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Awesome. Should I post first, or would you like the honors?
The day had just broken across the horizon, filling the earth with it's glorious warmth. The leaves rustled and the grass whistled, creating a beautiful natural symphony that seemed to engulf the world.

Evician was sitting silently in her usual spot, knees tucked to her chest as she basked in the sunlight that the meadow attracted. The sweet scent of the dew rolled in the breeze and in to her nose, causing her to take a deep breath. She watched the sky, staring at the clouds that brushed the world ever so gently. She tried to make figures out of them as she stared, pointing at some when she found a resemblance. For once the world was at peace, and she loved it.
Dota was flying around in the morning sky. He looked down at the world below him. He slowly landed on a open field. He looked around and slowly inhaled, and slowly exhaled, black smoke rolling out of his nostrils.
The girl could see the black smoke beyond the tall grass. (I'm going to act like they already know eachother)

"Dota?" she questioned, trying to peak over the grass to get a better look at the unseen entity that had landed near her. She tried to smell the air, but her abilities as a human were dulled compared to her dragon form.
Dota looked up at her. "Evician?" He slowly walked over to her. "By the gods it is you." He said softly with a curious look in his face.
"In the flesh." Evician remarked, rubbing her arm awkwardly. She stood, her long legs rather weak from the amount of time she had spent sitting. She too moved forward to greet him, shaking her head slightly in disbelief. "Where have you been?" she questioned the dragon, her bright green eyes still wide from her discovery.
"I've been around." Dota said. "Live as a dragon knight is not easy, lots of traveling. I've seen things that most creatures will never see in their whole life time."
"Sounds rough." Evician admitted, brushing the hair that seemed to always get in her eyes. She sighed softly, gesturing at the landscape. "Lovely day, isn't it?" she questioned.
"I suppose that's good." remarked the girl, though she seemed unsure. "What are you going to do now?" she questioned.
"The day has barely begun" started Evician, as she shook her head. "Rather unfortunate that you're going to let this wonderful morning go to waste."
Dota looked up at her with one open eye. "What better way to enjoy the peace then to sleep out here." He said softly.
"Yeah, I guess." Evician nodded, looking around. "But it's a bit suspicious, being a giant dragon in a wide open field and all." she stated with a shrug. "You better be careful."
Dota looked up at her and nodded slowly. "I'll do my best." He said yawning. A intense heat wave rolling out of his mouth.

He closed his mouth as he slowly went to sleep. Not caring what's going on around him in this field.

(I stopped getting notifications O.o )

Evician wanted to stick around, to catch up with her friend, and she did exactly that. She would wait until he was finished sleeping of course, so she meandered back to her spot in the grass and sat down.
(Oh jeez)

Dota stayed asleep for a while. Around noon time he woke and yawned loudly. He slowly sat up and stretched.
Evician had passed out in the grass, snoring loudly. She was almost unnoticeable.
As if on cue the girl shot up from her slumber, rubbing her eyes with the sleeves of her sweater. "Hmm?" she fully opened her eyes, looking up at Dota. "Oh... hey." she greeted with a nervous grin.
"I wasn't sleeping!" Eve defended with a grin. "Just resting my eyes, is all." she tried to convince with that same goofy smile.

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