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Fandom DWMA || Death Weapon Meister Academy

Who was your favorite character(s) out of the six students in Soul Eater?

  • Black Star

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Death the Kid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Soul Eater

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maka Albarn

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tsubaki Nakatsukasa

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Thompson Sisters (Liz and Patty)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"Meister." Cora replied simply. "and I'm gonna be the very best at it too." She added, though she giggled a bit afterwards. "Or well at least I will be once I find the perfect weapon for me. Then it's going to be the best duo. Watch out Kishin eggs. We're coming to get you." Cora rambled. It was obvious she was quite excited to get started with her Meister training.
"Ah, the perfect weapon. That would be great, huh?" Momoka took out her notebook and pen, scribbled something down, closed the book and placed it back in her other hand, "Well...what do you plan for this slumber party tonight?"
"The worse movies ever made, food that will destroy our bodies and kill us early, and the most comfiest pajama's in the world." Celeste smiled at the thought. Oh it'll a fun night. There's nothing he loved more than lazy days inside the house eating cookies and popcorn while being comforted by Meister Paul Blart and his weapon the segway.
Due to this being his starting year, he didn't exactly have much plans to go anywhere after class. Especially since he just transferred, and he just moved out of the orphanage. His ears perked up slightly when he overheard something about a slumber party, but thought a freak like himself would never fit in. However, a voice inside him said: " If you want to ask, just ask. " Said Eve, in a fake caring voice. She just didn't like him moaning about being alone subconsciously. So, he shuffled up to the nearest of the 4 talking, which was Momoka. " If it isn't too much trouble, may I actually go with you to this get together ? " Siriana said, a soft blush on his face.

( My character just got accepted, BTW. )
Archaius stepped back a bit at the sudden appearance of yet another newcomer, as he had to now asses for what category this new girl would fall under, 'friend or foe'. This was what he did with everyone, and it was very instinctive, so he couldn't necessarily control it. "I'm a weapon, a pair of bear claw glove gauntlets to be more specific." he said, distancing himself a step from the other girl, Momoko. She was quite outgoing from the looks of it. He then frowned as Celeste asked the new girl if she would join the sleepover as well. and Archaius didn't like that too well because he didn't trust her yet. He kept his distance, and absentmindedly played with his long hair as he soon became disconnected from the group interaction because of this new girl.




Trundle said:
Oh the things he would do to him if he could fight him.
(*wink wink* xD )
Cora shot a confused look at Archaius as he distanced himself. She scooted over and whispered quiet enough so Momoko wouldn't hear. "Not to comfy around new people huh?" She asked. "I don't think you need to worry or anything. She seems nice. Trust me, I'm decent at reading people. I'm usually right.... like at least 30% of the time." She joked in an attempt to keep him from feeling any more uncomfortable.
Celeste took notice to Archaius's discomfort. Luckily Cora was helping him. There was a short doll-like girl next to Momo, but He didn't hear any voices. "Um...Hello? You don't need to be shy. We aren't going to bite too hard." Celeste smiled at the girl.

@Timmy Turner
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Spirit strode into the classroom, putting on a tough guy façade and began taking role. While he might of tried to look cool, he just looked like his goofy usual self. After that was finished, he said, "Alright, today we're going to be talking about soul resonance." A few moments later he was scribbling on the board and going into a lecture.

Nana scribbled furiously in her notebook, taking down notes and making a shopping list for after school at the same time. Looking down at the Professor, she realized he looked familiar. Ah, that's right. Death Scythe or Spirit Albarn. She'd heard many a rumors about him one of the biggest being that he was all over the place.
Haru whistled at the huge school in front of him. "Nice." He looked at his note it told him the class he walked into the class where spirit was teaching and walked over to him. "Hey sup names Haru new here so where do I sit?"
Sarah a had stood up from the chair she recently broke "well my name is....." She was then interrupted by another girl who seemed to want her dead and she went silent and felt relief when a real teacher came through the doors. She took a seat at a different desk and took out a notebook which seemed to have the writing of a different language in it but the inside was English as she began to set up for note taking. She knew that in battle this man's soul must be intense and strong for he is welded by death.
Noticing the teacher walk in, Momoka gave a small wave to Cora and her group before taking her seat. She tooks notes in a newer notebook and sometimes scribbled something else in her other book.
As the teacher walked into the room Celeste looked him up an down and gave a firm,"Meh." Then took out his classroom materials in preparation for note taking. Finally the day is going to start. I'd be more excited if I wasn't exhausted from trying break up two fights this morning. At least the slumber party will relax me like they always do.
Light let out a sigh as he took Night's hand and went to take a seat. He looked around and decides to take a seat next to the stylish girl he had seen earlier. He ignored Spirit like he usually did since he didn't have any interesting style. When he got there he smiled at the girl before taking a seat and letting go of Night's hand. "You never told me your name." He said with a small smile to the girl.


