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Realistic or Modern ☾ `earthbound - Lore







when using an ouija board there should be at least two people unless the person using the board is

experienced and knows how to channel their energy to allow spirits to communicate to the person

using the board. when using the board there is a leader and an energizer. the leader's role is to co

ntroll the session, place the protection prayer, and summon the spirit through questions. the ener

gizer's role is to focus their energy for the spirits to communicate. in the beginning the energizer s

hould not talk, once communication is strong they may begin to ask questions more frequently but s

hould not lose sight of focusing their energy.

demons are able to escape through ouija boards and possess those who use it. they typically target

someone they see as a potential threat. demons can only possess those who touch the planchette.

demons escape ouija boards through specific jesters. when trying to escape they create figure eight

s, repetitively spell out the alphabet, or glide over the numbers zero through nine. if the leader doe

s not close the board then the demon may escape. dark energies can also attach themselves to cert

ain planchettes so that when those chettes are used only that spirit may communicate when that pl

anchette is used. however; if a dark energy attaches its self to a board, it may escape from the boa

rd if the board is opened or broken in half rather than burned.

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astral projection is also known as an out of body experience. astral projection and lucid dreaming c

ome hand in hand. if you are able to lucid dream then it is easier for you to astral project. astral pr

ojection is when one clears their mind and meditates on the thought of their spirit leaving their phy

sical body. for some, astral projection comes easy and for others it can take years to even step out

side the physical body. once in your astral body, you may notice your spirit isn't human. you may be

of the otherkin. when astral projecting you can teleport anywhere you wish. you can even visit othe

r mythical worlds that consist of fairies or even your favorite television characters. as long as you a

re vibrating at high frequencies you should be able to avoid dark entities. when encountering them t

hey may be quesitoning whether or not you want to return to your body. you must think of love and l

ight and tell them you will reenter your body. what you do in the astral plane does not effect the ph

ysical world, however what you do in other worlds will affect their world so be careful of what you s

ay and do. when returning to your physical body you must follow your silver cord back. the silver cor

d is what connects your astral body and physical body.



being possessed by a demon can happen in many ways, a few are mentioned here. however; if your

character has dark energy about them they can possess the living. when a demon possesses their c

hosen host they have complete control over the person. when possessed, the demon feeds off their

host's energy and slowly deteriorates their health. demons can be forced to leave a human body th

rough exorcism.

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lucid dreaming is when you are in control of all elements of your dream. lucid dreaming takes pract

ice and typically if you are able to lucid dream you can learn astral projection quite easily. to lucid

dream you must put your body to sleep by laying completely still for a certain amount of time. you

may also meditate on lucid dreaming to help take control of your dream. when lucid dreaming you

are completely aware and in full waking conscious but your body is sleeping. when entering a lucid

dream you typically want to do a reality check to create habit. jump up and if you fly you're dream

ing, or look in a mirror your reflection shouldn't be there. once in a lucid dream, you are able to do

whatever you can think of.

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crossing a spirit over into the light can be done on the astral plane or the physical world. crossing

spirits into the light is very rewarding for both the spirit and the human. you are helping a spirit m

ove on from the physical and meet its loved ones in heavens, it can be quite emotional and frighte

ning to the spirit. but before attempting to contact any spirits that would like to cross over bound

aries should be set. you must communicate to the spirit in a compassionate way, they are a person

as well. when crossing the spirit over you may become frightened, this is the spirit's energy and em

otion that is set in the air, they do not intend on frightening you. spirits are never trapped and bo

und to the earth, they choose to stay because they may not feel ready to move on. call on the spi

rit's loved ones to help bring the spirit into the light and to make the spirit's trip more comfortable.

this may also help them realize these loved ones have been waiting for them. after crossing the spi

rit over invite any other spirits who are interested to come forth and cross over. then close the do

or to the heavens.

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all living things, and once living, have an aura. auras on average emit energy at three feet from the

spirit. some auras emit energy up to fifty feet. different colored auras emit different energy types d

epending on the spirit and how the spirit acts.

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some spirit guides stay with you your whole life while others come and go. those who stay with yo

u return from the heavens when you are born to guide and protect you. spirit guides may guide on

e person or several. spirit guides are typically not deceased relatives and may have never entered

a physical body. when an individual begins opening their mind and third eye, spirit guides may beg

in to communicate with you and visit you in your dreams more often. spirit guides sent messages w

hether they be obvious or hidden. spirit guides often give you those sudden thoughts of slowing dow

n when you are speeding while driving or while doing other activities. these spirits help you achieve

your dreams and help guide you.

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