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Fantasy Dreams of the Second Age

Pyter nods. "Who has a manse that was nearby? That should provide a safe location to start working from. Was it you, Tyrant?" He frowns as he tries to remember.
Seeing the indecision in the other Exalts, Mor'du clears his throat. "I know a place that is not too far from here that the Lunars of the area use to teach foundlings on how to use their powers, and to determine which caste they belong to. It is only about a day's travel from here, but it is in the middle of some very rugged territory. The Solars may have some troubles getting in unless you have some Charms to make things easier. There is a Steward that runs the trials there named Murdock. It was he that gave me my tattoos for the Full Moon caste. The old man can be a bit . . . eccentric, but he means well. From there, we can decide on what course this ship needs to be taking."

Pyter glances over at the bear. "It sounds good to me. Lets go."
Solistrae tilts her head at the Lunar. "A place near by where Lunars teach younger lunars? But what is this about determining the Caste? It settles on its own right?" She remembers the day hers did anyway, and she caused so much chaos that day. Chased all over Meru with disapproving eyes and words on the lips of everyone that was a Celestial. She smiles to herself after a moment and motions for him to lead the way, better than sitting around waiting for one of those threats to come by and take a bite out of them.
"Ok hold it, first chimera's now tattoos determining caste? What? When? How?" Grifnir throttled his head back and forth shaking off his befuddlement and was about to take another try at the question. He looked at Sol and nodded, " Yeah, I'm also curious about the chimera you mentioned earlier. What is a chimera or these tattoos you just mentioned, since when have these even been a thing and how did it get to the point where you need tattoos to have a caste?" Grifnir asked genuinely baffled at this development while following the group of their new guides.
Mor'du pulls up the sleeve of his shirt and shows off his moonsilver markings. "These. All the Lunar Exalts have them now, or we begin to mutate uncontrollably. The Chimera are those that have not been locked into a caste and have become so twisted they no longer have a true human form. We need them now from spending too much time in the Wyld after the Usurpation, hiding from the Sidereals and their Loom of Fate. You should talk to Murdock about this. After all, he's the No Moon and is supposedly wise. I just like to break things."
"Wow...that...really sucks... though I will admit, when I was scouting and had, well still have, my Piercing Gaze activated. I saw the Tattoos on you but..." Grifnir turned to Amara, "Not on you rookie. So, if you don't mind sharing, what's been going on with the Solars of this age?" Grifnir's eyes seemed to rapidly move from the group often, taking in the environment. His eyes began to focus seeing if he could evaluate the disposition of the spirit court as he followed the group.
Amara moves quickly through the ruins until the group reaches a section of the outer wall that has been broken down enough to climb. "I can't answer for all Solars, but I was a part of a mercenary company based out of Nexus. We had a contract to escort some special goods to Gem. Never did find out what was so important that they wanted us to play guard duty for it. Well, we had made it pretty far South before we were jumped by a bunch of Wyld-twisted mutants with some kind of massive ogre. That thing was cutting through our ranks like a scythe before I took my sword and faced it. That's when I took my Second Breath, and it was a good thing, too, or else I'd probably be dead. Well, the leader of the band was thankful for my help, but he didn't fancy running around with some Anathama, and I left to make my own fortune in the world. Thats when I ran into Pyter. He came to me with a warning that a whole bunch of Dragon Blooded out of Paragon were gunning for my head, and he helped me to get away."

Moving into the jungle, travel slows down quite a bit. Mor'du transforms himself into a monkey and climbs up into a tree, while Amara and Pyter both climb up and start to jump from branch to branch.
After all of the new names and words thrown into that story that didn't seem to register to him, Grifnir nodded, "Well, from the sound of things looks like I need to look over a map or two. Anyway, rather than bombarding you with all the questions at once let's start with what this Anathema thing is." As the guides answered these questions, Grifnir made a point to monitor the condition of the rest of the team wondering how they were doing at absorbing all of these developments. Continuing to follow Mor'du, Grifnir activated Graceful Crane stance and Blazing Solar Bolt to destroy a long line of small branches and climb the falling leaves leisurely like a staircase.
Solistrae, shifts her form to one that flies, a bird from the region that she had acquired long ago. She takes the sky or rather the tree canopy air between ground and tree top. Never far from the group, she keeps an eye on the group but with a form such as this she no longer can question the 'modern' era exalts, but that was fine. A Lunar Elder would be better to glean information from. Or rather information pertaining to this region and the Lunars themselves. It worries her the Lunars need the tattoos, but from Mor'du she gathered they were more useful to have than not, especially if they had a way to keep the eyes of Yu Shan off of them. She lands on a branch after a moment and turns her birdy gaze upon the others. The married pair had a place, one they were confident in, but one they were keeping to themselves. She supposed she couldn't blame them, the Silvermoon Hatchery she had taken pains to hide from the era of her birth, and she rarely cared for visitors. Perhaps they were pensive about that?

