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Dragon rp (closed)

Malekith gripped the handle of his weapon, yet never unsheathed it. He shivered by his fire. He hated the cold...this cave was the only thing keeping him dimly warm. "D-damn this c-c-cold." He hissed between clenched teeth. He couldn't remember why he was even here. Even his fire was...well limited, it relied on his own strength to keep it going.
After having been out of the cave for a good 8 hours, Keres finally came back in. Hearing him complain about the cold, she rolled her eyes and dropped more firewood into the fire, dusting her hands of. "Well of course it's going to be cold, we are in Siberia after all. And you're the one who told me to, and I may be paraphrasing, 'bring it on' when I explained that your fire wouldn't be able to handle the cold. " She said as she sat across from him, unfazed by the lack of heat. She had a naturally fluctuating body temperature, which adapted to her environment quickly and efficiently.

AllTheFangirlThings said:
After having been out of the cave for a good 8 hours, Keres finally came back in. Hearing him complain about the cold, she rolled her eyes and dropped more firewood into the fire, dusting her hands of. "Well of course it's going to be cold, we are in Siberia after all. And you're the one who told me to, and I may be paraphrasing, 'bring it on' when I explained that your fire wouldn't be able to handle the cold. " She said as she sat across from him, unfazed by the lack of heat. She had a naturally fluctuating body temperature, which adapted to her environment quickly and efficiently.

Malekith mumbled something about taking things too serious. He crunched himself up near the wall, trying to beckon the fire closer. Once again though, every time he tried to move the fire or heat himself up, a bit of energy was drained. "This i-is st-stupid anyway. I don't n-need to do this...wh-why would I ever n-need this?" He grumbled as he tried to preserve body heat. He knew metal armor wouldn't do much good, but even with a thick coat and a thick blanket in his bags, this wouldn't be anything close to warm. He was a fire-dragon primarily, after all.
Her head snapped up, her eyes turning into their more draconian form. "Stupid? Do you want to die? Yogic and Chaos are on the loose out there trying to kill everyone. I'm out here trying to protect my son, and teach him how to protect himself. You didn't have to follow me and you know that." She said calmly. Then she shifted into her dragon form, stalking over behind him. Unfolding her wings, she pulled his human body to her dragon one. She was incredibly warm, so she hoped it helped.
AllTheFangirlThings said:
Her head snapped up, her eyes turning into their more draconian form. "Stupid? Do you want to die? Yogic and Chaos are on the loose out there trying to kill everyone. I'm out here trying to protect my son, and teach him how to protect himself. You didn't have to follow me and you know that." She said calmly. Then she shifted into her dragon form, stalking over behind him. Unfolding her wings, she pulled his human body to her dragon one. She was incredibly warm, so she hoped it helped.
Despite her cold words, she was extremely warm, and despite himself he pulled himself closer. "Doesn't mean they're gonna kill me with ice" he muttered playfully. "I didn't no...but it's not every day I meet dragon, and even more rare one as...stunning as you" he looked away at the last bit
Inheritance said:
Despite her cold words, she was extremely warm, and despite himself he pulled himself closer. "Doesn't mean they're gonna kill me with ice" he muttered playfully. "I didn't no...but it's not every day I meet dragon, and even more rare one as...stunning as you" he looked away at the last bit
She laughed before switching to her half-dragon form. Still with wings, which were black, and still with heat. Reaching up, she used her fingers to delicately turn his head back towards hers. She made him pay attention to her face, and not what little clothing she ended up wearing in this form. ""These two are gods." She said. "You don't know what they're going to dish out. Last time they rose to power, they threw out a lot. They're going to go for your weakness, which is why you need to overcome them. Your ice weakness is the equivalent of the madness I have swirling around in my whole body. If it comes to a face to face meeting, I test my sanity." She then said jokingly, "that's why I'm strengthening it by staying with you." She flicked him gently.
AllTheFangirlThings said:
She laughed before switching to her half-dragon form. Still with wings, which were black, and still with heat. Reaching up, she used her fingers to delicately turn his head back towards hers. She made him pay attention to her face, and not what little clothing she ended up wearing in this form. ""These two are gods." She said. "You don't know what they're going to dish out. Last time they rose to power, they threw out a lot. They're going to go for your weakness, which is why you need to overcome them. Your ice weakness is the equivalent of the madness I have swirling around in my whole body. If it comes to a face to face meeting, I test my sanity." She then said jokingly, "that's why I'm strengthening it by staying with you." She flicked him gently.
Malekith tried to respect her and not look at her body, and kept his eyes on hers. "Oh that's the only reason?" He teased. "I thought I meant a bit more then that." He relished the heat she gave off. "How can you maintain body heat in this?" He continued to try to warm his body, using as little energy as he could.
Inheritance said:
Malekith tried to respect her and not look at her body, and kept his eyes on hers. "Oh that's the only reason?" He teased. "I thought I meant a bit more then that." He relished the heat she gave off. "How can you maintain body heat in this?" He continued to try to warm his body, using as little energy as he could.
"It's my blood" she said, answering his question. "It's temperature fluctuates very quickly to adapt to my environment. So, if it were too hot, I'd be cold as ice." She explained. "There's an old legend that says spirit dragons were created from the stars, and space itself. That's where we supposedly got our blazing heat and icy cold."

