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Fantasy Dragon Riders: Shows in the Light


Florian Society Member
Open to all who are interested

I will say this now that I am in college and won't be able to get on all the time so please forgive me for any inconvenience. 




Appearance: (Pic if you want but you can also write.)

Clan: (Affects what magic you will have)




Likes/ Dislikes


Dragon Name:



Appearance: These Dragons (Except the tempest dragons) don't have wings due to being domesticated and not needing to fly for thousands of years.


Weapons: Fire breath (Can be elemental like ice or lightning), claws, wings, and etc... 

Magic: (Can boost your own, fuse (Not yet, though. Special requirements are needed.) or increase stamina and strength. 


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Name: Syn Dracos

Age: 18

Gender: Male


A black night with medium/ heavy armor and carries two blades and a small dagger. Without his armor, he wears light gear with boots and glove accessories. He also stand around six feet tall and has an average weight, He has the common purple eyes and black hair mostly seen in the Shadow Clan.

Clan: Shadow Clan

Personality/ Background: Syn was raised to be a fighter that locks his feelings away and to become nothing more than a weapon to be broken and rebuilt as the perfect soldier like many other shadow Clan soldiers. He is also a freelancer and goes out on his own (along with his dragon and adoptive brother Phoenix.  Cunning but is most of the time very instinctive. He will not think twice about harming someone who gets in his way but shockingly when it comes to killing someone he doesn't have the strength to kill someone. This made him be considered the weakest in the clan and laughed and ridiculed from his peers but the leader of the clan saw much use for him and saw that it was better to have him serve in recon and thieving missions than just flat out killing him and his followers. He is skilled at using every imaginable weapon except holy or legendary weaponry do to the fact of their scarcity and is quite flexible and athletic. 

Weapons: He has some magic to enhance his body but his real weapon is the very armor he wears. It is considered cursed by others seeing it act on its own from time to time but Syn controls it by thought. He can also jump in and out of shadows and even manifest shadows to create minions and weapons alike. He can also go into a berserk like rage increasing his magic and strength 10 fold but has horrible drawbacks. 

Likes: His dragon, and followers. Food, sleep and his freedom. 

Dislikes: Bloodshed, arrogance, and when an opponent doesn't realize that they are clearly outmatched. 

Dragon Name: Corruption

Age: 18

Gender: Female


 She is black and purple and has beaming red eyes (which she has four of). Long and slick and built for jumping too high grounds and moving at intense speeds. 

Personality/ Background: Corruption has a higher IQ than any other dragon recorded in history, and unlike her rider, she is respected and feared by other dragons in the shadow clan. She was once a part of a freak show when Syn found her tied up and beaten. The ring leader said that this dragon was believed to be one of the last Eclipse dragons. Upon this news, the people laughed and scorned the baby dragon. She didn't trust humans and since she never contracted with a human she could not speak. Syn was the on;y one in the crowd along with his mother and adoptive brother who didn't laugh. This was curious to Corruption and looked at Syn. Syn looked back at her and she was able to send a very weak telepathic message to him. Later that night Syn snuck back in and freed her, and the two were with each other since. 

Weapons: She has deadly claws and powerful legs and tail to crush, smash, and break open practically anything. Her fire breath is purple and like her rider, she can transport from shadow to shadow and become transparent and can camouflage herself and her rider to look like any other dragon. She too can go into a berserk like trance.

Likes: Food, Syn, and Phoenix

Dislikes: n/a
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Name: McDermott


Gender: Male

Appearance: 7 ft tall, A bald head and full beard that is a deep rust red, McDermott is a very large muscular man. He is covered in scars, his face has one that goes from the top right of his forehead across his face and stops mid point on his left cheek. He wears a green shirt, brown leather boots and black pants. A silver flask is always on his person.

Clan: Terrian

Personality: He can come off as gruff but he is a good guy. He is stubborn, fearless, and hot headed. He is known for his strength. He is loyal to a fault and very protective over his friends. He is very good with heavy weapons.

