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Dragons of the Wild

Suddenly everyone was talking at once, their voices a jumbled mess of noise. Somehow, though, Siegfried could clearly make out what was being said, and who was saying it.

"Son, what are you doing?!" His mother, demanding, the alarm clear in her voice.

"Lay back down!" His father, half commanding, half pleading.

"Siggy!" His nurse, alarmed, fretting as he fended off her attempts to push him back into the bed.

"What's wrong?!" Kristina, the younger of his two older sisters asked, perceptive as always.

"Brother!" Heinrich and Viktoria, his younger brother and oldest sister speaking with one voice, almost as if they too wanted to join in on the fun of trying to make themselves heard over the sudden din.

"Let go!" Siegfried commanded his nurse, drawing upon every scrap of royal authority he could muster, channeling the agony of his wounds into determination. Apparently it was enough, or perhaps it was just the surprise, but his nurse ceased her attempts to bustle him back into the bed. His mother was not so affected, but he had stood up on the side opposite her and by the time she had made her way around the bed he was already standing - shaking, from pain and exhaustion, but standing.

"My dragon, she needs me!" Siegfried roared, stunning everyone into silence with his vehemence. Despite the struggle it was to just stand, let alone move without screaming, Siegfried began to walk out of the room, ignoring the frantic pleas for him to return to bed. He made it half-way to the door before he stumbled, a half-choked groan of agony emerging from his throat as his father caught him by the shoulders.

"Son, you have to-" The king began in a commanding tone, even though his voice was still taught with a father's worry. Siegfried barely noticed as he interrupted him.

"No!" He gasped, a raw, animal noise of pain and need. "I will not, not until I've seen her, she-" he paused, swallowing back another groan of pain, "-she needs me! Father, please!"

King Erich II Brasa, rider of Soldräparn, husband of Brigitte "Flame-Tongue" Vaner, father of two headstrong daughters and two equally willful boys, veteran of three bloody wars, looked into the eyes of his eldest son and saw steel, reminding him of himself. Of the time when he'd told his old man that he would marry the princess Brigitte, and sworn that he would kill the damn King Felix himself before he'd let the self-absorbed fop lay his hands on Erich's beloved. He'd done it too, in a war that had killed several of his closest friends, left thousands dead and given birth to at least another century of feuds.

He had never regretted it.

Decision made, Erich paused only for a moment, long enough to straighten up and regain his royal bearing before issuing his commands, his voice leaving no room for doubt or hesitation, not even from his own family.

"Very well. Brigitte, you lend him your shoulder, Gunhildr, get his cloak; Heinrich, run ahead and tell them we're coming, Kristina, make sure the way is clear. Viktoria, with me; we'll head for the throne room and keep the rest of the court distracted." Handing over Siegfried to his mother, the king held out one elbow for his oldest daughter, who quickly acquiesced and took it. Leading her out of the room with long but measured strides, he threw one last glance back at his son, currently being swept up in a royal red mantle. The prince met his father's eyes, understanding and gratitude passing silently between them.

"Take care, son. Both her and yourself." And with those words, he left the room. Siegfried allowed himself to sag with gratitude against his mother, only for a stab of pain to remind him of why he was leaning on his mother like a newborn foal. Gritting his teeth, he nodded as she asked him if she was alright, and mustered his determination as they began to walk. With each step, the path to the Dragon Halls seemed to grow longer, but he shrugged it off, focusing instead on why he was going there. Or rather, who.

Hold on! He sent with every painful step, commanding her, begging her. I'm coming!
Ash felt his struggles, his pain and his determination to get to her, and whimpered softly. She suddenly felt guilty, knowing that it was her fault that he wished to see her, to move and meet his dragon once more. She felt his pain mingle with her own, and she gave a startled cry as it got stronger as he moved. Knowing that her own pain was hurting him, the weak creature once again tried to stop her own pain from reaching him, but failing and only managing to dampen the full effects on her rider. She laid as still as possible, instead passing her time with watching a trail of rusty orange blood seep from her injuries and soak into the usually comfortable hay beneath her broken body.

