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Realistic or Modern Eden Boarding School: Embrace the New You!

"Well, see you," Nathan waved as Lorenzo sprinted off to the office, not wanting to follow as he already had his sticker. He read his sticker over as he took his bags and went up the now empty stairs, going up floor after floor, eventually reaching Room 408. Bracing himself for either a good room or something out of a nightmare, he opened the door using his Student ID and looked inside.

The room was surprisingly well put together, boasting 2 Twin Beds alongside a TV and cabinet. "Jackpot!" Nathan cried out as he looked around the remaining spaces. There was a lamp, 2 electrical outlets right by the bed, with another one by a study desk, even a small fridge with some drinks and a dresser that wasn't made out of cheap wood. Across from the door was a small balcony, where he could see the students getting their stickers and making friends. Trying to find Lorenzo, he spotted him through the crowd, before going over to the walk in bathroom.

The last thing he looked through was the bathroom, which had a nice shower/bath combination, alongside a sink and toilet to match. Even though the pink shower curtains were a little tacky, he wasn't upset at all!
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She chased after Nick at top speed, edging up on his heels. Then, Eliza noticed another boy walking towards the school steps and she faltered. He was dazzling, a strong jawline. Striking resemblance to someone - him. She stopped completly in the middle of the hallway taking deep breaths and trying to calm herself.

You're mine Eliza, he said, you do as I say. His hands dug into her scalp as he pushed her further into the ground.

Her feet starting moving backward and she noticed some awkward stares. Deep breaths.

Oh come on honey, he said holding her up by her throat, you know you love me. Then he threw her across the room.

Eliza turned around completly and started sprinting, going no where yet going everywhere. She ran all the way outside into the back gardens.
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Elizabeth Schuyler] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36710-brokensuburbia/ said:
She chased after Nick at top speed, edging up on his heels. Then, Eliza noticed another boy walking towards the school steps and she faltered. He was dazzling, a strong jawline. Striking resemblance to someone - him. She stopped completly in the middle of the hallway taking deep breaths and trying to calm herself.

You're mine Eliza, he said, you do as I say. His hands dug into her scalp as he pushed her further into the ground.

Her feet starting moving backward and she noticed some awkward stares. Deep breaths.

Oh come on honey, he said holding her up by her throat, you know you love me. Then he threw her across the room.

Eliza turned around completly and started sprinting, going no where yet going everywhere. She ran all the way outside into the back gardens.
"Hey...Where are you going?...Well...Hope she will be back" As Lorenzo took his sticker.He then head his way at his room : The room had and excellent smell.But something was distracting Lorenzo"Why..Are they pink on this chamber?"

He then lay on the bed " Well this is kind of comfortable.I guess i will see at the office if they didn't send me a wrong room"
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Eliza shivered and decided it would be best to stay in her dorms for the rest of the day. She creeped up into the B hall and headed for room 3601. Her bags were on her bed where she had previously put them, but another set of bags were on the bed next to her. She looked around the room but no body was there. Eliza took out some of her framed play posters and started hanging them on the wall, her favorite was the Hamilton star that she hung in the center. One of the many reason it was her favorite show was that the leading lady shared her name. "Helpless." She sang out in the empty room. Eliza continued to sing random blurps from different musicals as she unpacked all of her clothing and placed them into the drawers. When she started to unpack her more personal belongings to put on her night stand she heard the door open.

@Tola (wanna be rommies?)
Lorenzo turn back into the office taking the stick with him.He then got another stick,and saw the number on it was the same as Nathan and lead his way into the room,and knock at the door waiting if there was someone there.

Nathan heard a knock at the door while he was booting up his computer and decided to answer it, after looking in the peephole and recognizing the face as Lorenzo's. "Hey there!" Nathan greeted Lorenzo as he opened the door. "What brings you here?"
supergameman said:
Nathan heard a knock at the door while he was booting up his computer and decided to answer it, after looking in the peephole and recognizing the face as Lorenzo's. "Hey there!" Nathan greeted Lorenzo as he opened the door. "What brings you here?"
"Hey Nathan...they give me this room since the other one was...Well a little too 'girly'"