Weapons: A giant nine foot long, four foot wide double edged broad sword made of a almost unbreakable metal. He also has magic to control plant, and any type of earth. He is a berserker so when he goes berserk his physical ablity is increased twenty fold but it only last three minutes, he can't tell whos friend or foe, and it seriously hurts him.

Likes: Food, plants, his dragon, and drink.

Dislikes: Quiters, Cowards, evil, pigeons, and an empty flask.

Name: Shatter


Gender male

Appearance: He is a brown with green eyes (two). He has a bulky powerful heavily armored body with thick rough scales. He is built for heavy lifting and smashing his foes into a bloody pulp. His tail ends in a large morningstar (the weapon) like club. He ha a rino like horn on his forehead right between his ram like horns that curl to the sides of his head.

Personality: He is calm and patient, but when he gets mad its not pretty. He is loyal and brave as well as wise and intelligent. He likes to go more for the simple answers. He is also very stubborn.

Weapons: Tail mace and ram horns to crush, rino horn to impale, claws to rip, teeth to tear. His fire breath is like lava and he shoots it in explosive balls. He can travel under ground like a fish in water. He can shatter the earth with a sonic roar.

Likes:Flowers, McDermott, naps, and food.
Also feel free to post  one or two more characters if you wish.
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Name: Diatra Velore 

Age: 19 

Gender: Female 

Appearance: Diatra isn't a large woman, she stands about 5'2 and weighs about 115 pounds. Her skin is a light bronze, just barely kissed by the sun and her eyes a light blue, almost grey. Long, pin-point straight ebony locks that have small dark blue streaks littered through out it. Diatra is normally seen wearing very tight fitting clothes, she wears a tight fitted black shirt with the sleeves cut out of them, ontop of the mangled shirt is a large black with blue and silver lining jacket, almost like that of a trench coat, the hood usually up to cover her face. A pair of black pants stay snug to her legs, however made with a soft and bendable material and a pair of black leather boots. Diatra is littered in black tribal markings all on Her arms, back, chest, sides right down to below her hips. Diatra also has a scar on her neck that reaches just behind her right ear and curves around to the bottom of the right side of her neck, just above her collar bone. 

Clan: Voltic Tribe

Personality: Diatra is described, hot headed and stubborn, isn't afraid to strike. Diatra is often quiet at social gatherings and prefers to keep to herself, however she hardly ever gets her way. The young woman can come across as rude or even stuck up alittle, although she just uses that  to hide who she truly is. Diatra does have a soft spot for people when she feels like it, however no one with ever have her heart like Zeirok

Weapons: Diatra holds a long, electric blue whip that glows and surges like a power line ready to burst once unraveled. She also carries two twin curved bladed daggers, both blades about as long as her forearm, both blades curved and outlined with an electric blue on the blades that also glows. 

Magic: If within close enough range of her dragon, she can gather enough energy from him to be able to shoot small amounts of electricity from her palms, only when shes wearing her gloves or her own power will harm her. 

+Likes/ -Dislikes

+ Quiet

+ Sun

+ Her Dragon

+ Evening/The moon

+ Company when they are quiet

- Noise

- Crowds

- Arrogance

- Liars

- Disrespect

Dragon Name: Zeirok -Diatra normally calls him Zee-

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: Zeirok is a large dragon, although he has a more lean and agile look to his bone structure he is still brawn as well as agile. Zeiroks body is more built for speed as well as his brawn. Zeirok's scales are a deep ash, almost black. The stripes along his body are a deep midnight blue, they look black unless hit with the light the right way. The horns atop his head are charcoal and feathers along his head and neck are midnight blue as well. Zeirok has two eyes, one electric blue an the other silver. All his claws are silver and his underbelly has small flakes of silver through out the dark gray of his scales.


Personality: Zeirok is a very timid dragon, he's loyal like a dog but wont hesitate to state how he's feeling or if he doesn't like you. Zeirok is out spoken and often very blunt. Zeirok is not patient at all and often gets antsy and will pace or pound his claws in agitation.

Weapons: Fire breath (However it is blue to represent his Tribe), His claws have the ability to release a small electric shock on impact.  

