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Futuristic Drayopolis


Despair :3
Drayopolis-An ancient floating steampunk style city long ago abandoned by humans despite its vast amount of technology.

Surveyor(s)-a person or group tasked with gathering materials from Drayopolis

(Note-enemy information will posted in overview and only those encountered. All information will not be available unless your characters already know it. Ex fighting a one armed machine but it escapes without being properly inspected vs breaking it and inspecting how it operates. There should, as a rule of thumb, be at least one robotics expert and hacker on a team.)
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Samantha looked up at the sky, the clouds blocking her view of the beautiful night sky. She had, when she was a bit younger, always wanted to go to Drayopolis. Somehow she had convinced herself it was some glorious flying castle adorned with gold and the most beautiful gems.

Thinking back on the idea she laughed at herself before quickly rubbing her arms. She had forgotten to bring a jacket and it was starting to get cold outside. "What a fools dream," She stated reaching dejectedly for a pack of cigarettes in her back pocket, "There is no castle up there. Only some old broken down flying city blocking the stars from my view." She pulled out a lighter and flicked it a couple of time to get it to spark, the faint light casting a shadow around her and granting a negligible amount of heat on her face and hand. Sticking the cigarette into her mouth she lit it, put the lighter away and took one long hard drag from it.

She didn't know when she took up this particular hobby but it was definitely one that she didn't necessarily hate nor liked. If anything it had become such a habit that it was almost as natural as breathing air to her. She let the cigarette hang there in her mouth as she used her free hand to carefully ensure the pack was securely in her back pocket before reaching for her portable NaV System hanging on her waist. Despite the fact that it looked like a cellphone, it was actually a portable mapping system and her only link to HQ. Switching it on the LED screen winked on showing a dot for where she was and her housing district in the capital. She had no real reason for turning on but she was bored with nothing better to do. As if to make her entertained a cat brushed across her feet, "Hm? Oh hey little kitty." She put the NaV away and bent down to pet her furry companion.

She personally didn't own the cat but she had always enjoyed its company all the same, especially when missions got stressful. A beeping noise broke their pleasant reunion, "Sorry Mr. Kitty, looks like it is time to go to that floating rock." Standing she puffed her cigarette again then flicked it into a metal trash bin. She would need only ten minutes to get her gear ready but other then that she would be ready. This was one mission she would not want to miss, "I guess I can finally put my questions and problems to rest after this. I think I will retire from being a Surveyor after this mission. Four years is more then enough for me." With that she went into her house unaware of the potential dangers lurking above her head.
Phobe groaned as she cracked her neck, as it was extremely stiff from checking the systems all day. The screen illuminated her face as she checked all the vitals at the base, getting ready to go up Drayopolis.

She adjusted her straps of her grey tank top and kicked up her feet, sipping on what was left of her water bottle. Phobe was slightly upset she was volunteered for this mission, even though she was perfectly happy in her electronics lair. She leaned forward in her chair and checked the vitals once more, making sure that the craft was okay for flight.

Outside, however, there was a danger that would potentially ruin the mission.

Samantha, decked out in her custom made bullet proof vest, found herself boarding the air ship from the cargo loading area. On her back and legs were various guns that gleamed menacingly in the light of the ship. To get a handle on her comrades who were accompanying her, she teached into her pocket for a comm headset. Gingerly easing it into her ear she spoke into it, "comm check" she began. Just then a blue screen appeared in front of her eyes showing a overhead map of the ship and its surroundings. "Hm, seems they are all on their way..." Smirking to herself she passed a few quad bikes to a door just beyond them.

Finding an entire new area just beyond the door in the back, she found sleeping quarters and enough food to last about half a year. " The Hell? How long of a job is this?"
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Clothes.. Check. Equipment.. Check. Gun.. Check. she thought as she went over her things. Pulling out her pistol, Milly wiped it over with a cloth, she smiled brightly at her clean weapon. She twirled it around in her hand for enjoyment for a second. She lifted up her shirt and holstered her pistol by her waist, ensuring that it was secured properly. After, Milly got a hairband from around her small wrist and tied up her long, sleek brown hair into a pony tail and tied it tightly. She pulled on her bag over her shoulders with some strength as it was filled to the brim of her clothes and some personal things. She carried alongside her a few silver hardcases containing some of her equipment and set off into the ship.
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Phobe grabbed her luggage, which was filled with the essential clothes and tolietries, and then grabbed her personal bag which was filled with all the equipment she would need to run security and for checking the vitals. She grabbed her leather military jacket, which was her father's, and stepped outside her lair, flinching at the sun.

She ran up to the ship and stepped in, sighing in relief that there wasn't anyone in the front, waiting to greet people. Phobe ran to the back of the ship, finding a room in the farthest corner, and started setting up all of her monitors.

"Lights....Camera...Action!" She grinned as all the security popped up on the various cameras around the ship. From her room, she could see that there were two other people already on the ship. I'll great them later she told herself.
Avery packed away the last of her things. She had a duffel, an over-the shoulder, and a small matte black weapon casing where she stored her gun and daggers when not in use. She smiled at how much she was able to fit in such small bags, pride filling her, even. Her brother, on the other hand, had just about twice as many bags, if not more.

"I don't understand why you need so much, Atticus," Avery chirped. She placed her hands on her hips as she watched him load everything into their vehicle. "I don't get how you can take so little," he quipped back rather nonchalantly. Avery rolled her eyes at her twin and climbed into the passenger seat. "C'mon. We don't wanna be late".

Soon, the siblings arrived at their destination and made their way inside.

