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Fandom DWMA || Death Weapon Meister Academy

Who was your favorite character(s) out of the six students in Soul Eater?

  • Black Star

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  • Death the Kid

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  • Soul Eater

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  • Maka Albarn

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tsubaki Nakatsukasa

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Thompson Sisters (Liz and Patty)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Spirit tried not to tremble as he spoke on the phone with the one man he feared the most; the one man who also happened to be his best partner. "Hey, Stein. I was wondering if you were busy... If not, think ya can come down to the academy for a demonstration on soul resonance? I can't very well do that with myself, though I'm sure you could, you could match up with whoever you wanted..." Spirit trailed off, rambling on, afraid of the mere attention of Stein.


Nana narrowed her eyes at the boy, sighing. "Please don't call me that. It's embarrassing," She said honestly, returning to her notes. She didn't exactly sound embarrassed in the slightest but more annoyed, even if she wasn't upset.

@Nenma Takashi

Peri strode into the room while the professor was talking on the phone, going unnoticed about being late. He pawed at his ear with a curled hand and walked over to the desks. Without a word, he curled up and fell asleep on the desk of a redheaded girl.

As soon as he answered the contraption, he got an earful of stumbling words that seemed to be asking him to do a demonstrstion at the school. And going to school, at his age, meant teaching students the finer things in life.

A dissection, perhaps?

Of the rare and exotic kind?

That surely was.... part of the case.

He also had to admit: his partner could be quite amusing somedays. He had no idea why he seemed so deathly afraid of him. As long as you kept Stein away from any scalpel, he was harmless! (But it did not help matters when you took into account that Stein ALWAYS had a scalpel...)

"Aleright, Spirit. I'll be right over." His low voice responded into the phone with a wistful sigh. ".... keep the students there alive and present, would you?"

He closed the phone with a chuckle.

Now it was high time to find out who was screaming in front of his house...

So , as it was told, Stein rolled out of his house, usig his trusty wheelchair, only to be assaulted (...y'know, tackled to the ground) by a girl with a sharp, SHARP blade for a hand.


This was going to be a great year...

Now if only he could stop getting attacked.

( @Maxwelle )
Cora one moment was looking at the boy who had fallen and now she was surprised to find a cat-like boy on her desk. Where had he come from? Who was he? Well she other wise wouldn't have questioned it, but he was on top of her notebook. "Um...Hey... You." She whispered so the teacher wouldn't hear, poking the cat boy's arm. "You're sorta asleep on my notes."

Spirit closed the phone and sighed in relief. "Alright class, Professor Stein is coming in for a demonstration of Soul Resonance. I ask that you remain calm until then." He said to everyone. He knew he had to keep them alive, not just because it was important as a teacher but because.... Stein asked him to. What would Stein do if he disobeyed him? Chop him into pieces and put him back together? Switch his eyes around? Spirit began sulking at his desk as he came up with all these crazy scenarios.

Peri opened his eyes and blinked at the girl as if he had no idea why she was there or of their surroundings. He simply murmured an apology and gave her the notebook before going back to sleep. A cat has to sleep a lot after all! He didn't think it would matter the place as the desk was really comfy...

"Thank you." Cora said as she took her notebook and let the cat boy sleep. She would have asked him some questions had he been awake. Did he go here? Was he a meister or weapon? She looked back at him, mostly at his ears. Were those real? She sort of wanted to touch one to find out. Slowly she reached a hand over and lightly poked one of the ears on the sleeping cat person.


(Notice: Check Updates Everyone!)

Peri grabbed the girl's hand just before she could touch his ear, his expression turning into a pout. "I don't touch your ears without your permission do I?" He asked her, staring for a few more moments before releasing her hand. He closed his eyes again. "Besides, if you wanted to touch them, you should have just asked."

In the current predicament, one would be utilized to their greatest fears while being knocked down a berserker, and at the mercy of someone whom you did not know. But Stein was different, in a regard. He had no fear to his name. And that was because, he knew that through all the Insanity, through all the trials and pain and whatever would come through with it, he had a god on his side. The God of DEATH, to be precise.

... But this was just a weapon, so he didn't really need to call for any backup.

So he pushed the female off (with a protest in the form of a confused grunt,) and stood up, pulling his falling chair to it's feet. And asked the simple question that he had been asking for a few decades now, more frequently then ever.

"May I... help you?" Sarcasm laced his tone and he grinned. Oh, how he grinned in that unsettling way.

But the female was undeterred.