She watched as the puddle only grew, the once pale browny yellow hay now stained with her lifeblood as it ran out of her small body and to freedom. She knew she needed help, but she was too worried for her rider to care, needing to see him. Someone opened her stable door, and he slowly moved her head, upset to find that it was only one of the stable hands pining the door back. She cooed weakly however when she realised it was to make it easier for her rider to reach her
The journey had seemed endless, his pain mingling with hers, both growing stronger with every step - his because he was aggravating his wound and exhausting what little energy he had, hers because as he came closer the bond grew stronger and he could feel more of her suffering. But when Siegfried reached his dragon's room he could not remember any of it - it was as if he had stepped straight from his room into hers. Desperation became elation, the roar of his pulse a roar of triumph as he finally reached his destination...

And then he could finally see his partner, and that small victory tasted of vomit and ash. His dragon, his beautiful, gorgeous dragon, was a broken shadow of herself, lying in a pool of half-dried blood. His own blue eyes met a half-open orb of amber, only for a split second, before a weak groan of agony tore itself from the once-beautiful beast's throat. All of her limbs, torn and broken, her already slim frame now dangerously thin, the silver-grey scales smeared with dark stains of blood and dirt, even tufts of withered grass in places showing that she'd never been cleaned, let alone properly groomed, since their fall. Since she had literally thrown herself into the ground to save him.

Siegfried tore himself from his mother's supportive shoulder and threw himself forward, neither noticing nor caring that his fine bedclothes and expensive mantle were smeared with filth. Neither did he notice or care about the tearing sensation as his wound opened, bandages rapidly staining red from his own blood as he knelt by his dragon's head. Reaching out to gently stroke her neck, he felt her scaly skin - dirty and cold, a feverish heat radiating from within in a sickly way.

Tears falling freely, the overflowing sadness and sorrow in his heart pooling in his eyes, he leaned forward and hugged her head, gently kissing her forehead.

"I'm here," he murmured, voice soft, his soul reaching out to envelop hers, "and I'm never leaving."
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Ash could feel her rider getting closer, letting out soft coos of encouragement that he likely couldn't hear, but it made her feel better to be doing something, and to be concentrating on him. Her half opened eyes gleamed happily for a moment as he turned the corner and stared at her, her own eyes moving over his body, making sure he was ok. She noticed the bandages around the wound, and was glad to note that he had been well cared for, and gave a weak coo in his direction, which turned into a small cry of pain as she tried to move toward him, falling still and gazing at him sadly, wanting to make her own effort to get to her rider, to meet him halfway, but knowing she would only make her own wounds worse by doing so.

She watched as his face turned sour upon seeing her, and she gave another soft coo, knowing how terrible she looked, trying to assure him that she was fine, momentarily forgetting that they could speak through the bond. She knew she looked filthy, and slowly moved to pluck a tuft of grass from one of her nearby paws, and seemed to smile weakly at the small achievement, looking at her rider as if to say 'see? fine'. She hated the worry that seemed to come from him in waves, and gave a startled cry when he moved to her, kneeling beside her head, which was now resting upon the blood soaked hay. She watched as the bandages on him turned red, and she cooed at him, slowly trying to move her head. She succeeded, gently licking the bandages and looking up at him silently, now tasting more than her own metallic blood in her mouth.

She laid her head back down, purring quietly as he gently stroked her neck, feeling his soft hands move over her filthy scales in a caring manner, and she looked up at him as his should completely enveloped hers, comforting the weak creature, "I'm sorry" Was all she replied with
It's not your fault, Siegfried replied. As he continued to stroke his dragon's face, using his mantle to wipe away the worst of the filth, he finally came to notice the dragon healers and handlers scattered around the room. Their presence - the fact that they were just standing there, and not helping his dragon - sent a flash of outrage through his mind, but a stab of pain from his wound cut off the tirade he was about to launch into. Gritting his teeth, he instead summoned up his best royal command voice, drawing upon the presence and need of his dragon to give it extra weight.

"Help Her. Now!"

The young prince did not realise how feral his growl had sounded, nor did he notice his mother's surprise from where she stood, just a few steps behind him.
Ash gently moved her head into her riders lap, closing her eyes. She was tired, and his presence seemed to comfort her, even as he growled to the healers and handlers. She gave a sad, pained coo, and twitched her tail slowly. Her wounded wing was awkwardly stretched out behind her, the delicate membrane broken and torn from the spear that had shot through it.

