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Realistic or Modern east park high | reboot | — main

>Renata Fonesca
>Biology Class
>Interacting with Roscoe Hernández ( eggsaladsandwitch eggsaladsandwitch )

Renata was startled slightly as Ross reached out and touched her shoulder, not expecting the physical contact. Then another shock came when he actually spoke to her, and not just that, but in an actual genuine, human way. No sarcasm or anything, not any that she could detect anyway. So this species of human had more to them than hating authority and people in general, an interesting and intriguing discovery indeed. What else was below the surface, she couldn't help but wonder, being the extroverted, social butterfly she was.

"Don't mention it." She whispered back to him with a genuine smile, grabbing her textbook and opening it up to the page the teacher had instructed for the class to go to. At least she would have, if she knew what damn page that was. Desperately, she glanced around the room to see if she could figure it out by just looking at the other opened textbooks in the room. Ross' textbook was non-existent, she noticed, so that wouldn't be very helpful. Looking to her left, she saw a dead frog but couldn't quite see what the number was. Was that in the 300's or 200's? She couldn't see, it was too small and far away for her. Of course, she could always ask Mr. Went but he was strict as hell and would probably get mad. Ren could also just ask a classmate but she already had a reputation of being a stupid blonde popular girl, minus the blonde. Admittedly, it was somewhat true in some aspects, but still. No one likes being the stupid girl at school.

From an outsider's perspective, Renata was wildly flipping through the pages of the textbook, trying not to look panicked but instead looking even more panicked. Not a good look whatsoever. "Where the hell is that stupid frog?" She muttered to herself, in one of the few times she'd ever been annoyed and not obnoxiously happy or some other dumb positive emotion.

(No worries! It's all good! Rpnation is pretty weird sometimes lol)



(of a young person) thin and looking unhealthy or uncared for.​
Garnet Thorne
Filthy. Human beings were filthy, these ones were. Garnet swallowed their earlier-spoken words, as they dissipated into the stale air. Nobody really cares what a forty-times-adopted, depressed teenage painter has to say. Especially when they had bio... which was a class they should've already gotten credits for, but their messy life consisted of staggered snapshots that never really made sense -- thus, they missed a fair amount of that class, and didn't get a grade for much of anything. Ignoring the family drama, Garnet seemed to be a little sick all the time. Frailty had its disadvantages, and the elements were unkind to young Garnet Thorne.

They knew biology, though. Snake biology, at least. They'd read up to a year about corn snakes before even thinking of purchasing Squishy. They're also well-versed in a fair amount of other animals. But cells and shit... who cares? They're small. Insignificant. Moreso than man or plant, truly the lowest of the low. Cells. Protozoans. So fucking tiny, they can't even be seen doing whatever meager things they do. Not even breathing, just squeezing air from their tiny, shitty bodies and sucking it back in.


They collected their things and hightailed it to biology class, not catching the look Gabby shot them, and entering several minutes late with a blank expression. Mr. Went gave them a look.

"You're late."

Garnet rolled their eyes in response.


Their voice was , as always, worn like a smoker's lung. (They preferred vapor cigarettes, though.) They sat down next to... Ah, fuck, what was his name? Koko? Kaka?... Kai, that was it. Big Dweeb Energy radiated from the young man beside them. But they could probably copy notes from him or something, at least better than most of these other people. They sat down, opening their textbook to a random page and sitting their sketchbook on top of it.

An artistic vision... What a grotesque, blackened thing they were making.

Mentions: hwayi hwayi
Nearby: humorously humorously MasterRed MasterRed eggsaladsandwitch eggsaladsandwitch AlienLover AlienLover

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