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Fandom DWMA || Death Weapon Meister Academy

Who was your favorite character(s) out of the six students in Soul Eater?

  • Black Star

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Death the Kid

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Soul Eater

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maka Albarn

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tsubaki Nakatsukasa

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Thompson Sisters (Liz and Patty)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Archaius smiled at the other girl's excitement, as she was a little jittery in her seat, in addition to a laugh as she told him that it would take some effort to even get in close range for him to deal any damage. "Oh, you'd be surprised at a close-ranger's capabilities." he said, actually aware that he needed more practice because he wasn't too experience either way. He would easily be only one of the one star class, which wasn't anything too impressive, and it was that novice status. He then looked over at another incoming individual; the newcomer had being the one to instigate the act of a party later on today. He frowned a little as the other male spoke to them both, as he sounded incredibly self-centered and almost narcissistic. Anyone could tell he had a huge ego, and Archaius didn't like it one bit.

From the start of the other male entering, he had been incredibly loud and obnoxious, talking to all the girls and just being plain annoying. He suppressed a growl that was beginning to rise deep in his throat. And, he decided to say something about the other male's selfish boasting and showing off. "Really, everything? Well, you wouldn't survive a single second against a long-range shooter like this miss over here." he said sharply as he revealed his sharp canine-like fangs, him referring to the taller girl who was an actual gun as he briefly pointed at her. "And I don't see anyone thanking you about being multiple weapons." he responded to the other male's arrogant comment about the world supposedly thanking him.


Celeste thought for a second on the meisters she knew. "No, not really, but the day is young!" She turned to the girl in the hoodie. "Dang right girlfriend, but no need to bare those teeth. He's just joking around!" She said trying to calm her down.
"Yeah buddy, take a chill pill. We're all just having fun here." Cora said, agreeing with Celeste. "Plus.... Maces are cool." She added, leaning back a bit. She hadn't been getting any bad vibes from Lycan, just that he wasn't shy and could make some pretty funny comments.
Lycan stopped everything he was doing, he looked at Archaius and said, "Alright. Listen here. One, you don't know my abilities. Two, like these ladies said, I was just joking around. And three. It's a flail not a mace." He smirked at his last comment on the list. He then lost his seriousness and started to think about how he could prank Archaius so hard he would pee his pants.
"Eh Mace, flail, both hurt what you hit with it and both are cool." Cora said, shrugging, and trying to cover her getting the weapon names mixed up. Plus she really did think they were cool weapons. She was also glad that Lycan didn't seem to get too worked up over Archaius' comment. Both seemed like cool people and she didn't want to see them get in a fight or something. Plus there had already been one argument so far, it was probably best to keep it that way.
Celeste put his hands up, "Ladies come on! Let's get these bees out of our bonnets and get along! You want to fight you do it outside!" Celeste hated seeing people fight like this. There was no point in it. They're just meaningless scuffles. "Also Lycan is lady and gentleman now. I'm feeling very masculine at the moment."
Before the newcomer could respond, the girl Archaius had been talking to had spoken up to him. Once again had his eyebrows piqued at her comment. First had she agreed with him, but then she called him something peculiar for a boy. "Girlfriend? Girlfriend?" he asked sharply, turning to face the other girl. "I'm not a girl! Is that what you thought I was all this time?" he growled, meeting her eyes with his. If it weren't for this male provoking him, Archaius would have probably been relatively calm in reaction to the girl's comment about his gender. His long brunette hair swished when he pivoted on his heels. The other girl, the redhead that had argued with that one boy earlier, spoke up as well. "Fun? With someone so arrogant and self-centered, that all he can do is show off?" Archaius asked, glaring back at the other male. "I do know your abilities, as does all the class, as you seem to like announcing everything that you do." he said, now hissing at him and taking a step back. He clenched his fists and glared daggers at him. Arrogance and extreme pomposity were definitely not nice qualities to have in Archaius' opinion. Being so ignorant and overly pretentious was very annoying, and it seemed that the other male's sole purpose was to try to impress others to his own huge ego. Yep, that was how easily first impressions affected him, as that was how he based his interactions with others on. It wasn't his fault that his [REDACTED] made him so highly instinctive to others. In the 'friend or foe' spectrum, this newcomer male could easily fall under 'foe'.





