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Dragons in the City of Angels

Cecile was listening to Duncan. "I understand... and I feel bad now. Lowdown is a good dragon. Protecting me from my cloud of ignorance.. But, that one.." She was indeed referring to Abyss. Though, what she said wasn't in the whisper tone, as it came out loud enough for probably even Abyss and Sharda to hear her, but it was not her intention. "Those who turn their fangs against their own comrades are sure to die a terrible death. It doesn't matter what they are." She wasn't in a very happy mood, in fact, she was looking past Duncan, ever hoping to see if Lowdown didn't get hurt, but she knew it was fruitless. She couldn't see what was invisible, only ever feel.

Cecile smiled to herself a little. She had expect a full on scolding, yet he seemed like he wasn't trying to get angry. Which might actually be what she needed. Though, she wouldn't push him, she did something stupid, and instead of abandoning her to whatever fate, he came for her. She really did respect that, but then she heard that they couldn't lie, she already knew that...Lowdown was likely searching her mind, and it wasn't that pretty of a feeling. It was like a complete invasion of privacy, and lack of trust. But, she didn't really push the matter.

"You sure are acting like a big brother, and not an adult.." This was more due to his lack of anger, and more warning her of future events. "Yes, I think they can just mind scan you, telling different stories isn't going to work unless you create false memories." Although, her eyes kept going back to Abyss...as if she was staring right through him, piercing his very soul. She never meant any harm, she herself was just upset that she got Lowdown in possible trouble, after all. If she hadn't gotten out, nothing of this caliber would have happened.

“Well, I’m not your parents. But you are still technically a teenager, so I am trying not to lay it on too thick. I don’t know you well enough to chew you out. Doesn’t mean I don’t care.” Duncan glanced at Abyss. “Yeah, I’m not so sure they have a concept of privacy. Abyss? Lowdown was just protecting Cecile. YOU provoked the situation. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t she your responsibility now?”

Abyss hissed at Duncan. Duncan stared back. He smiled grimly. “Sorry there Abyss.” The black dragon took a running start and lept into the air flying several strokes before vanishing.

“Crap.” Duncan muttered, his voice still not rising to anger. “We need to get these dragons together and moved … and fast. It won’t be long before the military gets here. Cecile … “ he tried to hide his frustration. Most people are going to look at these dragons and just see raptors with wings. The military may very well just shoot them dead. We just missed a great opportunity to show people these are social creatures. Right now we couldn’t even prove they are sapient or that they have a sense of right and wrong.”

Duncan avoided explaining to the young girl that she might very well have gotten the dragons all killed. She didn’t need to live with that sort of guilt. He could still feel Abyss mind. Odd that he felt no others. He decided to ask Cecile about that.

“The only one to speak with you was Lowdown, right? Can you still sense her?”

Cecile sighed briefly she didn't know that she had caused a big ruckus. "All because I wanted to see the dragons..." Then, she looked at Duncan. "Listen you're the adult here. It's probably best you don't hold back... I know you're just looking out for me, despite being told you could easily just abandon me as well if I caused you any grief.." She sounded somewhat disappointed in herself, but happy Duncan hadn't left as well. But, it was still a lot of problems. "His name is Abyss...no wonder he's such a meanie butt." She muttered to herself, but still probably in earshot of Duncan.

"Yeah...speaking of that. Didn't it occur to you to I don't know speak to the jerk dragon, and tell him that. If he's responsible for all the dragons, he's doing a terrible job at it." Cecile however was not blind to the obvious. "I think I made a new friend, but because I tried to interact with them..I might have just killed them all...gosh. I'm not better than the ones who will kill them.." She muttered then looked up as he asked if she could 'sense her'.

"Yes, ...the only one to speak to me was her, but I don't sense anything...I mean there's this weird feeling ...but I don't think I'm some type of psychic or anything." She wasn't shrugging off the idea of still sensing her, but she didn't know what it felt like either. All she had was this weird feeling, and she wasn't entirely sure if she liked it or not.​
Duncan shook his head. “It wasn’t your fault. I mean, yes you messed up a little. But you couldn’t have known it would mess things up. Abyss, on the other hand, did what he did on purpose. It was just one of those things a big brother does.” He frowned. “I think it was just all made worse by dragon psychology.”

Duncan couldn’t help but grin. “You’re right. He IS a big meanie butt.” He chuckled. “Okay, we can’t undo the past. So let’s go and see what we can fix. We know they are sapient. We know they are social. We know they psychologically believe it is wrong to attack children - which we look like to them. I suspect that is largely because they are afraid of attracting adults to come and protect us. Think from a dragon’s point of view.

“I think the hunters killed their parents. Imagine how you would think if you were a teenager and had your mother killed right in front of you - her last words to tell you to flee and protect the younger siblings. That is Abyss. That is what he sees every time he looks at a human. So imagine the restraint he has shown and try to find a little forgiveness. He was mad at Lowdown for even talking to one of us. Then he went and spoke with me. Imagine the conflict he feels. Then look at things from Lowdown’s perspective. She has found a child of her parents killers that she wants to hate. But her curiosity overcame her fear.

“Let’s go and introduce ourselves properly. Remember, they are children.” And with that he stepped out into the open and started walking into the pasture, gesturing for Cecile to follow. “You do realize that Cecil was the name of a dragon? Just thought that was amusing.”

When he got out a little ways he called out to Abyss. The ebony dragon half ran, half floated over, never quite taking to the air. “Abyss, time for introductions. We haven’t exactly presented ourselves with the greatest of manners. If you could ask everyone over. among humans introductions are made in person when possible - not over a distance with thoughts.”

It didn’t take long for the dragons to assemble. Most were curious anyways. Not surprising Sharda wasn’t allowed to get too close and always had others dragons interposing themselves. “Everyone, I am Duncan. This here is Cecile. Abyss, would you please ask everyone to call Lowdown to return? Please. You too, Cecile. This meeting needs to be official.”

It took a little coaxing. The dragons keened into the wind, especially Sharda. Finally Lowdown appeared - porting right into their midst. There was a brief conversation among the dragons as Sharda settled matters, probably ordering Abyss to apologize. Once that was done Duncan was able to start the introductions.

