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Dying to RP!! D:


Hyydra Here! Hey guys, I'm terribly bored, all the time almost. So it's about time this thing got up! ^^ Here's what I go by most of the time.


Medieval Fantasy

Romance (I encourage it greatly, but does not have to be in the RP if you don't want it.)

Modern Fantasy

Modern Realistic

Medieval Realistic

High School

Post Apoctalyptic

Disliked Genres:

Anything Futuristic, that's, that's about it!

If you have any plots or ideas to add let me know ^^ But usually I'd want to know the genre before hand of making the characters :)

As for romance, this is pretty much how it goes.

NOTE: Within Romance, I only play as Male and Heterosexual. I do not encourage Yuri or Yaoi, since I only enjoy playing as Male characters.

As for regular RPing, same goes about the Male complex. But! Just because I encourage romance doesn't mean if there's a male out there which just wants to RP for the hell of it, I don't know, Zombie Apoc or Army? I'll gladly RP with you guys as well!

And For my requirements:

-No one-liners. Four sentences at least.

-Spelling and Grammar is a want, but not a need. Grammar is, however. I want to make sure that either of our messages go through, make sense to one another instead of broken down english segments

-No FxF, Only MxM and MxF

-At least one or two OOC messages every now and then, I want to let you know I'm a human, not a robot to just RP.

-Realism! If your character hikes a hundred miles and still has the energy to fight a group of people, just, blegh =_=

-If the RP becomes stale or out of taste for your own mind, let me know. We can restart with a new plot, or, if you're just not up for it, place a farewell message and hopefully some time we can rejoice..

-At least one post every one to two days. I'll be on almost daily but that doesn't mean you have to. I'm on YOUR time ^^.

That's pretty much it! I enjoy PM Roleplays way more than Forums, since it's faster and easier. If you ever want to talk about it PM me or hit me up on this forum! :D Thanks for checking me out!
Awesome guys! Just send me a PM with what you'd enjoy doing and we can start!

@Silent Justice

I'll help you guys decide what genre and so on ^^
Okay as embarrassing as this is to admit I can't figure out how to send a PM, could you please help, sorry for being a naive.
Calcium said:
Okay as embarrassing as this is to admit I can't figure out how to send a PM, could you please help, sorry for being a naive.
I'm glad someone else is having this issue.
Completely Easy! ^^ Click on my profile picture, then under it there's a blue text option that says Start A Conversation! ^^
Oh...? are you on a phone or tablet..? You know what doesn't matter, go up to the top right of your screen, where it shows your account name, then a letter like a mail symbol, and then a flag. Click on the letter, then towards the upper right a blue box with white text will say "Create a conversation"
OH, Alright thanks a ton Silent Justice, I guess I'll PM once I hit that, again sorry for being so silly!
You're good haha ^^ It's always great to ask questions :P The only dumb one is the one not asked!
Very true indeed, I only need two more posts after this one, is it cool if I just post two random posts here or is that a bad thing to do?
If you wish Alec, though I dread it immensely, if you don't want to skim through the forums you can waste your ten posts here.
You can post my friend ^^ 
Only if either of them contain the words "Potato" and "PoTAHTo"

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