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Fandom Dragonball: Ascension (Characters)



Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
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Here's our Characters page!

Please be sure to read the lore page's information before creating a character as there are some things on there which might catch longtime fans off guard if you don't pay attention to the smaller details.

For your profile, please fill out all the same information points I do in my own profile. If you have questions about any of them, feel free to ask away!




Cheyanne's Theme


Height: 5' 6" (167 cm)
Weight: 125 lbs (56 kg)
Voice: Cheyanne

Caste: Middle-Class Caste
Profession: Soldier
Power Level: 3,200
Ceiling: Yes

Personal Techniques

* Swirling Blade - Cheyanne primes the index and middle fingers of both hands, charges all of her Ki into them, and flies at the enemy before spinning rapidly at the last second causing a swiling laser-like Ki stream to strike her enemy. Because it's a continuous stream being guided in a wide arc across the enemy's body the attack is incredibly difficult to block (Think Levi Ackerman's spinning blade attack, but in Ki form and it extends out for dozens of feet around Cheyanne's body).

* More - TBD

Personality: Cheyanne is a true soldier in every sense of the word. She follows orders, respects authority, supports her fellow soldiers without hesitation, and never turns her back on a battle no matter the odds. She's got a fiery temper like many of her kin. And like her kin this temper is largely driven by her pride as a warrior. The easiest way to piss her off is to challenge her standing, question her work ethic, or belittle her in any kind of condescending way. When not on the field of battle she's generally a calm, though outgoing individual who seeks the company of her comrades, Saiyan or otherwise, and likes to playfully take jabs at them for the sake of a laughter-filled conversation. For Cheyanne, a good time spent with comrades and friends is the best medicine after a long fought battle in space.

Bio: Cheyanne's father, Aroyo, was born and raised in the outskirts of a Middle-Class village. However, it soon became clear he was an exception to the Middle-Class Caste and his power level skyrocketed into Elite territory by the time he was 16. At age 19, when he hit his ceiling, his power level had risen to a whopping 16,800 putting him in the standard Elite Class of Saiyan warriors. His wife, Camela, was also an Elite of the Lower-Elite Class with a power level of 15,200. And although they often joked that she was "just barely" an Elite, there was, nevertheless, genuine affection shared between the two which went beyond the battlefield. However, when Cheyanne was born they could tell right away that she took more after her father's genetic line as her power was fairly unremarkable. At age 5 with a power level of only 800, Cheyanne was on track to become a standard Middle-Class Saiyan... And that's exactly what she became.

For her parents, Cheyanne is a disappointment. For the rest of her family, however, she's just fine. Her father and mother effectively disowned her by the time she was fourteen with a power level of 2,400 because they couldn't stand the idea that she was so much lower than them when their genetics had a scientifically proven chance of nearly 92% to produce offspring with a power level roughly equivalent to the average of their own powers. This abandonment by her parents was a bitter blow for Cheyanne as she took tremendous pride in the fact that her parents were Elites. To not have that pride returned simply because she was a Middle-Class Saiyan like the rest of her family line on her father's side (mother's side also being Elites) was heartbreaking. However, it served to fuel Cheyanne to seek comfort with others of her own Class. And she quickly found it liberating to be with others who had powers around the same as her own who could all laugh, joke, and spar with each other without ever feeling left out or scrutinized because of "arbitrary" things like genetics.

At age 18 she joined the Saiyan military and became the ideal model of a soldier. She followed her orders to a tee, showed all proper respects to her authority figures, and was always there to back up her comrades in the heat of battle no matter the power levels of her enemies. Though she, like most other Middle-Class Saiyans, never received any awards or recognition for her heroics on the battlefield, she's gained a reputation among her comrades as both an Angel and a Demon on the battlefield.
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The Hammer


Name: Nolan Zachariah
Age: 33yrs
Height: 6ft 10in
Weight: 660lbs
Voice: Jason Mamoa/Aquaman.

