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Fandom DWMA || Death Weapon Meister Academy

Who was your favorite character(s) out of the six students in Soul Eater?

  • Black Star

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  • Death the Kid

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  • Soul Eater

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  • Maka Albarn

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tsubaki Nakatsukasa

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Thompson Sisters (Liz and Patty)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Al,a raised her hand at Spirit's question. She wasn't fully sure of the answer, but had heard talk about a move that might fit the bill. She waited a few minutes, then spoke. "Would that be Witch Hunter, sir?" She answered, more asking a question than stating the answer. @Maxwelle
Avoiding the question once more the girl raised her hand with pep "Soul resonance, where both the mister and weapons souls intertwine so to say to create a powerful attack" she said as an add-on. Her eyes created a shine that made her glow in a way as if she felt entirely accomplished. She then continued to listen to the teacher lecture and wrote 'Sarah' on a piece of paper then handing it to him and waited for the next question she was getting into this entirely. Everything was hoe she imagined in a way minus the way she felt a looming over her that entirely terrified her to the point of her hair standing on the back of her neck.
Trundle said:
Lycan smiled, confused. "Right on." He exited the front doors and saw a girl alone. Perfect time to flirt he thought to himself. He walked up to her and said, "What's a pretty girl like yourself doing out here all alone? Shouldn't you be in class?" He smiled at her.
"I could ask the same of you." Aerona replied to the boy who had joined her. "Shouldn't you be in class?" She finished, and glanced to him. She pulled her headphones down around her neck, and returned to looking out at the city. -short-
Lycan stopped smiling. "Oh. Right. I'm ditching too. Hmm. Well I was planning on chilling outside for the remainder of classes today an ten maybe go out and find some Kishin to kill. You know. The usual for a solo weapon." He walked up next to her and looked at the city with her.
Light smiled a bit when he was given her name, he wanted to ask her more questions. However he had no plans to bother her during class since he didn't want the two of them to get in trouble. 'I hope Spirit hurries up with his dull lecture.....' He thought as he watched with a bored expression mainly because he new this stuff already.
Momoka quickly jotted down what some of the students answers to the teachers questions. Starting with some interesting questions today....

She smiled to herself as she continued to listen to the lecture
Celeste was taking very neat and concise notes. As the lecture went on he switched from notes to scribbling on the page. He wanted to skip the lecture and go straight to the battling. That's way more fun than sitting in a chair for hours.
Cora continued to scribble aimlessly in her notebook, only half listening to the lecture. She noticed Celeste doing something similar and slightly elbowed him, trying to get him to look at what she had drawn. That being a poorly drawn godzilla-like monster. She quickly wrote a note for Celeste next to it that read, "Maybe I should give up being a meister and be an artist with these skills!"
Celeste looked at the godzilla monster. He scribbled down a note saying, "I would totally buy that. An original Cora. When you die it'll be worth millions." He showed her the poorly drawn elephant he drew. He felt very proud of this elephant. He named it George.
Cora looked at the elephant before giving an approving nod. "It needs a hat." She wrote down, before drawing a little top hat on her paper as an example for him.
"Ah. Sounds like fun." Aerona commented, after listening to his reply. "I'm Aerona, what's your name?" She asked, because well if they were going to continue conversation, names might be handy. She looked over to the boy and smiled lightly, before returning to normal. @Trundle
"The name's Lycan. You know. Like a werewolf. I'm also sexy ass weapons. 3 to be exact." Lycan replied to her still looking to the city. "What about you? Weapon or Meister?" If she was a Meister Lycan wouldn't have even given her a choice. They were to be partners.
Celeste thought for a minute and nodded in agreement. He drew a sloppy top hat on his elephant and gave Cora a thumbs up. He wrote on the paper, "George the FancyElephant coming to theaters near you."
Cora covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a laugh. "He's beautiful." She wrote still trying not to giggle. She looked up at the teacher, hoping he hadn't noticed.
"Nice name." Aerona commented, then turned back to look at the city. "I'm a Meister." She answered his question. She went silent after that, tapping her fingers lightly on the rail. -short-
Lycan smirked. "Thanks. And right on babe! You have a weapon? Because in single- er well. You know what I mean." He said rubbing the back of his neck.
Aerona smiled. She did understand what he had attempted to say. She turned her head to look at him. "I don't have a weapon." She replied. She turned around and leaned her back on the wall, still watching Lycan. "We could give being partners a shot." She stated. @Trundle
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Haru leaned back in his chair not even listening to the lecture. "Man this is lame why can't they just give us hands on lessons this is too boring." Haru wasn't paying attention as he leaned back and fell out of his chair hitting his head on the floor. "OW!"
Celeste perked his head up when he heard something hit the ground. He looked over and saw a student on the ground. He did his best to stifle a laugh. He elbowed Cora and whispered, "Oh that poor guy, that must've hurt. He might quite a bang."
Sarah kindly rose her hand for the teacher "Spirit sensei I highly enjoy the notes but can we see the physical demonstration of Soul renosanse if you don't mind of course" she patiently awaited his response. She was hoping to see the connection of the souls for her own eyes so she emanated excitement. @Maxwelle
Cora looked over at the boy on the ground and snickered a bit. "That looked painful." She whispered back to Celeste. From the sound the boy made it really did sound like it had really really hurt.
Nana watched as the boy next to her fell from his chair. "You should be more careful," she stated simply, watching him curiously as a scientist might watch his subject. She offered him her hand to stand up. @Nenma Takashi

Spirit blinked once before giving a smile. "I would but sadly, there are a few reasons I cannot. While those with soul perception could see it happen the rest could not. And while I would demonstrate for a look on the outside, Professor Stein isn't with us at the moment. Although, I could see if he could come." He pulled out a cell phone and began to dial.
Haru laughed and took the girl's hand and stood up. "Thanks cutie." And he sat back down. Trying not to show his embarrassment. "Nice job Haru way to look like an idiot how are gonna get a cute partner when you screw up like that!?" He thought.
There was once a place on the outskirts of the town that used to frighten all who would come near. It was with reason, too, for the one locked up inside that crumbling building is one who we wouldn't call sane. Even the DWMA's finest students would tremble at the doorstep of the abode, wondering who exactly lurked in the depths of the confinement. What man would cause this destruction and chaos to spread? They would ask themselves and concoct horrible imaginary fear in their brain.

And you were worse for wear if you actually knew. Many would tremble at the name, of who they assumed was Professor Stein.

The one who had Madness locked deep away in his heart and his mind.

... But nowadays, it was just Professor Stein. None of that fear and madness worry anymore. Once you got to know him, he was an okay guy. The only thing seemingly crazy about him was the amount of cigarettes in his mouth. One, after the other, after the other.

In any case, it was Stein who was lounging about in this broken abode, when his phone rang.

His phone rarely rang. What was this?

( @Maxwelle / Whoever else is in that classroom <3)


However, there seemed to be ANOTHER figure creeping outside Stein's house. And none the wiser, it seemed.

"Where the HELL am I?" This figure asked herself as she paced the outskirts of the building.

Oh, I remember her name now!

It was...

Kera! Also known as Asylum.

She'd surely yell at me for using the wrong name.
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