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Dragon rp (closed)

AllTheFangirlThings said:
She shrugged, getting close to him and nuzzling her face into his chest. "My sleeping habits are alright. A few hours once a month maybe and I'm good. As for today's plan, I don't know." She went to close her eyes when something hit her. Aka, last night's events. "Oh, it just hit me. We had sex. You're technically my mate now." Her last sentence was quiet, nearly inaudible. Her face went pink as she said the words though, a bit flustered.
{I'm a sadistic person
xD wow}
Malekith was quite for a second, though he never stopped holding her. "I guess...I guess that's right..." He usually had been a human, as his dark past once prevented him from ever exploring his dragon side. But after a small adventure, he was ready to explore the secrets of it. He quite enjoyed it, but having a mate was something experienced dragons did! "You know your draconic side is much more...well draconic then mine right? And you're are still...ok with this?"
Inheritance said:
Malekith was quite for a second, though he never stopped holding her. "I guess...I guess that's right..." He usually had been a human, as his dark past once prevented him from ever exploring his dragon side. But after a small adventure, he was ready to explore the secrets of it. He quite enjoyed it, but having a mate was something experienced dragons did! "You know your draconic side is much more...well draconic then mine right? And you're are still...ok with this?"
She jokingly rolled her eyes. "Nope. Not okay with this at all. Just had sec with you because I was bored." She said this sarcastically and playfully at the same time, if that was possible. She looked up at him. "You're still a dragon, Malekith. There's no age limit on how old you have to be to have a mate." She then stood up and walked over to where her clothing had been tossed, quickly slipping them on, as well as her boots. "Come on, let's start the day. You're going to get more dragon-like, and I'm gonna help you."
AllTheFangirlThings said:
She jokingly rolled her eyes. "Nope. Not okay with this at all. Just had sec with you because I was bored." She said this sarcastically and playfully at the same time, if that was possible. She looked up at him. "You're still a dragon, Malekith. There's no age limit on how old you have to be to have a mate." She then stood up and walked over to where her clothing had been tossed, quickly slipping them on, as well as her boots. "Come on, let's start the day. You're going to get more dragon-like, and I'm gonna help you."
He took his time getting up and getting dressed. He then stretched, and stared out into the cold, which bugged him less then it ever had. "Where is Yogig do you think?
She shrugged. "I don't know. But nothing bad has happened around here, so if say somewhere else." She began to run her fingers through her hair as she spoke, attempting to get all the knots out of it.
AllTheFangirlThings said:
She shrugged. "I don't know. But nothing bad has happened around here, so if say somewhere else." She began to run her fingers through her hair as she spoke, attempting to get all the knots out of it.
Malekith turned back to her and just stared again. "By the Gods I'm lucky..." he muttered to himself, hoping she didn't hear. "Do you want me to try and hunt something?"
The corner of her mouth twitched with the faint trace of a smile, her eyes twinkling with a subtle hint of pure joy. But, as soon as it was there, it was the ghost of a moment. Gone. Giving. Him the pleasure of thinking she didn't hear him, when she truly did. Her face returned to its typical emotionless state, with plain silver eyes and her mouth a straight line.

While she did agree with him, believing that she was truly lucky to be with him, she just wasn't one to show it 24 hours a day like some people. She'd found that humans were among the most happy creatures on earth, so it was sometimes hard for her to assimilate into their communities.

Sighing, she straightened out, her back forming a straight line as she held herself with a gentle aura of poise and elegance. Yet, there was the lingering trace of madness and anger in the aura as well, as it was common for her to feel these emotions lately. Yogig was wearing on her, it was obvious.

Without answering him immediately, she walked to the mouth of the cave, heels of her boots gently clicking and echoing around the quiet hollow in the mountain, and came to a halt when she reached her destination. She stood with her feet slightly apart, her arms folded behind her back, giving her a militaristic look.

"Yes" she finally answered, her voice hardened due to a few thoughts running through her mind, dancing around like lovers at a party. "You need to get in touch with your inner dragon, so hunting is essential. This would be a great time to teach Lucian as well." She thought aloud, blinking as she slowly rotated to face him. "Will you do me a favor and wake Lucian for me?" She inquired.

Then, she returned to her previous position, her eyes sharp, studying the cold wasteland that was Siberia, snow blowing in her hair as a blizzard blew.