Profession: Soldier
Power Level: 3000

Personal Techniques

Mag lock Fist/Grab- By using powerful magnetic joints in his wrists Nolan can deliver quick hard hitting punches from a distance, or clench his foe with his detached hand and drag them back with his powerful magnetic pull, or drag himself to them for a follow up attack.

*HF-Cannon- The H stands for Hydrogen, And the F stands for Fission By merging both hands into a massive cannon Nolan can actually trigger an atomic explosion from hydrogen atoms in the air which are sucked into the cannon. The cannon then focuses the explosion and radiation in a focused blast which can level large mountains and even cause massive damage to small planetoids. It is without a doubt his most powerful weapon.

Kinetic pulse- every punch, every kick, every time he is slammed Into the ground Nolan takes damage, but he also stores that kinetic energy in a specialized part within his torso. The framework around this machine is built into his entire body making it abnormally durable. However once enough buildup has been accumulated he can unleash and omnidirectional wave of kinetic energy that can dissipate most energy attacks and even send nearby friends and foes flying. It can cause large amounts of damage if one is combo’d into it via the grab technique.

Heat rays- We all know where the best place to put heat lasers is. Nolan is capable of firing beams of heat from his eyes which can melt almost any kind of alloy and will do a number on fleshy targets. They are very accurate due to their placement however they require several bursts or a sustained blast to get any real lasting damage.

Thunderlance rockets- built into his shins are hardened tubes which have replaced his bones. Inside these tubes are remarkably powerfully missiles which have limited homing capabilities and trigger an incredibly forceful low combustion detonation. Made to collapse bunkers, destroy vehicles, or clear out enclosed areas this weapon is much less powerful when used outside where the shockwaves can dissipate.

Bearded Bomb- A grenade launcher built into his chin and hidden by his beard. This grenade is not a lethal weapon rather it unleashes several electrodes upon detonation that will electrify whatever they touch. The detonation is incredibly loud and very bright similar to a flash bang and can both blind and deafen foes who are too close to its detonation.

Photonic beam emitter- hidden in the back of his throat is an array of lasers that can unleash a decently powerful explosive laser from his mouth. This beam is able to level small mountains and even islands.

Personality: A calm rage had often been used to describe Nolan before his procedures. And it became ever more true after them. He seems to be reserved, sort of Stoic, and keeps to himself. He is disciplined and often seems to be in a strange state of relaxed down to business almost like he is bored. When he is brought into a combat type scenario much of the same is true him seeming detached and bored with it all, at least until the enemy can show him that they are pretty strong and might be worth his time. When asked why he seems so bored he often claims it’s because life has become monotonous and without challenge.

Bio: Nolan spent most of his life peacefully growing up under the watchful eye of his parents. He was a pretty good kid all around, a stellar athlete, a remarkable academic prodigy. All seemed to be going in the right direction for him to become a brilliant scientist or perhaps a professional athlete. So everyone was shocked to find out that he instead joined the military. It seemed his talents would be wasted, or so his parents believed, and would continue to believe as he was promptly promoted into black ops teams and eventually his intellect would bring him to top secret R&D projects. He developed a number of weapons and technologies for the world government, and even continued to go on black ops missions for them. To the higher ups in government he was a seeming godsend, a perfect soldier who could do it all.

So when an unknown alien craft was discovered and they needed a team to recover and study it Nolan was a perfect candidate for both processes. Unfortunately even the best makes mistakes sometimes, the extraction went on without a hitch but when he began to study the craft he had made it about halfway through discovering many new alloys and technologies, yet as he reached its core he accidentally triggered it and the explosion that resulted though small, was still powerful enough to vaporize a large portion of his body and the rest of the craft. Nolan seemed to have run out of luck, but he must have had some saved away for a rainy day because it turned out this wouldn’t end his life but simply open another chapter in it.

The world government was not to keen on letting their perfect soldier die, and as it turned out a few of Nolan’s designs were prosthetics, robotics, and most recently alien alloys and metals. Several other scientists would be called in to improve upon his designs, fill in gaps he had yet to complete, and finally the doctors who kept him alive would be swapped for the surgeons who would spend the next several weeks putting him together, working closely with the engineers who would attach the new parts and wire up his internals. When Nolan Awoke he found himself now more than just one of the greatest soldiers in the military, but now also one of the greatest weapons they possessed...from this day forward he would be The Hammer.