The twins unloaded in room adjacent to each other. Avery simply tossed her bags onto her bed while Atticus took his time to unpack. Avery walked into his room as he was setting out his equipment. "Here." Atticus handed his sister her earpiece before placing his own in.

"Comm check"

The twins grinned at each other as the unfamiliar voice came through the ear piece. "New squad member," Avery mouthed to her brother. She touched her ear piece before responding. "This is Rose responding to comm check," she said in a cool, yet upbeat tone. A moment after, Atticus responded. "Finch, checking in and responding to comm check." The two had always had code names for their duo; when they joined the squad it was just adopted in as their in-mission code names, when the we're need of course.
Smirking to herself she settle down into a chair in a badass position, a large unnaturally black gun propped beside her. "Glad to hear it." She cracked her knuckles, "it must be one hell of a job if they forced me to bring a laser boring drill along." She muttered to herself making sure the comm was off before saying that. Without warning all members heard a familiar voice. The head of surveyors spoke over their comms, "this is your current mission: you are to land on the helipad on the floating city, once done you will proceed to the Central Hub at the center of the first district. Once there you will use the L.B.D. to put a hole large enough to enter the compound. Inside you will hack the Hub and transmit the information back to HQ." Samantha cocked an eyebrow, `if it's so straight forward why do they need me?` she wondered and guessed it was because she was the only one who ever used the laser before. "Roger." She responded.
"Comme check, medic on board.", a small voice blurted through the headset. Milly let out a heavy sigh of relief as she finally made it onto the ship and into her room. She couldn't be bothered with unpacking her things just yet as she was too exhausted. She slumped down in her chair and whined, "Ah.. Why did I do this..", she said, still sighing.

It only took her a moment to relax before she was bound on her feet again. She whipped round her white coat and put her arms into the sleeves. Milly picked up her glasses and put them into her pocket for when she needed them, "Quick check.", she talked again through the headset, "Is everyone healthy and well?", she asked. She had to be sure that everyone was okay before she went off to do her things.
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"Responding to comm check, hacker on board." Phobe's slightly bored tone rang through the ear pieces. She grabbed her personal laptop, checking everything over for a third time, making sure that the ship was okay to fly.

"Hacker to Medic, I'm healthy as I could be. Hacker out." She gave her short reply, kicking up her legs onto the rather large, wooden desk where her monitors were, and started staring at the security feed, making sure there were no breeches she could have missed. She flipped through, catching glimpses of her new team members, and sighed, wondering why so many people were needed for such a simplistic mission.
"Don't worry your gunner is just fine," Samantha responded, she wondered what this medic was like. Not caring to go see she went to the bridge/cockpit to see the pilot,"is about everyone in position? Uh, sorry about that, by the way my name is Samantha or Sam for short."
"Evans twins are in good health, though I think my sister may be a bit psycho," Atticus responded with a grin. Avery hit him, his loud "Ouch!" Heard over the comm before it cut out. "I'm perfectly fine, though we may be short a member if Atticus keeps acting like an idiot," Avery said, sticking her tongue out at her brother. "We should gather in the main mission room. See you guys in five," Avery said before ending her message. She cracked her neck before motioning for her brother to hurry up. "C'mon. Let's go say hi," Atticus rolled his eyes, but followed anyways.
Phobe groaned, grabbing her laptop and quickly walking to the mission room, not looking forward to meeting new people. She habitually cracked her neck, walking into the room, grabbing a chair and spinning it backwards before sitting down, setting up her laptop .
Noticing people showing up she gave each one a head nod, the oversized gun balanced by her foot. She noticed perhaps a bit late that she knew no one here. It was like attending school for the first time all over again. She sighed a little, a bead of sweat trickled down her forehead as she shifted from her left foot to her right foot.
"WAIT, WAIT!!" Shouts continued to spill out of the mouth of young Hunter Gordon as they hurriedly entered, bag swinging wildly behind them. Looking around, they noticed that they were by far the youngest here. Wiping sweat off of their forehead, they made eye contact with every other person in the room, smirking at each. They were confident about this mission, and they had every right to be. Leaning against a wall, Hunter surveyed the actions of the others, picking up immediately on any sort of nervous tick and jotting it down quickly. This was going to be amazing, and no one could tell them otherwise.
"I guess that is everyone then right?" She could feel the plane beginning to move, the sudden whoosh of its thrusters, the sound of its hangar clicking shut. They were in the air in no time and the clouds above began to clear revealing a dark mass ahead. Its ominous visage filled the cockpits window. Without warning thing red laser light took aim at the ship. They had gone to close, the automatic turrets were still on. Loud poppin noises could be heard as spotlights turned on without warning. Swiveling to shine lights on them, one could tell there was no one manning these devices. Before Samantha could scream to dodge the screech of the guns winding up could be heard. If the ship didn't evade these bullets they would become swiss cheese.
"Isn't anyone going to do something?" Hunter asked, trying to remain calm and flicking hair out of their eyes. They knew how to handle a lot of things, but this wasn't one of them. It was only a few more seconds before they lost their cool. Someone started talking frantically, but Hunter couldn't hear. They frantically flipped through their notes but found out quickly that none of the hundreds of pages would help in this situation. Suddenly, they realized that they were crying. Hot tears fell on to the pages, ruining the handwritten pages, all of their hard work gone. Someone put a hand on their shoulder and smiled nervously. Hunter wiped the tears away and tried to smile.
Phobe groaned, checking the vitals of the plane. "Look, the plane is good to go, we just need a pilot." She said boredly.

She threw her legs onto the table, sighing and looking over everyone in the room. "My name is Phobe by the way. Just Phobe."

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