Thrum started making his characteristic thrumming sound and had to be ordered to shut up - more than once. Abyss actually clamped a claw over the runt’s snout, but didn’t hold it there long.

First introduced was Sharda, the Mother of Many. Next was Abyss. Next was a larger female named Starfire. After that came another female, Windrider. And so on. (A list of the more important dragons is in the OOC section.) As they were introduced they bowed heads.

Once the introductions were complete, Duncan thanked them. Then he got started. “It is time to clarify things. Cecile and I are humans. Humans are NOT the Two Legs that have been hunting you. That is probably why out thoughts are open to you and the Two Legs’ are not. It is very possible the Two Legs do not understand that you are sapient - that you Think. They probably see you as animals. I do not know how, but I will see what I can do to change that.

“I wish I could say that humans are good creatures. But unlike you we cannot Warm Think to one another. We have only sight, sound and touch with which to communicate. And these senses do not always relay the truth. They relay perception. Often we do not trust one another. We fight - not merely playing - but to cause real harm. We harbor secrets - because we can - from one another. We may not have claws, fangs or wings. So we create Things to accomplish the tasks your natural advantages offer you. And these Things are very, very dangerous. There are single Things that can destroy vast areas. You remember that place where the Loud Rock Thrower Thing was used to harm one of you? Imagine a single Thing - able to destroy that whole place in a blinding flash of light brighter than the Day Star. And in that flash of light the whole area is poisoned so that nothing will grow or live for the lifespan of a dozen dragons.

“Even now there are humans hunting you that have such Claws. Only they will probably use smaller Things to hurt or capture you - unless we can find a way to prevent that. That is why I brought Cecile. I said that we communicate with sight. She is skilled at making Things that show other humans what we see. These Things remember for us.”

Cecile thought a moment, he was probably right. Dragons might be able to communicate, and read thoughts. But, it's rare anything think the same way about a situation. This could cause for some problems, but it didn't really matter right now. It wasn't the best thing in the world. Though, it took some thinking she did realize that not everything was her fault, but it all started from her, she should have fled the minute lowdown appeared, but that just wasn't her.

It took quite some thought how would she feel if that had happened. Well if her parents were still alive, she might have definitely done the same, except maybe attack lowdown for her curiosity. Though, that could have gotten her killed, it was the same thing that caused Cecile to reveal herself, and that is why it was so odd. She didn't see Duncan attacking her for making a big mistake, yet this must be that dragon psychology at work.

That's when Duncan said to go introduce themselves, and make a remark about Cecil being a dragon, that caused Cecile to look over at Duncan. "Unless you're implying I get to be a dragon, you're cruising for a bruising mister." She was talking to him like a sister would their sibling when they did something wrong.

Duncan asked her to call Lowdown as well, but she didn't know how, it seemed like the dragons alone were capable of calling her which was fine enough. "Yeah, call official yes...that's grand...yep." She mumbled to herself acting as she herself did something, but she didn't..least she didn't think she did...Duncan trying to act like they have a telepathy channel or something open.

Cecile listened to his explanation of explosives and shook her head. "Dragons can probably live super long...I don't think it would be dozens...that seems like an exaggeration." She was pleased to meet all the dragons, but it wasn't until long. "I guess Sharda is like the princess or something. The ruler, or...what not." She mumbled to herself, but obviously loud enough for anyone to hear. She wasn't really good at keeping quiet when talking to herself.

She didn't believe that for one second. "Is that all you brought me here for? I thought we were having so much fun together." as she looked around from the dragons, she saw Sharda, and then Lowdown. Those had her attention the most. "Hmm? A maker of things? Any human could make those things, except most humans twist those things, into images that make people seem more menacing then they are." Her eyes were still on Lowdown, as if secretly thanking her for protecting her.​
Duncan smiled at Cecile. “I have a little faith that you would find a way to take those pictures so that they would show Dragons for who they are. But speaking of such Things. She is right. So far the only way humans have seen Dragons is in a not so positive light. They think dragons are dangerous … no … hostile.”

An Apache helicopter screamed overhead and started to come around.

Duncan’s face hardened as his mind flew into action. “Don’t flee! Not yet!” He shoved the camcorder at Cecile. “All of you. Stand still until I tell you to flee. Cecile is going to look at you through that Thing and remember you in a way that she can show others. Do not be menacing.”

“Cecil, be quick. I hate to tell you this, but we are about to be in trouble.” He laughed. “It’s okay. Most excitement I have had in a very long time.”

Cecile smiled at Duncan. "Yeah, I can manage that. Not all humans are bad, but... a good majority will kill you without hesitation if they think you'll do them harm." She opened up the camcorder and turned it on looking at the dragons. "Oh, Lowdown thank you for the friendly talk, and protecting me. Hope to see you soon someday." She yelled at Lowdown, but was carefully, getting them on the camera. Hopefully, lowdown herself would allow her to get her on this cam, because right now she was indeed a key piece.

"Yes, I can be quick. I know we are about to be in trouble, and it is pretty exciting, but I'm likely going to get it worse, since you...aren't really breaking any rules, as far as I know of." Of course as Cecile was recording, he was also saving the data in an alternate place alongside this camera. Because, she knew those government officials might try to destroy it, erase it. So, the dragons keep to being remained ferocious.​
It was a shame there wasn’t more time to record the dragons. They were almost comical the way they tried to peer back into the lens of the camcorder. Some showed off wings, claws and fangs - not exactly what Duncan wanted. As soon as one was recorded Duncan had them take off and start circling, ready to port out when he gave the word. Last was Lowdown. He had noticed already that she ported in and out lower than any other dragon. Sharda and Abyss he got airborne fast.

Three more Apaches screamed in and very soon there were four circling the area in an attempt to prevent an escape. Duncan just stood there and looked up at the helis and smiled. He raised a hand in greeting, unafraid of the circling dragons. Then he turned the digital camera on Lowdown and Cecile and began snapping shots on automatic at 14 frames a second.