It has been seven years since he awoke as The Hammer, he has rebuilt himself and loaded himself with new weaponry but has found a new problem. The enemies of the military seem vastly inferior to him now, they barely make him expend effort let alone pose a threat. He now seems to have grown distant and always seems bored, he claims to want to find stronger foes who can make him work for his victories or even make him face defeat and learn where else he needs to make upgrades.


Name: Mayze
Age: 18
Height: 5' 2" (157 cm)
Weight: 112 lbs (50.8 kg)
Voice: Mayze
Attire: A torn up brown shirt that covers most of her torso and black pants with a large hole. Bandages cover all spots of her body, excluding her feet.


Caste: Upper-Class Caste
Profession: None
Power Level: 5,598
Ceiling: No

Ki Aura: White

Personal Techniques
[Since Mayze has no ki training, very little of her moves use ki, and if they due its used absentmindedly, she has no clue what it is giving her a major disadvantage despite her power level at her age.]
Name: Descript (Color)
* Apex Howling Wave: Channeling the apex predator inside her, Mayze lets out a beastly scream that ignites primal fear within certain targets. (None)
* Body Crush Ripper: Focusing all her power into her hand, Mayze reaches forward attempting to grab her target, and on contact gives a grip that has the strength to crush bone. All of the Ki in her body moves to one spot during this move, leaving her natural defenses completely gone. (Light Red)
* Bash Bash Bloody Blast: A move that's used on damaged opponents, aiming directly for their wounds with a flurry of blows, then using the blood on her hands to blind the enemy. (None)
* Frenzy Mashing Mash: Mayze spins, using her tail to grab her opponent, slams them into everything nearby. (None)
* Ripping Tail Tooth: Mayze coats her tail in Ki, taking the shape of spikes, allowing her to use it like a mace. (Light Red)
* Crazed Fang: Sending Ki through the veins in her gums and fingertips, her nails and teeth protrude and sharpen, giving her more bite strength and nails like daggers. (Light Red)
* Serpent Venom Counter: When the opponent strikes with their fist, Mayze coils up their arm like a snake, wrapping her legs around their arm and placing her sharp nails at their jugular. This move can only be used on taller opponents. (None)
* Earth Crashing Meteor: Using her short size, Mayze drops down and brings her opponents attention with her, just to jump up and kick them in the jaw. Using her higher position she comes crashing back down with her knee forward, sending them straight down into the ground. (None)
* Fading Burst: Mayze charges forward on all fours, jumping forward to pounce at her enemy. As they put their guard up, Mayze uses her tail to shift her trajectory, flying right past them escaping.
* Primal Velocity: Mayze completely turns off her brain, entering into a state where she completely disregards self preservation, focusing solely on destroying her opponent. Her speed massively increases at the cost of lacking the ability to act strategically. (None)

Personality: Mayze's personality can best be described as savage. She behaves like an animal, primarily motivated by the want to feed and sleep, but her Saiyan ancestors have instilled in her a sadistic love of the hunt, and she enjoys toying with prey before dispatching them. She lacks a moral compass, believing that existence is simply killing or being killed. Even so, she will approach things that fascinate her like a curious child, as long as she believes it is safe. Having spent the majority of her life in the wilderness, she is intrigued by life outside of it. Mayze can be easily influenced by those who have proven themselves to be effective at being 'predators.' Because of her observational nature outside of combat, because she is a natural hunter, she finds herself picking up the habits of others if she perceives them as useful.