Upon the growl of the prince, one of the healers obediently moved forward, kneeling beside the wing and gently beginning to dab at the wound to clean it with a clean rag covered in a clear liquid to help keep any infection away. This however, pained the weak creature, and Ash began to struggle, careful not to hit her rider, but anyone else was in danger of her now swishing tail and her good wing
Noticing his dragon's distress, Siegfried hugged her head tightly and tried to reassure her, both verbally and mentally. He forced himself to speak in a steady tone of voice, suppressing his own pain and that which he could feel from his partner through force of will.

"Easy now, they are trying to help. I know it hurts, but they have to clean out the infection and set the bones. They can't do that if you struggle. Please, just focus on my voice, stay with me, stay strong, stay still..." He continued murmuring, once again caressing his dragon, gently stroking her crest and the soft skin right behind the jaw.

Trust them, or if you can't, trust me. I won't let you die. You are mine - and I am yours.
Ash cooed as he hugged her head, nudging gently against him. She was terrified, both of losing him and dying herself, and looked up at him with frightened eyes.

She listened as he spoke to her, and gave a small huff in agreement, closing her eyes to try and concentrate on anything that wasn't the medics taking their chance to move up to the calmer dragon, and begin to sort out her wounds, gently cleaning each and every one, stitching most of them, except the small cuts from where she had landed, and then went onto her wing. A pile of bloody arrows now laid in the corner, and Ash had to admit that it felt better, even if it stung. Her wing though, was another matter.

The broken membrane was delicate and sensitive, and the young dragon cried out with each gentle dab and lava like tears began to fall down her scales as the medic began to stitch the membrane together like he was making a blanket.
Siegfried smiled as he felt his dragon's agreement, meeting her eyes with a steady gaze. As she laid back down he embraced her again and continued, both cleaning her head and neck off with his cloak, and chanting his reassurances to her.

"That's my girl," he muttered, reaching into the bond to ease her suffering, to share her pain. Each arrowhead being plucked out of her flesh was a ripping, tearing sensation for them both, the clean water and strong spirits used to clean wounds burning like icy fire... But it was a good, clean pain, which faded into a dull ache completely unlike the burning agony of the untreated, inflamed wounds.

Then they began treating her wings, and the prince founds himself grunting in pain - not only from the suffering echoing across their bond, but also from the burning hot tears falling from her eyes, soaking into his clothes and almost scalding his flesh. He refused to let go, though, even as she winced and twitched and cried while the healers worked on making her whole again.

"It's all right, focus on me, on my voice," he ordered, continuing to gently stroke her crest in counterpoint to his commanding tone. "They are healing you, like they've been healing me. And once we are both healed, we'll fly again - this time without murderers. Just you and me, riding the winds, nothing but green fields below and blue skies above..." He continued to describe the things they would do, the places they would visit, painting the world with his words and promising that they would see it all for themselves, from the eternal ice in the far north to the sand-seas in the sztrange south, from the endless waters of the west to the great mountains of the far east.
Ash focussed on his voice, listening to him describe the amazing places that they would go. It calmed her just to listen to him, and helped her to ignore the burning agony of the man stitching her wing back into one piece. She watched as he winced, knowing her own pain was burning through the bond and hurting him as well but, as he had requested before, she kept the bond wide open, the feel of their intertwined souls helping to calm the injured creature.

When the medic was done, he gently wiped away any remaining blood, and picked up the arrows, so that he could show a group of knowledgable people, who could hopefully identify where the arrows had came from, and perhaps even the shooter. Whilst it was a small hope, there was at least some, as as he left he gave a small bow to the family watching, and left to clean himself up.

Ash felt better after a while, glad that he had finished stitching her wing. It still looked horrible, neat stitches holding delicate membrane together. Blood and dirt still covered her body, and she still looked like a mess, just less so than she had previously. She nuzzled her master gently, sniffing at his wound
Siegfried felt relieved and proud as his dragon fought the pain, valiantly remaining still save for the inevitable twitch and odd spasm while the healers finished their work. While he kept up his tale-weaving, he shifted position. No longer crouched or hunched over, he instead sat directly on the cold and dirty floor, legs stretched out while his partner's head rested in his lap, the reassuring weight of her skull far outweighing the small discomfort of his new position.