As Lorenzo inspect the room "Yeah,this room is definetely better.Hope it don't bother you that i'm your Roommates?" smile Lorenzo
"Yeah, sure, come on in," Nathan accepted, moving aside to let Lorenzo in and to take a good look at the room. Nathan had the TV running on some random channel, not really caring about what was actually going on. He had also grabbed one of the bottles of juice from the mini fridge, opting to take the soda later. Overall, the room seemed better than Lorenzo's original place. The walls were painted a pale green color that wasn't sickly and with the exception of the curtains, it didn't seem girly at all. "I imagine I'd be bothered too, if I had to look at pink every time I stepped in my room," Nathan continued, getting back into his game, but still willing to talk to Lorenzo.
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supergameman said:
"Yeah, sure, come on in," Nathan accepted, moving aside to let Lorenzo in and to take a good look at the room. Nathan had the TV running on some random channel, not really caring about what was actually going on. He had also grabbed one of the bottles of juice from the mini fridge, opting to take the soda later. Overall, the room seemed better than Lorenzo's original place. The walls were painted a pale green color that wasn't sickly and with the exception of the curtains, it didn't seem girly at all. "I imagine I'd be bothered too, if I had to look at pink every time I stepped in my room," Nathan continued, getting back into his game, but still willing to talk to Lorenzo.
Lorenzo was watching Nathan playing his game and laugh at the answer coming from Nathan "Yeah,not like i'm against Pink" Smile Lorenzo

Lorenzo was making his stuff too,leaving his collection of Manga and his Computer above his bed.

"Well,seems like you are a gamer like me!I'm going on a walk to explore the school,see ya !" As Lorenzo left the room
"See you too!" Nathan called back as Lorenzo left the room. He turned back to his game of L4D2, finding that the Internet around the school wasn't working, switching over to Singleplayer to compensate. "I hope this isn't a regular issue..." he muttered under his breath. He considered leaving alongside Lorenzo, but decided against it, as he took a swig of grape juice.

(Assembly will start once everyone's got their characters in their rooms and their stickers. 3 down, 3 to go. (Tomato Modest, Tola and BrokenSuburbia.) Note that you can still sign up.)
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Kiara grabbed her bags and made her way towards her room. She got out her keys to see the door was already unlocked. She sighed and thought, 'I guess I'm meeting my roommate, or I'll find a psychopath'She thought. She opened the door wide open to see the same girl she was fighting. "Now I know that God hates me!" She groaned out loud.

@Elizabeth Schuyler
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Nathan lounged back in his chair, cracking open another bottle of juice and throwing the older one away into the trash. Deciding that he'd played enough for now and that the opening assembly was going to start shortly, he packed up his laptop and just decided to flop onto the bed, watching some TV to kill the time, making an excuse to not go and walk around. Sure, he was sedentary, but he had classes tomorrow! He laid back and decided that he'd be a lot more active tomorrow.

Fortunately, the juice containers he was drinking at the moment weren't going to affect his body in any way, but the soda might...
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// @Elizabeth Schuyler // @supergameman //

Xavier's eyes traveled around the expanse of the school. He had to admit, it looked pretty amazing. He tensed slightly as he saw a beautiful girl looking at him, but she seemed at a loss of breath. He had no idea what ha caused for it, but the corner of his mouth tilted upwards and he offered her a slight wave.

He shook his head and continued on into the school, walking straight to the office and collected his sticker. He was pretty overwhelmed and all he wanted to do was get to the dormitories and lie down. Apparently, there was supposed to be some sort of assembly but they would collect them in a bit for it. He glanced down to his sticker, which had his name and room number on it; 408. He walked up the stairs to get to the fourth floor, having to keep on pulling it over his shoulder with every step it slipped off.

Once he got to the room, he knocked on the door. As he opened it, he saw an attractive young boy lounging in a chair. He smiled lightly, glancing around the room. Two twin size beds? How many other people were supposed to stay inside this room? "Hi, I'm Xavier. Nice to meet you...?" He asked, walking over to him with his hand outstretched.
Nathan was just watching TV on the bed when Xavier walked in, not really embarrassed at being seen in his current state of laziness. He got up from the bed, moving to shake Xavier's hand.

"Hi there, my name's Nathan. Guess I'll be one of your roommates. The other guy, Lorenzo, he's out at the moment, so he just left his stuff behind." He motioned over the manga and the computer by the bed.

(Starting the assembly in <8 posts, there's still a third bus to get on that will arrive after supper, so Tomato will have to be on that one. The last chance to sign up will be before the end of the day as the last bus suffered some issues halfway through getting to the school, but is up and running now, although a bit late.)
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// @supergameman //

Xavier nodded his head, walking over to the other side of the room. He slid off his bag from his shoulders, putting it tightly into the corner. He dug his hands into his pockets and turned back to Nathan. "Yeah," he laughed, gently. "I guess so." Xavier smiled. Normally, he would keep to himself. But this time, he stopped him from doing so. This was a new start for him and he may as well make a few friends along the way. "So, what do you think of this place?"
"It's not that bad, so far," Nathan replied as he pulled out a brochure for the school. "The real thing I'm looking out for is all the amenities they've got. Over here, there's supposed to be an arcade on the first floor and right here, there's a pool. I'm probably going to check those two out sometime."