Cora looked over as the teacher entered. "Well we can talk more after class." She said before going over and sitting down next to Celeste. She had heard of this teacher before. He was a death scythe, the one that Lord Death used the most apparently. This would be interesting. She pulled out her notebook... Only to start to doodle absentmindedly.
Trundle said:
"Hey whats up hun?" Lycan responded to Alma with a smile. It would seem that he had already forgotten about what had happened in the classroom. In reality, he had. But he just remembered the name Archaius. Oh the things he would do to him if he could fight him.
Alma smiled, "Nothing really." She said. Her eyes drifted around the halls, taking in what she could see of the academy. "We should probably be in class..." She said, her voice quiet. -short-
Lycan laughed lightly. "If you'd like to go to class then go. I'm not stoppin' ya! I'm just on my way to the roof to enjoy the nice breeze up there. Have you ever been?" He asked her as he was nearing the main entrance to the academy.
Aerona stood, and made her way from her living room couch to the door. She turned on her music and left the building, on route to the DWMA. She took her time walking through Death City, as well as climbing the steps to the academy. Why she had enrolled in the first place was beyond her. She walked to the door, before deciding against actually going to class. She didn't feel like sitting there and listening to a boring old lecture. She turned around, and walked back to the edge. When she arrived, she leaned against the siding and looked out over the city.
"No I haven't been up there yet." Alma replied, and continued walking with him for a few steps. "I think I'm going to head back. See you around..." She said, as they approached the doors. She smiled, the turned and headed back to class. She entered the classroom, glanced to the teacher, then took a seat quickly.
Lycan smiled, confused. "Right on." He exited the front doors and saw a girl alone. Perfect time to flirt he thought to himself. He walked up to her and said, "What's a pretty girl like yourself doing out here all alone? Shouldn't you be in class?" He smiled at her.
Night apologized to her brother for giving out a death threat to another student like she was ordered not to, as she followed him to his seat, then sitting next to him in the row of desks. Soon had the teacher arrived and began giving the lecture. Once seated, her brother then once again approached the blonde girl from before, forcing out another frown from the Shinigami girl as she slumped in her seat. She was too distracted on thinking about what she could do to this blonde, rather than listening to what Spirit Albarn had to say.



Archaius looked over the group, merely staying there when Cora came up close to him and whispered into his ear again. This time was about why he had distanced himself from them once the other girl had come into the picture. He nodded slowly, glancing briefly over to the girl once more. Once the teacher had come in, he broke off from the group and returned to his seat from before and listened intently to the lecture. Archaius just hoped that at least the rest of the day could turn out decent.



Haru looked around the class wandering if anyone here was a capable partner for him he sure hoped so he really wanted to fight and he was getting pumped not to metion excited. "Man there are some hotties here oh man I hope one of them becomes my partner that'd awesome!" He thought to himself.
Spirit simply glanced at the kid, pausing in his lecture. "Go sit down anywhere please, I'm in the middle of a lecture..." He gave the boy a hard stern look before returning to the board a brooding expression now on his face. "Why don't people take me seriously," he mumbled to himself in a pout. "Anyway can anyone tell me a popular move used by scythe meisters when in soul resonance?" @Nenma Takashi


Nana sighed as she felt the creepy gaze of the new kid on her and on every female in the room. She had the distinct urge to go kick him in the face but knew Spirit would send her to Lord Death for punishment.
Haru chose to sit next to a girl who seemed to not like him and looked at from the corner of his eyes. "Heh." Then he looked at spirt to hear the lecture.

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