whatever. It was something he had to do as it probably will give some crucial information regarding school life here. Seeing as it wasn't going to start very soon, Xavier took out his phone and browsed whilst he waited. It was the least he could do to control his boredom.
Kiara got up from her bed, noticing the time. "Shoot I'm going to late!" She quickly got out of the room and ran down the halls. Once she got to the assembly she noticed she was still in her pajamas. "Oh well, at least I'll be comfy" she said to herself. She finally found a seat a few chairs away from a guy that was texting. She walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder and asked "Hey would you do me a favor and wake me up when this starts?"

// @Tola //

Xavier looked up quickly, startled at the light pressure he felt on his shoulder. He glanced up to the girl, a light smile covering his face. "Yeah, sure." He said, stifling a laugh. "Although, not guaranteed as I might even pass out myself." He said, smirking as he glanced at the girl's outfit.
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Kiara chuckled, "Well I couldn't blame yah, this is too damn boring" She said. She noticed him looked at her out fit. "Oh don't mind me! I just got out late and I forgot to change" She said sounding embarrassed.

(I'm guessing Xavier is in the auditorium by now, going to do the assembly. If you're not in the RP as of now, you're on the third bus, which is the late one. It'll arrive right after the speech is over.)

"How long is this going to take?" Nathan thought to himself as he started to get frustrated, since most of the students had shown up. Fortunately, the principal was due to to show up any moment and just as he was starting to consider quitting the assembly altogether, she finally arrived.

With most to all or the students in the cinema at this point in time, Katherine stepped out of the darkness, revealing herself as the school’s principal. “Welcome to Eden Boarding School. Whether you are here to start a brand new life or to focus on your studies, this school is one of the best in the country.” She notably skipped her intro, getting right to the important parts. “I know that you want to get to supper for your first meal, so I will make this quick.” she announced calmly through the microphone as she went through each slide.

“We have had incredible success with our sporting teams,” Katherine told the crowd as she motioned to a picture of the gym, where a good amount of awards were shown, their gender being unmarked for very good reasons. She motioned through several shots of the male varsity team, which she had cleverly taken on the first day, before moving to a few snapshots of the females playing a game of field hockey against a rival school. They appeared to be winning.

The most important part of the assembly was when Katherine held up a blue and pink pill to the students. “The nearest hospital is around 50 kilometers away, and as such, you will have to take these vitamin pills for your health. They will be taken 3 times a day, once at breakfast, once at lunch and finally once at dinner. If you do not take the pills, you are breaking one of the school rules and you will be punished.” She made sure that point was very clear.

A good amount of faculty members introduced themselves after that, a few male teachers while most were female, stepping up to the microphone to give a short talk. Even though the assembly was beginning to drag on a little, it ended with Katherine talking about the schedule, before finally excusing the students to go to the cafeteria and get their meals, at the cafeteria. Nathan took the first opportunity to leave the room and head down, trying to find Lorenzo among the mass of people. @NickTonCutter
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supergameman said:
(I'm guessing Xavier is in the auditorium by now, going to do the assembly. If you're not in the RP as of now, you're on the third bus, which is the late one. It'll arrive right after the speech is over.)
"How long is this going to take?" Nathan thought to himself as he started to get frustrated, since most of the students had shown up. Fortunately, the principal was due to to show up any moment and just as he was starting to consider quitting the assembly altogether, she finally arrived.

With most to all or the students in the cinema at this point in time, Katherine stepped out of the darkness, revealing herself as the school’s principal. “Welcome to Eden Boarding School. Whether you are here to start a brand new life or to focus on your studies, this school is one of the best in the country.” She notably skipped her intro, getting right to the important parts. “I know that you want to get to supper for your first meal, so I will make this quick.” she announced calmly through the microphone as she went through each slide.

“We have had incredible success with our sporting teams,” Katherine told the crowd as she motioned to a picture of the gym, where a good amount of awards were shown, their gender being unmarked for very good reasons. She motioned through several shots of the male varsity team, which she had cleverly taken on the first day, before moving to a few snapshots of the females playing a game of field hockey against a rival school. They appeared to be winning.