"Actually, let him sleep. We won't be able to hunt with this storm. There won't be much prey out, and it will be dangerous." Her voice was different. It was monotonous, mechanical-sounding.

She was thinking about the last time she was in Siberia. It was only a bit before Lucian was born. She had stayed in this cave for three weeks before finally being able to leave.

She laughed. "It's funny, how certain events can make you recall others that you thought you had forgotten" she mused, seemingly back to her normal self.

"Lucian was born in this cave." She smiled slightly as she recalled that night, walking back to where Malekith was by the fire. "I was running from dragon hunters. Note to self, running when you're almost full term in a pregnancy is not smart. Even if you are a large beast made for killing and survival." She joked, trying to make light of their current situation by recalling memories that were always sure to make her smile or lift her spirits.


(wow that turned out a lot better than I thought it would)
AllTheFangirlThings said:
The corner of her mouth twitched with the faint trace of a smile, her eyes twinkling with a subtle hint of pure joy. But, as soon as it was there, it was the ghost of a moment. Gone. Giving. Him the pleasure of thinking she didn't hear him, when she truly did. Her face returned to its typical emotionless state, with plain silver eyes and her mouth a straight line.
While she did agree with him, believing that she was truly lucky to be with him, she just wasn't one to show it 24 hours a day like some people. She'd found that humans were among the most happy creatures on earth, so it was sometimes hard for her to assimilate into their communities.

Sighing, she straightened out, her back forming a straight line as she held herself with a gentle aura of poise and elegance. Yet, there was the lingering trace of madness and anger in the aura as well, as it was common for her to feel these emotions lately. Yogig was wearing on her, it was obvious.

Without answering him immediately, she walked to the mouth of the cave, heels of her boots gently clicking and echoing around the quiet hollow in the mountain, and came to a halt when she reached her destination. She stood with her feet slightly apart, her arms folded behind her back, giving her a militaristic look.

"Yes" she finally answered, her voice hardened due to a few thoughts running through her mind, dancing around like lovers at a party. "You need to get in touch with your inner dragon, so hunting is essential. This would be a great time to teach Lucian as well." She thought aloud, blinking as she slowly rotated to face him. "Will you do me a favor and wake Lucian for me?" She inquired.

Then, she returned to her previous position, her eyes sharp, studying the cold wasteland that was Siberia, snow blowing in her hair as a blizzard blew.

"Actually, let him sleep. We won't be able to hunt with this storm. There won't be much prey out, and it will be dangerous." Her voice was different. It was monotonous, mechanical-sounding.

She was thinking about the last time she was in Siberia. It was only a bit before Lucian was born. She had stayed in this cave for three weeks before finally being able to leave.

She laughed. "It's funny, how certain events can make you recall others that you thought you had forgotten" she mused, seemingly back to her normal self.

"Lucian was born in this cave." She smiled slightly as she recalled that night, walking back to where Malekith was by the fire. "I was running from dragon hunters. Note to self, running when you're almost full term in a pregnancy is not smart. Even if you are a large beast made for killing and survival." She joked, trying to make light of their current situation by recalling memories that were always sure to make her smile or lift her spirits.


(wow that turned out a lot better than I thought it would)
(Lol I am drivin to AZ rn it will be hard to top that awesomeness when I am textin and driving
Inheritance said:
(Lol I am drivin to AZ rn it will be hard to top that awesomeness when I am textin and driving
{wHy ArE yOu TeXtInG aNd DrIvInG??? I sWeAr To YoGiG tHaT i WiLl JuMp ThRoUgH tHiS pHoNe AnD kIlL yOu. It is my duty as the self-designated mom friend xD }
Malekith saw her transformation, changing twice. Perhaps she did that because she wasn't as intact with her human side as he was. Would that be a problem? If they really were to be some sort of soul mate, would they have conflict because of who they were? Most of his life he had been been a human-and had been afraid to embrace his inner dragon. But she had been a dragon for most of her life hasn't she? She had seemingly complete control over herself as a dragon...what if he hurt her? Or tried and...no use thinking about that kind of crap though.

But...it was a thought...as he looked at her, still captivated, would she find better love? And would she even remember him? He wondered this all...and a crazy thought poked into his head. Can spirit dragons read the thoughts of their mates? Gods knew he couldn't, so he wondered if she could. He turned back to the white world outside the cave shivering.

