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Dual Angel

"It's a place humans go to wash clothes." He explained, and took the pile of feathers away. He started to clean around though there wasn't too much t clean anyway.
"A place where humans wash their cloths...," Micah swung her feet about and watched Chez go about picking things up and dusting things off ,"May I go? I'd like to see this lawn-dro-mat."
"I was hoping to rest up for a bit more. Perhaps we should go later?" Micah felt a bit uncomfortable making a suggestion but she really was tired. Chez didn't seem like he would mind if she asked.
Chez nodded. "Yeah, we can go later." He looked at her again. "If you want, you can sleep in my bed. Rest up, then we can go do more."
"Thank you... what's a bed?" Chez had his own did Micah need to get one? She could borrow from Chez for now but she couldn't rely on him forever.
Micah went over to the bed. She felt the blanket and poked the pillow ,"What exactly is this sleeping? What do I do?" She looked to Chez for direction.
Chez watched her inspect the bed. "Well, you lay down on it, and close your eyes. It's like meditating, but you're unconscious instead. But a self induced unconsciousness."
Micah thought about it. She could do that ,"Self-induced unconsciousness," long, funny words. Micah laid down on top of the bed using the cushion for her head. She tried to 'sleep' but it wouldn't happen ,"It's too cold,"
Chez chuckled. "Ja, you're supposed to use the blankets" He flipped back the blankets to show her. "Get under this and it will keep you warm as you sleep."
Chez watched her climb under the blankets then smiled a bit. He walked out of the room while she went to sleep and went into the kitchen to make mac 'n cheese. She could eat when she woke up.

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