“Okay Abyss … tell Lowdown to guide you all out.”

“I do not want you to be in trouble,” Abyss thought back.

“Best trouble I have been in …. ever. If you can, keep tabs on us. Long distance is the next best thing to being there.” Duncan chuckled at his own joke.

Duncan calmly put the camera away. He was in no hurry to flee the scene as the dragons vanished from sight. “Whatever happens, tell the truth. We really do have nothing to hide. Don’t be surprised if they want to lock us away and use national security as an excuse. It won’t matter. It won’t last forever. Eventually they are going to want useful answers. That is when things will get interesting. Oh …let’s move away from all the cow patties. When they tell us to hit the dirt and put hands behind our heads … I don’t want a face full of … stuff.”


It took all of a few minutes for the Marines to surround them and move in. They ordered Duncan and and Cecile to lay on the ground and place their hands behind their heads - like Duncan said. Duncan was laughing until they got a little rough with Cecile.

“It was a Kodak moment guys. You had to be there. Hey! Knock it off with the girl! I WILL come over there and personally kick some lard ass Marine butt.” Then he grinned. “Meanie butts!” He laughed at his joke.

“Shut up … please,” one of the marines ordered. “You had a drone in a restricted area.”

“No I did not. I am well aware of FAA regs. I have a permit to learn to fly. I already passed written. Already had a few lessons too. And I am here on business.”

“Really? What business?”

“Cattle. I bought some. Ask the owner of this ranch. I covered his losses - before the dragons got here. But you are just going to ask all these questions all over again in some dark room with me hooked up to polygraph gear. I’m not going to answer your questions though - not until you bring someone who has a clue what questions to ask. And those dragons are looking for a new home. Tick tock.”

Cecile had closed the camcorder as the dragons took flight off, handing it to Duncan. "Yeah, I don't want my face full of that we should probably move. I'm not the best liar anyway. But, you probably know that. I sure hope everything goes okay. I don't really feel like being locked away forever in a dark room..I might go mental honestly." She sure didn't sound to confident in his whole plan, of course she would tell the truth, before they got there she had hidden a chip, somewhere on her body, it indeed held all the data she captured, earlier. But, she didn't tell Duncan about this, just in case.

It was at that moment they got surrounded by marines. It wasn't all that pleasant until she had gotten down to slowly and her face pushed into the ground by a marine. A few seconds after Duncan told them to lay off one of the had the guts to hit Cecile in the back of the head, with the end of his gun. "Well...that's a given." She muttered to herself, not daring to move her face from the dirt, though it was only a matter of time before they got taken away. Did Duncan have a plan, or were they going to ask questions. She just didn't get it they seemed more hostile then the dragons despite Abyss's roar. Though, she really couldn't tell if that had been hostile or just a scare tactic. All she could do is wait, Duncan had demanded that they get someone who knew what questions to ask.

One of the marines pulled up Cecile's head by her hair. "Alright, listen you're going to answer all of our questions since your father here doesn't seem to be able to cooperate. You think you can manage that? A calm nice discussion, you're already breaking the law by being out here, and your father is harboring a criminal. Think we can manage such a discussion?" This marine definitely was trying to guilt her into which she only said one thing.

"I've never seen that man before, he has nothing to do with me, so do with me what you like. But, he's done nothing wrong." She almost felt like spitting in his face, but knew that would be a very very bad idea. People easily got shot for that mess, and she didn't feel like being one of them.

Duncan told Cecile not to fight, but to use passive resistance. It was an old 1960’s tactic that demonstrators used to use. And the first assumption the marines made was that Duncan was some sort of pacifist.

“I bet you were the draft dodger sort too,” one of the marines made a snide remark.

“Thus proving how much a blunt instrument you are. You know, I really do normally like and respect marines. But right now you guys are disappointing. I am trying to save your lives. You just haven’t figured that out yet. You DID notice that we stood among a field of raptors with wings unharmed - didn’t you? Try checking my wallet. Then you may want to check my payroll records with the IRS. Go way back. Now neither of us are going to say another word until you make us a little more comfortable. Interrogation clearly isn’t your specialty. You know, I almost went to work at Guantanamo once. Turned the job down. Oh, not because I was squeamish. I just didn’t think my language skills were good enough. That, and I wanted to study Chemistry and Physics. Turned down work as a civilian at NSA too. Same reason. It was boring.

“Now … not one more abuse … or I take this up with your CO later. For now, I’ll take it as taking control of the situation as boots on the ground. Oh, and you boys should know I took it easy on you.” But that just got him a few laughs.


Eventually a transport moved in to load Duncan and Cecile, zip tied. More men moved to hook up Duncan’s truck and RV to take it into custody. Them they were off. It wasn’t that long of a flight. Duncan already had an idea where they were headed. If they had been Air Force it would have been Edwards AFB. But in this case they had come from the East. That meant Barstow - right next the Nebo - where the dragons had attacked.

They were taken to a small warehouse where a tent had been set up. There the left Cecile and took Duncan elsewhere. Cecile soon found herself in a small room of the tent, cuffed to a table like a prisoner in an interrogation room. She was ordered by a female marine to strip and change into a set of plain fatigues. Her clothing and possessions were bagged up and taken away. (Duncan would soon find himself in the same predicament.)

The men who had transported them were soon out of the picture. For a little while Cecile was left alone. However there was a video camera watching her. There she was allowed to stew for over an hour. Finally a man with a rather harsh countenance entered the room. Another, clearly a tech set up a laptop facing the man and initiated some sort of programs, then left. The first marine settled himself and flipped through a folder, ignoring her. then when he was ready he looked at her. Or perhaps, he looked right through her.

“Cecile Sugarflip, age 17. My name is Sr Master Sergeant Craig Lawrence. Care to tell me what possessed you to evade law enforcement road closures and how it is that you managed not to get yourself eaten by a … flock ...of dragons?”