Bio: Bokoy, Mayze's father, and Roemari, Mayze's mother, were both Upper-Caste Saiyans who enjoyed planet broking. They and their comrades jumped from planet to planet, demonstrating their complete domination of strength over the species and claiming everything. They grew fond of one other throughout the course of their journeys, a burning love that eventually gave birth to Mayze. Despite Mayze's birth, her parents continued to conquer worlds, bringing Mayze along for the ride as if she were a student on a field trip, showing her what she may expect from the great race of Saiyans in the future. This familial pastime would come to a halt when the Saiyans finally overstepped their bounds, becoming engaged with Chubrorth, a planet that would ultimately lead to their doom. On their last legs, they attempted to depart the planet but realized they would be pursued and eliminated, so in one final act to safeguard their lineage, they placed Mayze in the crippled ship's sole remaining pod and sent her flying to the nearest planet where she would have a chance of survival.

Mayze awoke on an alien planet, Earth, only knowing her name and the faces of her parents. She was stranded on an island surrounded by ocean and wildness, with no option but to adapt and survive. Mayze's body is covered in scars from the different hardships she had to face, each serving as a reminder of something she learned throughout these formative years. The only reason she was able to survive was that she had a native tribe on the island to whom she would go anytime she became injured. They were nice enough to tend to Mayze's wounds and provide her with some basic language lessons while she recovered before she returned to her home in the woods. They warned her about the enormous ape who arrived on particular nights every time she went, and Mayze heeded their warnings, both unaware that she was the enormous ape in question. This would be revealed at some point. The moon shined brightly in the sky while Mayze was healing inside the tribe's fortifications, causing her to transform into a great ape and tear the hamlet and its people to shreds. As she recovered consciousness, she found herself in the midst of the rubble, with survivors of the carnage holding her at spear point. Mayze simply attacked instinctively at that moment; killing or being killed was all that was on her mind as she wiped off the last remaining members of the tribe who had done so much for her. The entire incident left her with a pit in her stomach, and she's been utilizing natural signs to predict when the requirements to become a great ape would reappear the next night, avoiding coming into the night light on those days. Mayze now lives alone on the island, sleeping, eating, and surviving; she has risen to the position of alpha predator. However, a new sensation has emerged that has altered everything: boredom. Who knows where she'll end up with this new sensation?
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“There are two certainties in life: death aaand post-exercise fatigue.”


Name: Pho (pronounced ‘fah’ / ‘fuh’)
Age: 17
Height: 5’10 (177.8 cm)
Weight: 147 lbs. (66.6 kg)
Voice: TBA(?)

Profession: Martial Arts Student (Jet Wyrm School)
Power Level: 1,850

Personal Techniques
(Pho fractured his dominant (right) wrist multiple times as a result of the Wyrm School’s brutal training regiment, having underwent surgery to have an artificial joint in it’s place. puts strain on the muscles in his hand, and the nerves in his wrist, even menial tasks like flexing his fingers is painful, and while that pain is relatively easy to manage, using his damaged hand in combat is out of the question, as it would likely be extremely painful, possibly debilitatingly so.)
(As Pho is only an ordinary student of the Wyrm School, he lacks any of the intermediate techniques they might be known for. Perhaps he will learn to master those after he gains some more experience.)
Jet Gun - The signature finger blast technique of the Jet Wyrm School. What it lacks in power it makes up for in speed and accuracy. It slices the target with a relatively small energy shuriken before quickly dispersing. Most potent when firing off multiple Waves in quick succession. (Yellow.)
Volleyball Fist - An unusual striking technique that utilizes serves and spikes, as if the opponent were a volleyball. (Exactly what you think it looks like.)
• Wyrm Fang Wave - A powerful but dangerous energy wave technique that takes a tremendous amount of ki to perform. As it can potentially kill the user if used recklessly, it is considered a means of attacking in desperation. (A giant, red, trident-shaped wave that is performed by pressing your fingertips together with clawed hands. It makes a sound like a dragon’s roar when it’s released.)

Personality: Pho is very genuine, and would have you believe he is confident and outgoing, taking up any opportunity for friendship or competition. He often respects those he can affirm are stronger or wiser than he, though he has his moments of rebellion against his superiors. He could be considered a diligent worker, and someone who takes great pride in their means of education, a missed training session is a rare occurrence, motivated by his goal of surpassing the current Master of the School, in spite of his many rivals. Realistically, Pho is just a boy, and will most rather run from any real danger, lacking any of the gallantry of an experienced martial artist, yet, he always tries his best to put on a brave face, for the sake of others, with what limited willpower he can conjure.