Sol takes off once again, though hoping from tree to tree, keeping pace behind Grifnir returning her thoughts to those of the Lunars. What were they like now, beholden to their Solar Mates, or jaded as Ma-Ha-Suchi seemed to have turned out to be. A bit of her mourns his change, she was partial to his ways back before Creation fell to this degraded state.
As you jump (or fly) from tree to tree, Amara tries to explain the 'Anathama' term. It takes a while as she hops along, but eventually you get the gist that being called Anathama is a bad thing, and people come out of the woodworks to try and kill you. Never a good thing.

It is several long, hot hours later when Mor'du finally comes to a halt. He takes to his human form and pulls out a canteen and takes a deep drink. He points to some scratch marks on the nearby rock. "For those that don't recognize the symbols, these marks on the rocks tell that we are now entering the territory of Murdock the Elder. I do not expect any trouble from him, but he can be a bit unusual. I personally think that spending so much time in the Wyld when he was younger has affected his mind. Or he's just faking being crazy to make everyone leave him alone. In any case, we should be able to track down Murdock within the next hour or so."

The rocky terrain makes things very slow going for those stuck on the ground. Using Charms will make things much easier, but it is still an effort to make your way deeper into the Elder's territory. Finally, Mor'du signals another stop. Once everyone has caught up to him, he lets out a loud bellow, a wordless cry that lasts several seconds. Once he is done, he stands and waits. Fifteen seconds or so go by and you hear a inhuman screech in reply. The source of the cry is near.
Grifnir's eyes narrow trying to see if Mor'du knew more than he implied through the magic of his deception piercing sight. His eye's then scanned their surroundings tracing over the patterns and lines of Essence and their flow, analyzing the affects at play making sure his friends and himself would not be at risk in this domain. He moved back toward Sol, inviting her to perch on his shoulder should she still be in a bird form. Speaking in Old Realm Grifnir shared his intentions softly among the circle members nearby, "His comment about this elder concerns me, I'll signal if I get the impression that we will be attacked."
Tyrant continued to march in silence along the ground unhurriedly until their arrival. Carefully noting the curious markings, he nodded but kept his thoughts on the matter to himself. Despite his grudging acceptance to go along with scouting the area out before leaving, he found himself enjoying being on the path less traveled once again. Raising an eyebrow at the screech, his eyes idly scanned the jungle both up and down. Nodding slightly at Grinfir's whisper, he shifted his stance slightly to be ready for anything and waited for the lunar to show himself.
A monstrous eagle, easily large enough to carry off a man in its claws, comes flying down from one of the many caves in the rocks above you. It looks over the assembled Exalts for a moment before shimmering and shifting into a human male that stands just under six foot tall. He is wearing moonsiver armor and has a pair of short daikalves on his belt. He lets out a loud cry, "Mor'du! You old bear! I haven't seen you in years! And when you do come to visit, you bring outsiders to my nest? Faugh! If you weren't my old pupil, I would have some harsh words for you. I hope you have a good explanation for this intrusion."

"Of course. It is a long story, but the short of it is, we are in need of a place of refuge, and I knew you were here. These Exalts have many questions that I cannot answer, and you are well known for your wisdom."

"Ha! You have developed a nasty bit of ass-kissing in your middle years. Why should I do anything for them? Who are they that I should concern myself with their questions?"

"These three are Chosen of Luna, and should be given the respect due to them, and as your old student, do you not owe me a parting gift that I never took from you? I would claim that now, and have you offer these people guest rights in your nest to consider your obligation to me discharged."

Murdock looks irritated for a moment, then bursts into laughter. "You have learned much since your time at my side. Yes, I do owe you, and if you think that these strangers are worth it, I will allow them to stay here and ask their questions. Tell me, though, who was the teacher of these Lunars that did such a poor job that they need additional education?"

Mor'du looks over at the six elder Exalts, then back to Murdock. "The answer to that is not mine to give; if they wish to share with you their history, it is their choice to make." He is obviously trying not to say that the six of you are Sleepers from the First Age.

