Dust to Dust

[MENTION=4077]Luka[/MENTION] Alright, no problem. Sadly we're probably going to have to travel away from the scene that you and I were having in favor of what everyone else is doing.

(Also, [MENTION=3672]Ixidor92[/MENTION], [MENTION=3348]Liztopher[/MENTION], and [MENTION=4193]Venomarrah[/MENTION], feel free to role-play without the additional person. [MENTION=4202]CharChar45[/MENTION] isn't on, sadly)
Name – Bellesa Arlequin

Age - 25

Class – Vishakanya

Gender - Female

Strengths - Immune to poisons that have been introduced to her body, fantastic with small swords, knives, and throwing daggers, Bellesa is a tool for assassinations or sometimes just blatant murder, she is not above thievery and could lie her way out of a box. To be an assassin one had to manipulate and mold into their surroundings and that is what she did. She creates different personas for each job she takes on, becoming a cruel seductress, a caring lover, or even scared and naive like a child. She’s a cutthroat looking for fun.

Weaknesses – Because of her ways, she is often beaten or abused. Scars adorn her body, but her face has never been marred. If she is not beautiful, then she has no practical use anymore. And that is what scares her the most. What she wants most is to be useful. With a family that was eager to dispose of her and give her away to become a Vishakanya, she could only depend on herself. A true insomniac, she knows no rest, she can never fall asleep easily, and when she does it’s never for long. She tires out very easily because of this, randomly crashing, wherever her body decides to fall. Impudent, rash, and quick to line her pockets, she doesn’t trust people and she’s not trusted. Because of this if she ever needs help, no one is willing to lend a hand. Deathly afraid of having attachments to people or places.

Appearance- http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2w9q1L6g61qjtxoeo1_r1_1280.jpg

Her usual attire: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/295/9/3/93cc13a1055b38e3964892c1ba8a58a0-d4dz9gk.jpg

Personality – Her line of work leaves the impression that she is a villain or that she’s just out for herself. Well, you’re not wrong if you think that. Bellesa has a love-hate relationship with her line of work. She loves the money, the thrill, the pain she causes, hearing people beg for mercy, etc; however, she is not above doing the right thing. Sometimes, doing the right thing doesn’t get her what she wants, but if she gets to make anyone bleed then it’s alright with her. She wanders aimlessly without a thought as to where she is going, she likes it like that. Staying in one place was never her thing and someone is always out looking to kill her. She likes stirring up trouble, and the majority of the time it never goes her way, but the thrill of it all is simply gratifying for her. Lives for manipulation and craves the pain of others.

History – A family of twelve: A loving mother, a doting father, nine rambunctious ignorant brothers and a lone beautiful and useless daughter. Men were always useful, when it came to working and providing for their family. Women. . . not so much. So of course the daughter was ousted because of this, but she was incredibly lovely for a girl of six, and the men of her family were oh so eager to please and dote on her. That made up for her being useless. The mother was more reluctant to love her. Hateful and jealous, she took her daughter to their kingdom’s slums. A vile place, full of liars, theives, and a small faction of mercenaries. She sold her daughter to become a Vishakanya, visha being poison and kanya being maiden. The daughter, confused, obeyed her mother without the slightest hesitation, welcoming the opportunity to be loved by her mother. When the mother returned home, she conjured up a story to her family, telling them the demise of their baby girl and how her body had been eaten by wolves after she wandered off to play. Becoming a Vishakanya meant abandoning your family or any notion of ever being loved again, because anyone who was actually loved would never be subjected to this kind of life. The little girl learned of her mother’s treachery soon after. The little girl gave up all hope of her ever returning to her and focused on her training. Vishakanya were beautiful girls who were taken or sold to practice Mithridatism, the practice of developing immunity against poisons by administering non-lethal amounts. They were also taught the creation of poisons and creating antivenin. The Vishakanya were used mainly for assassination jobs, and were feared because of their title. There were even superstitions that sleeping with one would kill the partner. Although that has never been confirmed, it didn’t stop the fear that these women induced. Out of all the Vishakanya, one stood out the most, was wanted the most, killed the most. Her name was Bellesa, the last of the Vishakanya, and she wanted revenge against the mother who sold her. And so began her bloody quest.
[MENTION=4181]DozenRoses[/MENTION] Accepted, though I have two minor issues. Firstly, I'm not entirely comfortable with how provocative your character appears in the picture. I would appreciate it if you would have a picture or supply a description that would allow her to appear much more clothed. Though I don't mind a small amount of skin showing, the appearance of your character is a bit much.

