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Drawing lines in the sand and forgotten times closed


Ten Thousand Club
Cho screamed as she ran to normal people this may look like a case of insanity but she was running from a hollow"you stupid hollow this isnt even funny anymore get away from me... !"she yelled she frowned hearing the hollow laughing at her calling heard a werid name *being the daughter of Ichigo..isnt very helpworthy at times... *she thought rolling her eyes.

Fin sighed watching the girl"this is...so ...lame... she cant even fight a hollow.. poor girl toast if someone dont help her...well i wont be it"he said sitting on the roof he sighed lightly feeling kind of sorry for the girl "yeah shes toast..." he saod frpwning.
Bash shook his head as he watched the scene play out below. He didn't see this often and he was filled with a fixture of pity and amusement. How could a girl with a such a strong bloodline be so incredible weak? He almost laughed at the idea. Standing he decided it best he did something before she became food. Every one got one favor from him, but it wasn't the sort people would enjoy owning up to. Jumping into action he sliced the Hollow in half and smirked at the girl. "Hey cute stuff, didn't wet yourself did ya?" He laughed before walking off.
Cho looked at bash and raised her eyebrow she frowned when she felt her one foot misstep she frowned when she hit her head on the sidewalk she looked at him before standing up" what the heck were did you come from "she frowned when she sensed fin behind her who kicked her in the but "what ?! "she yelled whirlling around him before looking at bash "no i did not wet myself"she said sighing.

Fin roleld his eyes"could have fooled me..."he said sighing looking at her then bash he gave a slight huff looking at cho "cho... "he said shaking his head"still really short..and still screams when she sees a hollow"he said before frowning when she nearly punched him in the gut he sighed before grabbing her wrist"yeah ... still as slow"he said frowning.
Bash glanced back at them and laughed. "My my, what a temperamental little girl." He smirked before turning his back again and starting toward the shop not far from them. "Next time ya mind want to acted a little more lady like." He called back to the girl whose name he believe to be Cho.

Moon gave a little laugh as she watched from the corner. "Oh my, what a scene." She giggled before walking out and looking at the two people still standing in the street. "You really don't want to owe Bash anything. He's worse then the Hollows from what I hear." She said with a innocent smile as she glanced toward Bash whom was almost out of sight.
Cho rolled her eyes and smiled lightly "yeah so why not scare him off while i can... "she said sighing if anyone hadnt noticted fin was more of CHo caregiver or taking care of her she looked at moon and laughed "...and why should i owe him anything fin should... someone is supposed to eb taking care of me !"she growled.