Bio: Pho’s mother died in childbirth, leaving him to be raised by his father alone, Ryudo, a man who had once devoted his life to martial arts, fueled by heartbreak to return to the path, joined now by his son. Pho was by no means a prodigy, and his road through Jet Wyrm School style martial arts has been an unforgiving and arduous battle, his injury a testament to his father’s extended abuse, his unending drive to keep on pushing his son. Pho could never bring himself to hate his father, and never looks back on his childhood with ill feelings. Now that he’s become something mildly resembling a half-decent martial artist, Pho’s life is full of bombastic energy, his everyday fueled by his passionate desire to be the best. He wants to be better than anyone under the Wyrm School’s teachings has ever been, and that means surpassing Master Tsutor who seems almost impossibly powerful and wise to young Pho. By 15, his power level ranged in the top percentile of students and has never faltered in that to date, hoping to improve as much as he can in the upcoming month, yet he has otherwise never experienced real combat, or at least not any high stake battles.

Though he may just see some in due time.​
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Name: Aikon
Age: 19
Weight:240 lbs
Voice: Trunks
Attire:usually all black battle armor with his sword sheathed across his back
Caste: upper-Class Caste
Profession: Planet Broker
Power Level: 14000
Ceiling: No

Ki Aura: Red
Personal Techniques
Aikon is a Martial artist/ swordsman, he likes to keep the battle at short range using his power and undying stamina to overwhelm opponents, he often uses ki blast to cap off combos or to finish an opponent.

Ki Sword:focusing Ki into his blade he increases its cutting ability and its defensive durability also using it to block attacks and projectiles.( Black)

Raging slice: uses his stamina reserves to unleash a barrage of slicing attacks usually forcing foes to go onto the defense or test they’re armor with a blade

Blood beam cannon: he focuses all of his Ki into each hand releasing huge blasts from each hand capable of being fired in different directions, or being twined together to combine the power,

Gut Buster: a flurry of strikes intending to knock a foe back then catapult his self spinning like a ball to land a double legged drop kick in their stomach.

Personality: Very outspoken and confident, not afraid to protect who/what he feels is right, very humorous even in battle, he has a bit of a solemn side around those he isn’t exactly peachy with. He is very thoughtful of others but won’t express it through words, he’ll just always be there when you need him sorta guy, he’s also a gym rat like most Saiyans using it as an outlet to workout what’s going on in his head. He doesn’t have the best communication skills so he’d be more likely to avoid emotional conversations in an attempt to not get worked up.

Bio: Aikon was born to a mother who was a middle class Saiyan Beri with a power level of 4,015 who was a technician who worked on the maintenance of the vanguard vessels. His father Broc a member of the Vangaurd with a power level of 24,000 was well respected and was expected to settle down with a member of his own elite level caste but instead he found himself falling for the Saiyan woman who kept his ship in top condition, the feelings were mutual considering he showed her a side that she’s never seen from an Elite caste memeber. That changed shortly after Aikon was born his father Broc was afraid of being tied to a child who could possibly ruin his legacy. For the Early years it was just Aikon and his and his mother until he turned 8 and had a power level of 6,000, his father didn’t have a choice but to acknowledge him and began playing more of a father role.

His father Broc took over his training when he turned 10 in an attempt to keep his families elite bloodline going by by exposing Aikon to his true potential, training him personally sometimes leaving him too exhausted to move. The older Aikon got the more his father confided in him with his dislike of sadala’s power governed society something that really stuck with Aikon especially when seeing the difference of both elite class saiyans (fathers side) that treated him as a family prodigy and middle class saiyans who treated him like an average being without enormous expectations just for him to try his best.