Also, secondly, how am I going to get you into the role-play... let me think on this. I will have an answer to this question as soon as I can.
(I intend to finish this tomorrow.)

- Licht Fluer Noire

Age - 28

Class - Doomcryer

Gender - Female

Strengths - Licht specializes in dark magic and she can see and smell in the dark. Licht also utilizes her voice, usually by screaming for various effects in and out of battle.

Weaknesses - Having lost her family at a young age, Licht has hallucinations about her parents. Licht also seeks the love of others. She is terrified of Anastasia.

Appearance -Spoiler: (This is Licht. Her hair is black, and she is wearing a black robe in tatters and covered in blood.)

Personality - Licht is whimsical and child-like in nature. She is often smiling and acting polite in most serious situations.

History -

Licht was the daughter of two farmers. They may not have had much money, but that did not stop them for doing whatever they could for the daughter they loved so dearly. The night of Licht's birth, a man with a silver bell with a skull face on it arrived at their door step, asking for shelter offering the bell as payment. Licht's father looked at the bell with great suspicion, but took it and let the man stay with them so Licht would have someone to play while her parents worked. Overtime, the beggar man became Licht's best friend. Five years later, a man wearing a black robe paid them a visit asking about the bell the beggar had, and when he saw Licht playing with it, it was too easy to tell that the man was a Necromancer. He shrouded the entire house in the dark. Licht and the beggar hid upstairs. Licht's mother had her very life drained out of her, and her father fought to keep the necromancer away, but the necromancer took Licht's father and stabbed him in the heart. The necromancer then came upstairs to meet Licht and the beggar. The beggar offered the bell but took the sword from the necromancer and ran for dear life unaware that Licht was left with the necromancer's bell. For three weeks, she spent crying and harvesting the remaining crops to stay alive.

And then one day, a rabbit with white fur was hopping around and made its way to Licht. She started to smile as she pet the rabbit's fur. However her smile turned into a look of fear a figure appeared in front of her. It was the fearsome Necromancer known as Anastasia. She began to run for dear life, but Anastasia grabbed her hand, and offered her an agreement. Teach her the power of darkness in exchange for her assistance with sending the world into everlasting darkness. For fifteen years, Anastasia taught Licht how to manipulate the darkness. However, living with Anastasia was like a walk in the park. Anastasia would often whip her, scare her, and most of the times that they sparred, Anastasia would beat Licht half to death. One day, Licht ran away from Anastasia as she should have fifteen years ago. Licht wanders the world frightened and scared.
You've been accepted, though your history seems rather incomplete. However, that might be on purpose, which is fine.

I will probably tie in your joining of the group with DozenRoses, as your characters would probably be decent allies. I will private message you both shortly (after I consider how on earth I'm going to have you two enter)


[MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION]

Be patient as I consider how I add you guys, alright? I will get to you both soon.

Also, on a side note, I decided to add a banner to the role-play's main page. All of the cool kids are doing it, so I found an old picture, messed with it a bunch, plastered the name of the game onto it, and there we have it. In my personal opinion, it looks rather cool.
Good to know, and I could help you with that. I just made some changes and decided to repost, so no rush.
xfcygvuhib;jko'njftyhzbdc I wished everyone was on at the same time! I don't want to move on too much without everyone's reply! *Sighs*
Sorry if it appears that I rushed the battle, guys. We already hit ten pages, and I wanted to keep going. So many plot points, too little time.
I'm actually sorry I couldn't get there sooner. I just dont want to leave anyone out. I think I might have to soon if I dont get replies from the people around my character...
Well, at this point, they are technically right behind you. Since the maiden will have to talk to them anyways, there will be a short period in which they will be able to post.