Cecile didn't really care for the way they were treating her. It was something she was painfully use to already, she just didn't like the way they talked to Duncan. But, it wasn't long before she found herself being taken away. Though, she had a good idea to what place, she didn't know where exactly. That was more Duncan's expertise than anything she would have guessed, but she knew one thing, and that caused her to put the chip in her mouth, and she was right to do so. Because, she soon found herself in a tent, ordered to strip, she didn't really feel comfortable with that. But, it wasn't a good idea to fight. Duncan had told her that much. So, she did so, and gave up everything...everything but the chip.

During that time she had gotten dressed up in the clothes they gave her, and even though knowing she was being watched, she somehow managed to slip the chip somewhere else, quickly able to get to if the need arisen. But, now she was faced with a man, and a tech. He set up the laptop then left which he found was odd. Yet she did not react, not till he looked at her anyways, because she knew things were about to go down. Cecile was going to be answering truthfully, that much would be true, since Duncan told her to do so. However, ..her responses might not be the greatest.

"Sr Master Sergeant Craig Lawrence. The longest name I've ever heard..what possessed your parents to give such a long name? What possessed me was my curiosity, I did something dumb, and stupid because I was curious that's mainly my reason for going behind your backs. As for how I managed that...I guess they are the beasts you thought, at least they are a lot more kinder than the poor excuse you showed to people whom posed no threat...well except maybe Duncan...I heard he used to do a lot of dangerous things..." Although, now she had contradicted herself in saying that she had no clue who he was. She didn't really care, her answers were on a level of being a smart-arse alongside being genuine and truthful at the same time.

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Cecile’s answers would not have surprised Duncan in the slightest had he been there. They were almost as smart arsed as the answers he would have given when he had been her age. The man across the table from here just looked blandly at her.


In another interrogation room Duncan faced off with his own interrogator. He smiled as they strapped him up to the polygraph. “I’ll try not to fall asleep this time. I did the first time I was polygraphed. They had to start all over again. You realize this isn’t going to work. If you want answers, just ask.”


Duncan smiled. “And that doesn’t work on me either. You can yell, give me the silent treatment, beat the hell outta me. None of that stuff bothers me. I am desensitized to it. Get yourself a shrink in here. Better yet, get someone in here with an IQ greater than two digits. Oh, and you might want to tell people to be careful with the gear in my RV. If they so much as put a scratch on anything, I will make you folks replace the value. My guitar alone costs more than you make in a few years.”

Silence. Yep, they were going to play that game.

Finally they went through the whole tech and interrogator scene that left him alone in the room with one man. He glared at the video camera. “Help me! The The average IQ is sucking my brains away …”

“I am Lt Liam Crawford. If you know the drill then I shouldn’t have to explain them. I am going to set a baseline.”

“Duncan Moran, 52, Yes, Yes, No … and Yes.” Duncan chuckled.

“Please wait for the questions. The more time you waste, the longer this process will take.”

“You know … Cecile is giving you the same ‘tude with SMsgt Lawrence. Oh wait. I am not supposed to know what is going on in the other room - or what answers she is giving.” Duncan watched for signs of the man giving any indications of curiosity and saw none. “Great … a zombie Jarhead.”

Once the baseline was established the Lieutenant got down to some dumber questions. “Have you ever been involved with terrorist activities.”

“That depends … on what you mean by with.”

The interrogator studied the graph. “Yes or no, please.”

“Rephrase the question. It was vague. Tell you what. Why don’t I ask the questions? It’ll be faster. Have I worked in the intelligence field where I had occasion to be involved with terrorism? Yes. Have I engaged in acts of terrorism? No. Considered it? Yes. Seriously? Maybe, but only in moments of frustration with things like … being interrogated. Am I considering it now?” Duncan leaned forward. “Definitely … but I am probably the one man preventing it. Oh and by the way … your base is going to be under attack soon. I give it about 2-3 hours. It might be a little over a day. When that fight is over, the whole world is going to know what is going on. You see, if I am right, you will be rolling your tanks and trucks down I-15 … or those aliens with the floating ships will be handling it - over your dead bodies.

“Let’s stop wasting time. I’ll offer you a demonstration. Get a set of those ESP cards .. you know .. Triangle, square, Circle, wavy lines, plus sign. Make them if you have to. take them to Cecile and I’ll tell you every card you present her with 100% accuracy. She and I have a telepathic connection. And yes, you can reverse that process and let her do the guessing. I’m not sure if she will get them all right … or all wrong. Depends on how mad you’ve made her.”


Cecile’s interrogator went back to formula and hooked her up to a polygraph. Then he did the baseline question - basic information he already had, an intentional lie. Then he started in with the dumbest questions like, was she involved in terrorism. Then a tech walked in with a stack of index cards made up for an ESP test.

She didn’t have to talk, merely look at the card. Lawrence would flash the card, then lay it face down. The test started slow, then sped up. Then the interrogator explained that they were taking the same cards to Duncan. She was to say what card came into her head. It sounded like the dumbest thing until Lowdown’s voice popped into her head.

“Hi. Abyss says that Duncan says 3 sides.”

Telepathic connection .. yeah.

Cecile wasn't very shocked, his bland face was utter boredom, and she made a face to mimic his. It was that this time, she was hooked up to a polygraph it was the first time seeing one, and she didn't like that. "No, I've never been involved with terrorism." She seemed kinda indifferent on the questions, but nonetheless she did indeed answer honestly. Then, she saw the Tech come in they discussed a few things, then she was seemingly forced to do a lot of cards.

What was the point of this? They wanted her to say the first thing that came to her mind, but that was when Lowdown's voice seemed to come into her head, telling her what Duncan had said. It didn't take very long from her, and she just repeated it hoping that it was the right thing to say, after all it was the only thing that was in her head now...three sides. "Three sides." She just said as quickly as she was asked. Hoping it was right, but now in her mind she wondered if she could communicate to lowdown? So, she just thought to herself. "Lowdown you there?"

Technically cheating yeah...((Sorry for the short post not a lot to post on ^^))​
Lowdown bobbed her head up and down. “I’m here. Abyss ordered me to follow you, but not be seen. Like I would ever let them see me.” Cecile felt an odd pressure as if her eyes were trying to roll. “He (the interrogator) is a meanie butt.”

