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Dungeon Life

He'd Vanish from sight and grab her pinning her against the wall... "Calm down....." He'd kiss her nose to make her embarrassed..
She blushed and growled, her human conscience slowly regaining control. She struggled to get out of his grip, growling still, but gradually easing down on the fighting
He'd Then pat her head and laugh.. "Your acting like a dog in human form.... wow... " He'd kiss her on the cheek and let go.."
Her human form regained control and didn't take kindly to his words. "I'm nota dog, I'm a wolf. " She snarled, glaring at him and rubbing her nose
"I do not!" She fumed, not remembering acting like a wolf. She rubbed her cheek and picked up some raw meat, chewing and not looking at him
He'd appear infront of her and looks into her eyes.. "You sure have a thing for me licking me like you did..." He'd laugh so hard he'd fall backwards...
She blushed and her hair rose. "I did WHAT?!" She practically yelled and glared at him. "It meant nothing! I was in my animal state and my human conscience had no power" she stated, remembering now.
"Hello Charlotte, hello... Shanouk." As she eyed the wolf, Ruskea's hesitation was obvious and her tail started swinging back and forth. There really did seem to be too damn many canines around here. At least she didn't freak out quite so much this time! Instead she offered her hand for a shake, though her eyes never QUITE left Shanoul.
"Good I believe our team is ready." Radu said standing up from the bench "And yes waiting was a good idea I didn't expect this many people." Radu said as everyone gathered around.
Shaking the strangers hand, "and what might your name be?" she asked. Looking at her she noticed her eyes still on Shanouk, "Don't worry Shanouk won't harm you. Give it time and i'm sure you'll become good friends."
Torgal approached the group of companions that stood around the entrance and threw his arms around the blacksmith and the archer, giving them a hearty squeeze. "Hello there, waiting for me to go into the big bad dungeon?" He asked.
"Uh... heyyyy, and you are...who? I take it your going into the Labyrinth as well. I mean obviously your going in too. By the way i'm Charlotte and this is Shanouk." she said pointing to the wolf beside her.
Sable noticed just how many people there were.When the concentration on her ball game was broken as the ball dispersed right in the air.It would make its way back into the gourd before she sat down deciding to wait out the beginning parts where everyone got ready to enter.
Vendetta shrugged and smiled, knowing her pack was going into the Labryinth, as a pack. She appeared home and walked to a small hidden hot spring. She got out of her dress and walked into the spring, washing the blood of her body.
"Wha? High? Gods? That id'otic twit for a moon god an' the Huntress er... high?! S'riously?"

Rick has had enough.

"THA'S IT! We are LEAVIN' this god fersaken' place an' enterin' the damn lab'rinth! I am fin'shed with tha stupid antics o' tha gods. Make 'em do their jobs and bless us, er whatever. At least in there-"

He points inside the cave entrance.

"-we can control our own dest'nies. Out 'ere, we're just whims fer those imm'rtal dinguses! Le's go!"

He starts to stomp over to the dungeon entrance before stopping.

Riiight. Introduce yourself, bud.

"Oh, an' I'm Rick Martyr. Nah like any o' you care."

He then steps inside.
"I'm Ruskea. Professional apothecary, professional alchemist, professional herbalist, and amateur cleric. And I..." That was when the dwarf spoke up and headed into the dungeon. Dwarves were usually pretty hardy, right? And he had two axes, so he PROBABLY knew what he was doing when it came to a fight! Yeah, he seemed a good one to stick with."...And I care a little!"

With that, she followed behind Rick. "So. You don't seem to like gods too much!"
Arubion would Finish relaxing and throw on a cloak and armor... He'd then grab his Giant Buster Blade and head out to the dungeon... No one would be able to tell who he was other then some random adventurer.. His tails and ears would also be hidden under his armor..
Vendetta got out of the hot spring and shook herself dry, placing her dress back on. it turned into normal cloth and had a hood. Her white hair was put into a bun and she walked down to the Labryinth, smiling at the people. She smiled and looked at her adopted pack members bowing to them in turn.

"All tha gods seem ta do is mess 'round an' throw me out of buildins' and get high. I have a feelin' they should care a lil' more aboot their foll'wers and less 'bout lickin' each other."

At this point, the cloaked adventurer comes into view, and Vendetta arrives and begins bowing.

"That one, there, her older brother? Acted crazy in front o' me, so when I tried ta help 'im, he gets angry an' the like an' throws me fifty feet out o' the door, an' then sends me on this stupid quest in tha first place. Vend'tta 'erself isn't quite so bad, seein' as she a' least TRIED ta help me, but she's too inf'uenced by 'er brother tha moon god. An' you, cloaked guy, wha's yer name? Why don't ya show yer face?"

At this point Rick is just outside of the entrance, poised to enter once everyone's ready.
Arubion wouldn't speak still concealed in the full armor and cloak... They wouldn't be able to tell who he was so he'd act like he couldn't speak.. He'd make a gesture saying he couldn't talk..

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