Also, because of this,

- If you do not post at least once every four days your character will be killed and I will request for you to either create a new one or leave the role-play. If you give me sufficient reason why you cannot reply within four days or longer and supply the following actions for your character, I will allow him/her to survive for as long as you tell me. Note, however, if this time exceeds the amount of time you requested, I will then proceed to kill your character. This game wouldn't be hopeless if I didn't constantly murder the crap out of your character. Thank you, that is all.
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Name - Aliana Xion

Age - 26

Class - Traveling Sorceress

Gender - Female

Strengths - Aliana has some the powers of the moon. It may not sound like much, but she can do quite a lot with this. She has a great control over gravity, but only in a small space. She may change the gravity of one person, to five. She can bend gravity to make the environment very “heavy” or “light”, cause objects to “fall” toward another object instead of the earth.

She may use this gravity manipulation on herself too, causing her to float, or even fly.
She may also manipulate one's sense of gravity, which is a very hard skill, and give them great vertigo. But with this, she can do it strongest with one person. If she was to use this on many people, it would be very hard, and less effective then to one.

Then, she has this curious ability. She can take on the form of her purest moon-energy state. Known as a "Will-o-wisp", this is her greatest defense skill. Only during the night may she be this curious small blue energy orb, and she uses it to her advantage. In this state, she may come upon a pack of wolves, a couple of travelers, or may embark into the caves of a volcano and stay completely safe.
As being an orb of energy, she admits a large amount of light, easy to see in the darkest caves. Being found as an innocent fairy-like being, one will not harm her but grow curious over her. This is where she may deceive, or escape without a trace. She may lead someone over a cliff, for example, by making the curious follow her.

Weaknesses - With all this talk about gravity, it'd be a good time to mention Aliana can actually get vertigo quite easily if she gets in over her head with manipulating gravity. Being in her will-o-wisp state, she cannot use her powers of manipulation. She also can't transform into her will-o-wisp state during the day. Aliana must, quite literally, 'charge' during the night to reserve her powers for the day. She cannot use her powers fully during the day, but is still practicing to reserve her powers. She hasn't gotten very far at all, only able to change gravity over herself and no one else.

View attachment 10914

Personality - Aliana is a quiet, yet strong girl. She is still an innocent child, naive and inexperienced. Though mature from her granted power, she's not as... human as others. She does not understand sarcasm, jokes, or any means of 'street smarts'. She is very kind and generous, but too timid to even come forth to anyone. She is brave, but not in the way knights may be. She has many fears which she constantly tried to overcome.

History - Aliana was a blessing on her family, the regular humans under rule of Ozgiliath. His land, city, and people are harsh. Cruel. If you were too slow while walking on the streets, you were pushed to the ground and spat on, like a dog. Tax collectors took more than what was supposed, including daughters, treasure, and money for themselves. Death was a regular incident. War was common. Magic was forbidden.

She was born on the clearest night of the year, the moon full in the sky. They took her instantly outside the city grounds in secret, showing her the life outside the city; the life they wished to be in. But the family knew nothing of living on their own. They only hoped to survive in the walls of the city. That night, and every year after, they went outside the city with their beloved child and prayed. Prayed to whatever god or goddess there was out there, for a chance. even if it was to be only for their daughter. They begged for a chance.

Only on her tenth birthday did they receive an answer. Though, it was of no gods, but three magical beings. It was of little surprise, because the family had already known of them. They were known, because her mother was of a family of sorcerers. Her mother wasn't one herself, having skipped the generation of magic, but they were told their daughter hadn't.

Her mother's family was special when it came to magic, though. They weren't each granted random powers in birth. No, they were apprentices at birth. To gain their abilities and powers, they had to be around the affinity. And the only thing Aliana had to go on, was the moon and it's magical properties that they visited so often. In the past, the apprentice was always known of, and was quickly placed around the objects and affinities the parents seemed fit for their child. Never had a child not been given an affinity, so Aliana seemed to be a bit of a special case. She took it upon herself to choose the moon, and not any other affinity around her on a normal basis, such as the earth under her feat, or the hot coals and fire her father worked on for his whole life. The sorcerers believed that the parents did chose the moon for her, since they seemed to give her a path of hope through the moon.

Her parents were extatic. Their daughter had answered their prayed, and granted their wish.

Her father was one of the many weaponry smiths for Ozgiliath, so when they finally fled to live with their related sorcerers, not many people noticed his
disappearance. Not at first.