Cocoabutterkisses said:
Celeste put his hands up, "Ladies come on! Let's get these bees out of our bonnets and get along! You want to fight you do it outside!" Celeste hated seeing people fight like this. There was no point in it. They're just meaningless scuffles. "Also Lycan is lady and gentleman now. I'm feeling very masculine at the moment."
(How many times are you going to change Celeste's gender? xD )
Lycan stopped. "Alright. Lets take this outside kid." He started to walk outside and said as he motioned for Archaius to come outside, "C'mon boy. C'mon. Be a good boy. Ill give you a treat! Ya? You want. Treat?" He continued to walk outside.
"Wait a minute here!" Cora said or really yelled trying to stop them. "Look this isn't worth getting into an actual fight right here! Seriously a teacher could come in, then y'all get in trouble. So save for... I dunno after class or something." Cora knew she wasn't the best with this kind of thing so she looked over at Celeste. "Celeste, dude, can you say something? You're good at this kind of thing."

Celeste stood up quickly and snapped at Lycan. "Lycan enough. This petty argument is foolish and you should know better. Now be a man and sit down." He looked over and met Archaius's eyes. "Calm. Down. I sincerely apologize for my assumption. If there's one thing I know it's a little something about genders. I should've known better than to assume." He put his hand on Archaius's shoulder. "I understand it may be hard to handle certain personality types, but he didn't do anything with the intent of harm until now. The only person you need to worry about is yourself. Ignore them. So just sit down and calm down." He looked back at Lycan. "Do you both understand me? This silly argument is nothing to fight over."
Lycan turned around. "No. This kid needs to learn what fun is. So I'm going to teach him a lesson about fun. My kind of fun." HE smirked showing his sharp canine teeth. He looked over at Archaius. "Lets go kid."
(Okay, what gender is Celeste, like seriously! *laughter intensifies* )

Archaius practically snapped at the other male as he began to further provoke him into a physical confrontation, he began to tease the brunette about his growling and hissing, calling him a dog and offering treats as well as taking their fight outside. He was about to lunge out at him until a calming hand was placed on his shoulder. He looked back, his eyes sharp and his fangs bared, to see who it was. It was the taller girl from earlier, the minigun. She ordered the other male to sit and handle things maturely, but in Archaius' focus of practically attacking him, he didn't hear a word, not even when she was talking to him. He heard nothing about calming down either, as his chest quickly rose and fell in his heightened irritation. All he heard from the girl was about him having to learn and deal with certain personalities, and that he couldn't change others and how they act. He was soon told to sit down and calm. He bit his lip and stepped back. "Well first, I'm not a kid. You are." Archaius said bitterly. That much was true, because he was over the age of eighteen, and doubted if the other male even was. "Second, I'm a bear, not a dog. So get some education on animals." It was very surprising how reasonably he could act in such a tense situation. If Archaius had gotten any angrier, he would have lost that ability to reason and act appropriately to his more animal instincts from his [REDACTED]. Yes, this could have gotten very ugly. As he had calmed down, the other male's repeated invitation had not fazed him in the slightest. "No, because I'm not a little child like you are. I am an actual adult."

(Aaaand, saved by Celeste.)



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Lycan burst out into laughter. He said in a mocking voice, "Im an adult an you're the child! Ima bear an you're a dog!" He returned to his normal voice. "Listen kid. You just made yourself sound even more childish than you're acting. You obviously want to take out your built up anger over some time and you wanted to find someone to take it out on. So here I am. Now lets handle his like men and take this outside!"
(Every gender)

"HEY! As far as I'm concerned you're both children!" Since Archaius started calming down and acting reasonably he stared at Lycan and walked towards him. Both being the same height he stared into his eyes and said, "Stand down Soldier. All this taunting is proving just how immature you are. Archaius has shown to be a bigger person and refused. It's your turn. So what are you? Adult or child?" Celeste kept a firm stance. His eyes never wandered.
Light was trying to keep a straight face and ignore the fight that was going on, but he was having a hard time doing that. After the last comment he couldn't take it anymore. He pointed at both of them as he yelled. "You are both as childish as your clothing are unoriginal! So stow it and go find something that has style!" He exclaimed as an irk mark appeared over his head. "Why are there so many people with no sense in style!? I have only seen two other, not including myself, that have hope!"

Lycan smiled and said in a slow voice and a calm face, "I. Am. A. Fighter. I don't care what y'all think of me. I do what I want, I have fun, and I beat the crap out of people." He turned to Light. "You want to go too? You fashion-lacking Pu-Pu Platter!" ((Sorry I couldn't think of a good insult xD )) He was ready to take these people on, he wanted to fight, he needed to fight.
Light glared at the guy as he held out his hand showing to fingers. "Two things you should know. One! Fashion and style are different in my book. And two, you are far too weak to take me on." He said simplily as he crossed his arm before looking at the bear guy. "I never bothered to learn your name, but your hoddie....is.... Amazing!" His eyes began to sparkle as he walked over and inspected it. "The fabric, the color, everything about it is so original and not boring!" He said happily that another person actually had something his eyes would not burn form looking at.


