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Realistic or Modern Easy Money, Hard Lessons.

Oh, I'm sorry Nat said quietly feeling a little bit awkward for asking the question. Turning around and going back to working on her computer.

May the gods watch over you,

"It's fine" she smiled. "I'm not a super depressed person anymore, you don't have to be uncomfortable around me" she giggled. 
((I think Maya may be developing a crush on Jack xD ))
Jack tucked his book back into his bag for the second time. He frowned, Maya was right, something was wrong with the setup. Why was he and the others included with this group of elite children? Something wasn't right.

(They've only known each other for like 20 minutes.)
Maya finally, was fast asleep. She buried her head in his should, moving it back and forth slightly, almost cuddling up to his broad shoulder, without even knowing it
Jack ignored Maya for the most part, resting his head against his well padded chair. Unfortunately, being a tall man (six foot three) his head was an inch or so over the headrest, not the most comfortable of positions to sleep in.
-Disney Princess-

"Oh, I am not allowed to talk to boys, or these men will pounce. In fact this is the closest I have ever been to one, without him being mauled." she admitted shyly. "But what is it like?" she asked.
Jack closed his eyes and pretended he was asleep to avoid talking to the girl. It wasn't that he didn't want to talk to her, he merely wanted to avoid any and all trouble.
Maya, jerked herself awake after having one of those dreams that she was falling. "Hm?" she said. "Oh! oh, it's like talking to a girl but with different genetalia. " she told her, giggling.
Felix Belumierre III

"I told you, Bigby! The plane wouldn't leave without it's ~Special Gueeeeeeeeest~" The young man spoke as he walked onto the plane, focused on the man carrying his things, then spinning around to face the- "Oh, ew... Commoners..." He waved his hand up and down to gesture to the fact that it smelt dirty in the cabin area, "Bigby, why are there... Peasants in the same plane as me?" He spoke without shame and without filtration, the disgust clear on his features. "No matter, no matter, I'll just... Oh, gross, ew..." He made his way through, accepting that he had to deal with the dirt of those less fortunate that himself, and those less attractive, obviously~ Ooh, this glass is so reflective, too bad it doesn't quite capture my beauty, mm, no it is so filthy like everything else in this wretched steel tube... He made his way to his seat, muttering something to the man following and sitting down, wary of the bacteria covering the seats and having a minor panic attack at the thought, his reddish eyes darting about for a moment before he regained his composure. "So, how long is this-" His voice was drowned out by the thinning traffic of common folk and military men, and he eventually turned his focus to the bacteria, and then his book, which had no label on the front but was interesting to him nonetheless and kept him from continuing his rudeness.
"Boys with such big mouths and attitudes are normally over compensating for something" she said to Jack and Nat giggling.
Jack shrugged, first impressions weren't a good way to judge character. He kept his eyes closed, wary of conversation.
"Huh?" Nat asked confused turning around in her chair pulling one of her headphones out of her ear. "You called my name?"

May the gods watch over you,

-Disney Princess-

She is confused. Genitalia? Wha? Her face grew deeper red as she tried to wrap her head around these new ideas. "But are you not afraid of them? They only seem like trouble to get taken down so easily." she spoke to the little group. 
(Okay guys, we will be taking off soon, also, wtf is wrong with no game no life? ep.2 and boom ecchi to the face.)
Maya looked at the girl and smiled. She was adorable. "some are trouble" she admitted. "But some are amazing, and loving, some are just.. good people" she said, nodding her head. "What's your name?" she asked
-Disney Princess-

"Oh my..where are my manners?, My name is Illiyana Kaytia Dremovioyich, First Princess of the Kingdom of Gruestev. It is a rather small province, but we have maintained our independence, despite the heavy Russian influence." she spoke elegantly, offering her hand gently.
Maya's face kind of just, sat there. "You're a... princess" She said, slowly while she tried to adjust to the thought. "No offense, but, if you're a princess, why take this journey? I mean, there has to be a lot of princess things you could be doing right?" she asked.

"Its an ancient bylaw created to keep heirs from becoming manipulated. Once an heir reaches its 16th fall, they must venture into the world and soak it in for the good and bad. Father decided that this offer would fulfill the requirements, while keeping me relatively safe. He is quite protective of me." she spoke with a slight blush. "Also, being a princess is quite dull, the only excitement is the public appearances, and rejecting possible suitors. I literally leaped at this with both hands and feet." she admitted.
Kora sighed, getting to the airport. "I cannot believe that I am doing this. I am bad at school anyway." She mumbled. She looked down at her bag dimly, her hand reaching up to touch her earing. She sighed, feeling the cold metal under her fingers as she let her hand drop back down to her blue bag. She tugged at her anime cat hat, as she walked towards the plane. She got on, looking around for her seat.



Plus what she wears in the picture.
-Prince "Charming"-

"Oh look, more street trash." he spoke to his bodyguard. The bodyguard restrained the urge to punch out the snotty brat. The commoner was cute in her weird hat, but rules dictate what they will, but they cant stop him once he is out at the school. A slightly wicked smile crossed his lips as the girl passed his seat. The prince settled into his seat taking the book from his bag. Machiavelli was one of his idols, and "The Prince" seemed to calm his edged mood.
Kora turned back. "Excuse me high class white trash, but I have ears. Next time, think before you open you're pie hole!" She sneered, stalking back to her seat.
Felix laughed, the usual sound of a stereotypical snob escaping him with little struggle, "Well, isn't it odd to see two pieces of garbage talking to one another? And trash talk at that?!" He laughed at his own joke, setting the book upside down on the open seat between him and the man that had followed him in, but as he went to speak again he inhaled his own saliva and began coughing between laughs, eventually regaining his composure enough to take a drink of his water. "Oh, my, when does this plane start... At this rate we'll all rot in each other's company..." He glanced out the window, they still hadn't moved an inch and amusement turned to irritation on the boy's face, "Did the pilot die? I feel as if this plane has been sitting far too long." Despite the fact that he'd only gotten there not too long ago and was just laughing.
Kora growled to herself, glaring at him too. "What is with the snobby people on this plane?" She mumbled, looking around for her seat. She noticed that she had arrived at her isle and groaned, looking at him. She walked past the man, took the kids book and shoved it in his face, sitting down in her seat this time.
Felix looked at the girl as she walked past, suddenly finding the book in his hands all too close to his face, the side of his upper lip raising to show his utter disgust. "Tch." He sounded, watching as she walked to her seat and sat down, his fingers slowly wrapping around the circumference of his cup. The snob rose to his feet, making his way past the man sitting beside him and finding himself before the girl in a mere five steps back, silence overcoming him as he threw the cup at her, feeling pleased with himself as the water flew from the cup and cued for him to move away to avoid any backlash from his attack, a snobbish smirk appearing on his face and a chuckle rising in his throat once more as he walked backwards to his row and made his way back into his seat, not sure if he'd gotten the girl wet but nonetheless, pleased by the reaction of a few people who sat idly by.
Kora groaned, shaking water off her arms and face. "You JERK!" She screamed, looking at him. "Bastard." She mumbled, taking her hoodie and pulling it over her hat. Why did everyone hate her. She grumbled and looked in her backpack, finding her sketch pad was pleasantly dry, and she began to draw.

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