• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Dransin


Brownie Goddess

  • Name: (Give me a unique name please)


    Age: (nothing under 17 years old)

    Species: (If you are wanting to play one of the marked Kumas, you can't be a half-blood of anything)

    Personality: (At least 2 paragraphs, 5 sentences)

    History: (^^Samething)

    Relationships: (If you have a deep friendship with someone, please make a bit of a summary of their friendship. Work with the other rper on this through pms)

    God/Goddess: ??

    Marked or not?: (If you're a marked Kuma then place marked if not, no)

    Appearance: (I want art/anime/digital whatever, just don't give me a picture with shitty art, I love something interesting to look at when reading cs's)

    Ability: (1 (or two, both powers have to at least be connected somehow)

    Skills: (Don't go overboard)

    Others: (anything I missed)

  • These are meant for the Gods that you may choose which god you want. BUT there are only 6 of them so there isn't room for everyone. Well, that is until I get a little group for a few little plots in the future, or I come up with things on my own. Some of the Gods in here aren't available when it comes to being their child. When they are, that's when I'll start looking for another person or two to sign up as the child(ren).

    (Their history and such are all on pause at the moment, when the characters travel, each story that is told is added to their tabs. So that both you and your character go through the learning process on the Gods that aren't as perfect as they seem)

    The Gods with (M) next to their name are minor gods


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Name: Syndra Aelassin or Syn

Gender: Female

Age: 18 years old

Species: Dragon

Personality: Syndra has a free personality. She does what she wants, goes where she wishes and refuses to back down to any man or creature. Especially Idaz; a man who is cutting this world in half. Now humans and other creatures couldn't live together; there were humans who were growing against them. Wanting to hunt down what they didn't understand. Syndra dislikes being bossed around and looking down on her kind is a big disrespect to the creatures who had been worshipped since the beginning of time. Syn is hard headed on things she believes is right and when it comes to the treasures that she keeps, she dislikes it when they get dirty or treated wrong. Since birth Syndra has practiced to keep her short temper hidden and knows that in order to win a battle, you must slow down and not think with anger. During the moments that she is alone, she meditates and enters into a connection with Adakra. This is so that she can train properly in order to lead the others to victory.

History: Since birth (within a temple), Syndra has been told over a thousand times that her purpose of being born was so that she could lead a group of marked Kumas against the darkness of Ar'ck. While the Gods tried to find their secret weapon in order to bring Ar'ck down, Syndra and her group were to bring down the spawns that Ar'ck had gifted with the power of his darkness. At the age of 14 years old, Syn had managed to gain over hundreds of followers to the temple of Adakra. She was known through the world of Dragons as the youngest high priestess their kind have ever had. Usually they would wait until her 16th year of life.

With a lot accomplished at a young age, Syndra has had years to practice her strength in battle. Because he power gives her the skill to bring her enemies down to an up close and personal fight... without the magic. Taking them to Syndra's world. Dragons lived to keep their position in dominance and in order to keep your spot of respect, you must have the strength to do so. Through her training, Syn has managed to stay at the top in her classes, trying her best to be more useful to her parents. More then just a sacrifice in a war that didn't concern her. Of course she was going through with what her destiny was because even she knew that there was no running away from M'rror. A goddess that seemed determined to save Dransin.

Syndra has the future of the world on her shoulders and has managed to keep herself in one piece through all the trials her clan has put her through. In order to prepare her for something that would bring her and her team far to close to death for comfort. Syn was trained to survive, adapt, fight and... die.

Relationships: (Pm me (:B))-she would be a good regular partner with whoever is the child of Noam-

God/Goddess: Adakra

Marked or not?: Marked


Ability: Syndra can shut down all magic, spells, curses, enchantments etc. within a 15 feet distance (magic doesn't work on her); her second power is being able to sense all traces of magic within her range.

Skills: Hand to hand combat, stealth, hunting, tracking, being able to speak with her Goddess is a hard to learn skill she learned while being raised by the high priestesses within the temple that praised Adakra.

Orellia (A baby dragon that Syn takes care of)
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The availability on him being able to have a child is later on within the rp. Sort of when they get to a certain part of the rp. Sorry >.<

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