The most important part of the assembly was when Katherine held up a blue and pink pill to the students. “The nearest hospital is around 50 kilometers away, and as such, you will have to take these vitamin pills for your health. They will be taken 3 times a day, once at breakfast, once at lunch and finally once at dinner. If you do not take the pills, you are breaking one of the school rules and you will be punished.” She made sure that point was very clear.

A good amount of faculty members introduced themselves after that, a few male teachers while most were female, stepping up to the microphone to give a short talk. Even though the assembly was beginning to drag on a little, it ended with Katherine talking about the schedule, before finally excusing the students to go to the cafeteria and get their meals, at the cafeteria. Nathan took the first opportunity to leave the room and head down, trying to find Lorenzo among the mass of people. @NickTonCutter

Lorenzo would raised his hands to say hello to Nathan : It wasn't too hard to find him because of the poor numbers of the boys inside the school "Hey!What do you think about this pills system?I find it a little weird..." Smile Lorenzo
Nathan nodded as he heard what Lorenzo told him. "I've got to agree. The whole pill thing seems a little suspicious, since the principal really pushed us to take them at the meals, but I've never been to a boarding school. Maybe this is just a regular thing that happens so people don't go sick." Little did he know that Lorenzo would be right in a few days... @NickTonCutter
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The girl slapped her and Hazel jerked away. "You've slept for about 10 minutes, the assembley is about to start and unless you want to miss it and get punished. Which, I'd rather not go through, thank you very much." She stated, looking at the girl oddly. "And also, why did you slap me? I was only trying to help you." She sighed at the girl. "NOW GET UP!!" She pulled off the girls bed covers.

Katherine was pretty proud of her speech, but rather joyful about what was to come next. She wanted the first pill consumption to be done and over with. The second those students slipped the pills into their mouths, they were just about to embark on their new life, a much better one with a new outlook. Stepping behind the cinema stage, she walked back to her office, knowing that her yearly work had only just begun.

It was so long ago that she was originally someone else, a male, that she had forgotten her old name. But she loved accepting her new identity and so, she had enrolled to be a teacher, just so she could help students change. After all, the school was doing the right thing.
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Mr.Hyatt prepared his classroom having already eaten. He chose not to take the "pill" because in his mind it was absurd, take a pill because there is no hospital? Most people don't even eat healthy when there is a hospital and there fine, so why would taking this pill change anything. He didn't like it, being a scientist/physicist he wanted the reason behind things but he got no real answers from the school board.

After finishing his room to his liking Mr.Hyatt sat down and cracked out a book as he would be alone until first-year students had science at 3.
Eliza woke up way later than expected. She groaned, first she was stuck with a devil of a room mate, then she was late for the first day. She raced to the closet and tossed on a simple outfit, black shirt, black pants and, black chocker. Elizabeth grabbed her long maroon sweater that she had tossed on her bed and raced into the auditorium. When she reached the door she put her head against it to hear a girl reaching the end of her speech. She slipped into the door and sat next to the devil and the boy. As she peered closer to him she saw that he really didn't look too much like him, he was actually rather cute.

"Did I miss anything?"

@Tola @brokensuburbia
@TerrinX Since the male teacher Mr. Hyatt, was a first-year, Katherine supposed that he could still be adjusting to the school. She decided to head down to his room, knowing that he would either be in the science room or at his dormitory. As she stepped in, she asked the physics teacher, who was reading literature, "I hope I'm not intruding. I'm merely here to make sure that you're settling in well. Are you finding everything to your liking?" She wasn't aware that he hadn't taken the pill after his first meal, but if he wasn't going through any changes, she'd find out soon enough.
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Lorenzo would say bye to Nathan as he goes up into his room.He had the pills in his hands and was thinking for a moment

"Meh,i'm really lucky about medicine so i don't need that...Plus,the excuse about the hospital is about 50 Kilometers is really strange" Lorenzo was looking around to see if there was somebody,and was secretly removing the pills upon the bathroom into the water.
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By this time, Nathan had reached the cafeteria and had grabbed his room, some mashed potatoes with fries. Sitting down, he dug into his meal, finding that the food didn't suck, which was a good upside. Taking the pills, deciding to risk it, he took the pills hestitatingly and washed it down with some water, seeing that some of the other students were doing the same. "Ah, well, if it's poison in the pills, half of the school will be dead by tomorrow," he told himself, cracking some dark humour as he put away the tray of food and headed back up to his dormitory room. By now, the time was around 8:00 and since he had some spare time, he might as well wash up and check out the arcade. The pills he took wouldn't activate for a hour, but after that point...