When they crossed the city line and gave their child to the three sorcerers so they could easily carry their possessions and give them time to know Aliana, night scouts found them. The general night scout, only seeing from his point of view, saw a couple trading their goods for a magical child. This was a crime.

He ordered Aliana's mother and father to imprisonment under treachery, and banished the sorcerers from coming to the city ever again, or be killed on sight. The three had no choice but to leave.

Until she turned 20, she stayed with these masters of magic, honing what skills she had and was studied constantly. These magic people had forgotten of how their ancestors gained their power, how it could come naturally rather than forcing an affinity upon a being. Aliana was the perfect case.

These people also didn't know of the constant war outside of their own, spacing themselves with forests and walls. So when Aliana decided to leave in quest to find her family, no one stopped her.

Now, she roams the forest, moving from village to village, to scared land and mass graves, timid from a lack of experience, not sure if she should truly live in the villages, forests, go back to her home with the magic people like her, or continue her quest.
@Venomarrah... Before I say anything, allow me to at least say how awesome your character is. The abilities are interesting, the weaknesses are sound, the history is fluid, and the overall concept is clear and makes sense. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your character's backstory, and as a whole, the character was rather interesting.

However, your character has little to do with the plot, and no matter how many weaknesses you take on, the strengths are simply too powerful.

To put it simply; When Ozgiliath ruled the kingdom, he provided peace and prosperity; the entire nation loved his reign thoroughly, they he became mentally insane as time progressed. When Anastasia attacked, it finally caused Ozgiliath to snap. He abandoned his role as king, and instead took the role as general; forcing civilians and soldiers alike into his service. With what power he had, he infected their minds with endless training and practice, among other things...

Now they live as his warrior slaves. They number about twenty thousand, and are all equipped with thick armor, a sword, and a shield. Over the years, however, they began to decay; each set of armor is possessed, and have two primarily effects; they make the wearer's rather senseless to pain, while also killing them. And they glow a bright, blue hew. He calls them his "Legion of Flame" for their miraculous glowing shade.

Next on the list... I have literally had to write this out three times already, so this is the forth. *sigh*

There are two types of magic; Necromancy and Pyromancy. Necromancy controls shadows and darkness, Pyromancy controls spontaneous flame. Each form of magic requires at least two decades to fully understand the basic art, along with the understanding of the magic and the control over the forces in which they control. No single person can learn both Necromancy and Pyromancy; they're neutral opposites. Ying and Yang. Light and Dark. Heat and Cold. Life and Death. Honor and Shame. Courage and Fear. Day and Night. Dreams and Nightmares. They both exist on opposites sides of the spectrum, and there are no forms of magic in between.

Alright. I believe I'm done with my rant.
Thank you very much.

I did skim over Ozgiliath's last paragraph, that is completely my fault.

I can always increase the weaknesses. I realized I made all my weaknesses for her during the day, and almost nothing at night. Easy fix.

But I read back to the very first paragraphs, and I swear I saw you say a sorceress was acceptable. And truthfully, if I was to say I was a necromancer, I'd literally need a crippling effect for each monster I animated. It just doesn't work with your rules.

It's going to be hard to change Aliana completely with so little option..
Crippling weakness for each monster you animated...?

I fear that you're missing something. Necromancer is not the animation of the dead. Necromancy is the presentation and manipulation of shadows. The ability to make an area darker, to blind foes, and, if the darkness is thick enough, to strike your opponent was a force of literal pure shadow.

It has nothing to do with summoning. Note that Anastasia only possessed the ability to summon an army of demons by sacrificing both her sanity, and unleashing a majority of her power (both from study and from the power of the dragons which she acquired). Basically, every demon you fight is a tiny fragment of the manifestation of drakes. It could have been much worse; with Anastasia power, she could have created five equally powerful dragons... if she were sane.

Note that creating demons requires; 1) Soul of the Dragons 2) 800+ years of studying Necromancy 3) Selling your loyalty to an unknown power through a dark ritual

Given these three, demons can be summoned from both another realm and your own abilities. Though you have no direct control over them, they do understand "Attack" and "Don't attack"

Are there any other questions?
Necromancy is a claimed form of magic involving communication with the deceased.

"The blackest of all the black arts is undoubtedly necromancy, the ancient method of communication with the dead. The art of raising the dead and controlling their spirits takes its name from Greek words meaning "dead" and "divination"."