In the other room Duncan got Lowdown’s opinion of the Sr Master Sergeant relayed to him by Abyss. Duncan couldn’t help but laugh. The next symbol was a square, which was translated as Four Sides. The circle became Daystar. The wavy lines became water. The plus sign was hardest. Crossover was the closest translation Lowdown could get. The dragons simply weren’t accustomed to thinking in abstract terms.

After a good 50 symbols had been tested Duncan asked the Lieutenant to send for the results. Lawrence excused himself and stepped out of the room. Not but scant few seconds went by before a brownish golden draconic head popped through the entry.

Lowdown. Not only was she listening, but she was inside the warehouse, right outside the tent. He tail wagged happily as she saw her friend was unharmed. Then her eyes caught sight of the cuffs. She hissed softly.

“I want to bite meanie butt with the stupid name,” Lowdown stated tersely.

In the other room Duncan reviewed the answers and chuckled. “Well, the results are interesting. You might not think this is all a game, but to me it is. These results are what I should have expected. They are my perception filtered through the thoughts of a dragon. Circle became Daystar. They don’t think in abstract symbols or manmade objects. Your common gun is just a Thing. And they are growing bored with this. They are basically children.”

Duncan shot a thought to Abyss. “Need privacy for a minute. I have to insist.”

Abyss was almost timid in his momentary silence. “I understand.”

Duncan waited for a moment. Then he continued with the men. “Those humanoids heading this way killed their mother. I am sure you have recon. You should have spotted a golden hide stretch out on their flagship. That was their mother. Bait. The dragons are sapient creatures. This is a real First Contact situation. Do you people want to be remembered as the ones who shot the first visitors to our planet. Cecile and I made contact - friendly contact. They just want a new place to call home. I believe they are seeking asylum. They don’t understand that is what they need. Land is land. But that is what they need.”

Lowdown was tempted to call in one of the other dragons. But she decided against it. The warehouse was a dangerous place for most dragons.

Cecile felt something off, but it didn't really matter, she stayed in control over her body. It appeared that Lowdown could hear her with thoughts alone, that was good. It would be suspicious if she had to talk out loud. "Lowdown, being my guardian are you? How sweet.. It seems like It didn't screw everything up for you. Our curiosities just got us both in trouble, though there's a lesser chance of me making it out alive. Most humans aren't so forgiving, and likewise will tell events that didn't happen." As the questions went on the man had finally left she assumed to go get results of a test or something.

That's when she definitely could feel Lowdown closer than she would have thought her to be. But, knew she was probably to big for the tent. So, it must be outside somewhere, yet she could hear it, a slight hiss. This caused her to rattle her cuffs slightly. It was somewhat hurting, as they dug into her wrists, the sudden jerk even caused her to bleed a little, letting it drip off the cuff. Then, she heard that lowdown wanted to bite the man. "Yes, believe me I want to as well. But, he'd likely kill me if I did so. And exterminate all the dragons if you did so. Lowdown so we just wait and see what will happen in this fun time." But, on the inside for the first time ever, ..she had truly felt terror.

Cecile had thought for a moment, she would be here for a while now at least for a little while longer. "I want to ask...rather if you'll let me. I'd like to know more about you, Lowdown. I can't read someones thoughts like you can. So, I cannot learn about them, like you can. It seems like we are one mind somewhat in the way we can talk like this.. If you'll let me I'd love to learn all you would care to share." There was a small smile coming from her, but she did her best to act like she wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary.

The very concept of explaining herself was an alien concept to Lowdown. It was just one of those things she had never needed to do. He mother and siblings had known her for who she was - right down to the core of her being. “I’m Lowdown,” she stated as if that explained everything. “I am lead scout and huntress among my siblings. My Gift is to hide.”

But Lowdown didn’t sound like she was much into the conversation. No her attention was riveted to the Thing that held Cecile to the table. Unable to resist trying to free her friend she carefully folded her wings in and entered the tent. It would have been comical to see Abyss try this, but she was smaller - and very practiced at flying in tight spaces. Indeed she was one of the few who could give Windrider serious competition in tight space flights.

Lowdown stepped over crawling over Lawrence’s chair flattening it with one foot. Lowdown wasn’t especially large, but even she was heavy enough to crush a chair. She leaned her head down to try to gain purchase on the handcuffs to chew on them. But even after a few tries she realized that was going to be fruitless. So she stepped on the table with both forelegs and flattened the table.

Elsewhere in the warehouse another dragon ported in over the building where Duncan’s RV was stored and landed on top. Then he looked down at the ground below. There he spotted some round things (barrels). Curious he hopped down and jumped at one knocking it over. Another jump and he had the Thing rolling. Tail wagging he stalked the barrel pouncing every so often.

On the flight line a few dragons ported in and started trying to talk to the big Thing Dragons. One pounced on a wing, but got no response. This one was as bad as Abyss.

A small dragon ported next to the warehouse where Lowdown and Cecile were on the back side. She jumped against the door and there was a clicking sound - the sound of the lock unlocking. Then she started fiddling with the door until the jimmied it open and nosed her way on.

“Pandora?!” Lowdown sent. “Abyss said you weren’t supposed to come here.”

“We wanted to help. Sharda said we could.”

“Uh oh,” Lowdown sent to Cecile. “Uhm, this is Pandora. Abyss said Roche was to lead everyone to a safe place. Sharda wanted to help you. They aren’t supposed to be here.”

Pandora looked at Cecile, now on the ground thanks to Lowdown’s attempts to break her out. She stretched her neck forward and touched the cuffs. There was a clicking noise.

“Pandora like to open things. She’s ALWAYS getting into trouble. Packrat doesn’t like her. But that’s because he’s afraid she will break something in his horde.”

Cecile listened as lowdown began to speak, then heard of huntress. "I see...so you hide, and lead the others to get food? I take it that's it." She chuckled to herself. "I see being stubborn is part of your job description. It was comical for Cecile to watch Lowdown come into the tent destroying a chair, and even the table at an attempt to chew at the chains, however to no avail. But, it hit her, there was a camera watching right? This was likely transmitted to them. Although, it didn't take long for her to realize they weren't alone. It seemed another dragon, or in her mind a lot more dragons had somehow gotten here. But, it concerned her.