When he turned 18 he was classified as a upperclass saiyan having a power level of 13,000 he joined the planet broker business and began flying through the ranks as he traveled wyd conquered planets always away from Sadala. One one of his expeditions he ran into a frost demon ship, a known foe, preparing for battle the group of saiyans departed from the ship and began their assault unfortunately they were completely outgunned considering they were being sent to make sure a planet was uninhabited before bein auctioned off. Watching all of his comrades fall before him he fought his best fight before falling short and ending up with a frost demons tail around his neck. Just as he was about to die the frost demon (polaro) offered him a proposition that if he serve him loyally he will be rewarded greatly, unable to argue he had no choice but to accept his offer to escape with his life.
Name: Polaro
Age: 20
Weight:200 lbs
Voice: Cooler
Attire:his skin wears nothing
Caste: Middle-Class Caste
Profession: Quadrant regulator
Power Level: 18,000
Ceiling: No

Ki Aura: Black
Personal Techniques
Polaro is a strategic predator he has tremendous speed and power but minimal stamina so he usually fights off his back foot attempting to let foes punch themselves out while he defend himself, relies a lot on his ki blast/control to keep the Brawlers busy while he regains stamina while he decides which plan he will go with.

Ki Stinger:focusing Ki into the Tip of his tail he forms a blade tip and will launch attack with it when in close quarters combat.( Black)

Death Beams: Ki blast with exploding finishes detonating upon contact or when Polaro commands or upon contact when trying to finish a foe he will release a flurry of them trying to incapacitate the foe which will leave him a bit of a sitting duck depending on the strength of the foe to withstand the blasts depending on how much energy he’s already expended(Black)

Tail grab: utilizes his muscular tail and will often grab an opponents strike as a defense if immobilizing the opponent isn’t possible. Will often attempt to choke opponents if in range. (None)

Orb of Destruction: A move that is a frost demon fail safe spending all of they’re energy except for what it will require to escap but nothing more. Again nothing like the cannon death all but is 100% his best shot lol. (Black and red explosive)

Personality: He has the Frost Demons Stone cold confidence with a bit more sarcastic than sadistic attitude. He is a straight forward individual that prefers not to do much back and forth, preferring to give one try at verbal pacification. He has a dark sense of humor to match is sarcasm usually finding humor in conflict or things similar to it. He is extremely devoted to getting to the bottom of whatever happened to his father and it wears on him a bit often leaving him a bit spaced out sometimes. He is a bit of a black sheep amongst other frost Demons since he isn’t completely selfish and has emotions for things other than himself and acts with a smidget of morals. He has no problem killing but will at least give thought to them serving him as retribution for whatever has brought them face to face.
Bio: Polaro was born to Two powerful and well known frost demons, his father a highly decorated Sector regulator who was killed in combat when he was 12 , and his mother who retired when he was born. His Father died during a battle regulating his sector keeping the planets belonging to his sector in line with the frost demons decree. It is unknown how he was killed and was just the fuel Polaro needed to drive him to get stronger and more powerful to avenge his father.

His mother before becoming pregnant had a power level of 34,00 and his father one of 31,000 so he’s been hard at work trying to get stronger so he could surpass both of his parents.at age 18 he was tasked with being a quadrant regulator which is a step underneath his mother and fathers rank which he’s been doing. He regulates the quadrant that his father’s body was found in. As a quadrant requlator he requlates a quarter of a sector reporting back to a sector regulator with issues they face, in which it’s the exact same sector his father regulated when he was alive.

Even though he’s powerful he’s young and has been tasked with a quadrant with only two planets that have intelligent life all being hospitable which is odd considering how powerful his father was why would he be regulating unhoused assets. He’s been told that he’s digging too deep into it.

After a couple years he’s been informed that there was a great storm before they’re hero (Polaro’s father) disappeared and that since he’s been gone life has been harder, pirates come and steal goods making it harder to put out the decree's quota demands.

One day he had his first battle with a Saiyan squadron (Broc) and a few lower level grunts, a bloody massacre until he met the more difficult of the bunch (Aikon) in battle barely defeating him but not before he spared him in call for his partnership for his life birthing the new duo that's now a few months in the making.