His eyes were still dilated, and he stared out into the swirling wind, hating it. He still hated the cold, and would love to be in some hot spring right now. "There aren't any hot springs around here by chance is there? Or at least a body of water? I could heat it up...for a time..." If he focused energy, his dragonfire was easily hot enough to burn for about 20 minutes to heat up a small body of water.
She left the mouth of the save, shifting into her dragon form. She then rolled a large rock to cover the enters nice, sealing it off from the outside world.

Hoping it would block the cold from coming in, she walked back to Malekith's side. Hearing his question, she hummed in concentration as she tried to recall anything from her memories.

"Hmm." She put her fingers on her chin, biting her lip like she usually did while in thought.

"Oh, I think there's a crater with some pretty warm water in it farther back in the cave. That is, if it still has any water in it. She motioned for him to follow, not worrying about Lucian. He was hidden, and out like a light. As she walked, the cave got increasingly darker as they got farther from the light.

I found this thing when I was looking for a place far away from the hunters to have Lucian. Glad I did, because he made so much noise after he was born I would have been killed."
AllTheFangirlThings said:
She left the mouth of the save, shifting into her dragon form. She then rolled a large rock to cover the enters nice, sealing it off from the outside world.
Hoping it would block the cold from coming in, she walked back to Malekith's side. Hearing his question, she hummed in concentration as she tried to recall anything from her memories.

"Hmm." She put her fingers on her chin, biting her lip like she usually did while in thought.

"Oh, I think there's a crater with some pretty warm water in it farther back in the cave. That is, if it still has any water in it. She motioned for him to follow, not worrying about Lucian. He was hidden, and out like a light. As she walked, the cave got increasingly darker as they got farther from the light.

I found this thing when I was looking for a place far away from the hunters to have Lucian. Glad I did, because he made so much noise after he was born I would have been killed."
"Those hunters will burn if they haven't died already" He growled as he followed close behind her. "Can you create ice? I could melt it...fire and ice?" He laughed softly to himself. He shuddered. "You can't uh...read minds can you?" He tried to throw in some laughter to make it sound like a stupid innocent question. He wasn't sure why he dwelt on that...
Her shoulders rose and fell slightly, in a shrug. "I don't know" she admitted, shifting her gaze from the ground in front of her to him. Morphing into her half dragon form, she used her excellent sight when it became almost pitch black. "I've never really tried to read any minds. It's an invasion of privacy. But I can mess with their minds, pretty much controlling them. That I can do."

She kept walking. "Yes, I can make ice, as long as it's not a whole freaking Antarctica you're asking. Me to make."

AllTheFangirlThings said:
Her shoulders rose and fell slightly, in a shrug. "I don't know" she admitted, shifting her gaze from the ground in front of her to him. Morphing into her half dragon form, she used her excellent sight when it became almost pitch black. "I've never really tried to read any minds. It's an invasion of privacy. But I can mess with their minds, pretty much controlling them. That I can do."
She kept walking. "Yes, I can make ice, as long as it's not a whole freaking Antarctica you're asking. Me to make."

He had no emotional response to that really, he was lost in thought. "Your victims wouldn't know their minds are being controlled though would they?" he was trying to be as less obvious of the question as possible, but still... "10X10X10 pool of ice perhaps? Maybe a bit less if you need to rest." He was sure he could heat it up to even boiling if he wished, the question was how long...at least 30 minutes, but that would leave him quite exhausted
"Not until they realize that they're seeing things that aren't really there or doing things against their will." She said. Soon, they came to the crater, which was surprisingly full. Sticking her tail in the water, she sighed in content. "Oh yeah, we're good. It's rather hot."

AllTheFangirlThings said:
"Not until they realize that they're seeing things that aren't really there or doing things against their will." She said. Soon, they came to the crater, which was surprisingly full. Sticking her tail in the water, she sighed in content. "Oh yeah, we're good. It's rather hot."