"Very well." Murdock steps past Mor'du and offers up a slight bow. "I am Murdock, and I offer you the sanctuary of my home. May no one try and threaten you while you are here, or they will face my blades also. My cave is up there, but there is a path that you can climb. Come on up and I shall do my best to answer the questions you have."
Grifnir took a moment to examine their host before he spoke, noticed his Essence level and any lingering Wyld influence that might be plaguing the old No-Moon.

Grifnir acknowledged the guest right with a nod of the head in deference to his host, "I noticed Mor'du pointed out three of us as chosen of the Moon. In respect of your hospitality, I would prefer to be direct with our purpose here in exchange for confidentiality from potentially hostile parties."

After extending his offer, should Murdock accept the deal he would then turn toward Shining Exemplar whispering, "Up to you if you wish to seal this one." Then Grifnir would begin to speak freely as he revealed the light of his caste mark, "We seek information on the state of affairs in the region, Rathess and the outlying territory. What can you tell us of the powers at play here?"

Should Murdock refuse. Grifnir would simply stare in silence for a few moments.
Murdock looks at Grifnir, obviously sizing you up. "Lets be a bit civilized here. First off, what are your names? I know Mor'du, but the rest of you are a mystery to me. Next, let us go up to my cave. It may not look it from here, but it does have all the comforts of home in it. We can talk there, and both sides will have their chance to answer some questions." He turns and motions for you to follow him. There is a well worn path up the rocky slope that he starts to climb up, obviously trying to show the non-Lunars of the group how to get up to his cave.

Up top, you can feel the presence of magic as you enter the mouth of the cave, and indeed, it opens up into a wide pavilion built around a common fireplace. Rugs and pillows cover the floor, giving everyone plenty of places to sit comfortably. Your host offers several bowls of mixed fruits to snack on, and he has jugs of wine that you might enjoy. Once everyone has had a chance to sit and relax, get a drink, and introduce yourselves, Murdock once more turns to Grifnir. "A Solar, huh? How many of you are His Chosen? Four? Five? Ah, it makes little difference. You, sir, are asking about Rathess and the surrounding area. Where to start? First off, the city is a contested ruin. Multiple players are on the scene, all trying to secure control of the city. The first and current leader is Filial Wisdom, a Solar that has aligned himself with a dark cult of cannibals. He's raising an army of goblins and humans, and plans to begin raiding the forrest dwellers for more slaves to add to his army. He controls the manses of the city.

Next, there are the Fae. There is something that a group of Nobles are after in the city, and they have taken control of one of the Flying Towers and have barricaded themselves inside until such time as they find whatever it is that they are searching for. They aren't actually trying to take the city, just some treasure inside it. It could be just about anything; the city has so many underground passages that no one has gone through in thousands of years, the city is a virtual warehouse of First Age artifacts.

Stalkers roam the streets. Some are smarter than others, and I have seen for myself that some of the lizard people can use Essence and communicate with one another. They have a nest in the other Flying Tower with the entrances blocked off except for a few underground ones.

Finally, there is a Deathlord that places a claim on the area. She is known as the Mistress of Tears, and there is a small Shadowland with a fortress in it that she stays in, but her forces keep watch on the city closely. I keep waiting for her and Filial Wisdom to have a great fight and kill each other off, but it hasn't happened yet. I think she is searching the city for something, but apparently her Knights haven't found whatever it is she is after, either.

In the surrounding jungle, there are other forces at work. There is the Lunar known as Mi-Ha-Suchi. I would advise you to stay away from him; he has some bad memories of the Solar Exalts of the past and will most likely try and kill you on sight.

Raski has taken over an abandoned city, and her time in the Wyld has driven her insane. I mean, really batshit crazy. She likes to bathe in the blood of infants as she raises up her army of beastmen. Not very neighborly.

The Blessed Isle's Dragon Blooded keep an eye on Rathess, too. There is a garrison in the city of Chaing-Dav, and they frequently scout the city to see what is going on there. But they aren't stupid enough to go head to head with Filial Wisdom or the Mistress of Tears.

Now, I have told you much without asking a lot in return. Who are you, and what is your interest in the old city? And how is it that I have so many Exalts of your Essence level sitting in front of me that I have never heard of before?"
"That's a long, complicated story, but the long and short of it is that we have been out of Creation for a long time. A long time." Said Rine. "We were discussing settling down somewhere and trying to fortify ourselves, but with Creation in such a state of disarray, we're not sure if that's a good idea or not. If we were to try and retake Rathess, as an example, could we count on a mutual alliance with you?"
"I would have to be able to believe that I was not about to perform suicide by teaming up with you. No offense, but I like my life as it is, and I don't want to throw it away. If you have what it takes to secure the city, I would be willing to aid you. Mad Solars, Fae and Deathlords are bad news for all of Creation."