In response to his other question, she laughed and turned towards him. "Who said that was the only reason?" She said slowly and in a silky smooth voice, bringing her tail up to gently boop his nose. She smiled and got closer to him. "Because I sure didn't."
AllTheFangirlThings said:
"It's my blood" she said, answering his question. "It's temperature fluctuates very quickly to adapt to my environment. So, if it were too hot, I'd be cold as ice." She explained. "There's an old legend that says spirit dragons were created from the stars, and space itself. That's where we supposedly got our blazing heat and icy cold."
In response to his other question, she laughed and turned towards him. "Who said that was the only reason?" She said slowly and in a silky smooth voice, bringing her tail up to gently boop his nose. She smiled and got closer to him. "Because I sure didn't."
Malekith edged closer, heart beating. "Well then, what's the other reason. Or can I take a guess myself" He slid his arms around her. "I must agree, only the stars can make something so beautiful..." The cold wasn't bothering him too much anymore. "What about your son..." He muttered
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She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "When did you get so suave?" She teased him. Hearing him ask about Lucian. She chuckled. "Out like a light. The world could end right now and he would sleep through it." She then leaned forward, heart beating rapidly, and put her lips on his in a gentle yet passionate kiss.

AllTheFangirlThings said:
She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "When did you get so suave?" She teased him. Hearing him ask about Lucian. She chuckled. "Out like a light. The world could end right now and he would sleep through it." She then leaned forward, heart beating rapidly, and put her lips on his in a gentle yet passionate kiss.

That was all he needed to go a bit further. He passionately kissed her back, and brought her even closer. "I don't think we will end the world though. I hope not anyway" He began to stop feeling the cold now, his heart was also pounding. The wind howled outside, but he ignored it, and forgot his worries.
She laughed mischievously. "Oh no. There will be no world ending on my watch." She said, her lips going to his neck. With her abilities, she could sense where the sweet spot on any body part was. As she gently kisses his neck, she glanced up at him, gauging his reaction.

AllTheFangirlThings said:
She laughed mischievously. "Oh no. There will be no world ending on my watch." She said, her lips going to his neck. With her abilities, she could sense where the sweet spot on any body part was. As she gently kisses his neck, she glanced up at him, gauging his reaction.

He tensed for a second in pleasure, then slid his hands down to her waste, and continued to try to meet her lips while he pulled her so they were touching now. "Nor mine. I think the world is about to get a lot better though." His hands made their way across her body...
"Oh yeah" She laughed and met his lips, accidentally falling to the ground after leaning back a bit too much, bringing him down with her. Let's just say her world definitely got a whole lot better.

{ @Inheritance *wink wink* xD }
(I gotchu)

The next morning...

Malekith opened his eyes, and felt Keres next to him. He was cold again, but with her company...he didn't mind it. He smiled as he thought about the night before. His dreams had been peaceful. Except...there was a shadow in it. Something staring at him, mocking him...daring him to fall in love...
Keres was snuggled up next to Malekith, supplying with what little warmth she could supply. After last night, she felt totally different. Waking up, she turned over under the blanket she'd tossed over them, facing him. "Morning" she said gently and airily.

AllTheFangirlThings said:
Keres was snuggled up next to Malekith, supplying with what little warmth she could supply. After last night, she felt totally different. Waking up, she turned over under the blanket she'd tossed over them, facing him. "Morning" she said gently and airily.
"Morning it is..." He shivered and looked outside, his eyes still dilated though the light infiltrated the cave. "Still no less cold though. How is the young one?"
She laughed and put a hand on his still bare chest, getting closer to him in order to provide warmth. "He's still out like a light. Jeez. He really did get my sleeping habits." She said, looking into his eyes and smiling.

{I'm trying to think of a plot-twist to big that it would make someone do a double take so fast they'd snap their neck when they read it. ( xD ) }

{wow that sounded really sadistic oh my. That's not how I wanted that to sound but oops xD }

AllTheFangirlThings said:
She laughed and put a hand on his still bare chest, getting closer to him in order to provide warmth. "He's still out like a light. Jeez. He really did get my sleeping habits." She said, looking into his eyes and smiling.

"You have good sleeping habits though" He teased. He pulled her closer though, loving her company. "What's the plan for today?" He said as though he was about to get up, though he wasn't about to move.

(Oh damn)
Inheritance said:
"You have good sleeping habits though" He teased. He pulled her closer though, loving her company. "What's the plan for today?" He said as though he was about to get up, though he wasn't about to move.
(Oh damn)
She shrugged, getting close to him and nuzzling her face into his chest. "My sleeping habits are alright. A few hours once a month maybe and I'm good. As for today's plan, I don't know." She went to close her eyes when something hit her. Aka, last night's events. "Oh, it just hit me. We had sex. You're technically my mate now." Her last sentence was quiet, nearly inaudible. Her face went pink as she said the words though, a bit flustered.

{I'm a sadistic person
xD wow}

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