+Likes/ -Dislikes:

+ Diatra

+ Food

+ Sleeping

- Arrogance

- Obnoxious people

- Other Humans, other than Diatra 
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Good. When do you want to come in. During the fight now ( which will gather attention and won't mind if you join ) or afterwords because I can tag you then if that is if you wish. 

I can jump in now, Diatra is a more stand off type so she will probably watch the Skwabble between pheonix and McDermott and chuckle. She will probly say something after the fight or if someone notices her an calls her out.
Name: Gwen 'Saber' Eldred

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 130 (155 w/armor)

Clan: The Iron Legion

Weapons: Spear and Kusarigama

Magic: None

Likes: Fire, Camping, Fragrant plants, Swimming

Dislikes: Cold, 

Fears: Claustrophobia, Dying, Remembering


The Dragon Rider’s history tends to be a private matter towards those she has just met or to anyone really, only the riders of her division she is close to know of her past, and some don’t know the full story. Her past isn’t something that she feels she should talk about, it's a time that she doesn't fully recollect. That being the case, who she is now is all that matters, and she's shown little interest in remembering what happened to her before she became a rider.

No one knows the details of how this woman became a dragon rider, but, there are rumors that say after being attacked by a dragon she mounted it and made it serve her, or that the beast was bewildered by her beauty and longed to serve her. The truth is that after spending seven years with Aregornth, the two made a pact that bound their souls to one another. The dragon 

What she does remember of her past is that she no longer has a place to call her home, no living family to speak of, and only has her clan and dearest friend Aregornth. The Iron Legion has taken her in since she came upon them with Aregornth at the age of twenty, the two becoming a part of the Riders of Caloria – protectors of the peace and of the the Legion's people.


Gwen is distrusting of strangers, not everyone supports the union between man and dragon, after all. She plays the stout warrior – ready to lay down her life to protect the innocent, in reality however she is quite a fragile person. Her compassion is her most prominent trait, anyone with little or in need can always count on Gwen to assist as much as she can.

Name: Aregornth
Age: 683
Gender: Male

Height: 15 ft

Length: 30 ft


Likes: Riches, Warmth, Caves, Hot food, 

Dislikes: Male Humans, Cruel people, 

Fears: Gwen remembering, War, Humans turning on dragons


Poison Spines - Spines on its back and tail contain poison, it can also extend or shoot the spines from the ridge of its tail.

Acid Spray - Glands in its mouth produce a potent acid that can eat through the thickest armor or scales. The acid can go through wood and thin plates of metal but cannot go through thick stone.

Sonic Screech - The screech from this dragon is emitted at such a high frequency that it can stun humans or disorient dragons.

Telepathy - Usually used as a form of communication between dragons, their riders, and Gwen both in combat and out of combat. This can only be used within a radius of 20 feet.


Aregornth has lived a long life, more or less equivalent to seven lives of a human, during his time alive he has seen and done many things. Current events are all that concern him as there is no doubt that people will look to his rider for conversation rather than himself. Those interested in him 

The way him and Gwen met is a long tale, but in short the young woman was around eighteen years old when her village was attacked by bandits. They took what they could – including the women and once they had their fill of fun they moved on, taking the young Gwen with them. She spent a fortnight as their slave, until she managed to kill one of her captors. Of course once the rest of the group learned of this, they immediately sought revenge for their fallen brethren. Gwen hid in a cave where Aregornth had been slumbering and woke him up. Of course the child was frightened, unfortunately the bandits heard her screams and came running to find her. Aregornth killed the bandits and kept Gwen safe.

Gwen does not remember all of these events as the trauma forced her mind to forget, Aregornth has told her the part that he remembers but worries that one day she will remember.

The relationship with his rider is something that has been sealed with flesh and blood, both have paid a small price for their precision on the battlefield. Rumors among the Dragon Riders of Caloria state that Aregornth is deeply in love with Gwen, but, refuses to admit it.


Aregornth cares deeply for Gwen, as he saved her from an terrible fate but she also gave him a purpose in his life. Living as long as he has, most friends or family have come and gone so to say that the dragon was not lonely would be a lie. Now, with his human companion Aregornth enjoys his life more – he no longer sits idle watching the world go by. He is content with his role as a protector for the Legion and her people.