Pyter nods. "Reasonable caution on your part. I understand that. But, let me assure you, these Exalts, including myself, are no small deal. We have equipment and supplies, and all we now need are allies to join us."
"If you want an introduction, I am Grifnir of the Soul Scorching Gaze, I was a professional inquisitor of renegade spirits before we entered stasis. But before we continue evaluating position I am curious...what are these Deathlords, and what makes them so dangerous?"
"No one knows for sure, but the leading theory is that they are very old ghosts from the First Age. There are ten or twelve of them, maybe more, but there are a few that are throwing their weight around Creation. A few years ago, the city of Thorns was captured by a Deathlord calling himself Mask of Winters, and there is another kingdom in the far west called Skullstone controlled by the Silver Prince. Most of these Deathlords have some kind of Exalt serving them that have popped up recently. Something more powerful than a Dragon Blood, but even some of the Terrestrials are serving these dark masters."
"I'd like to have the chance to scout out more intel on these deathlords, though I have the feeling my companions aren't too keen on it." Grifnir sighed, "So what about these Raksha, getting past the fact that they shouldn't be able to be here...No idea what they might be looking for?" Grifnir scratched his chin for a moment. "If we were feeling mildly ambitious, I'd say a good plan would be to ally with the Dragon Kings of the flying tower and attempt to gain control of the other, either by negotiation or force. Once we have them we could regroup elsewhere. I don't really think taken on Filial really gets us anything meaningful and the deathlord is a bit too much of an unknown for strategizing."
Solistrae grants Murdock a respectful bow. "I am Solistrae, The Ebon Scale Blade, Waning Moon Caste of Luna. Heartbreaker and Troublemaker." She sighs a bit wistfully. She really wasn't either of those for a good half a century now... well more considering. Listening to the Murdock's explanation makes her shiver a moment. Still it was not unexpected that he would not help and not that she expected him to do so.

"Taking the Towers is likely the best start in taking the city back. As to the matter of the deathlords if they are not involved in the city then for now we can ignore them. Still we should gain some information on the local ones. Thorns? Its pretty far from here is it not?" The west was too far away for her to care about now. "Either way claiming a place for ourselves is something we must do. Knowing Solars," she gives a wink to Grifnir, "they need all that Infrastructure to function right."
Grifnir smiled and shrugged turning to Sol, "Only if we lack a mate to keep our heads on straight." Grifnir stretched for a moment yawning and then began stowing his armor before it went into disrepair. "So, what do you want to do? I know Rine wants to rebuild stuff, the married couple wants to head west... I'm not of much help at this whole passive strategy stuff." Grifnir finished with a sigh. "Hey Rine, do you have a cache I could use to store this?" Grifnir said, sitting in what would've been simple black silken garb by first age standards.
Sol chuckles at him but sobers at his question.

"Worse comes to worse I want to return to my home. But with all the dangers about I will be unable to continue making my adorable children and raise them, and carve a corner out for them. So, I will do as you Solars want. Retake Rathess, or head... to... the West?" She glances to the Married pair. "All the way out there? Completely opposite of this corner." Sol sighs a bit and looks away. "I just want to have a safe place, that is stable and fair. I spent too much time where it wasn't, then more time alone, I couldn't protect those that should have been, I couldn't see the issues for what they were." She shakes her head and glances to Grifnir, "But like you, I am not tactically inclined passively, information is needed, even if Rine rebuilds things to improve our position or Shining needs her place, both are going to need information to ensure the safest most path. Naturally I could recklessly charge in somewhere and likely get away, but that doesn't work for everyone else."
Grifnir stood up, mounting his sword on his back with the armor neatly tucked away in a satchel. "A home and family... I can get behind that." He took in a deep breath, his focus returning to the surface. "First step to stability, let's figure out what those Fae are looking for. If it's important enough for them to stick around it might prove useful to us in addition to the actual tower. We can do this ourselves fairly discretely or with the Dragon Kings, but I'm not partial to bringing more casualties to their side needlessly in addition to the amount of attention war scale conflict brings." Turning to Murdock, Grifnir continued, "So how about it, are you willing to back an Exalted only mission to recover the Fae tower?"
Murdock ponders Grifnir's request as he slowly drinks his wine. "I can help. For a time, I can be away from this place without having someone else come and try and take it from me. Have you talked with Leeayta yet? She and the other gods of Rathess would be valuable allies."

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