Lycan cleared his throat. "You want to test your little theory of me being too weak for you?" ((All I have to say.))



Archaius crossed his arms and frowned at the other male, the edges of his lips curved downwards as the other laughed at him and made a mockery of what he really was compared to the other. "Hmph." He knew he was physically older than him, so there was no reasoning in arguing with that. He then shook his head at him. "No, children handle their issues with senseless fighting. Men like myself do so by calm conversation about our differences." he said with a nod at Celeste. She stood up to the other male and informed him once again on how immature he was acting, and praised Archaius for 'being the bigger person' and standing down to a fight. No, refusing to fight did not mean losing, it meant doing what was right and just and to not make the folly of senseless blood spilling over a small confrontation. Sure, Archaius did start it, but he was going to end it as well and on the same terms with this other male, no matter how immature he really was. He then looked over as another male appeared on the scene, that being the one that had argued with the redhead girl from before. He then insulted the other male's form of dress and praised Archaius', thus forcing out a small and stifled laugh from him.



Death the Night looked over at the petty confrontation and laughed to herself in a demeaning way to both of them, that is if they even heard it, which was very unlikely. Then had her brother shouted out some usual jargon about style and fashion and whatnot, and all she could do was frown. She removed her arms from around Light and peeked from behind him to really see what was going on. Again had her brother told someone about how nice their style was, and this time being a girl (girl? boy?) with a blue and black hoodie and a panda bear hat who kept claiming to be a bear as well as an adult. Her brother then insinuated a fight with the other male that had been participating the the verbal fight with the bear-person. The other male agreed to physically settle things, and Night just could not have that. So, she jumped out from the row Death the Light had been sitting and stood right in front of the really tall male who kept trying to start a fight. "Listen here, mister!" she spoke sharply, the small girl easily being a foot and a half shorter than him, as she poked his chest with a thin finger. "If you touch my Onii-san, I will have no choice but to kill you." she said with a glare that was almost psychotic.

(uh-oh. Now Lycan has a yandere hot on his trail. My only words for him is to run, unless he wants a younger version of Yuno Gasai coming after him.)
"OH for geezy petes, Lycan! Are you just going to pick a fight with everyone? Should I call Lord Death in here and you can beat his groove thing too while you're at it?" Celeste was getting tired of this. Why do these boys always have to try to one up each other? "You are filled with testosterone we get it now please would you just calm down Lycan or do you and I need to take a step out into the hallway?"
Light let out a sigh as he walked over to his sister and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Night....what did you promise?" He asked as he crouched down so he was eye leveled with his sister. "You were doing really good, don't let this unstylish man make you break it..." He said as he looked her in the eye.
Alma sighed, and made her way up the many, many steps to the DWMA. Forutunatley, most everyone was in a classroom already, so she didn't have to pretend to be a klutz on the steps. She entered the building, and wandered around for a while before she finally found her classroom and entered. Her eyes flicked through the students gathered, and she found a seat as far away from them as possible. They seemed like a rowdy bunch, and she would much rather keep her first day calm and easy.
"Wow!" Momoka gasped at the wonder of the DWMA. With a map in her hands, she bounded up the stairs, finding her way inside the building. After getting lost a few times, Momoka soon found the classroom, but she was hesitant to enter after hearing some shouts. Gathering up her courage, she opened the door to see people fighting each other. With a smile stuck on her face, she made her way to an open seat, not bothering with the people. She didn't like to enter into fights where she had no idea was happening.

Leaning back, she whipped out her notebook, listening intently incase some secrets spill from her new classmates mouth.
Lycan continued to laugh. "Sorry that I'm not a little beeyotch. Y'all are dumb. I'm perfectly calm. I'm just saying since they want to fight, I'll give them what they want. That simple you idiotic buffoons." He laughed and was starting to leave the classroom. He stopped and said, "If you loosens wanted a party, y'all ruined your chance. Everyone else can come though." He then muttered under his breath, "Real man my ass." He had kept his calm physical appearance the entire time.
(Umm, did Lycan kind of ignore the little girl that just came up to him and poked him, giving him a death threat? o3o )

"Would you destroy something perfect in order to make it beautiful?" ~ Gerard Way


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