Age: 17
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 230
Voice: Mark Wahlburg

Caste: Upper-Class Caste
Profession: Soldier
Power Level: 5,399
Ceiling: No

Personal Techniques

Monkey Fist - Yuri Takes his right hand putting it forward, and his left hand to his side in a fist, and pushes his enemy to the side using his right, and punched them with a ki filled left fist

Obliteration Cannon - He takes his right hand, making a medium sized Ki ball, and punches it rapidly to make it launch towards the opponent very quickly, and once it explodes, he goes in for a flurry

Cheap Play - Yuri Channels his Ki, and grabs his opponent from behind, before repeatedly launching multiple Ki filled Kicks to their back, and then pushing them forward, and attacking before they can turn around and react

Personality: Yuri was Born Middle Class Fodder, with a Power level of 2000. His father was only slightly stronger, but was absolutely unwilling to let his son grow up weak, so Yuri developed a 'Kill or Be Killed' Mentality, going all out from the very beginning. He loves to fight, as all Saiyan's do, but is much more serious about it

Bio: Azure was a very abusive father, tossing his son around from the day he could fight. His mother was never around, dur to dying at Yuris birth, and that fueled Azure to make his Son Stronger and Stronger, more than he could hope for after hitting his ceiling. Yuri has no mercy even in sparring, and uses dirty tactics if that is what it takes to win, even though he hates doing so. Yuri had a natural ability for fighting, but again, his father beat the shit out of him. The only other Person Yuri ever cared about, was his sister, Nova, who was killed by their father in the middle of training, due to being low-class, and not worthy in his eyes. She was only 7. This fact is what drives Yuri, he will protect those weaker than himself, unless they try to actively hurt him.
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Name: Kazoo
Age: 27yrs
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 186lbs
Voice: Ben Affleck in his Batman Role

Profession: Wanderer & Inmate
Power Level: 6400

Personal Techniques
Pinpoint Arc Beams- Ki focused in front of his eyes which can be unleashed as a searing beam of heat or plasma arc which Kazoo uses for welding and cutting metals. It is equally effective at burning through threats.

Perforation Point- A finger beam fired from his fingertips that is both fast flying and accurate. This beam typically punches holes through targets, but it can detonate if it hits something it cannot penetrate.

Terminal Cannon- One of Few techniques Kazoo has that was actually developed for combat. This blast of Densely packed Ki launches a cone of destruction in front of him and can be alternated between being fired from his hands or his mouth.

Burrowing Blow- A punch or kick coated with Ki and sent into the ground where it travels a hidden subterranean path to the target before bursting out of the ground beneath them.

Green Hurricane- by loosening his arms and coating them with sharp sheathes of Ki kazoo can unleash a flurry of rubbery stretch armed attacks. If connection is successful the swipes become a grapple followed by a quick spinning throw.

On planet Namek those with great potential are often born with a plan for their life already mapped out for them. Kazoo was such a case, his high battle power from birth had many thinking he would be the Warrior clans next legend. However rarely do the plans one has for another match up to their own plans and this case was no different. Kazoo was not content to stay on namek and after half heartedly tending to his training duties he would alway sneak off to pursue his real passion, studying the stars and attempting to develop a way to reach them.

He would forage and dig for resources, then use what he learned about controlling his Ki to make up for the technologies he did not have. Like metal shaping technologies, or mining equipment. Eventually several years of this process allowed him to craft a functional spacecraft. However he had long ignored his people warning him about the consequences of taking to the stars, doing so would mean revealing the namekians presence to the rest of the cosmos, unless of course he did not have a return trip. As such his callous disregard for the safety of his people, and selfish perusal of his goals had earned him the punishment of Exile from namek.