As he continued recounting the stories about every strange place he'd ever heard of, he turned slightly and met his somewhat confused but also bemused mother's eyes. He also noted the slightly shocked yet awed expression on his brother's face, though he couldn't at the moment fathom why the latter. As he felt the head in his lap shift, he turned his full attention back to his dragon, trying not to wince as she sniffed at his own wound, the once-white bandages now soaked through with red and caked with black dirt, dried blood, and the hot tears of his dragon. A stray thought hit him as he met her amber eyes, and he couldn't help but snort in amusement even as he winced from the pain said snort caused him.

"You know," he said while staring into his dragon's golden gaze, the bond tingling with mirth and relief, "you never even told me your name."
Ash didn't look at all happy when she saw the bandages, and whined, running her tongue over them gently in an effort to help, which likely only caused her rider pain, though she didn't mean to. She kept her head in his lap contently, following his gaze as he looked toward the people that she assumed was his family. She gave a soft, rumbling noise in greeting to them, before going back to trying to help her rider, licking at the bandages as if it would help the wound underneath.

Now that she herself was fixed, at least to the extent where she had stopped bleeding, she began to focus her worry on her rider instead, sending her worried and slightly panicked emotions through the bond as she gazed up at him with her amber gaze. She paused as he spoke, and for a moment let herself be drowned in the bond that seemed to hum with her riders relief and amusement, though she wasn't sure why he was amused, yet she didn't question it.

And then, after a confused paused, she replied, Ash. The reply was soft, and she then sent her worry through the bond again, licking at his wound
"Ash." Siegfried repeated, tasting the word as if it was some strange dish from a foreign country. He could not help but feel that it did not suit his partner. Her scales were grey, yes, but the glittering grey of sunlight on wavy ocean or the shimmering grey of the polished mail of the royal guards, not the matte, pale grey of sooty ashes. And her personality was about the direct opposite of dead and dull; thanks to the bond, it did not matter that they had barely known each other for but a handful of hours - he knew her just as good as he knew his own family, maybe even better. She may not have been bold and outgoing, but she was kind and friendly and, in her own of way, certain in her own beliefs and firm in her own convictions.

The prince said nothing of this, of course, but grunted as the pain and lingering of his injuries and worried rush through the castle caught up with him, no longer held at bay by desperation. His dear Ash trying to lick his reopened wound clean through the dirty bandages did not help, of course, and he gently but firmly lifted her head up and away from his body, planting a forgiving kiss on her snout as he did. Slowly, painstakingly, he pulled himself back on his feet, pausing only long enough to give his dragon another loving pat before stepping back and bowing stiffly.

"I'm sorry to cut this short, milady Ash," Siegfried spoke in his best courtly voice, "but I could scarcely hold you to submit to thine healers' loving care lest I myself do so. Know that I shall return on the morrow and every day henceforth, lest my longing for thine company wastes the royal physician's efforts." While speaking, the prince filled the bond with as much care and love as he could muster, before finishing his tirade with another stiff bow and slowly began walking out of the room. The flowery and poetic nature of his unnecessarily verbose goodbye was somewhat spoilt by his queen mother's unladylike snort, the stately woman shaking her head in reluctant mirth even as she offered her son her supporting shoulder and the royal procession began the long walk back to the prince's bedroom.
Ash noticed that he seemed to think her name didn't fit her, but she somehow didn't care. Ash was the name that her mother had named her, simply because as a young dragonling she was the dull grey of fiery death. But, as she grew older, after her mother had died and Ash began her training, her youngling scales began to shed, replaced with harder ones that gleamed like shining metal, and burning flames. She of course, knew her masters name, knowing it was said to be the name of a once great dragon slayer, but the rumours that spread around the dragon stables were not to be truly trusted.