Other Information


  • A brand located above Gwen's right breast and collarbone. Same mark is also located on the left side of Aregonth's neck, closer to his head.
  • Aregornth also has another nearly-faded brand on the back of his right claw.
  • Aregornth does not have wings, despite what the picture portrays.

Because this game was the inspiration for these two...and I will always hold it close to my heart!

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Appearance: images.jpg

Clan: Tempest

Personality:kinda shy. thinks he is unimportant, but has a lot of passion. he loves his dragon. but doesn't understand why he was chosen by him. his is very fast and quiet. he is an assassin so he specializes in stealth. but can hold up well in a fight with others. he was just accepted as an assassin so he has not been on a mission yet. he like solitude with his dragon. adores color. his favorite is scarlet. the tattoos he has were their to represent the wind clan. he was forced to get them by his parents 

Weapons: A short sword, like an assassins blade

Magic: Blinking, (Short teleportation) Basic wind abilities

Likes/ Dislikes: like others approval, dislikes people who don't appreciate what they have

Fears: Being alone

Dragon Name: Ogdin

Age: 100

Gender: Male

Appearance:images.jpg These Dragons (Except the tempest dragons) don't have wings due to being domesticated and not needing to fly for thousands of years.

Personality: Wise, very kind to Korran but kinda blunt to others. very respectful. chose Korran because of his calm and logical nature. he would think before he acted. what Ogdin knows about Korran is that he is intelligent and can defend himself as well as others.

Weapons: Sonic wind blast, claws, teeth, Ice breath

Magic:  Boosts my speed and stamina. can bend light around me to camouflage me

Likes/Dislikes: Loves flying, adores nature, Dislikes disrespect.

Fears: Lack of freedom, being bound to one place
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i forgot to sign up so i edited my post saying so. like i said i am sorry i havent used this site in years
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i was gonna say i could be in the forest talking to Ogdin while the battle goes. then have the clan send me to the battle to assassinate someone. is that good for you?

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also i might not be able to reply some nights because i am 16 and have parents

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It's fine it's fine that you won't be able to post some nights. An advance notice would be good enough. Just two questions. Will you get the order by like a message that a bird carries or by a person and who would this target be? That needs to be assassinated. Remember that I don't want this fight to spiral out of control. It will end very soon.

i will have someone knock on my door and tell me who i need to eliminate. lethel or non lethal is Korrans choice, he doesnt have to kill. just get rid of.
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Name: Seraph Pymer

Age: 30 

Gender: Male

Appearance: (Pic if you want but you can also write.)

Short black hair, black eyes and pale skin with a lithe body.   Stands at 5'10" and has a lithe body.  A falcon tattoo on his right shoulder and his body is covered in scars from life as a slave and torture he endured at the hands of others.  He wears calf-length black boots with metal soles on the bottom, black clothes and a black hooded cloak with a silver brooch along with a necklace that is made up of a silver chain containing an onyx and emerald gemstones pertaining to death (onyx) and life (emerald) from his mother.  

Clan:  Voltic Tribe

Personality: Seraph cares only for two things...his dragon and causing others as much pain as possible.  He holds a sadistic and cold demeanor and the only one he is loyal to is his dragon who he'd do anything for.   He detests being told what to do or following orders and could be considered a rogue rider among the different factions for he holds no loyalty to any of the clans, not even his own.   His penchant for bloodshed and sadistic manner make him dangerous to enemies.  He doesn't trust other people and the only time he is at peace is when he is sleeping or reading.    

