• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Eastoak OOC

yes you can reserve characters. You can either post a placeholder with the role you want in the CS thread or tell me which role you want here (:
Yeah I kind of had a medical issue but its getting better so I will have a CS done anytime now (either today or tomorrow).
Yeah I kind of had a medical issue but its getting better so I will have a CS done anytime now (either today or tomorrow).
Awe. I am so sorry to hear that, hon. Sorry, did not mean to pressure you or anything so you just take your time. I just asked so I can get started on my characters.
I’ll try to have my character up this weekend or early next week - I was kinda uncertain whether I should wait as well xD
No need to wait (: you can make your characters when you have time, if that happens to be before I post mine that's totally fine and would get you a gold star in my book since that's a good thing hehe.

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