Malekith slid into the hot springs after removing his clothes, and sighed with pleasure. No matter how hot things were, they never seemed to bug him... "I see...you wouldn't ever do that to people would you?" He was pretty sure his own mental fortitude would know he was being controlled...but he wasn't sure if he could stop it.
"Not unless I have to" she said, removing her own clothes and sinking into the water. "It's a defensive talent mostly, to get enemies away from me if I can't fight. Or to give me information if I need it. I can make them say things that I want them to say, whether or not it's true."
AllTheFangirlThings said:
"Not unless I have to" she said, removing her own clothes and sinking into the water. "It's a defensive talent mostly, to get enemies away from me if I can't fight. Or to give me information if I need it. I can make them say things that I want them to say, whether or not it's true."
Malekith leaned back, and was much happier in here then out in the cold. "If I fall asleep stop me from drowning would you?" Her ability startled him, but he had a feeling she would never use it on him...right? "You won't ever uh...use that on well..." he trailed off, and didn't meet her silver eyes.
She closed her eyes and sighed. "Let me guess, use it on you? Non*. Not unless I had to. And even then, probably not. Using the ability has a negative effect on me, as well. It's where my madness originated from. Every time I use the ability, I go a bit insane, and it tears away a small fragment of the humanity that I have left." She sighed.


*non~ (French) No
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AllTheFangirlThings said:
She closed her eyes and sighed. "Let me guess, use it on you? Non*. Not unless I had to. And even then, probably not. Using the ability has a negative effect on me, as well. It's where my madness originated from. Every time I use the ability, I go a bit insane, and it tears away a small fragment of the humanity that I have left." She sighed.


*non~ (French) No
He sighed, a bit louder then he wanted to. "Ah I see. Heh...I just...I don't know I..." He perked up at what she finished with, and for a second feared her a bit. "Keres what do you think of humans?"

(I'm not stupid...I speak German I know what non means)
Inheritance said:
He sighed, a bit louder then he wanted to. "Ah I see. Heh...I just...I don't know I..." He perked up at what she finished with, and for a second feared her a bit. "Keres what do you think of humans?"
(I'm not stupid...I speak German I know what non means)
She raised a brow. "What's my opinion? I don't really have an opinion. I've had to coexist with them for centuries, so they're alright. I don't really interact with them much. I prefer to stay to myself."


(Sorry, it's a habit. I'm so used to rping with people on Instagram and stuff like that who only speak English, and I usually have to translate because they're too lazy to go google it)
(I'm glad you got the sarcasm in that)

"What about me then? If not for the past 3 years I would still be a human. In fact, only the past 2 years have I dared venture into this form much. Notice how I still consider it a form, and not my true form." He sighed, more afraid that Keres would rather have some other...more DRAGON dragon then he.
"Yes, but" she sighed, thinking about her words. "You're a dragon, and I can tell even in your human form. It's your personality. Humans are all the same. But dragons. Dragons are different. In their human forms, they would only scratch the surface of you tried to get to know one. Their personalities are so much deeper, and they're harder to understand because their minds are so complex. It's easier to form an opinion on a dragon, since it's easy to tell them apart from humans."


(I'm not very good at sarcasm via message xD it's hard for the phonetics to go through)
"I see" He looked into the water. He was extremely lucky, she was...the most perfect dragon...He would fight for them, give his life for them. Her and her son. While they may never be a family, for he had never been any kind of father, he still would think of him as...his son. "He almost drifted off, when a voice echoed in the cave.

"THE FEAST OF SOULS, BEGINS NOW!" It shook the cave almost, and he couldn't tell if it was mental or physical...or both. "Did you hear that?" He gasped, his eyes had turned Gold. A habit of his when he prepared for a fight. @AllTheFangirlThings
"I did" she said, before jumping out of the water and morphing into a form she'd never used around him. She was purple, her scales became longer, stronger, and sharper. Her wings became razor sharp, and her talons grew larger. Her teeth became more shark-like. Yet she kept her elegance and grace. This was her combat form, the less used of her forms, other than the corrupted form she was hinting at earlier.

"Mommy!" Lucian yelled, causing her to run through the cave at top speed in order to get to her son in time. She found him cowering behind a large rock, in his dragon form, crying fm and shaking. She went over to him and nuzzled him in an attempt to calm him down.

She then shot a desperate look in the direction she'd came at Malekith, silently asking him what was happening.
Malekith jumped out of the spring, and a mental image shot into his head, as well as Keres. "You face Yogig, God of Death, and King of the Undead Legions. STAY In your hole, or your child will be ripped apart!" Malekith stumbled, his armor appearing and sword drawn now, but the voice was gone. However, Yogig whispered to the young boy "Come little one..."

Malekith ran next to Keres, not wanting to have three dragons in a relatively small cave. "Yogig... I don't..." He felt cold again. Very cold. He fell to a knee. @AllTheFangirlThings

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