She watched as he gently pushed her head away, sadness in the creatures eyes as he said farewell and kissed her on the head. She understood why he had to leave, but she didn't want to. Surely she was small enough to fit in his room and curl up on the floor like a overgrown cat? As soon as he was gone, the young dragon gave soft wails, immediately wanting her master back at her side. Even weak, the dragon attempted to push herself to her feet, and wobbled dangerously over to the now shut door of her stable, giving sad mewls. Other dragons of the royals and nobels replied to her. They were somehow different from the old stable dragons, who had been bitter and mean to her. Instead, these older creatures seemed to pity her needing cries, and made soft sounds of comfort, knowing what it was like to need their rider
Siegfried felt the longing despair of his partner, and despite his attempts to reassure her through the bond it did not take long for her muffled, mewling cries to echo down the hall. He had half began to turn, when his mother grabbed him firmly by the shoulder.

"It's all right, Siegfried. She has to learn that she can't be with you at all times sooner rather than later. Besides, you need to get your wound cleaned and stitched up again, and Agathon can't do that in the stables," she spoke, even as she gently pulled at him to keep him moving. Siegfried wanted to protest that she should not have to be alone, that she needed him, and that her stable ought to be at least as clean as his room, given that she was even more badly injured that he was. But tired as he was, every step an epic struggle, his body aching with fatigue, head burning with fever and wound smouldering from infection, he could not muster the will to protest, and meekly followed along.

I'm sorry Ash, he sent along the weakening link, the growing distance and creeping loss of consciousness reducing the flow of thought and emotion down to a trickle. I'll be back.

I promise.

It was the last thing the prince could remember before the torch-lit corridor and his mother's worried voice faded into darkness.
Ash heard his quiet response through the bond, before feeling the bond fade to almost nothing. She could still feel his life force, but she cried out in panic when she found that, like before when he was unconscious, that she couldn't feel anything else. Mewling in a panicked and upset manner, the injured creature settled close to her stable door, brushing away all of the hay so that she was simply settled on the floor, not wishing to lay on the filthy material that she had been laying upon for hours. Slowly tucking her head under her injured wing, and curling her tail around to brush occasionally against the back of her neck, she closed her eyes.

It was a few hours later that a few stablehands crept in, finding her fast asleep. One checked her over, finding her scales to be warmer than they had ever been, and looking over her wounds for anything else wrong, whilst the other two began to clean out the hay. Once they had removed the blood coloured bedding, they quickly washed the floor to make sure it was spotless, before new hay was laid. A large bowl of water was set near to Ash, so that the sleeping dragon wouldn't have to move far, before the men left
It was not until noon the next day that Siegfried finally woke again, and despite his insistence neither the healers nor his parents would let him leave the room until the late afternoon. Even then, it had taken every ounce of pleading, cajoling, begging, commanding and demanding that he had been able to muster, along with not one but several solemn promises that the visit would be brief and that he would allow himself to be carried there and back on a stretcher, like some kind of cripple. Which was sadly not far from truth in his current state, but that did not mean he was happy to acknowledge the fact. However, if it meant seeing - and feeling, beyond the faintest of presences - his dragon, then he would swallow his pride.

And so he did.

The humiliation of being carried by two of the royal guardsmen - elite soldiers who alternated between mocking him in a friendly way with the worry-concealing humor of soldiers everywhere, and grumbling that they were warriors, not labourers - faded more and more as he approached the stables, the bond growing as the distance decreased, and Siegfried took advantage of his being carried to focus wholly on the bond, reaching out to his partner with mind and soul.
Ash had been asleep when she had felt the bond strengthen, and she raised her head. Excitement gleamed in her eyes as she realised her rider was getting closer, and that he was moving to visit her. She purred at this realisation, flicking her tail back and forth as she waited patiently. She had woken sometime in the night, finding a bowl of meat left beside her water. Unable to wait any longer, she had staggered over and had gulped it down, before lapping at the water.

After that, she had simply decided to make a nest out of the hay, most of it now covering her body in a blanket like style. It kept her warm and happy, which mirrored the feeling of her riders bond strengthening
As he came closer, Siegfried could feel Ash's presence through the strengthening bond, like a warming hearth after a cold winter day. It did his health more good than all the concoctions and bed rest in the world, and when he ordered the guardsmen to stop so that he could walk into the room under his own strength he did not even have to pretend that it was not a struggle, and as he entered the room he called out a greeting through the bond.

I am here, Ash.