Kazoo in his indignation would leave namek without so much as one bitter tear, however his confidence had crossed into arrogance. His strength was pretty great after all, very few of his people could even keep up with him, and his sharp mind had allowed him something none of them had...Freedom. Perhaps the universe wanted to humble him, perhaps he secretly wanted to humble himself, or perhaps he was just unlucky. Whatever the reason he realized how dangerous space was as he passed a star which let out a mighty flare that fried his electrical systems and completely wrecked his navigation systems. Luckily the young star had a planet nearby with a breathable atmosphere so Kazoo was not worried, he was confident in his ability to land the craft manually.

One again Kazoo had made a short sighted error in judgement, underestimating the magnetic fields of the planet and the atmospheric density his ship was further damaged namely the altitude reading array, which in turn interferes with his ability to land properly. He slammed into the planet at hypersonic speeds with a jolting crash where he was ejected through the steel and wiring and slammed into the ground hard enough to take considerable internal damage, perhaps had he been ready and raised his own Ki defenses he would have fared better. Unfortunately that was not the case and Kazoo’a vision faded to black.

He did not see the humans come and scoop his ship up, nor did he feel it as they put him in a bag and carted him off to a top secret facility for an autopsy. Luckily however he finished regenerating just in time and awoke on the operating table about to be cut into. Deciding they could learn more from a live target he was transferred to a highly specialized cell which could in theory contain him. He never made any attempts to escape but this did not prevent humanity from upgrading his cell with the very designs Nolan got from reverse engineering Kazoo’s ship. While this did not go unnoticed, Kazoo still made no efforts to escape, after all, as far as he was concerned he had earned his Fate, by forsaking his people and planet he earned the life of an exile and a vagabond, he only hopes to one day be able to redeem himself and perhaps find a new planet to call home.

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The Eccentric Master Dashi



Name: Shimeji Dashi
Age: 1,142
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 130lbs
Voice: James Hong

Profession: Martial Arts Master and self proclaimed Guardian of Earth.
Power Level: 80,000

Personal Techniques
While not a comprehensive list of all the techniques he has learned over his many years, here are some of the simpler and more frequently used ki Techniques.

Foxfire Flash - A single orb of condensed ki known for its bright and fiery explosions.

Seishin Wave - An old and classic beam technique known by many master ki users, stripped down to its core and refined to maximize a balance of efficiency, power, and control.

Enoki Wave - A volley of smaller seishin waves that can curve and home in on any enemy to bamboozle evasive skills or cover a wide area.

Parting the Waterfall - With immeasurable control of ones ki, a true master can let ki flow them like a reed letting the past. With but a gesture, the master can split the projected ki of another, deflecting it safely to either side.

Veil of the Masked Bandit - After a thousand years, Shimeji has mastered the art of disguise. With but a few subtle changes and a prop or two, this master would make any tanuki proud at his ability to shape shift so perfectly! (Shimeji had his shape-shifting license revoked and had to resort to dressing up to stay hidden. This makes him feel better about it.)

More TBD


Saiyans are not the only alien race to send their youths out to other planets. The ohmens were just such a race, such was from them that our fateful young ohmen was sent hurtling from his home planet Ohmami.

It was to Earth that he was sent, that he chose. Such a strange planet filled with so many strange things. He loved it. Over the years he explored, he learned, he adventured. However his exploits would soon catch up to him, and he was forced to go into stop being so open so as not to attract too much attention. But mythical stories and folktales of naughty foxes still are told to this day, which brings no small amount of satisfaction to him.

Over the next thousand years, Dashi found his calling among the world of martial arts. Going from Master to Master to learn all that he could. Learning rare styles and forbidden techniques. Often trying his hand at teaching or making his own styles. Going as far as to protect the planet from various threats in the past. A veritable Guardian of the Earth. After all, who better for it? He knew many of its secrets and mysteries, he was its most powerful resident. Sure, he was unorthodox in many ways, but his heart was there. He just hoped more people showed interest in replacing him when the inevitable time came that he had to leave.

Earth was such a wonderful place, for the body and the mind. He wanted to see it safe, his little slice of paradise. But it has been so peaceful(boring) lately and he hasn't been needed or sought out. So imagine his surprise then, when deep in the Mushroom Forest, his little box tv talked about aliens! How delightfully curious this was.
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