That was when Cecile decided to send something to lowdown again. "I see...then it's a pleasure to meet Pandora. I appreciate even Sharda. But, this might have been the biggest mistake yet for any of us." She thought a long moment, trying to figure out what was edging at her, but then it hit her, this caused an involuntary snarl from her, which sounded very similar to a dragons in a way. That was when the cuffs had a clicking noise and she removed her hands from the cuffs.

"I appreciate your assistance, Lowdown. I also appreciate, Pandora for her assistance as well. But, you need to get all of your fellow dragons out. If I'm the least bit correct in my way of thinking, there is a high chance those whom are hunting you, will strike here. And if you're caught between the fight, assuming it's not just a one sided annihilation of us humans. Your chances of survival are slim, very slim." She didn't seem all to pleased to send that to lowdown, but what choice did she have. It was a fair warning, even if she didn't know for sure that it would happen.​
“Windrider and Icerunner are playing with the Dragon Things,” Abyss announced.

“The what?” Duncan asked. “Oh … oh crap. Tell them to stop! Those dragon things might scream out their butts and burn them.” The only thing he could think of that might resemble a dragon but be a thing was something with wings - like an aircraft.

For a brief moment, every dragon on the base stopped to listen. Then keened and rocked a bit. Back in the other warehouse Lowdown and Pandora bobbed their heads up and down. Cecile felt washed over by waves of humor as Lowdown explained what Duncan had said.

“Dragons don’t scream out their butts,” Lowdown commented. “Unless maybe they ate something really bad.”

Packrat had discovered a Thing of his own - something to add to his horde. The Humans had simply left it gathering dust. They weren’t using it - whatever it was. So he had decided it was there for the taking. But then he had no concept of what a USMC load bearing pack was. His tail was wagging happily as he pranced about proudly.

Major Amaretta Carnegie moved out of the command building she had been in as a jeep approached at high speed, slowing hard to a near stop. The driver, one Lt Jasmine Anabwe gave her Major just enough time to make it in before flooring it again.

“I’m getting reports of sightings all over the base.” Jasmine shouted.


Amaretta was a fairly tall blonde woman in her late 20’s built with all the muscles one would expect of a marine commando. She led her unit with an iron fist. She wasn’t so much assigned to the base as assigned to the situation. Her unit was there to halt the movements of both dragons and Uralchai. Jasmine was Amaretta’s lieutenant, a chocolate skinned woman whose specialty was electronic warfare.

Back in his interrogation room Duncan looked at Lt Liam Crawford. “You might want to release me and let me see if I can round these dragons up. They think this is just a sort of playground. It is just a game to them. But it is also serious because you guys grabbed myself and Cecile. They aren’t going to like it if we are threatened. They most definitely do not like us being restrained.”

Cecile stood up letting the cuffs go to the floor. "Dragon things...butts...fire...aircraft? aircraft... Lowdown whoever is toying with those things you need to stop, they can be deadlier than any dragon, especially if ordered to kill. It is a human thing. They're likely on passive until they get everyone away from here." That was when she opened her door. "I don't have time to stick around I gotta get Duncan. Lowdown I'll leave everything with you since you can...send mind things."

That was that, she had went out the door, looking through random doors. Spotting a few marines, but slowly closing the doors. It seemed like they were getting ready for something. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a man shooting up at the dragons with a gun. But, which type she couldn't make out. It was shocking, for she thought their was a cease fire going on. Well it didn't matter right now. Lowdown, the others they could get out, they definitely would. She needed to get to Duncan, who only knows what happened then.

Cecile had gone into a room, she saw bags they contained something, it was there stuff. So, that's where they had them, she had opened her bag up, and put on her old clothes, she really hated the new types they had given, of course this had slowed her down, but she didn't forget what she needed. Assuming the other bad was Duncan's she grabbed it, and ran off, searching rooms. They had to have had him holed up somewhere, and that's it. Her search had paid off, only she had been left alone she assumed the same thing for Duncan.

That was when she busted through the door on Duncan, and Lt Liam Crawford. "Duncan are you in here?!" She froze when she saw the other man. It was quite a shocking experience. How was she to know that someone else was here? Should she have asked? It actually scared her somewhat to think of what might happen now. All she could do now is just wait, or run depending on whatever happened. She might need to grab Duncan and run for it.​

Duncan raised an eyebrow. So the marines were finally getting their act together. Any other base it wouldn’t have taken so long, but this was a logistics base. Half the men here were trainees. On the plus side, that meant they probably weren’t armed …. yet. Another plus was that civilians on a marine base tended to do as told.

Then he heard gunfire. “Abyss? Anyone hurt?”

“No, Gadget was climbing on some Things. Some of the humans made loud noises with loud claw things. But nothing happened.”

“Those were warnings. Think of those as roars warning Gadget to leave the Things alone. Abyss, there is a BIG Cave thing on one side of the big open field where the Dragon Things are. If there are no Dragon Things inside, I want all of you there. Have Sharda insist.”

That was when Cecile busted through the door on Duncan, Lt Liam Crawford and Sgt Craig Lawrence. "Duncan are you in here?!" She froze when she saw the other men. It was quite a shocking experience. How was she to know that someone else was here? Should she have asked? It actually scared her somewhat to think of what might happen now. All she could do now is just wait, or run depending on whatever happened. She might need to grab Duncan and run for it.

Running with Duncan would have been problematic at best, for the heads of Lowdown and Pandora were pushing in behind her. She couldn’t have run out if she wanted to. Of course, Lowdown wasn’t visible. Pandora, however, was. She blinked at the men and hissed. Neither marine, to their credit, drew a weapon.

“Cecile … I’m fine. Abyss, please the dragon that just poked its head in here to withdraw it from the Hide Cave Thing. Who? Oh … Gentlemen, this is Pandora. She likes opening things. Boxes, doors, handcuffs… rocks covering predator habitats. Apparently she excels at finding trouble.”