As he walked into the chamber where his silver steed rested, he could not see her at first - until he realised that she had buried herself in the corner, under a massive pile of hay. When he realised it, Siegfried could not help but break into laughter - painful yet healing joy washing over him and through the bond into his mate. As he finally caught his breath after the first burst of laughter, he did not even realise that he was speaking out loud.

"You are just too adorable!"
Ash cooed softly as he started to laugh, and flicked her tail so that it took his legs out from under him, and so that he landed neatly on said tail. Carrying him over on her finned tail, she gently placed him by her paws, practically dumping him into the hay with a amused purr. She placed her head in his lap again, and purred loudly, stopping him from moving and leaving her with the weight of her skull. She watched him out of one eye, the other closed tiredly.

I'm not adorable! She protested I'm a dragon!

She then proceeded to give a small roar which, because of her crying the night before, sounded hoarse and thus like a tiny pup trying to be a wolf. She grumbled as she realised that the child like roar was the opposite of her point, and she instead licked her riders face
Siegfried's laughter abruptly turned into a whoop of surprise as his dragon literally swept him off his feet and into the pile of straw, before pinning him in place with her skull and emitting a rumbling purr. Gasping slightly, more from shortness of breath and more laughter than pain despite the sudden movements, Siegfried found himself staring into a tired, but happy, golden eye, as she protested her cuteness.

Her protests failed miserably when her draconic roar of outrage came out as more of the voice of the world's largest puppy. Siegfried immediately broke down into laughter again, trying to hug her head as tears of mirth rolled down his cheeks, only for his partner to silence him with a lick; her rough tongue scraping across him from the waist up. While it did not hurt, the feeling was still weird enough to put and end to the prince's laughter, or at least reduce it to the odd chuckle as he began to run his hands across her snout, fingers tracing the patterns of her scales.

I know you're a dragon, Siegfried retorted as he once more got his breathing under control, but there's nothing to say you can't be an adorable dragon.
Ash gave him an annoyed, but rather amused look as he started to laugh manically at her actions. She huffed and rolled her eyes at his words, and instead gave a large puff of smoke from her nose and the corners of her mouth. The smoke was deep grey in colour, an unhealthy colour for a dragon of her breath type. A healthy fire dragons smoke was almost pure white, with occasional bright embers, yet Ash's was like black, gloopy soup that hung in the air and refused to leave for several minutes.

Not seeming to care about the state of her smoke, she sniffed at her rider, making sure he was ok. She didn't wish to hurt him, especially after what had happened last time he had visited her, and he had collapsed on his way to his room, leaving Ash's soul scared and alone
As Ash filled his face with thick, grey smoke, Siegfried's chuckles devolved into harsh coughs, and he ended up having to breathe through the sleeve of his linen shirt while the cloud dissipated. He could not help but notice that the cloud was too dark and sooty for her kind of dragon and felt a brief flash of worry, but it faded as he decided that it was probably just an aftereffect of her injuries. He would worry about it if it persisted after she had healed.

Putting the matter out of his mind for now, he instead focused on convincing her not to do that again, as the wracking coughs really did nothing good for his injury.

All right, I give, he pleaded, you are not adorable, you are the most vicious, foul-tempered fire-spitting death-flyer this side of the western seas.

He gently began to rub her crest as she gently sniffed at his chest, scratching the soft skin behind her ear - a place which dragons could not really scratch by themselves due to their sharp claws, and therefore one of the best places if you wanted to show your approval for them.

"Great big puppies, flyin', fire-breathin' puppies, tha's what they are," had been the old dragon wrangler's words, though Siegfried dared not think them out loud with the bond wide open the way it was, not right after Ash had finally calmed down about being called adorable.
Ash immediately felt guilty as he started to cough, and waved her tail about to try and push the thick smoke away. She whimpered, Sorry She said softly, flattening her ears sadly. She had felt the pain he had as he coughed, and guilt flooded through her, upset that she had hurt her rider, even unintentionally.

She purred softly when he rubbed her crest, happy for his gentle touch, and then purred deeply as he scratched behind her ear. She closed her eyes, tail twitching happily as she lent into his touch, loving the scratching behind her ear. She didn't mind being called adorable, if it ended in him scratching behind her ears

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