You're thinking of Shadow and Darkness Manipulation, yes? There is no word for that, together as a whole power. There is Obtenebration, which is the ability to darken something. Umbragenesis Is to summon darkness.

You should really give all of your information out right, in the beginning. The information given in the beginning was spotty and left room for many errors. You can't get defensive and angry over people who don't understand.
I'm not trying to get angry, nor am I trying to start an argument. I really don't need you telling me what I'm doing wrong. I get enough of that in real life, thank you. That's why I role-play.

"Necro" is the Latin word for "Death," yes? Commonly, the word "Necromancer" is translated as "Manipulater" or "Conjurer of Death," which would make a lot of sense if you were referring to the summoning of the dead. However, I'm looking at more of the abstract concept which embodies the thought of death.

In many folk tales, there is a man known simply as the "Grim Reaper" who kills those who either deserve it, or simply need to die, as it is their time. The Grim Reaper is the ancient embodiment of "Death." Thusly, if you go even further into that concept, "Death" is an embodiment rather than a thing. Death, in this sense, is a concept which can be filled by a character.

In Greek Mythology, Zeus is the God of The Heavens, and of Thunder. In this sense, he is the embodiment of thunder. Thunder being an object. Something you can actually see, feel, and hear, right? But what about Aphrodite? She was the Goddess of Love. Love, in this sense, was also a concept. A feeling, an emotion. And what is it represented by? Pink.

Now to tie all of these loose ends together; let's look at a single person as this "Avatar," so to speak. The person embodying the concept. Death, in this sense, is the natural event in which the soul leaves the body. It is represented, commonly, by the color Black. In Medieval, Norse, and Scandinavian (commonly referred to as "Viking") folk tales, death is actually represented by a giant, black fog, which consumes the dying individual. In this sense, Death has moved from a concept (such as Love) and has gone to an object (such as Thunder).

So, the person then embodying this thing (this thing being a black fog, which is commonly known as shadows or darkness) is a manipulator of Death. They can control and contort Death to their will. Death, at this point, is embodied by the shadows which I've explained earlier. So, thusly; Death = Necro, Manipulator = Mancer, put them together... Necromancer!

I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just trying to explain my thought process on this one. The entire point of the role-play was to be vague so that people would come up with ideas for their character's on their own, and I would have a hand in helping them out. It was also wrote out like that because people would get extremely bored if I explained everything (search for Ashes of Chaos in the search box, type right corner. It's basically the same thing as this, only different back-story and rather complex rule system).
I get what you mean, but theres a point between "Okay, have fun with it!" And "Okay, have fun with it! Oh, and let me tell you the rules I didn't decide to mention in the beginning once you finish your character."

This is why you had to fix so many people's bios. Truthfully, no one ever reads other characters and comments on them. They just create their own and wait. Maybe read on them if they get curious after. It's not common for people to completely read a whole thread just to make their own character.

Your ideas are interesting, yes. Though you're stretching it very, very far. As if you've missed B When going from A to D.

Once again, no one knows this concept until you tell them.

I'm not trying to be rude, or to point out flaws, but you understand my situation, yes?
Yes, yes, I understand. I would rather not map everything out, as it would requite extensive explanation. I will try to shorten such things in the future, and I will explain what needs to be explained in the history. However, not tonight. Tomorrow begins exams, and I am very, very tired. *sigh* My bed calls for me...
Thank you for understanding. That is all I wanted. I shall either recreate Aliana later on or scrap her and make a new one!
Sorry, exams are a pain. I will be posting less often as a result. Feel free to keep the role-play going without me, though I probably have to explain the next plot point for you guys to do so. *sigh* I will soon.
Two things, everybody. Two rather important things

Firstly, we need to get things moving. I urge everyone to fall asleep so that I can pull the whole "cut-scene" trope to help move things along. I really don't want this role-play to fail, and hanging out in the same area for too long will eventually cause us to do so.

Secondly, I really like this concept which I've created, and as such, I'm thinking about writing out a short story for the "Five." That way you guys receive a better picture of who they were and who they are now, and I get to pour my desire to write into another outlet. (Not to mention that my writing club is rather humped at me for not writing anything). Sound good?

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