He paused for a brief moment, before talking again. "Plus, I can't help but kind of be worried about the whole academics thing. I hope it isn't some enhanced program, I only work well with the regular material." he continued, showing his small fear for having to fail the eleventh grade, or at least, perform badly in it.

"My goal is to just get 70s, do a reasonable amount of work and then get sent home. And speaking of it, why are you at the school?"
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// @supergameman //

Xavier nodded, walking over to the window and glancing out into the open. There was already many children piling off of the buses and walking to the dormitories. He noticed in the back of his mind that most of them were girls, but it didn't seem very important at that point. "Yeah, I agree. They do have what seems to be an amazing variety of facilities." He looked at the brochure Nathan had taken out. The school did in fact seem great and he hoped it would stay like that.

"I think the curriculum is pretty much the same, maybe even better to a large extent." Xavier took note of Nathan's apprehensiveness. Maybe he was a little stressed for the upcoming year? "Either way, I'm sure it'll be easy to work through." Xavier shrugged. He glanced at him. "Hey, we do have some sort of orientation assembly, right? I wasn't sure if I got all of the information from the school."
"Yeah, yeah, there was something about that on the website." He checked his watch. "Says it'll be starting in 5 minutes, at 6:30..." Seeing that, he packed up his stuff, leaving the TV on as it wasn't his electricity and got ready to leave. "I'm going to go ahead and head up to the cinema before it gets too crowded, do you want to head up as well?"

He rather enjoyed the first 2 people he had met so far and decided that he could live with them for a bit of time. After all, it's better than being stuck with some rebel that smoked all of the time. The school outlawed cigarettes, so that didn't hurt him, but he was sure the people who needed a smoke would probably just do it in the bathroom or in some nook outside.
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Hazel, now with her glasses, strolled down the corridors to find her room. She continued to search for her room. When she finally made it, the door creaked open and she found no one inside. They just aren't here yet... She thought to herself with a sigh. She plopped herself down and picked up her book. Harry Potter & the goblet of fire.
// @supergameman //

Xavier nodded, reaching down to his bag and taking out his phone. He slid it into his pocket and turned to Nathan. "Yeah, I might as well." He smiled, heading to the door with him. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all, maybe even fun. He shook his head, grinning to himself. He didn't want to overestimate the situation.
With that, Nathan opened up the door and stepped into the hall, noting that they could see the lobby up from the third floor. He decided to walk down the flight of stairs, while he double checked the map to make sure they were headed in the right direction.

Soon enough, after some walking, Nathan and Xavier had found their way to the cinema, with a wrong turn being made that was fixed easily enough. Nathan took a look around as they entered the reasonably spacious cinema. Already a quarter of the students were cooped up in a seat, probably the busybodies who were too focused on academics to even have fun. He began to look for a seat in the room as he thought on that.

Just as this was happening, an announcement piped up. "All students, please report to the auditorium for a mandatory initiation assembly. Repeat, all students, please report to the auditorium for a mandatory initiation assembly," was all the female voice behind the speaker said before it cut out.
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Nicole stepped off the bus. She sighed. That took for ages. She was so exhausted, she couldn't wait to find her room and lie down on the warm bed, reading a book.

Nicole hoped she would have a roommate. That way she could get a friend on the first day. Or an enemy.

She walked into the school and rushed to the office to get her keys. She heard there was an assembly after that, and she was sort of late.

Nicole ran up to the third floor to find her room. She glanced at her key once more.

Room 409.

Nicole sighed and stopped before a door saying 409. She unlocked it with her key, and noticed that it was empty, with only two double beds, a medium sized TV, and a desk with two chairs. There was a small window in the middle of the room, through which you could see trees. A lot of trees.

Nicole placed her suitcase, not containing too much things, as she was incredibly poor, on one of the beds. The left bed.

Left was her favorite side, and as she was right handed, she was practicing writing and drawing with her left. Nicole went to get the remote from the TV, which was on a shelf above it. She then sat down cross-legged on the bed and used the remote to try and switch on the TV.
Try. The stupid remote wouldn't work, no matter how hard she pressed on the button. Nicole threw it against the wall, which made the cover fall on the floor. The remote too.

She picked it up, and realized there were no batteries. She groaned and closed the remote again, before putting it back on the shelf. She wasn't about to waste her money - 50 cents - on some stupid batteries.

Nicole remembered about the assembly.

"Who cares," she mumbled to herself sleepily. She closed her eyes, and before she knew it, she was asleep.
Hazel looked up from reading to see someone sleeping before looking at her watch, 3:25, "SHIIIT" She said with a groan and shook the other girl awake. "If we miss this assembly we might get punished so I'd get up if I were you." She told them.


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