Weapons: A hand and a half purple rider sword that is the same color as a his dragon with a amethyst on the pommel, a silver dagger in a gold sheath, bow & arrows

Magic: Enhances his own magic and increases his stanima, he can do fire spells/manipulate fire and create fire creatures to do his bidding, however these creatures are weak to water

Likes/ Dislikes


-Being told what to do

+Bloodshed/causing others pain


+His dragon

-Other humans


  • Losing his dragon
  • Dying
  • Being underground

Strengths (physical strengths and flaws):

  • Skilled fighter (can use a variety of weapons with ease)
  • He is quick and silent on his feet
  • Master manipulator/charismatic
  • His mind is dark and a layer of traps and obstacles, causing anyone who goes in it to end up suffering a headache or permanent damage depending on how long they remain within his mind
  • Knows how to make poisons and their antidotes, along with knowing how to identify herbs and make healing medicines

Weaknesses (physical weaknesses and flaws):

  • He can't swim and is afraid of water
  • Never backs down from a fight
  • His short temper when people piss him off

Dragon Name: Rauthvr

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: A purple dragon with ivory white claws on his four paws, ivory teeth lining his mouth with a fuschia tongue, white spikes down his lower back and tail , two ivory white horns on his head near his ears and two cheek spikes on both cheeks.  He has feline like pupils in his purple eyes.  https://res.cloudinary.com/mapmyfitness/image/upload/7cd817fe9318490ba83fd312de1c7201

Personality: He has a melidious voice and hates the world around him and the humans in it except his rider.  He envies and hates the Tempest dragons for being able to fly, feeling that all dragons belong in the sky and deserve wings.   A bloodthirsty dragon, he can hold his own against opponents and isn't afraid to take on bigger and older dragons if it causes them pain and to protect his rider.   He is aggressive in battle and loves basking against a fire's warmth.  He loves to fight and shows no mercy to his enemies.    

Weapons: Purple fire (like his scales), claws and teeth

Magic: Boosts Seraph's own magic and stanima


+Star gazing

-Taking orders from other dragons/people

+His rider whom they share a deep bound

-Humans, except his rider

+Bloodshed & fighting

-Being locked up


  • Losing his freedom
  • His rider or himself dying
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I like the lone wolf attitudes on both of them. If there was a thing or two to change about them is that I would tone I would comment on how they betray their allies and attack anyone. Not many characters and communicate with them without being attacked or killed or wounded so can you make him more like a mercenery or hired warrior figure, and not a serial or psycho killed. Trust me there will be plenty of people like that. He can still have his hates along with the dragon but attacking allies if they aren't careful just makes it difficult can be a little problem. I want this rp to be fun and plus I would like to see this guy interact with the young Tempest rider. Are these terms acceptable?

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Cool thanks.

Is there anything on the geography of the different clan areas?  I don't want to begin a post and end up having it within a wrong setting for the clan lands that the RP is being started within.   @Carnation
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Name: Nadah Penvensie

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: Standing at 5'8, Nadah weighs 135 pounds that accompanies her blue hair and blue eyes.  Has a very pale, almost white complexion.  This is due to face that most of her time is spent in cold temperatures and icy environments.  Lean but not fragile and little muscle definition or muscle at all.  Is not weak but has no special ability with strength, more relies on the protection of Meri because that is the way it has always been.

Clan: Aqua Clan

Personality: Although does not particularly like violence, has learned how to defend herself from threats.  Is adventurous and curious about all forms of life, particularly marine life and therefore spends most of her time in the water.  This does not make her a vegetarian though, as many would assume.  Has a very big fear of fire as she can very much feel that temperature and is very weak against the heat.  Gets dizzy and can faint very easily around it.

Weapons:  A sword made of sharp and incredibly hard ice.  Does not shatter easily despite being made of ice.  Would rather use Meri as a shield than use her sword.

Magic:  Cannot feel cold, heals in water and can breathe for a long period of time under water although she cannot stay beneath the surface forever.





Ice skating






Dragon Name: Meri

Age: 220

Gender: Female

Appearance: Blue dragon with blue eyes and white fur that protects her from the cold.  A long body and skinny exterior helps her with her speed through the icy waters that she lives in.

Personality:  Carefree and playful but will protect Nadah at any cost.

Weapons: Ice breath (can freeze most things/ stun them with the cold temperature of her breath), scales (can turn as hard as ice, protecting herself and Nadah from a variety of weapons), sharp claws and her speed

Magic: (Refer to weapons)





Dislikes/ fears:



Small animals

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