FIn sighed lightly looking at moon and cho he sighed letting go of cho ".....oh now look dont you dare pull that one over on me.. !"he growled shaking his head he looked at moon and sighed and then cho"i may be on assignment to take care of you but that dosent...mean..im going to stand here and take ...your attutiude"he said.
Moon laughed and smiled before pulling her rabbit back pack closer to her. "I see, well then Fin good luck. Bash always comes looking for what is due to him and since you seem to have been to busy to look after Ms. Cho here I don't think you would mind paying him back what you owe." she giggled and winked at Cho. she could tell the girl was trying to give that boy a hard time and she thought it due to help.
Fin looked at the two girls and frowned"now dang it you to ...stop it.."he growled he saw Cho laughing she finally was pleased when fin let her go "thank you...Im cho.."she said looking at moon and smiling she gave an odd sigh " acting like a lady ?! the never of that guy im no lady im a woman.." she grumbled looking at moon. Fin rolled his eyes lightly "oh you two..i can tell already im going to have my hands full i can tell...it now "he said sighing worriedly his eyes darted from them to the sky "hmm...cho are you going to stay out of trouble " he asked eyeing her oddly knowing she wouldnt.
Moon smiled and laughed. "I see, well I must say you are quite the woman. My name is Moon. It's a pleasure to meet you Cho." she said with a respectful nod of her head. "You must get into trouble alot if that one there has to ask you a question like that." She giggled before looking around at the place. She was new to the area and didn't know much about it.
Cho nodded "i do..i tend to run from the creatures..that lurk here"she said looking at moon and sighing she saw fin finally take off"sorry about fin..hes been watching me for quite awhile now..."she said sighing '' so i feel it entitles me to push him around some "she said looking at moon "well were you off to?"she asked sighing.
Moon gave a nod and smiled. "I see." she knew little about being watched over. She was used to it being just her most days. "Any where and no where." She smiled and glanced around. "I'm knew here and I don't really know where I am going yet. I don't have family to return to so I thought I would just look around until something seemed right." she smiled and sighed. she had been told it could be hard settling into a knew place but she had never imagined it to be like this.
Cho nodded"okay well come on then you can come with me im about to go to a soccer match..though im not playing in it.."she said sighing"i just like to scope out the guyss"she said sighing"its my fun time..without someone yelling you need to be like your dad"she said seeming rather annoyned by it.
Moon smiled and gave a nod. "Okay. Though I would know what that is like. I don't have a father to be compared to. Or a mother. Just my siblings and I and we don't see each other often." She explained as she walked with Cho. "So what is soccer like? I've heard of it before from my older sister but she's not very good at explaining things." she laughed and sighed.
Cho looked at her "bascilly theres two teams...and they kick the ball into ...each others nets.."she said looking at her"thats the best way i can explain it "she said sighing lightly " ah i see i have a sibbling ..."she said looking at moon " a sister..."she said rolling her eyes"shes older i guess you can say"she said sighing.
Moon gave a nod. "I am one of ten. Not all of us have the same mother. I guess you could say my father had a lot of flings. My mother however was his wife at one time. He had two wives. My mother was his first, she died fighting a Hollow. His second wife disappeared in battle." She explained with a sigh. She didn't say much about her father. He was still out there somewhere, not that she cared much. "So this soccer sounds like fun. My sister said it was a game with a lot of ball kicking and wild beast."
Cho laughed some looking at moon "she wasnt that far off just depends on what you call wildbeast"she said laughing some"i see.."she said sighing " my dads just usually off running around fighting ...with hollows and such like that sometimes more important things he tries his best i guess"she said sighing lightly.
Moon laughed and smiled. "My big sister thinks men are wild beast. She is in the middle of a bad break up so she's got a attitude right now regarding men. As for my father. He's usually off fighting Hollows and all that too. Last time I saw him was when I was four and that was for two minutes. Just long enough for him to tell me he was remarrying." She huffed and then smiled. She had been raised by mostly her siblings or friends of her father.
Cho sighed"well thats not nice.."she said looking at moon "but your sister is right men can be wild beast but watcha going to do"she asked when she got to the stands and sat down *hmm some cute ones i guess..*she thought sighing putting her hand on her cheek and sighing "what do you think?"she asked curioursly.
Moon gave a nod and followed. sitting down in the stands she pulled out a note book and pen. She liked to draw things the way she saw them. Smiling she handed the note book over and laughed. "I think most of them look like that. though so look like this." She showed her the first picture of goofy looking stick people in clothing with a detailed back ground. The second one had a really good looking guy, though she had made him look a bit to pretty.
Cho smiled and laughed lightly "i think you made him a bit ...to pretty "she said sighing lightly she gave an odd sigh"..i really like rainbows.."she said sighing "... everyone tells me i should be a soul reaper..and honestly i dont know if i want to be one or not i mean they are always so busy.."she said sighing.
Moon laughed and smiled. "I know I did." She giggled and sighed. "I didn't have much of a choice. Kind of my families thing. It was either that or get married off. I chose soul reaper, though I'm still not official yet." She said with a small smile. "If I would have gone with the marriage option it probably would have been to some soul reaper idiot."
Cho nodded some "its better to chose them i believe "she said sighing "..id still like to have some soul reaper blood in my family though that way give the kids the option weather or not they wont to be one i know it sounds odd...that way but its true id like to keep the blood running in the family"She said sighing.
Moon gave a nod and sighed. "My father keeps it to much in the family. High ranks or cousins. I would like to keep it in my family to but marrying one of my cousins would be going a bit far." She laughed and sighed. "I just want someone whom will treat me kindly and love me." She laughed knowing how lame that must sound.
Cho nodded"i know..i want the same.."she said smiling looking at moon and sighing lightly *hmm...* she thought sighing looking at moon " your farther really risking some...bad blooded kids who know what could happen..like that"she said frowning looking at moon she gave a sigh when she saw the guy kick the goal"not bad i guess"she said sighing,
Moon gave a nod and sighed. "Oh trust me there are a few of my siblings you would say are bad blooded. Some of them so much so that my father wont even admit their existence. Not like they are mental or anything. Just weren't intended or have bad attitudes toward my father. I wouldn't blame them though." She sighed and smiled seeing the goal.
Cho nodded looking at moon "..i see then.."she said sighing and standing some "here you want to go look around?"she asked sighing she gave an odd sigh"so how did you know about bash ?"she asked curioursly before sighing "poor fin"she said rolling her eyes " i doubt fin would even think about letting bash make him do a favor for him though"she said.

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