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Dungeon Life

Rick approaches the city.

Ah, the City of the Labyrinth. If there were ever any miscreants who needed a choice like he got 10 years ago, then this would be the place they are.

The gate comes into view. A bored-looking guard waves Rick through, and the first view of the city he gets... is a sign.


The sign shimmers once, changing letters.


Rick bursts out laughing. An illusionist's... GROTTO?! This is ridiculous. Why call it a "grotto"? And why would anyone want to attract the swine that rely on spells and trickery to win them fights? Better to hand a youngling an axe than a wand.

He walks through the streets, passing by the Huntress Circle in the center of the city and managing to hold himself together. At least they're issued weapons.

A thought enters his head as he approaches the outskirts of this place.

People... who seek penance for their actions... would probably go to a shrine, right? Pray for forgiveness?

What shrine could he go to that -

Ah. There we go. A temple.

Just what Rick needs.

He approaches the building and walks in, noticing the presence of some strange man and a woman... no, a girl. Sixteen or so.

Ach. He was never that great at social situations. Time to break the ice!

"... Well? Is this a temple? Like, a religious service sort of thing?"
Arubion would look at the Dwarf as he entered the temple being noisy as can be... He'd shake his head and look at the man. " This is my Temple, I am the God Arubion Mundansu, The God of the Moon" He'd look at the man and sigh yet again..
(Time to enact the dwarven accent!)

... Oh sweet mother of god, he's dealing with a lunatic, isn't he?

"Ah. I, uh... I see. A god. Is this, like... code? Do ye have someone who watches over ye, and makes sure yer not just... wand'rin off?

He had to get this poor, mentally challenged man back to his overseer, or something.

"Wouldja like ta come wit' me, sir? I can find ya yer watcher if ye like."

He comes closer to the god, making a placating gesture with his hands.

"Are ye wearin' a costume, lad? Thar's a lot of tails..."
Arubion would scoff and Appear behind the man.. He'd pick the man up and look at him.. "Really? Insulting a god is like a death sentence.... Your lucky I am to lazy to kill a weakling" He'd throw the man 50 feet back outside the temple... He'd then appear infront of the girl he was having a conversation with.

@SnakyDragon @Airebisi
"My name is Sable." she said after jumping a bit the powder started to flow from the gourd on its own before she calmed down and it flowed back in.She would look back and watch as the man was thrown.Before she knew it he was in-front of her again.The suddenly appearign and what not kept making her jump. [apparently this didn't post earlier]
The moment Arubion teleports behind Rick (battle senses), the dwarf knows he's made a grave mistake.

"Och, lad! I'm sorry! I dinna know ye were a real goAAAAAAAAAD!"

He lands in a heap. He stumbles his way back onto his feet and looks back at the temple.

He bravely gathers himself, and walks up to the temple again. He arrives just in time to see the kissing of the hand.

Ah, a god with manners, nonetheless. He really screwed up this time.

A'right, take two: Convince god to let you in on whatever he's doin'. Action! Sorry, mate. I get pretenders and liars all the time on the road. Won' happen again."

He thinks for a moment.

"I don't s'pose a god like ye has need for a dwarf like me? Make up for me slip-ups?"
He'd look at the daring Dwarf... "Hmm.. If you prove your metal then I shall allow you in....." He'd point at the Dungeon's Entrance...
"... Deal. That's, uh... That's quite the form'dable-lookin' dungeon ya got there, lad... do I just get in, er do I wait fer others?"

Rick isn't too keen on proving his mettle to an angry god rather than finding some folks who need honest-to-god (heh) help, but he couldn't have bad karma following him on his journey, now could he? Besides, it's not as if anything he'd face in there could be worse than that one time those pirates hired a mage... Nasty one, too. Killed three crewmembers before he cut off his head.

Deciding not to let the god answer his question, he walks over to the entrance and stops.

Yeah, he'll need help.
Radu stared at his completed work as the grinding wheel came to a halt. He gave it a few quick swings as he became accustomed to the new weapon. Throwing the weapon over his right shoulder Radu headed out of the shop for the final time, He would now head back to the shrine to meet the others that had joined his family. Radu quickly made his way back to the temple, walking in he found it to be empty. "Must have beaten everyone else back." Radu said as he placed his halberd ax down on the ground. Finding a spot to rest Radu sat down as he waited for the return of the others and the goddess.
"Well, I didn't want to head down into the dungeon without a prayer or two first." Sable told him before she put her hand back by her side.She would then stretch slightly for a moment before looking towards the dungeon.
"I've just given you my blessing, if you need to you can sleep at my temple.. Its quite larger on the inside" He'd bow and start to head inside.. "I've made tea want some?.."
Vendetta was watching him from a dark corner, smirking her eyes glowing. She stood up to her full height and, with her dress of mist following her, walked over. "Hello there. What new weapon have you today?" She asked, leaning over him. Her pure white hair brushed his nose and she chuckled.

"Thank you and yes tea would be nice." Sable accepted his offer for tea and followed him, glad she would have time to relax before entering the dungeon.
He'd enter the temple and it's insides would be huge but simple.. there would be a table with tea on it and he'd offer her a seat.. "So are you from out of town?.."
"Yes I've been travelling for a long time to get here actually." she would take her seat closing her eyes for a moment before adjusting herself slightly.She knew why she was her to test her fathers work that's all it was.It was what she accomplished with it that would matter to her.Not treasure or anything like that sure she would like to find valuable things for her family but, still she could set that aside.
"Hmm then would you like to stay here in my temple?... its not much but its atleast warm and dry.." He'd pour her tea and look at the moon that always appear in the skylight
"Oh this?" Radu said as he slightly lifted his weapon, "This is my self made halberd." He said as he stood placing the weapon back on his shoulder. "Though... I haven't properly named it. I never was the creative type." Radu said with a slight chuckle. "Do you have any good names you could think of for it?" He asked as he looked back at the goddess.
"Is it light or heavy? Strong or weak? Protective or defensive?" She asked. This would help the White goddess with the naming of his weapon. She tilted her head at him, her mind already forming a name. "Self made was it?" She said, interlocking her fingers, sitting on a small stone bench.
"The finest steel of the land makes up the ax and the strongest, hardest wood forms the shaft. As for weight it is light enough for me to swing without any loss of speed yet still has the weight at the top end to do some serious puncture damage, and as for offense or defense it's primarily and offensive weapon but it's superior reach over a normal ax or sword which allows me to be able to attack from a small distance is it's defense." Radu loved talking about weapons especially the ones he created, because just like all other black smiths he poured his heart into his work and so it had become an extended part of himself.
Arubion would vanish from the temple and arrive at the Huntress's circle.. He'd walk in and yawn..He'd come up to the Goddess and the kid.
Vendetta nodded. "Why not Supernova or something?" She says, tilting her head at him. She saw Arubion. "Hello, can I help you?" She asked him, well, more like snarled at him. Her eyes blew dangerously red. She was a wolf so if someone appeared on her territory for no reason, Vendetta got extremely angry.
Arubion would look at her and laugh... "Mighty defensive aren't you?" He'd look at the Halberd and laugh.... He'd laugh so hard he'd fall over cracking up..
"What the hell are you laughing about?!" She snarled and got up, her hair rising defensively and her teeth growing sharp. Vendetta glared at Arubion. "Is there something you want?" She growled, clenching her fists
"Hmm you really think you can hit me?... calm down.... youngling" He'd stop laughing standing up... His nine tails would swirl around behind him and his ears would twitch.

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