(P.S. : All meals are consumed in the cafeteria, so you'll have to eat your meals there with the pill. It is possible to hide your pills in the food or ditch them, but after a day or so, the teachers patrolling will notice the lack of changes, so keep your guard up, Terrin and NickTon.)
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"Ah, It's quite alright I have a good amount of time, and yes, the school is very nice, I would like to observe the garden more closely but allergy's you know?" James said chuckling at the Principle, who was noticeably beautiful if not drop dead gorgeous/sexy and would have loved to meet her outside a school setting. "Would you like to stay? I don't suppose there is much to do with the other teachers and faculty getting the kids prepared for classes," He said turning around a second chair behind his desk to the Principle in a nice gesture.

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"Ah, yes...I may be busy, but I do have a bit of time," she said, maintaing her upper-class level of tone as she sat down in one of the school chairs, looking at whatever literature James had on him. "I will warn you, though, the first couple of days may be difficult, the students are rather...restless during those days, always asking questions. Going to a new school always makes people uncomfortable. I've had the experience before, so it's quite a relateable situation."

She paused for a brief moment, changing the subject. "You are aware of the content you'll be teaching, correct?"
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"Reading "The Giver." He said holding up the book with a smile.

James listened to her words with intent, he thought it odd, when people lie or fake, they usually overexaggerate to get their point across, that was the vibe he got from the Principle as she talked.

"Well, not quite, although I generally teach Physics, I am certified in Biology, Chemistry, and Sex Ed. Though you have already read my resume." He said proud of his achievements in Collage.

@supergameman (( I suggest looking up The Giver ( Book ) on wiki ))
(Searched up the Giver and the main plot actually fits the theme of the story really well. Well done! This is also my last post for the day, so I'll see you in around 7 hours.)

"Very well, then. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have several more teachers to rendezvous with. If you'll excuse me..." she told James whilst leaving the room, on her way to the photography department to get some more work done. And with that, she was gone.

Around this time, Nathan had reached his dormitory room and had opened the door, seeing Lorenzo there. "See, what did I tell you, I took the pills and I'm not messed up." Nathan continued, repeating his statement from earlier. "I'm just here to wash up before I go up to the arcade. Did you get your supper yet?"
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Hazel gave up on the girl and stepped into the corridors, a sudden wave of cold air hit her. She looked at the clock in the hallway and realised that her watch was five minutes late. She missed the assembly! She would get punished for this! Thought of torture swept through her mind and she sunk to her knees. School to her, was a BIG DEAL. She stayed like that until someone knelt beside her.

"You okay?"

@ somebody?!?!?
Nicole walked back to her room. She noticed that the girl, her roommate, was kneeling down on the floor, looking miserable.

Nicole bit her lip. That girl did wake her up before the assembly, and it was thanks to her that she was in time.

Nicole sighed and knelt beside the girl.

"You okay?" she asked her.

// @Elizabeth Schuyler //

Xavier glanced at the girl as she sat down next to him. It seemed it was the girl from before, the one who had stared at him when he entered the school. He offered her a smile. "No, not much. This pill system seems very suspicious though." Xavier didn't like it at all. "I'm Xavier, by the way." He said, reaching out a hand for her to shake.

Once the assembly was finished, he got up from his seat. He waved good-bye to the two girls and headed to the cafeteria. He got his food and sat down, eating it up. He saw the strange pills and he bit his lip. He didn't like the sound of 'punishment on the first day of school, whatever that may be. So, he decided he may as well just take them. With his lunch down, Xavier set down to the grounds and decided to walk around the school.

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