"Well yes, you COULD help me, good sir." Golden brown hair framed the face of the young weapon, amber eyes were lit ablaze and staring into Stein's core. It was currently unknown to Stein whether she seen his soul or not (A Weapon with Soul Perception, who would have thought?) But she suddenly seemed to grow uneasy. If only he could have read her thoughts in that moment.

'Oh, my gods...Kishin below, that raw power...'

It was huge and towering and curling around the man like a serpent. Asylum didn't know what she did.

One moment, she was concentrating all of her focus on that one man's vital points, his heart, obvious intent on taking him down for surprising her like that.

But then... but THEN...

Raw energy in the shape of a circle...

it was almost too much, and Asylum had the urgency to flee.

But she could not.

She swallowed that fear, and repeated: "Well, you could help me, good sir. I... am Kira Terevix. But that's Asylum to you. And I...am hopelessly lost."

It took that one sentence, and two minutes to have her swept off her feet by a rolling chair and a maniacal, crazed man.

"WHAT IN THE ALL-KNOWING HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" Her scream was lost to the wind around them, and Stein rolled down the street to the Academy.

"You think Spirit can hold off those questions for long?" The white-haired man asked his new companion.


"I thought so."
Celeste stared at the cat boy on Cora's desk. He looked up at the teacher who didn't seem to bothered by someone sleeping during class. He turned to Cora. She seemed a little confused by what was happening, and he leaned over and whispered, "Do you know this kitty?"
Momoka realized that on her side Of class, nothing was happening. So gathering the few things she had, she moved, seating two rows behind Cora and Celeste. Thinking, she wrote a small note, 'I wanted to know, you got a meister ?'

She folded the note in a paper airplane, she threw it at Celeste, hitting him at the back of the head.

Cora just shook her head no at Celeste's question, then snickering at the paper airplane that just hit him before turning back to look at the cat guy. "Sorry, you just looked like you were sleeping pretty peacefully. Didn't want to wake you up."She apologized. "Those real anyway? They look real." She asked looking at his ears.

The paper airplane hit Celeste on the back of the head. He almost yelped from sheer surprise. The paper had fallen to the ground. He picked it up and read it. Celeste looked around in the direction it came from and saw Momo. He got out a big black marker and wrote "NO" largely and showed her the paper so she could read it.

Celeste read the next paper thrown in his direction. He thought for a moment, remembering the chaos that ensued from when he and Cora tried to team up. He quickly scribbled down, "When we get the chance, Let's try it out and see if we are capable of working well together! Cora and I aren't allowed in a certain district anymore. Don't. Ask." He crumpled up the paper and tossed it up high behind him. He was so excited to possibly have found his meister already!

Momoka almost didn't catch the note, but she caught it while leaning back. Reading the note, it got her curious on which distract they weren't allowed in. Still, she wrote down this new information in her notebook, hoping she'll hear more about their story later.

Class continued on and Momoka couldn't wait.
Felt could tell some of the students had already started getting partners and that bugged him. "After all my big talk to sis will I not even find a partner I mean people already think I'm dumb for falling and the girl sitting next to me doesn't seem to like me man I just want a cute female partner is that too much to ask!" Haru scratched his head furiously and put his head down. "This blows." He mumbled under his breath.
I return from the horror that is School. c:)

In less the five minutes, the DWMA was in sight. The Laughing sun cackled joyously over the three symmetrical spikes that adorned the school.

Also, Asylum was still screaming profanities, though she had found a comfortable place on the back of Stein' chair and was now clinging for dear life onto the backrest.

Stein rolled his way up the stairs. Yes, he rolled his way up the stairs. With each bump, it became clear that he just didn't follow the rules of the earth as you were supposed to. Instead, he took on a less physical way of things, and that's the way he liked it.

But the madness had to stop when the set of stairs did.

Once they were back on flat ground, Asylum breathed in a sigh of relief. She had thought of jumping off of the back of the chair already, believe me, but that would cause a lot of injury at such a high speed. Now that they were rolling along at such a smooth place, she should at least...

wait just a minute.

"...Are... are we at the academy?"

"It's known as that to some, yes, but others seem to call it 'that damned school.' Not sure why, they probably just hold a grudge." Stein commented as he entered the doorway. The stitched chair of his seemed to glide with ease over the floor, the wheels now an almost soothing rhythm to the confused weapon.

And it continued like that for some time.

Until they entered that hallway.

"What are you doing?"

"Hold on tight, girl..."

Oh no, you crazy old man-"

"Oh yes, I would think."