“Cecile … like I said. I’m fine. These gentlemen were just about to release me --” Duncan was interrupted by the Lieutenant’s phone ringing.

Crawford answered his phone. “Major Carnegie? Yes ma’am. Yes ma’am. Understood ma’am. Thank you.” He hung up. “Major will be here shortly. She wants us to bring you to the airfield. I am guessing that is where you sent the dragons?”

Duncan nodded. “I am hoping that you gentlemen won’t go and kill off a whole species just because they wanted to play on your base.”

“I doubt that sir. Not her style. She just wants the mayhem under control and the civilian population safe. A couple of your dragons were biting the drones. One was even gnawing on a missile. Fortunately it wasn’t armed.”

Waiting outside was an open jeep with a driver. Duncan and Cecile were herded in. Crawford sat up front. Duncan and Lawrence sat on either side of Cecile. Abyss ported in and landed with a menacing whoosh of wings and hissing.

“That, gentlemen is Abyss. He’s sort of the big brother of the flight of dragons. Flight, not flock. He also the one doing his best to keep the rest in line. He’s the last one you want to hurt - after Sharda. Sharda is elementary school level in maturity - like the rest. She is essentially their new queen. And if you wanted them to attack blindly, all you’d have to do is hurt her. No Abyss, I don’t think they intend that. Just keep your younger siblings behaving a bit longer. These humans aren’t like most humans. Think of them as much like you. You don’t try to hurt the people they protect and they are peaceful. And most of them actually like kids. The US Marines sponsor the Toys for Tots program. They gather Things and wrap them up as presents for children to play with.”

“I like things to play with,” Lowdown commented. Obviously Abyss was relaying this news. Then she chuckled in Cecile’s mind. “Pandora wants to know if they have any she could open. If you let her she would open every single one. I wouldn’t tell her where any are.”


By the time they got to the airfield Abyss, Lowdown, and Pandora were flapping along. Pandora ended up porting out once the jeep sped up to highway speeds. Lowdown and Abyss struggled to keep up. There near the large hangar was a lone jeep with Amaretta and Jasmine. The Major was looking up at Starfire and crooning, rubbing the dragon’s neck and complimenting hide, wings, claws, …. Starfire was clearly eating up the attention as she was huffed up and displaying everything.

Cecile didn't much have any forethought that the dragons would follow her, instead of listen. Then, again when did Lowdown ever listen to a thing she said. But, it was quite interesting Duncan was about to let go, but then there was a phone ringing. That's when her mind drifted off to lowdown. "You should really consider listening to me more Lowdown. We are basically one mind, and soul now, inhabiting two separate bodies." This caused her to laugh, then heard something about Pandora suppose to come out.

Much to her surprise she was rushed into a car sitting between Duncan, and another odd man. That was when she plopped the bag harshly into Duncan's lap. "This guy has smelly pits." she muttered, hearing lowdown's voice in her head about everything, and then about how Pandora wanted to open something. "She'd open Pandora's box itself if she could I'd imagine." She sent back to her in a playful manner.

This caused some conflicted feelings towards her. As she saw Starfire being rubbed on the neck. All she did was pray this meeting was genuine. Because, if it was a simple get everything together then annihilate tactic she might somewhat go insane. It was ridiculous at how scary every event was. Because, in a way it might be friendly, in another it might just be deadly.

((Sorry it's not long, not a whole bunch to comment to unfortunately. ^^))​
Major Amaretta Carnegie patted Starfire’s neck one more time. “They truly are rather empathic. Jasmine, get me General Pierce on the line.”

Jasmine nodded. She had been listening to other reports on her earpiece with an intense expression on her face. “Yes ma’am. Something you need to know first. Those ships. They’ve made a course correction. They are headed directly toward Barstow. ETA at current speeds is about 3 hours - a little after dusk.”

(Barstow is the town where the dragons “attacked.” It is just north of the base. And it is where the families of many of the base personnel live.)

Amaretta nodded. “I’ll call the General. You get the drones in the air. Order an evacuation of Nebo. Three hours isn’t much, but get as many out as you can. Get Dr Tanis here. We are going to need him if there is going to be any chance for diplomacy. Tell my husband to make sure he knows where the kids are.”

Amaretta turned away to call General Andrea Pierce on her cell phone. The response was immediate. “General … Senator … not sure what to call you these days. Contact established with the dragons. Sapient. Empathic. They communicate via telepathy. But they are essentially just children. The aliens in the ships are hunting them. They killed the dragons’ parents and now appear intent on capturing immature specimens. They are baiting the dragons with the hide of their dead mother.

“The ships have changed course for Barstow, CA - population a little over 23,000. ETA 3 hours.” She paused to listen. “Plan? At the moment, diplomacy seems prudent. We still haven’t found a way to attack them from a distance. They turn all our weapons back on us. Their construction and anti grav makes land assault impossible. Assault by paratroopers would have a very high mortality rate. I am at a loss for the moment. I’ll find a way.”

Duncan spoke up. “Major, I used to be a military linguist as well as a tactics analyst. The stuff I worked on was used by Project Red Flag - our own pilots simulating Soviet aggressors to train combat pilots. The important thing is that I have a head for the sort of stuff to look for if I can get up close. And I have the gear to take videos and snapshots if it is returned to me. I’m volunteering to be part of the diplomatic team - if there is one.” He looked over at Cecile. “I can’t speak for her in this instance. But she is old enough to make her own decision. I was about her age when I entered military service.”

Cecile looked at all the dragons, and it didn't take long to realize what has happened. They were told to come here, that much was certain, but to what extent was the problem? It seemed like something big was going to happen, something was going to attack, and it also seemed that any attempts to prevent were utterly useless. Now it wasn't before long she heard that they were baiting dragons with the dead moms skin. That was a sick and cruel thing to do, even in Cecile's particularly long twisted way of always coming up with evil thoughts.