There was a peculiar sound outside of the classroom. Kinda like the sound of someone repeating the word 'no nO NO', and the sound of wheels hitting the floor at a increasing pace.
Alma looked up as more students entered. She scanned all of them, including the weird cat human. She then returned her attention to spirit. She listened rather boredly to the chitchat around the room. She looked to the door, as weird sounds filled the hallway, and she slightly wondered what was going on.
The one they called Stein finally rolled into the classroom, and by rolled, I mean this.

His wheel caught on the small block of wood in front of the frame, and he fell over. Now this would be all fine and normal for the students, but two things were different.

1. This was an entirely new class. Who else had a teacher that did this kind of thing?

2. The resulting crash sent the female Weapon tumbling down with him... and she didn't really stop, unlike Stein. She just comically rolled across the floor until she made it to the other wall.

And that, my friends, was Stein's great entrance.

"You called?" The professor asked from his place on the floor.

Asylum just groaned.

@Maxwelle / Classroom
"Greetings, Stein," Spirit said, as if nothing peculiar had happened, though he seemed uneasy. "Yes, I want to show these students soul resonance. Think you can do that quick?" He waited for Stein's answer as he went and helped up the girl who left a small crater in the wall. Then, he returned to Stein's side, sweating... just enough to be noticed.
Cora watched as the strange man with a screw in his head fall into the class room and start talking to Spirit. He seemed to be freaked out by this Stein guy. "Psst. Cat guy." She whispered to the sleeping cat person on her desk. "You might wanna wake up now. I think they're going to do something cool." Plus she was having trouble seeing over his sleeping body and didn't feel like moving.

"Is that all you called me for?" It wasn't a voice of excitement anymore, now Stein sounded rather like a rejected child who did not get to play with his favorite toy. He pushed his glasses up on his nose in an idle gesture.

There were no scalpels involved in this experiment. No fun to be had here, unlike he had hoped.


"Yes, that will do nicely. Perhaps switch his foot for his ear this time?"

Professor Stein spoke of this aloud as if there was nothing wrong with switching around bodyparts. He knew that he couldn't practice on the students, as it would be rather unprofessional of him.

But to practice on Spirit... twas not... TOO Uncommon.

Stein got up from the floor and loomed over Spirit with a rather evil grin. "Soul Resonance. Yes, yes, start right away."

It was clear that wasn't on his mind, but he held his hand out nevertheless.

And as for Asylum, she quietly thanked Spirit in a dejected tone. As everyone had already noticed, she took note of the fact that Spirit seemed genuinely afraid of the Lunatic on wheels. She made her way up the stairs and silently slid into a seat that wasn't by anyone, but not too far away as to make things awkward.

She didn't really realize the severity of the situation that she was ACTUALLY at the academy now.

@Maxwelle / Students

... I need to remember how to tag

i'm sorry ;---;
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Sarah leaned in as far as she could because this was simply the most amazing thing she had ever thought. She would hope that one day she would be able to pull off soul resonance with flying colors. But this also ment she would have to get someone to weild her.
Spirit recoiled back, his eyes going wide. "What's that about my foot?!" He cried, shuddering from the thought of Stein performing..."experiments" again. "You'll never get to do that to me again! I sleep with my doors and windows locked, buddy!" Nevertheless, he knew since Stein was here, he had to do it. He shifted into his weapon form for Stein to use, feeling nostalgic in his grasp yet still slightly unsettled.

(Is this picture okay?)



Peri only murmured something about tuna before trying to go back to sleep. After a few moments, he gave up and sat up with a yawn and stretch. "By the way, to answer your earlier question, I'm a cat," He replied, looking back at the girl and not exactly answering her question. He positioned himself to watch yet still sat beside the girl.

Stein caught Spirit's scythe form with practiced ease, twirling him around several times in his hand to stabelize the jump his partner just took. This, to him, was a familiar feeling. One of power, and connection with another soul. A maniacal grin carved it's way onto his face for the entire class to see.

He was wrong. This felt like old tmes, and old times were pretty fun.

Stein stopped spinning the blade around, instead choosing to drive the handle into the floor with a loud clanging sound. That should be loud enough to wake the rest of the students up from their dead eyed stare. I mean, sudden noises weren't a common thing here, right?


"Now....." he breathed, taking one step back while relaxing his shoulders. One hand made it's way in front of him. "Are we all ready for the demonstration?"

". . ."

Stein took a look to each student in turn, silently pairing them off in his head. He wondered how these pairs would turn out.

(Yep, that works great :3)

"A cat? That's neat." Cora said in response to the cat guy's comment. She would ask for that worked later. For now though she watched the demonstration. Curious to see what the two teachers would do. She was also sort of surprised to see how simple Spirit looked in his weapon form. She always thought death scythes would be much more.... Fancy.

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