That's when Duncan spoke up. “Major, I used to be a military linguist as well as a tactics analyst. The stuff I worked on was used by Project Red Flag - our own pilots simulating Soviet aggressors to train combat pilots. The important thing is that I have a head for the sort of stuff to look for if I can get up close. And I have the gear to take videos and snapshots if it is returned to me. I’m volunteering to be part of the diplomatic team - if there is one.” This caused her to be somewhat interested, that was something she didn't know before. Although, that to an extent might explain the droid.

Cecile had noticed Duncan looking at her. “I can’t speak for her in this instance. But she is old enough to make her own decision. I was about her age when I entered military service.” She had to think upon this statement for a long time as she didn't know herself what to do. Was she actually suppose to be ready for this? It didn't much matter to her at this point, how could she leave if her friends were in danger? "I guess I don't have much of a choice here."​
The Major looked at Cecile with a serious expression on her face. “You always have a choice. But I am not so sure this is a mission you should be on.”

Duncan smiled. “She’s a photojournalist - underpaid I suspect.”

Amaretta nodded. “Understood. I also already have a linguist, considerably more qualified for diplomatic work. On the other hand, he could as easily work with recorded information as upfront and personal. And I am not convinced he could maintain his composure in the face of those aliens. He’s more … at home in a library.”

Amaretta withheld her decision until Dr Alex Tanis (age 19) arrived in a limo, not more than 10 minutes later. Alex was accompanied by the driver another man, a young teenage girl (13 years old) and a boy all of 8 years old. As soon as the limo stopped the boy was trying to exit the vehicle as one of the men tried to grab him. The teenaged girl was faster.

“Mom! Mom!” the boy was yelling. “I have an idea…” There was an unspoken communication between Amaretta and the man who had tried to grab the kid.

Lt Jasmine Anabwe grinned at her Major. “Stubborn kid.”

“Mm hmm. Someone wants to scrub the latrine with a toothbrush.” She paused, not quite taking time to count to 10. “Marcus Alexander Hamilton! Front and Center. Now.”

That froze the boy in his tracks. By this time Duncan and Cecile had had a chance to get a good look at both children. Both showed signs of serious abuse. But Mark Hamilton has clearly been beaten in a way no parent would ever have done without going to prison. the boy had literally been tortured. His response was a quick “Ma’am, yes ma’am” followed by moving directly in front of her to stand at attention.

Dr Kjarvel Sverjasson, the man who had tried to catch the kid took his time walking up. He smiled and winced at the use of Mark’s middle name. He had been expecting it though. His wife’s temper was very, very slow to rise. And this wasn’t even a start. But she wasn’t going to tolerate Mark’s misbehavior. He was normally very, very mature for his age. Everyone knew that. “He has an idea. I think you should hear it.”

Amaretta made Mark stand at attention a moment longer. “If you’ve caught your breath, At Ease and let’s hear what you had in mind that you couldn’t have your father relay.”

Mark reddened and swallowed. “Yes ma’am. Well, you know, the aliens haven’t fired any of their own weapons at us. I think we haven’t gotten close enough. All video has shown are medieval weaponry - ballista and catapults at worst. But they seem able to turn our own weapons back on us. I was thinking that their vessels are just medieval ships held aloft by dirigibles - which shouldn’t be possible - and propelled by propellers. Right?

“Well, what I was thinking was why not suspend some large hooks - like anchors - from a tow line and just drag them to where we want them. Or cause enough damage to force them to ground. You’d have to watch out for their wyverns - and those demons…”

Amaretta stared at Mark. Then she glanced at Kjarvel who shrugged. It really wasn’t a bad idea, and any means to buy more time was welcome. She turned to Jasmine. “Three teams. I want them airborne in 30 minutes. Jury rig whatever you have to. Name drop if you need to. In fact, get the General in the loop.” She looked down at Mark and nodded. “I guess we’ll find out. Even if all we do is slow them down, that’s something.”

Amaretta turned her attention to Dr Tanis. “Dr Tanis, we are planning - don’t worry, the Dragons are friendly - we are planning to send in diplomats to try to establish communications with the aliens. Without a common language we are going to need your expertise. Now Mr Duncan Moran here was a military linguist…”

Alex looked about as nervous as he could get. His voice failed him at first. His mouth was so dried out with fear and the lack of local humidity that he had to force himself to swallow a few times. “I can go in. I mean I may need to. Gestures and mannerisms may prove essential to translating.”


Alex Tanis

Cecile smiled at the very thought of how she shouldn't be on it. "I probably shouldn't be. But, then...I shouldn't have been in a lot of things today." But, it was not before some strange people came from a limousine. It was quite a curious couple, children? Between young ages...the lady who seemed to be in charge seemed not much older than she was. "Guess I know who wears the pants in the family.." She mutter to herself before mumbling to Duncan. "This is grand isn't it? Just being here?" But, she wondered, did she have one of those kids at six years of age, or were they adopted? Or did they come from the dads side? Because, it certainly seemed suspicious.

When a threat to scrub the latrine with a toothbrush was made, Cecile only clapped. "Bravo Bravo, that's showing em whose the man of the house." But, she noticed how brutally beat up the kids looked. It seemed like a lot had happened. "Guess physical therapy is working, wonder if everything else failed." Then, she listened to Mark's explanation. It was good to plan with the information you had. "Ten percent." She muttered to herself thinking on a lot of things. Medieval at best huh? There had to be some trick to it, if that's all it was. After all, if it was only medieval it wouldn't be reflected things back towards the attackers. What if the medieval appearance was only a ruse? That could explain a few things, save their triumph for last, or keep it away from the enemy?

That was when she heard their plan to send Duncan to negotiate with the aliens, and that they needed the doctors expertise. It seemed like a step up, after all who better than Duncan given his past, and a possible doctor? How do you negotiate with aliens whose sole purpose are the dragons? ...They want the dragons...but for what? Natural enemies? Hide? Meat? A lot of possibilities, but only one outcome would come from it at the current pace. Extinction. "The aliens sole purpose as far as data shows...are the dragons alone.. assuming they aren't just hunting them just to kill time or something, extinction could be a good way to negotiate." Of course, this was to Duncan alone. Because, with a doctor who knows what kind of remarks they might get.


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